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    Thursday, March 28, 2019

    Homeowners broker keeps confusing our account with another Insurance

    Homeowners broker keeps confusing our account with another Insurance

    Homeowners broker keeps confusing our account with another

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 12:32 AM PDT

    Our homeowners broker keeps referring to issues we don't have. I want to stick with the carrier but switch brokers. I'm concerned the notes she has on file will be switched to new broker. Is this a valid concern? I just want the account to start over with fresh eyes.

    submitted by /u/passiveattackcat
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    I went to rehab a year and a half ago- help?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    Hi! I need help please. I didn't know what sub to post this on and thought maybe y'all could help?

    I suffered severe postpartum depression and self medicated with alcohol. I sank into alcoholism. Thankfully I got treatment before it was too late. I went to the psych ward of the local hospital in September 2017. The hospital referred me to go to rehab. The hospital social worker told me the rehab was covered by my insurance 100%, as I had already met my deductible.

    Went to rehab. While there, I was terminated by my employer as I hadn't worked there long enough to qualify for FMLA. I got cobra through them, and continued treatment. A month or two ago, I received a bill from the rehab for the full cost, as it had no longer been covered (I guess since it was now cobra not my original insurance? Even though the policy was the same ID, group, member # and everything?). I wouldn't have gone or stayed if it was not going to be covered. I can't afford it. I am drowning in medical debt already. Is there anything I can do???

    submitted by /u/hakuna__frittata
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    Can I demand a write off?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:09 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I was in an accident on Feb 12th, I was not at fault. I live in Australia.

    Both my airbags went off and the left front of my car got smashed up. The tow truck driver and everyone else that saw assumed it would be a write off from the damage.

    My insurer assessed it and deemed it repairable, and it has been 7 weeks since and I still don't have my car back.

    From what I understand we were just short of the repairs costing 75% of the market value hence why they chose to repair, but I am not comfortable with getting my car back after the accident given it was bad enough to set airbags off, and on top of that, being so close to the threshold I would have hoped they'd just write it off.

    Am I able to go back to my insurer and say I feel the repairs have taken too long as I could have purchased a new car by now if they had just written it off, and I don't feel comfortable with having a damaged but repaired car back that had like $18k worth of damage repaired?

    submitted by /u/CinnamonChaiLatte
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    Got hit - driver is claiming I hit them. Please help.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    This happened on Monday 3/25 in a Chic Fil A parking lot at lunch time in NE.

    I was backing out of my stall, I had completely exited my stall at an angle. I noticed the driver behind me start backing out in my rear camera. I completely stop my vehicle and hit my horn several times but they kept going and hit my car right behind the rear passenger tire. Due to all the traffic in the parking lot, we both pulled into our stalls. I was furious. I told her to give me her info and I asked why she didn't stop when I was honking and she said she couldn't hear over her grand-kids. She gave me her information and phone number and name. She told me she was sorry and would cover all the damages.

    She gets in her car and drives away. Right before she backs out I snapped a picture of her license plate.

    I got in my car and called the insurance company which was wrong for another vehicle (Mazda MX3) under another policy.

    I called her and left a message saying I would give her the benefit of the doubt and if she could return my call otherwise I would have to turn to the police. She called back and sent me the info of the vehicle which was registered to her son in law.

    I called the police to file a report, they asked how bad the damage was and I described it (minor scratches through the clear coat and some paint gone) and they said it did not sound over $1000 and it was voluntary if I wanted to file a report. I said fine, I wont waste any time I get all of her info anyways.

    I called the insurance company, gave my statement and they said they will follow up.

    They call today and say that their driver stated that I backed into her and that the Chic Fil A has no cameras in the parking lot, we are both at fault as it is "he said she said."

    I called the the police today to file an official report and gave a statement.

    What can I do now? She hit my car in a spot that is already prone to rust and I want to get it fixed. It broke through the paint and clear coat in a spot about the size of a baseball. I called her and asked why she said I backed into her and she said "I am full of shit. Come at me big boy", like what the f? She admitted fault at the scene, obviously lacks all integrity. I am 23, don't make a ton of money, and don't want my insurance to increase.

