• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 3, 2019

    Legal Advice Deadbeat dad ditched my mom when she was pregnant with me 50 years ago (they were married). No child support, no nothing. Now he’s dead and left a 1M+ estate to a charitable trust. In the trust he stated he had no children. Do I have any recourse? State is California.

    Legal Advice Deadbeat dad ditched my mom when she was pregnant with me 50 years ago (they were married). No child support, no nothing. Now he’s dead and left a 1M+ estate to a charitable trust. In the trust he stated he had no children. Do I have any recourse? State is California.

    Deadbeat dad ditched my mom when she was pregnant with me 50 years ago (they were married). No child support, no nothing. Now he’s dead and left a 1M+ estate to a charitable trust. In the trust he stated he had no children. Do I have any recourse? State is California.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:26 AM PST

    My wife and I bought our home a little over a year ago. Today a lawyer came to our door and told us that the previous owners were in a lawsuit with the construction company that built the home. They settled and would like to split the settlement with us 50/50. Does this sound legit?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 07:30 PM PST

    This is a surprise and my wife and I aren't sure how to approach this. We are upset that we weren't made aware of this when buying the house. The settlement money is for construction defects of the house and we feel that since we bought the house from the previous owner, we should receive more of the monetary amount to go towards repairs.

    The lawyer indicated to us that if we wish to receive more than 50% of the settlement, he would reimburse us from his firm . This is a class action lawsuit that includes 40 some other homes. He needs everyone's signature to receive the settlement from the construction company.

    My question is if this is legitimate?

    Is there a breach of contract somewhere with the previous owners or the real estate company since we weren't made aware of a pending lawsuit that would make clear construction defects of the home?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Edit: We live in California.

    submitted by /u/MikeyNukesm
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    Who can help a girl trapped in Saudi Arabia?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:29 AM PST

    This girl and I are on the same forum and today she posted this - tl;dr she's trapped by abusive family who have hidden her passport.


    I don't know if this is the right forum or if there is even a RIGHT forum for this. I'm gonna cut right to the story. I moved to Canada in 2015 on a student visa and my family and I visited our home country, which is Saudi Arabia during each summer vacation.

    In 2018, my religious saudi parents found out things they religiously don't aprove of about me (i'm 18+ yrs. old) like not wearing a hijab (head scarf) outside the house, posting our pics online, having guy friends... etc.

    When we arrived to saudi, Mom took away everything i could use to contact anyone, she has access to my social media, lockeed me in the house. And she admitted we aren't ever going back to Canada as she is escaping the physical assault charges pressed on her, she threatened to rat me out to the government for having premarital sex (punishment is 1000 lashes by law) being bisexual (punishment is death) and being an apostate (death, also) i tried to go to a relative's house and mom ended up beating me. The government would give me back to my parents if try to get help. My parents hid my passport outside the house. I'm so desperate and scared of getting honour killed WHICH IS LEGAL HERE.

    How can mentally survive this.... I feel so alone

    She just wants to get back to Canada but can't leave the country without permission from her male guardian (her father).

    Does anyone with knowledge of the Saudi situation have ideas on how to get her out or where to ask for help? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dogsundog
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    Our car was driven 1600 miles while "in the shop". Do we have any legal recourse? (Colorado)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:28 AM PST

    My fiance got in a car accident and worked with her insurance to take her car to a local auto shop. After scheduling a drop off and confirming an ETA for repairs of four days we dropped it off on the 18th of February (a Monday), and were told we could pick it up by the 22nd (Friday).

    She received a call from the shop either Thursday or Friday and was informed that due to unforseen issues the car needs more work done and they had to order the parts. The car should be ready by next Friday (the 1st of March).

    We were then told the next week the car may not be ready until Monday the 4th, but received a call Thursday that the car was ready for pickup Friday the 1st.

    We paid with the insurance checks, and did the walk-around with the shop. After signing off on the paperwork and returning home is when we noticed something off.

    We noticed that in the 12 days they were in possession of the vehicle they had added 1,630 miles to the odometer. That'd be more than 150 miles daily it was driven.

