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    Tuesday, March 26, 2019

    First time in a car accident - am I taking the right steps? Insurance

    First time in a car accident - am I taking the right steps? Insurance

    First time in a car accident - am I taking the right steps?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    Please let me know if this is the right place to be posting this.

    Last Friday 3/22, I was in an accident. An older man ran a red light and hit me in the intersection. He admitted fault at the scene and was ticketed by the police.

    My car was towed to my insurances lot, I went to the doctor for X-rays, and picked up some medication right after.

    My insurance found me not at fault and my car was declared a total loss. Today, they sent a check to my loan holder and I started the process to get my GAP claim going to cover the remaining bit (about $1,900)

    I havent been contacted by the at fault persons insurance.. my insurance claim guy told me he spoke with them and let them know I had a claim to settle with them as well. I'm currently without transportation, I've been getting rides to and from work luckily. I can't buy a new car without a down payment so I'm just wondering what to expect timeline wise and what the heck to ask for if/when I'm contacted by the at fault persons insurance.

    submitted by /u/CommercialOlive
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    Becoming an Underwriter

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:16 AM PDT

    I've been toying with the idea of stepping into the world of insurance and hopefully gaining a career from it. I'm most drawn to the position of underwriting and I feel almost overwhelmed trying to imagine how I could possibly become one. I'm seeking any and all advice from current and former underwriters! I am currently a junior in college with a major in Anthropology and a minor in Family and Couples Therapy (I know that's pretty unusual for this kind of career path). Underwriting is so attractive to me because I do enjoy reading and analyzing data and I find that I can understand insurance quite well. I was thinking of becoming a CSR and maybe working my way up from there to get my foot in the door and possibly into underwriting but I'm not sure if I'm just completely mistaken and that's the wrong way to go.

    I appreciate any input or slivers of advice, thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/pvlp
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    I bought GAP insurance, but I was cancelled by my mother.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    Hey there, first time posting here, an x-post from legal advice. To make things short I bought a brand new Nissan Versa in 2016 and purchased GAP insurance. I was a co-signer with my mom when we bought the car, but I was the primary user and I payed for it. Apparently, without me knowing, my mother cancelled GAP insurance a few months afterwards and we got money back for it. Well, my car was totaled this January and then I found out I didn't have GAP insurance since it was cancelled. The issue is I never agreed to cancel it and the paper she turned it doesn't have my signature as a co-signer of the car. Also, the paper clearly says it doesn't accept incomplete paperwork and it will be returned. The paper was incomplete but apparently they accepted the cancellation paper. Last thing, the GAP insurance company said they will honor the GAP, the Nissan Finance company said they would honor the GAP, but the dealership itself is being difficult. They said they would provide proof they told us of our cancelation, but days later have yet to produce anything. Is there anything I can do in my situation or will I have to pay up to cover the rest of the loan?

    submitted by /u/Slithern
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    Disclosing an arrest that did not result in prosecution/conviction when applying for life insurance?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    4.5 years ago a younger, dumber self thought I was more than fine to drive home after a happy hour. I was not, I was pulled over, and blew over legal. Being my first offense, I was eligible for a program. Completed the program and that was that. Although I am "eligible for expungement" I have not followed through with that process yet.

    The Mutual of Omaha plan application asks if I "got a DUI in the last 5 years." Does "got" mean convicted/prosecuted in this context? Or am I safe to omit since I was only arrested and never prosecuted?

    For additional context, about 9 months ago when applied for a car insurance policy this didn't come up at all and seemingly had no effect on that plan. Also, I visit Canada frequently for work and I've seen my criminal "background check" or whatever they produce in customs and everything comes up clearly labeled NOT PROSECUTED.

    I am absolutely not looking for advice to lie or deceive. Just hoping to fully understand the question without potentially self-sabotaging (again) and spiking my rate if I don't need to. Any guidance is very appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dumbquestionsacc0unt
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    Am I on the wrong path with a Homeowners Insurance claim?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Back in September, I had a pinhole leak in one section of my copper piping and filed a claim. The damage wasn't much, and I thought the issue was resolved when the insurance paid out what I needed to fix the issue and a lost of preferred contractors.