    Please don't tell me I am shit out of luck.

    She did not ask for any of my information, not even my name or phone number. Why would she not ask for anything if I hit her? This is the first time I have ever been in an accident and I feel like I did not do this correctly and got shit on.


    submitted by /u/lwszn
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    My car repair has exceeded the value of the car and the check engine light just came on

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    So, my car was in a flood back in november, long story short, I got it back a couple weeks ago, and 2 miles down the road, the engine started to overheat. I took it back, and insurance approved another 1000 dollar repair.

    At that point I asked the adjuster about the total loss threahold. He told me hes been an adjuster for 15 yeard and hes never heard of it. And that its too late to total the car now.

    I got it back, and now the check engine light came on. I'm sure its another flood related issue

    But insurancr is trying to back out of this. They are denying the total loss threshold (pennsylvania) and my car still doesnt work.

    Do I need to get a lawyer and sue my insurance company?

    submitted by /u/undercovermf
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    Don't renew Auto Insurance if not driving?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    I'm from Ontario, Canada but currently out of the country for at least 18 months. I have a family SUV which is currently parked in my garage.

    I am up for auto insurance renewal but I recently had some unfortunate events which has impacted my driver history. One at-fault accident and two major convictions (expiring in 2 years). Because of this scenario the two insurance companies that I contacted are putting me at high risk and not allowing me to take only Theft/Parked insurance. If I pay the full insurance, I'll have to pay around $9k for the 18 months I won't be driving. So I was thinking of not renewing my insurance.

    Is there an impact if I don't have my parked car insured? Will the premiums get affected for a 18month non-insured car when I hunt for insurance on my return?

    submitted by /u/kaswardy
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    California. Not my fault. Should I bother going through my insurance?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    Someone hit my car while it was parked on the street. (I wasn't in it.) The car isn't worth a ton but it's not drivable and it was my only transportation. It has so much damage there's no way it won't be considered a total loss.

    I only have liability on my car, so is there any point in going through my insurance to settle this with the at fault party? I don't want to risk them raising my rates. (I know they're not supposed to but that doesn't mean they won't.)

    On a side note, I'm not even sure why my insurer would bother with a claim against the at fault party when my insurer doesn't have to cover me for anything. Why should they spend their time playing middle man?

    I got the policy number and adjuster info for the at fault party. Can I just negotiate with them for myself?

    submitted by /u/dryadanae
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    Do I need to buy health insurance as a 24yo?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:13 PM PDT

    Parents are 67 and retired last year. They no longer have health insurance under their former employer, but have Medicare (or Medicaid?). Do I need to buy my own health insurance this year, or do I still qualify under them until I turn 26?

    submitted by /u/thearrogantbasturd
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    Insuring a vehicle that I do not own yet

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:20 PM PDT

    Hey everyone I have a few questions. And as always reddit is my first go to. So my wife is in the AirForce and she is currently in TechSchool in Mississippi. So she has a car that is under her moms name. She is on the insurance (Georgia). I will be moving to Mississippi in the next few weeks. We are going to get the title under her name before I leave. But I want to go ahead and insure the car under our names? I am going through USAA and as the owner I put my wife's name. I am also listed as a driver. Is this okay ? The car is still insured with her mom. I did not want to put her mom as the owner because by next week we will literally be the owners. And when I have bought a car in the past I have always been able to insure before the title is in my name. TIA everyone

    submitted by /u/marklopezzz
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    Car Insurance Question

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    So I plan on getting a license soon, and if I do, I have to pay for my own insurance so I have a few questions, but here's a background of everything:

    -18F, Florida

    -3.0+ college GPA

    -Car: 2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport Sedan

    -Commute: ~10-20 miles/day driving

    -Took online Driver's Ed course

    I'm curious what the average added rate, monthly or annually, would be for me if I was on my parent's plan v. if I got my own separate insurance. Keep in mind the insurance should be well-known, something like State Farm, Geico, Progressive, etc... and also try to account for possible discounts due to my grades/Driver's Ed class I took. I would go for the quotes, but I hate the concept of giving personal info away easy, so I'm trying to see if other's are in a similar boat and know about this

    submitted by /u/spookyboov
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    Got in an accident - person who hit me provided false insurance info