    We also looked at our dash camera and noticed that the vehicle was turned on and then off (or the camera was turned off) multiple times at hours of the day when the business was closed. Most notably, the evening of Friday the 22nd our dash camera was turned on at 1:12 AM and within 20 seconds the camera was disabled while the vehicle was still in motion.

    We also noticed that the camera was registering the days incorrectly. It registered the video from the 2nd of March and thought it was the 23rd of February, implying that the camera was unplugged for more than five days.

    We plan on talking to the shop tomorrow when they're open and documenting everything. Is there any legal recourse we can take against them?

    submitted by /u/FuturamaLifer
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    Suspected of shoplifting but I’m innocent. They posted my picture at the check out!!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:46 AM PST

    I went shopping at a local sporting goods shop about two weeks ago. I remember that trip to the store because I was looking for new ski pants (I recently lost 30lbs and my old one didn't fit) the store only had size small in almost every pair of pants which was super frustrating. While there I walked around with my 2 year old and looked at other stuff too. Having my kid made things maybe a little more hectic then usual but we had fun exploring together. And other than not finding what I was looking for and not being able to find associates for help it was just a regular trip shopping.

    So now two or so weeks later a family friend sent my mom a picture from the store with a picture of me on their security camera. They have it posted behind the register with a bunch of other people too saying "If you know me call this number". Our friend asked why the pictures were up and the associate told him Suspicious for shoplifting.

    I immediately called the number Saturday evening and spoke to a manager. I asked "why is my picture up? Did I leave something at the store?" The manager said "I don't know the details but yeah you probably forgot something" (knowing the associate told my friend it was for shoplifting I was suspicious). I told the manager I'd be happy to come in right now to clear things up. He told me I had to meet with a different manager (???) and that the other manager would have some questions for me regarding my last visit to the store and would call me Monday and schedule a time for me to come in Monday as well. I gave my name and phone number as I didn't do anything wrong but feel like I'm being treated like a criminal.

    I asked two of my friends their opinion and one said her brother-in-law had the same thing happen to him at the same store and when he went into the store they held him for questioning for 2+ hours, tried to get him to sign something admitting guilt and felt harassed as he was also innocent. After hearing that story I've been researching the store and have found others with the similar experience.

    Today is Sunday so I'm trying to decide the best way to proceed to protect myself. Should I call the police and have an officer come with me? Would this be reason enough to get a defense attorney? I work in the health field and have two kids under two so I really don't have the time to go be harassed for hours. Also working with the community I feel like my name has been slandered and I now worry about who has seen the poster as I don't want my character to be questioned.

    Help please!

    Provo, UT

    submitted by /u/jenn-messenger
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    Mom opened a business in my name.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Today, I found out she has opened a business in my name 6 months ago. From what I've seen, she seems like she does some shady stuff tax wise sometimes, using her business account like a personal one, not claiming things she purchased overseas on her taxes or at customs. She doesn't have the proper insurance for the services she offers either. I'm not sure of the full extent of things, but I know a few things are not done by the book. How am I liable and what can I do? What will happen if I report her?

    submitted by /u/StealthyDepression
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    Iowa - school bus driver uses stop sign to get people to stop so he can make his turn, curious about the scenario

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:45 AM PST

    My wife is a member of school board in Iowa and the school board has received several complaints recently that I find interesting. I don't really have a horse in the race (the school board has already handled it in their opinion) but I am just plain curious because I have encountered it around town myself.

    The complaint is that several bus drivers use their stop signs when they are not letting students off the bus, but simply want traffic to stop so they can make a turn. The main complaints were about a particular driver who drives down a busy road with a speed limit of 55. He needs to make a left turn and therefore must wait for a gap in traffic, but it likely sometimes takes a long time to find a long enough gap to safely make the turn (the angle is less than 90 degrees so it needs to be made carefully and slowly).

    The complaints say that he puts out his stop sign so that traffic in both directions must stop and then makes his turn before folding the sign back in. They range from it being "unfair" for him to do this to saying they think it's a safety hazard for them to have to stop when going 55MPH because he doesn't want to wait for a gap so he uses the sign to make one. They claim that the bus is completely empty and that no child ever exits in this scenario.