    I hired a contractor from that list and they sent over a subcontractor who spoke zero English to put drywall over the repaired plumbing and install a vanity. In the process, this subcontractor hit and disconnected a pipe (not the original copper one). I don't know whether he did this before or after he put the drywall up, but when I came back 10 days later there was 29k gallons of water in my house -- all coming from that pipe that was knocked loose.

    I'm currently pursuing a claim with the insurance company and that's what all of my (hurried) research pointed to ... but now I'm getting worried about what happens if/when this gets resolved what will happen to my insurance premiums? Will they still be affected if I do a complete repipe of the house so the previous plumbing is irrelevant? Should I have gone after the contractor instead of filing another claim?

    submitted by /u/rippedofftaway
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    Would switching medical insurance protect from estate claims?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:36 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm posting here a more specific question than what I just posted in r/legaladvice.

    Long story short, my mom is on Medi-Cal and we are worried that when she dies the house we both live in will go straight to them as an estate claim. If I were to start paying for private health insurance for her now and she lives another 5 years or so, will Medi-Cal still try to claim assets?

    submitted by /u/amanduhpanduh
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    Drivers Training.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    I was recently involved in a collision. I was considered "at-fault," (The decision was bullshit, it was definitely the other ladies fault.) and subjected to a rise in insurance.
    I obviously wouldn't want to be paying higher insurance so would it be possible to reduce the "sentence" by taking drivers training courses?

    submitted by /u/HumanNoodles
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    Blue Cross Blue Shield in California

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:23 PM PDT


    I am considering a new job that I have not received an offer for and am doing research so I am better prepared if I do receive an offer.

    My question is the company has "BlueCross BlueShield" medical insurance, is this like having both Anthem blue cross and Blue shield of California?

    Btw I live in California.

    Thanks for the help my goal is to see if my current medical providers are in the network.


    submitted by /u/buzzante
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    Totaled uber car

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 12:34 AM PDT

    I live in Denver, Colorado and had someone tbone me about two weeks ago. I recieved the apraisal on Thursday and got their estimate, dropping the car off monday morning. At some point during the day they changed their minds and totaled the car without any information from the body shop. So far I have been off work for two weeks:the first week was just them waiting to accept liability as the other car was a rental. They have accepted 100 % liability and as of yet I still don't know what is going on. They informed me earlier that they would pay for a rental and cover lost wages only for the time the vehicle was in the shop, but the first day the vehicle was in the shop they totaled it. Will I still get loss on income for any time span or am I out of luck? So far they have said that I can not claim loss of income due to the car being safe to drive. Then totaled

    submitted by /u/alexrmont
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    Career advice

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:02 PM PDT

    I have been in the insurance industry for 5 years.

    I started out at an exclusive agency for about 2 years before moving to a direct sales role for a major carrier for a year.

    I have been at a specialty agency ever since (very unique products focused on NGOs and government programs). At the agency I do a bit of everything (underwriting, negotiating with carriers, product development, etc.), though my title doesn't really reflect this.

    I am currently a CPCU candidate and have passed 3 of the 8 exams. I am a bit unsure of where to go from here in my career. I don't want to get stuck in sales.

    submitted by /u/Keldren242
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    Fell asleep and sideswiped vehicle on my left.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    This happened yesterday, it happened very suddenly and in the highway. Thankfully it was minor scratches and a few dents. https://imgur.com/a/TffM4LA

    I have full coverage as I am still financing the car with Honda. My deductible is 500. What are my options in trying to do damage control regarding my premiums?

    submitted by /u/zeusthunder
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    To Salvage title or not to Salvage title?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    On a road trip recently I was rear-ended by a car (completely paid-off Hyundai Sonata with around 56k miles on it and a new two-year old engine in it) going 50 mph while I was at a complete stop. The car that hit me was driven by a sixteen year old with two other sixteen year olds in the car and I saw them in my rearview for a brief second, obviously not paying attention that we were stopped on the highway due to traffic. She immediately admitted total fault and even said "I've been meaning to get my brakes fixed." I got her parent's insurance and the sheriff filed her the ticket and sent everyone on their way.