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    Hi, everyone. I was rear ended today in GA. The damage was sufficient enough that I called the police to the scene. After trading insurance info, the officer sent me on my way confirming that the other party will be found at fault. I asked if I needed to get any other info but the officer said insurance is sufficient. We both have the same insurance company, or so I thought. When I called the insurance company and spoke to the claims adjuster, the adjuster said that the policy was actually cancelled and the VIN is not registered under any of their policies. What should I do next? I didn't get the other driver's phone number. My dad said I should reach back out to the police to get his info and to inform the authorities that the driver didn't have insurance.

    submitted by /u/tiensij
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    How to get insurance for newborn in FL?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    I do not believe I would qualify for Medicaid due to having a savings account from a family loss (correct me if I'm wrong) , I make less than 10k as a student a year roughly $800 a month.

    I tried to apply for Florida Kid Care but found out they said they don't do newborns apparently. Looking for recommendations or a step in the right direction as I have two months until my baby is due and just very lost in the overall process right now.

    Appreciate the help, thanks!

    submitted by /u/lookinglikeyoshi
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    Should I get flood insurance? about 200 ft from a zone AE.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    First time home buyer and wondering if I should get flood insurance, one of the lower tier ones. My house is in a zone X but is around 200 ft from the furthest tendril of a AE flood zone. The house has had no flood claims in the past 10 years, to my knowledge, and from one website, it said there have been 5 flood claims in the past 10 years for that area. (a few houses are in the AE zone)


    EDIT* Live in NC

    submitted by /u/krnzmaster
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    Auto insurance with no residential address

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:42 PM PDT


    Due to my job I have no residential address. I quit my lease in NJ and sold my car. The company I work for offers lodging and vehicle and I am 100% travel moving from state to state area to area. Every 2 months of work I have a week off and I find myself going back to NJ renting a vehicle and spending that week with friends and family. Rental car companies need auto insurance in order for me to rent the car. They offer auto insurance but I have never used it. How can I get auto insurance to cover me when I rent a car and while I am driving company vehicle ( if I am in a company vehicle I am insured but it does not hurt to have mine too).

    I can't figure out how to buy auto insurance when I don't have a stable residential address.

    My credit score is excellent and i have never had any major or minor violation or accidents ever. Total of 10 years of driving records.

    I am no homeless sleeping in a car :) and unfortunately those few people that I know dont want me to use their address.

    Anyone have any idea?

    Appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/hormosapiens
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    TX hail damage Geico deducting from coverage

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    Geico is deducting the value of a previous hail claim stating that it was never repaired. The claim is from the previous owner who was also insured by Geico. I did not have hail damage when I bought it (aside from maybe on the roof..I didn't look. It's a tall truck). This is leaving me $3500 short on getting my truck repaired! Any advice?

    submitted by /u/ImUncleSam
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    Got hit. Not my fault. Wrong liscence. What can I expect while I go through claiming?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    I live in Hawaii with an expired Michigan liscence. HOWEVER I do have an unexpired one back in Michigan. I am moving back to Michigan in a couple months which is why the liscence exists but I don't have it me here.

    Im getting ready to go to er. I have been googling but everything I see talks about just having an expired liscence. Which is not totally my situation.

    I have made arrangements for the good liscence to be shipped to me immediately. Just wondering if this is a significant problem right now.