    As I said I don't have a horse in the race but I am curious whether this is actually "illegal." I'm not on the board myself but these matters make me think.

    submitted by /u/schoolbusstopper
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    [NYC] I’m divorced with 1 child. If I die while she’s still a minor what is my best course of action to protect my ex from misusing my child’s inheritance?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 09:02 AM PST

    I have no will, so I'm starting from scratch. My ex is historically terrible with money, and I have absolutely no faith that he'd manage it in any kind of way to ensure my child has a secure future. Chances are that she'll be inheriting a variety of assets, all of which I'd rather not name, but cash and equities and real estate are all in the mix.

    I'm somewhat versed in trusts and custodial accounts. I do have a brother I trust who could manage a custodial UTMA or 529 on her behalf. She'll be getting more $ than a 529 would cover though, and I don't really know how much flexibility one would offer in the case the 529 outlives her education.

    I'm also not too knowledgeable about the pros and cons of having a family member as executor of a trust vs an attorney or other professional.

    These are just the options I've considered, but perhaps there are other ways to protect her assets? Any guidance about these or other options is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/chrissycookies
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    Neighbor diverting water onto my property and devaluing it. What are my options?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 07:05 PM PST

    Hi Reddit,

    I live in WA state and my family owns 5 acres of undeveloped land that we were originally planning on building our house on in 2002 but ended up living elsewhere. Now that I'm grown up and am looking for a place of my own I've considered developing that land but have found out that the county considers it a wetland which means it has major construction restrictions on it. I was looking at Google Earth because I remember that when we first got the property it was mostly dry and as I was looking back through the years, I noticed that in the year 2007 our neighbor built a stream that led from their massive pond into our property! After that year the vegetation on our land shot up and most of the 5 acres quickly became impassable as it remains today.

    Anyway I decided to do some reconnaissance tonight and jogged over to the neighbor who lives on a different street, jumped their fence and snuck around the backside of their property to see what this stream feature was that I saw on google earth. Turns out they are definitely diverting water onto our property. The current was strong enough that I could hear the stream before I saw it and noticed that it was built to drain down from their giant man-made pond using pipes in the ground right into our property!

    I've never spoken with these people but I'm so angry. They have devalued our land by making part of it into a protected wetland due to the very strict laws in our county as well as contributed to the extremely dense vegetation that would make developing it a nightmare. I am also so frustrated with my parents who apparently suspected this was happening years ago but didn't say or do anything.

    At this point I'm wondering what my options are. Should I talk to them and ask them to stop? Should I send them a Cease and Desist Letter? Should I sue them? Do I even have the grounds to do any of that after so much time has gone by? Any advice would be appreciated since I'm on my own here. If you want to see the google earth images I will pm them to you.

    submitted by /u/kaykaypfifa
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    Being harassed by people claiming I have their phone

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Location: Southern California

    So yesterday at around 4:30PM I get a knock at the door by two older ladies who are looking for a purse that was stolen from their car a few blocks away. They had a print out of a google maps location showing my house, and said it was the location of the phone that was in the stolen purse. I told them I didn't have it, and they tried to guilt me into admitting it, but obviously being innocent I did not budge.

    They questioned some of neighbors as well, none of which know anything about the phone. Just after midnight guys show up pounding on doors and yelling in windows trying to find the purse. My first mistake was going outside and into the drive way, because next thing I know 2 or 3 turns into at least 6 dudes surrounding me and questioning me about it. One of the guy insists it was the neighbor because they wouldn't come outside the house or answer questions. They claimed they were checking a neighbors cameras, and would be back.

    Now this morning around I think 9:30AM the two ladies come back, with an updated googlemaps zoomed in on my house and the line pointing to the corner of the home in the garden area. I take them out there and search, but nothing. They threaten to call the police, to which I encourage them to do so, but then they start backing down saying they don't want to get anyone in trouble and they leave.

    Then around 1PM I am down the street with my friend who was giving me a ride to go buy cigarettes to help deal with all this stress, and I get a call from my whispering 11 year old daughter all scared. There is two guys in the driveway trying to get into our car and knocking on the doors. I was pulling into the trailer park while on the phone, and pull up behind them as their jumping up and knocking on the windows. I talk to them a little bit, tell them there is nothing I can do. Eventually I call the police department and request assistance at my home. As soon as I do they change from "we're going to pitch tents on the street" to just jumping in the car and leaving.