    My car sustained a large crack along the bumper and the trunk was significantly caved in but would still open and close. I drove it the rest of the way to my destination and the 200+ miles back home a few days later with no problem. When I got back her insurance contacted me and I brought the car in for their adjuster to look at. They initially quoted me at $2.5k on first look but called me a few days later after taking it apart with a much higher quote of $6.4k. Long story short the insurance company got back to me and said that the car was a total loss and gave me the option of either giving them the car for $10.5k or I keep the car and get $8.3k. I was leaning towards keeping the car because it runs great and is fully paid off but I just learned, after saying I wanted to keep the car, that it means I need to get a salvage title for the car. I've read some stuff online about what having a salvage title car means and it seems awful. Do I really have no other alternative in this situation where I was 100% faultless and, if so, which is the better option?

    submitted by /u/garmannarnar
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    Auto Insurance went up $800 for failure to show insurance during a traffic stop

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Hey all. I apologize in advance for any formatting issues as I am on mobile.

    Not really sure who to go to for this but I'm hoping someone here can either confirm this is correct or point me in the right direction to get this fixed.

    In September of last year, I was pulled over and for the life of me could not find my proof of insurance in the car and completely spaced in realizing I could have pulled it up on the App on my phone. I went to court, brought in my proof of insurance, paid my fine and was on my merry way.

    I later came to find that due to this one particular violation, my insurance premium has gone up another $800 for the year. I just don't see how this could be possible... $800 for being insured and just not having the documentation on me??

    I have spoken to my insurance company and they recommended getting my Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) and making sure everything was showing correctly. I got a copy of the MVR and then spoke to a representative at the courthouse who confirmed it was put through as just a failure to show insurance. They told me to speak to the Motor Vehicle Commission. Spoke with the MVC and they also confirmed it was showing the same on their end and told me to speak to my Insurance Company. I finally spoke to my insurance company again and this time another agent told me that failure to show proof of insurance, even though I was insured, was 5 points in their system and did in fact cause my premium to go up by $800.

    I just can't believe this is true... it makes no sense to me at all. The one thing that I did see on my Motor Vehicle Report that was a red flag for me was that there was an ACD column which seems to correspond to Driving Offense Code Types:

    Driving Offense Codes

    On my report, the code assigned to this violation is marked as a B51 which is the code for "Expired or No Drivers License". Every single person I spoke to at the courthouse/MVC/Insurance Company has no idea when these ACD codes are or who assigns them.

    So now the only recourse I currently have (as suggested by a person at the courthouse) is to write a letter to the judge to more or less put myself at the mercy of the court to see if he will expunge the violation from my driving record so that I can get it off my Motor Vehicle Report and have it stop affecting my insurance. I have no idea how realistic this is of a request.

    Has anyone dealt with anything like this before or know what I can do to help get his remedied or is my mistake of accidentally taking my insurance out of my car and leaving it at home while running to the grocery store really going to cost me $800?

    submitted by /u/JustSomeGuyChyaKnow
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    Minor accident with fixed object, uninsured at the time. Now, current insurance demanding details.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! First time posting to reddit. I've heard it's a great place for advice and would love some insight into my issue :)

    I bonked my car into a fixed object, a big rock meant to keep people from driving onto a golf course. There were no damages to anything but my car. The police came and took a report. A golf course employee showed up and gave some information. The damage to my car was minimal and I bought the parts and fixed it myself. My insurance had lapsed, so I had no insurance at that time.

    I now have insurance and my insurance company sent me a letter demanding to know what happened and saying I have to tell them, even though I wasn't insured and the accident occurred on private property, not a public highway, and there was no damage to anyone's property but my bumper cover.

    I read online that if I order my own police report, it makes me accountable in some way...? What's the story with all this?

    I'm unsure whether it's helpful to include the letter I received from my insurance company regarding this. But I can post that too if it's helpful. Thanks everyone for reading and looking forward to your thoughts.

    Edit: other things that might be relevant:

    1) I did get a hold of my driving record and the accident is listed there (5 months ago).

    2) Occurred in California

    submitted by /u/Tiny-Pixel
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    Is it likely Progressive will drop me?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I've been with them for 3 years. In this time I've had three speeding tickets and one minor at-fault collision (backing out; 6 months ago). The first ticket was 2 years ago for going 27 over the limit. The second was 4 months ago for going 20 over, and the most recent ticket was for 96 in a 55 (it was 2:00 in the morning on a backroad, random state trooper in the middle of nowhere).