    Please advise! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/rkscroyjr
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    What kind of auto insurance do I need? (new to insurance)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    I am a 22 almost 23 year old new driver financing his first car. The car is a preowned 2012 mazda6 i touring fwd 4d sedan with 48k miles. I am getting online quotes from progressive and statefarm and all the big insurance companies, so far I got the best quote from progressive. All the other companies give me a quote for about 300+ a month. So my question is, what things do I need to add to my auto insurance since I am financing instead of buying? and how much of each is required? For example on one of the sections, how much Optional Basic Economic Loss Help do I need? etc.. P.S. I live in NYC

    submitted by /u/tidematic
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    Car Totalled

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    I got a call from my insurance saying my car has been deemed totalled even though damages look to be fixable for cheaper than they quoted. They quoted my car at $9500 and the damages without a proper tear down to be $6900. The damages are to the rear-left-side bumper and there is about a 1"-2" dent past the metal bumper guard(because I was hit on the corner of my car), left signal and reverse light don't work, and a misalignment of the tailgate. Anyway I can dispute this and get my car back so I can fix it myself? I've only had my suv for a year now and it's pretty sad to see it go this early.

    submitted by /u/TheTruBigBlu
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    Rear-ended by an uninsured driver, who now wants to get a lawyer involved because they don’t agree with the repair costs/“story” (TX)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:00 PM PDT

    Long explanation, bear with me.

    I was rear-ended on a busy highway in DFW on a Friday afternoon. The driver was around my age (both female, mid-20s) and I could tell it was likely her first experience with a serious accident as she was shaken up and didn't know what to do. I got her information and took photos. Her insurance ID card said the policy was expired but I thought "I drive around with old cards all the time, I still have the policy number". Since my car was still drivable, I left the scene because my 1-year old was still in the car and I did not feel safe on the side of a busy highway. I did not call the police because (I know from experience) that they will not come to the scene if no one was injured. I know, you're shaking your head in disappointment already.

    I first sent the info to my insurance, Geico, to get it on file. Then I called her insurance, State Farm, and they were having trouble finding an existing policy. They began an investigation. I then called geico to let them know this but was not ready to file with my own insurance yet because my car was driving fine. Geico began their own investigation and I filed a vehicle accident report on my own. I texted the other driver and casually said "State Farm is having trouble finding your policy! Did you get a new one?" And she replied "my dad will call you tomorrow to discuss the charges."

    I did receive a call from her dad. He said the policy had expired but that his daughter was really sorry and wanted to "do the right thing" and help cover the cost of repairs. If we went through our insurance then we could even "pocket some of the money" that his family gave me. I told him I would likely be moving forward with my insurance and talk to my husband about next steps once the insurance companies had time to investigate. I don't trust handshake deals when it comes to car accidents.

    On Tuesday, I checked in with geico and they said they would be moving the claim to uninsured motorist because the other party did not renew their policy. I made an appointment for Wednesday to drop my car off for an estimate. As I was filling out paperwork for a rental car, the geico adjuster and the caliber collision rep came in and said "are you guys ok!? That was a really hard hit. We need to look under the body but I think there is significant frame damage."

    That night, the geico adjuster called and said there was over $13k in damage and it would be declared a total loss. He said that if they were to repair it and we got hit again, it wouldn't hold up or take the impact and it was not safe to repair.

    I started the process to sign over my car and geico paid the remainder of my loan. Over the next few weeks, geico is still unsuccessful in making any contact with them. I'm getting a lot of notices that any attempt to get my deductible back have been unsuccessful.

    Feeling like I was being punished for being the responsible one, I thought "well I could contact her and see if we could continue our discussion on 'making this right'". I said "look, the damages were significant and my car was totaled. It would be great if you could help me with a down payment on my replacement vehicle." Then I did a rewind and contacted my insurance agent and said "what process are you working on and what (if anything) can I ask them for?" She said I could only ask for my deductible. The other party's mother then called me and accused me of trying to take advantage of her daughter and forging the estimate paperwork, that I was asking for too much. Mind you, I did not ever ask for $13,000, I said maybe something like $2500 to refund my deductible, cover a down payment, and cover my inevitable premium increase since I was forced to use my insurance. After I talked to my agent, I told her "I am not asking for anything".

    Her mother continues to text me, trying to poke holes I guess in my story and requesting that she get to take my car to get two estimates because the damage doesn't add up. Also saying things like "we saw you driving on the freeway after the crash!! If it was unsafe to drive, why were you driving it". Lady, it was drivable, I didn't know the frame had buckled from the collision. She's threatening to take legal action because she feels the damage estimate is too much. That is must have been caused by a different accident.