    The dispatch lady said she was sending out a deputy but they still haven't arrived (been about 45 minutes). I provided them the type/color/licence plate of the vehicle they keep coming in, and when they get here I can direct them to a reward sign with a phone number that these people put up in front of the trailer park.

    Basically my question is what do I do here? My neighbors agree this is ridiculous having them come in the middle of the night demanding we come outside, them jumping fences when we offer them to use a gate, and them trying to interrogate us about what houses have teenagers. (yesterday the lady said she didn't witness the car being broken into, but today the men are saying she did and that she saw a teenager do it). They are demanding to see my high school aged son, but obviously I have kept him in the house as I do not want this rabid pack of crack head looking people seeing him around town (fairly small town) and doing something stupid. When the officer comes, I am willing to let him search the home/talk to my kid (just not with these people around). The dispatcher said they phone could be anywhere, that GPS is not accurate and considering our backyards are against a busy street, we are thinking maybe the ping was from the street, or perhaps they threw the phone out the car and into the backyards (we have checked yards and rooftops, but nothing).

    submitted by /u/throw_away_0124
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    Help: High School wont send official transcript or replace diploma

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:20 AM PST

    I graduated in 2012 from a school in Phoenix, AZ. I now am in Canada (Toronto GTA) and have applied to school. The University I wish to attend needs an official transcript as well as a copy of my High School diploma. My mother had my diploma but since moving can not find it. We weren't smart enough to keep a digital copy, which I now do for all of my important documents. When talking to the high school and they informed me that they do not give out official transcripts after 4 years post graduation date. Additionally they do not give any copys of my diploma. Does anyone know how to go about getting a second copy of my diploma or having the school go and send a official copy of my transcript to the University? Would the public records office have a copy of my diploma?

    Edit: Location

    submitted by /u/TheCondorFlys
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    [NY State] Prenup to protect myself and a third party

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:02 AM PST

    Myself(M) and my Fiancee(F) are to be married soon. A couple years ago I sold my apartment to move in with her and her brother who has the other apartment in the house. Since then I proposed. With our impending marriage, her parents are pressuring her to get a prenup as her brother and her own the house I live in, and will one day own the house her parents live in. I currently have no stake in the property and only have my own income and savings. The other complication is that while independent, her brother has a diagnosed spectrum disorder.

    I am looking for advice on how to protect everyone involved. The property, which is the biggest factor here is what they want to separate. Should we split or she die, and I have no equity and stake in the properties, I am left with nothing substantial for my future. Be that at 45 or 85.

    How can I protect my own future and shield her brother from the financial burden of anything that happens between my future Wife and I?

    Would this be any different, legally, if the roles were reversed and the woman was trying to protect herself?

    From reading threads here I will be getting my own attorney, especially since her parents want us to use their neighbor.


    submitted by /u/bluethrowaway20
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    [UPDATE] How do I get to a doctor when my parents won't allow me to do so?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 02:24 PM PST

    Hello r/LegalAdvice,

    Thank you so much for the advice in my previous post, but all of the options unfortunately simply weren't possible considering how strict my parents are. However, our sports team is going to a training camp in Florida in about a week, and there's a walk-in-clinic that is very close to where we are staying. Would I be allowed to walk in by myself and ask to get physical examinations to rule out underlying medical causes for my symptoms? Or do I need to bring a guardian (like my coach)?

    submitted by /u/rrowinglurker1234
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    Who owns the copyright on my dental images?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:32 PM PST

    I received my dental records (as requested—purely curiosity) and wondered who owns the copyright to digital images of my teeth?

    The X-rays were taken at a dental school in Illinois.

    If I wanted to use the images, let's say on a website or for monetary gain, do I need to get permission? If so, from who? The clinic? The person who took the images?

    Let me know if you need more details.

    submitted by /u/narcicist
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    Company refused to reimburse travel expenses (~$1000) after I declined their offer.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:08 PM PST

    A month or so ago I flew out to the east cost for an interview. The interview went well, the team seemed nice and they ended up giving me a verbal offer on the spot [note: had not accepted at this point or any other point]. After returning home and discussing it further with my girlfriend I declined the position. I later got this email.

    SoulOfTheNullspaceI'm challenged by your request for reimbursement. While we offered to pay your trip's expenses, we had a reasonable expectation that we did so on the basis of you being available for the position we were flying you out here to interview for.In the case that you came out here and either we hired you or we determined we didn't want to hire you, I would have been happy to reimburse you for your expenses. But that's not what happened.You came out here, we gathered a bunch of people to spend quality time with you, rearranged our schedule to meet your return flight needs, offered you a position and you turned us down after initially accepting the offer.Please help me understand why we should pay for your trip under these circumstances.

    Do I have any legal recourse maybe small claims court? In the emails from her subordinates discussing travel reimbursement there was no discussion of any of the terms she mentioned in her email. This does not seem to be to be a reasonable expectation since it was not discussed beforehand. Not paying for reimbursement if the candidate declines an extended offer also does not seem reasonable if it was not discussed beforehand. I am in MI, USA.

    submitted by /u/SoulOfTheNullspace
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    Is it possible for me to see my dog again?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:57 PM PST

    I had made an agreement with a family member a few days ago in which I would leave my dog with them for a few days while I did cleaning in the house to get rid of the flea problem I had. Then, an hour before it was time for me to pick up my dog, I got a message saying I could no longer get my pup. I went there anyways to grab my dog, in which I did grab him and brought him to my car. Right as I was closing the door, to my extreme surprise, I was attacked.

    I didn't want to hurt anyone because she wasn't able to hurt me, so I backed away, but she wouldn't stop. I then called a next door neighbor who ran over and watched her to continue assaulting me until she grabbed my dog and ran into the house. I then walked to the door telling her I needed my dog when she opened the door to start slamming it constantly to try to hurt my foot. I then called the police and they showed up.

    She claimed I assaulted her, but thank goodness I not only had a witness, but I also had every second of it recorded. I had called two people before I had gotten to that house to talk about my concern of her aggression towards me, but nobody thought she'd be so out of control.

    but the police couldn't do anything because she too claimed ownership of the dog. I've owned this dog all my life. He's my best friend and he's also a therapists recommended emotional support dog. So, needless to say, I haven't been to upbeat lately since he's been gone.

    The problem is it looks like I will have to take this to small claims court (I live in VA). But I don't know if I can win. Even though I've owned the dog all my life, my mom or dad have helped me financially with him as I was in college. They helped me with everything. Because of this, I have no vet documents under my name, I have no receipts of dog food bought as of recently, and it just feels hopeless because the person that gave me the dog so many years ago was my mom and now, she's the one taking him out of spite.

    The problem was I grew up in a horribly abusive house and recently I finally left. That didn't go over well, so my mom has used my car to stop me (which made me buy my own car), she then threatened her life and threatened to leave a note blaming it all on me, and then when that didn't work, she let things calm down for a week, tricked me into thinking it was getting better, and then stole my dog from me when I dropped him off only for a few days.

    I feel horrible. All I have is countless pictures of my dog and me. I have proof she agreed to let me take him back once I was done cleaning the house too. I also have many family members who would stand for me in court to say that it is my dog (including my dad). You see, my mom is alone when it comes the amount of people wanting to hold my dog as she's doing it purely out of spite. It's a very tragic situation, but I'm just very hurt that she's holding my dog in such a way.

    I want to know if the little evidence I have that he's my dog is enough. Or, am I seriously screwed here since she has all the documents for vet and receipts under her name? What are my chances of actually seeing my dog again? On top of all this, is it possible to pay a lawyer to help me with my small claims lawsuit to help improve my chances? Because I don't want money, I just want my dog back

    submitted by /u/crossivejoker
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    Might be losing a significant amount of my income to my employer. Please help.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:06 PM PST

    Long story short.

    Been working for a company for about 2 years.

    The first bonus I got was prorated and sent straight to my account.

    The second bonus, which is 10 PERCENT OF MY SALARY however is being put into a 401k account that I never signed up for.

    CFO would not answer my questions, just spoke in circles so I had to do some investigating myself and made the conclusion that this is profit sharing.

    Now I'd be perfectly fine with this but we were never told that we would be a part of profit sharing or that there is a five year vesting period. If I leave before then, they'll get 100-25 percent of it.