    Tl;dr: at-fault party was uninsured and doesn't think that my insurance is telling the truth about the damage estimate. My vehicle was declared a total loss and now they're trying to come at me with all kinds of accusations.

    1. Am I totally screwed because I threw out $2500 in the first place? The only reason I did was because they were refusing to talk to my insurance company and I recanted the request after I found out it wasn't allowed. Then she said she is going to contact them directly and I said good, communicate with them moving forward.

    2. Does she have some sort of "case" if the damage estimate was padded in some way? Caliber collision and geico inspected it together but I don't see a reason they would have totaled it and spent the money to pay off my loan if the damage would have actually be significantly less. Or does she have a case if some shady LAW HAMMER type lawyer helps her say the damage was from a different accident?? (It's not)

    3. I do NOT like the idea of going to an attorney myself but would you recommend this? My husband is already in the middle of a lawsuit from an Uber driver who hit him two years ago and changed her story. It's just such an exhausting process that I wanted to avoid but now they're threatening me with legal proceedings and I just want to protect myself.

    Oh and we ordered a dash cam for our car immediately.

    submitted by /u/shinyshell028
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    I was rear ended

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    Long story short I got rear ended. The guy fell asleep at the wheel and hit my car. When he got out he apologized profusely about how he was coming from a 12 hour shift and was just happy his kid wasn't in the car. Both cars were fully operational, we swapped our information, and I filed a police report on line so it was on file. After going through the hoops with the insurance company it turns out that the guy is claiming I cut him off. Is there any recourse or am I out of luck? Any insight would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/just_a_lama
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    Is TROV (on-demand, item insurance) better than Renters?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    The Trov website compares their product to Renters/homeowners insurance coverage for belongings and list that accidental damage and loss is 'rarely' covered by your renters insurance. And, only 'sometimes worldwide"...

    Is this true?

    I thought renters covered your belongings on trips.

    submitted by /u/EnsureMyHigh
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    Home Insurance with Lloyds of London

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:35 PM PDT

    I have some concerns regarding my home insurance policy. I live in a mountain community in southern california and after the paradise fires many companies stopped writing policies for us on the mountain.

    My broker now has me with Lloyds of London and I have some concerns regarding this policy.

    My biggest concern is in regard to the fact that Lloyds is not bound by California solvency laws and if they somehow become insolvent, then I am shit out of luck.

    Now I know Lloyds is giant and has 10s of billions in capital, but what risks could I realistically face if my home burns down, especially in a natural disaster senario in which the whole town is lost? Is it wiser to pay twice as much for a "smaller-sized" domestic carrier?

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/butthashhuffer
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    Can you have Medicaid and a health insurance from the marketplace at the same time?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Greetings! Hoping for help with my claims and settlement process (WA)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    Hello - on 3/25 I was rear ended pretty good while I was waiting at a red light. A police report was taken, and I opened a claim with my insurance company. This was transferred over to the other person's insurance and my claim was closed when they accepted responsibility the next morning.

    I tried to go to urgent care that night but they were at capacity, so I went the next morning. No serious injuries, just muscle tightness in my neck and back. The dr. gave me a couple prescriptions and gave me a referral for massage therapy. Today, the other person's insurance contacted me and offered me a settlement of medical bills and $800. They prefaced everything by downplaying the accident. I didn't want to be pressured in to anything so I thanked them and said I would have to get back to them.

    Basically I'm not sure if what they offered was fair. My injuries in my mind aren't serious, nothing I won't get over within a week or so. Complicating this is that I am leaving the country in 1 week for a 3 week vacation, so I worry about not being able to take care of this while I'm gone. They do not know that I am going on vacation.

    Advice, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Yeti100
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    Experience period and underwriting.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    My friend had a surcharge on his policy due to a violation. It was supposed to be removed this renewal but he still saw his rates increase. When he called and ask they told him that even though his surcharge was removed, his company still uses any incidents/violations in the immediate five years prior to help determine rates. So because it's still within the five years it didn't make that much of an impact when the surcharge was removed.

    Is this right?

    submitted by /u/Iamthedude1994
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