    No where in my offer letter or employee handbook does it state this.

    So my question, is it legal to call a bonus a "bonus" the whole time when it profit sharing?

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayMyMoney2019
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    How long is a tenant supposed to go without hot water in the bathroom? Please tell me it's less than 6 months? [IL, USA]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:39 PM PST

    Hello -

    I live in a rental unit in Chicago, Illinois. My apartment is beautiful and I had zero complaints, as I felt I had finally found a really great unit to stay in for a while. I moved in August 2018. The building has 9 floors and about 150 units total. It was built in the 50's, I believe, and is going through a massive face lift. End of September 2018, they did "routine maintenance" work on the plumbing throughout the entire building for one business day. No big deal, never had an issue with them in the past.

    Since then, my plumbing has not been the same. 6 months now, you guys. My kitchen works faucet works fine, gets piping hot and has pressure. That's not the issue. It's the bathroom. Since that water shut off, the bathroom shower and faucet have not worked properly. And when I said not worked properly, I'm not whining about low water pressure - I am telling you that if the shower works that given day, it trickles out. Trickles out so little that it can't even project and ends up running down the wall behind the shower head. Every week or so, we will get a day where there's enough pressure to wash off in 3 minutes. BUT, that pressure is accompanied by the pipes spitting AIR out too, so imagine water AIR water AIR water AIR and it's incredibly loud somehow. So, while that's happening, it's not hot. Luke warm pond water on a spring day, sometimes, but never hot. Oh, and the brown water. There's a lot of brown water that just randomly comes out for half of the shower too. All in all, bathing in general has turned into a dreadful experience and involves us boiling 4 pots of water to mix with cold bath water to get clean. My husband is over 6 feet - he doesn't like this method very much as one would guess.

    So, I've spent the last 6 months trying to get this sorted out. The poor maintenance man has been in my apartment at least twice a month and always is so apologetic, letting me know that it's all of the neighbors below me, but fixing this issue just isn't at the top of management's to do list right now. I am trying to keep a paper trail in case I need it later, so I've done all communication via email and our tenant portal. I have never heard back from management not once. (I also checked in with neighbors and we've all emailed/called/talked to the property manager without receiving an explanation or course of action.)

    Today, I went to shower and snapped. I'm online googling "no hot water tenant landlord regulations laws" as we speak. What in the hell do I do? What is the most professional and calm way to go about this so that something is done in a timely manner moving forward? Or, even better, where in the hell do I find the laws within my city about keeping up bathroom maintenance? I am no where near a disruptive tenant, I do not have guests nor do I come or go often and I have always, always paid my rent in full and on time. I just want a normal bathroom back.

    submitted by /u/itsahouseplant
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    [CA] My work is a hot mess: committing insurance fraud and breaking several ethical codes; they own all the documentation and I don't know my rights or how to protect myself

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:10 PM PST

    So, I'm in healthcare (specifically Applied Behavior Analysis), providing in-home services at an entry-level position. We're funded by insurance companies and the certified individuals are bounded by the BACB code of ethics. Sorry for all the details-- TL;DR on the bottom.

    After consulting with other professionals on the ethics code I confirmed that there were several ethical and penal violations by all the certified individuals in this particular agency. Mostly dealing with insurance fraud-- they aren't billing correctly for the services as most of the people at the entry-level position here aren't certified which is required by insurance companies.

    I started to question their integrity nearly two months ago after I made a report to CPS (I'm a mandated reporter). I was told that I'm not allowed to make a report to CPS without consulting with them first. Another coworker told me that the executives had called her to ask if she ever made a call to CPS shortly after my meeting. I wasn't explicitly disciplined but they broke our work contract and sent me extremely out of region (I basically put down my range as a 10 mile radius and they sent me 30 miles away; this is the Bay Area in California, so this is a commute difference of a hour). I'm still not working in the region I signed up for, but they gave me a case within the region I signed up for.

    About two weeks ago I told them I got a bug infestation from a client and they told me they couldn't find any evidence pointing to that and no one prior to me has made a complaint of pests or itchiness (which is strange because the person in charge of the case yelled at me over the phone saying of course there were pests and then sent an e-mail saying there weren't any promptly after). I confirmed with another supervisor that complaints have been made and the executives are lying to me.

    The agency has made it clear that they own all the e-mails and it's policy for employees to delete and purge them. This makes it hard to make a report to the ethical board as they require documentation and won't pursue an investigation without it. I'm barred from discussing that above case with coworkers (current or past staff from that case) and the agency uses a lot of intimidation tactics to discourage the entry-level staff from making complaints. So they don't want to be a witness when I issue a complaint to the ethics committee because they are afraid of the ramifications.

    Now, last week I put in my 2 weeks notice. I'm actually over-qualified for this position and I'm certified so I don't want to be liable for any ethical violations just by working here. Their attitude change completely and they said they wanted to keep me on board and to discuss a promotion. In short, they want me because they can stop committing insurance fraud. One of the execs literally said I would be valuable in case of an audit about a month ago.

    I have a meeting with them this coming week to talk more details of the promotion and hear them out about continuing to work for them.

    I took a look at their contract for collecting practicum hours (I still need some for the next level of licensing) and it an indefinite contract and amounted to one page explaining how much money I would owe if I quit or get fired (with no explicit start or end date). None of the responsibilities were outlined for the supervisor or supervisee. It's not explicitly ethical because of the lack of conditions. Someone told me that the contract could also be considered "contract coercion" because there is no way out except by working for a year post-license (which a third of test takers don't pass the first time) or paying a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

    TL;DR Again, they own all the documentation, and the ethics board will show them who made the report and what documentation I have submitted. I don't want to get in legal trouble for "stealing" evidence of insurance fraud to report them. I don't have assets to take anyway, only debt. But also, they are kinda being fucked up by keeping cases for too long, the insurance fraud, training a new generation of professionals to break HIPPA (via how the information is kept) and commit fraud as well, etc. Do I have any protections if I make a report to the ethics board?

    submitted by /u/HopefulArmy5
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    Employer wanting to pay me late because he will be on vacation

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:48 AM PST

    Around new years, my boss paid us a week late instead of a day early since he was going on vacation and our place of employment is closed when he is on vacation.

    He is planning on doing this again. Probably going to pay us on the 17th or later instead of the 13th.

    I absolutely need this check asap since I only have $25 to my name right now since my dad passed 2 weeks ago.

    Is this legal? What should I say to him?

    I live in Wilmington NC

    submitted by /u/whitepeachandrose
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    [TN] The TBI thinks I’m a convicted felon, what do I do?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 07:50 PM PST

    Two weeks ago I attempted to purchase a handgun at a local gun shop. After I filled out the paperwork, the shop ran a background check on me which came back denied. I thought this was weird, because other than a few traffic stops (none of which resulted in a ticket), I have had no negative interaction with law enforcement. The shop offered to help me file an appeal with the TBI, which I did.

    I received a letter in the mail tonight from the TBI upholding my denial, citing a felony conviction I apparently obtained in Los Angeles County last year. The problem is that I've never been west of Alabama.

    I'm concerned for two reasons: Firstly I feel like my second amendment right is being unjustly denied me, and secondly I'm concerned about this being a case of identity theft. I was hired at my current place of employment after this supposed felony conviction, so I'm hoping this is a sign that I don't need to worry about the second part, but I have no idea where to go from here in any direction.


    submitted by /u/s-reformanda
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    Is it illegal to get married to a SO for a green card?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:26 AM PST

    My boyfriend (M21) and I (F23) met online and have been dating for over a year and have agreed to get married to close the distance. I am a Korean citizen and he is a Canadian citizen. I read that it is illegal to falsify a marriage for the sole reason of immigration, but what about if you marry your actual SO with the intention to immigrate? Does that also mean it's a false marriage? We both consent to marriage for mutual benefit, but we both agree that we're not ready for an actual marriage yet; this is just so we don't have to fly out and lose out on a chunk of our lives back home every few months. I tried to look online, but only get the answers to a false marriage, whereas ours is (kind of) legitimate.

    Will it be deemed a false marriage during our interview if this is our circumstance? We have pages and pages of texts that date back to when we met and pictures together, plane tickets, letters, etc. Our relationship is 100% real, but in the end, our reason for marriage is immigration.

    submitted by /u/potvaIiancy
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