    Is that typically enough for them to choose not to renew or will my rate just increase dramatically?

    submitted by /u/DidYouTryCTRLaltDLT
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    Does lawsuit settlement appear on Motor Vehicle Report or Loss History Report?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Was involved in an accident several years ago for which I was at fault. There was a small amount of property damage (<$500 - all for repainting the bumper) that was paid in a claim at the time of the accident.

    I live in NY, a no-fault state. Almost 3 years later I got served a lawsuit that the other driver was seeking damages for pain and suffering due to injury. Injury claim was paid out through his own insurance because of no-fault. My insurance just settled with him for an amount of money that the lawyer described as the "go-away" money - but still substantially larger than the original property damage amount.

    My question: Either the Motor Vehicle Report or (I believe) the Loss History Report shows the amount paid out for the property damage claim. Will the settlement amount also show up here or only the original property damage claim?

    I'm in the process of quoting new insurance and I'm sure my rate would jump if the insurance companies could see the settlement amount.

    submitted by /u/buffalo442
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    Condo remodeling punctured a pipe before I purchased the unit

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I bought my first home a few months ago and I already have a claim on my hands.

    There was a leak from a copper pipe in the wall of my bathroom that was probably caused by one of the nail that was holding one of the baseboard. The copper pipe was running through a floor beam and the nail punctured it very close to the floor through the floor beam. This was all done prior to my purchase when the previous owner remodeled before selling.

    Somehow this started leaking only recently. The garage ceiling was starting dripping water all over the place. Called emergency plumber and they had to break the dry wall and the floor itself (below hardwood floor) to have enough room to repair the pipe.

    So the leak is fixed but I am wondering about the coverage of the repairs. I ended up paying $600 for an emergency late Sunday plumbing job. Also now my bathroom floor has a big hole as well as the wall, and I wonder if they will cover that as well. The total to repair all that is probably $3000-$5000.

    I was talking to AllState on the phone and they seemed to imply that fixing the leak was not covered, only the water damages. Is that really true?

    Is there a way to hold the previous contractor that did the remodel liable and defer some of the costs onto them? Is that a realistic option?

    I'd really appreciate other people experience or advise.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/k6box
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    Quick Claim Question

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    I was in an accident last month - my fault. My car was fine but the other had some damages (nothing crazy) and no injuries. I have a 100/300/100 liability coverage policy. Why would my insurance then ask me for another 1000? Shouldn't my 100k property damage cover the damages? (Obviously the damages were not remotely close to 100k)

    submitted by /u/aphilly02
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    First Time License Insurance

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    How exactly do I get insurance before I take my driving test? I'm in NC so I need proof of car insurance to get my license, but I havent found anywhere that would insure me without a license.

    submitted by /u/omfgreally1337
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    Buyer asking me to file roof claim?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    Originally posted on r/RealEstate, thought I'd post here too.

    Hey Reddit,

    I'm in the process of selling my home, and as part of the inspection addendum they are asking us to file a claim on the roof due to some supposed hail damage.

    Essentially what was explained to me is that if that a claim can be "processed and upheld" the deductible ($2000) will be split, and the roof is replaced. If there is no opportunity for a roof claim no new roof will be put on.

    This seems... weasel-y to me. Or at least it's setting off alarms. My insurance is replacement cost, so it should be straight up replacement costs sans deductible, my issue is with the writing of "processed and upheld". Are insurance claims that are denied still technically "processed and upheld"? I don't want to be on the hook for a new roof, and it absolutely is not pressing for me to move. I'm thinking of countering with a max out of pocket clause.

    submitted by /u/throwawayinsurance45
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    Getting first WC policy in NY, couple of questions.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Guys hi,

    As the title says i am getting first worker compensation (for tour guides) and have couple of questions:

    1 I am not 100% sure about payroll now. I assume it will be somewhere from $40K to $120K. Won't it have negative effect if i provide estimate as $40K and than at the end of the year it's $120K?

    Also What will happen if i will end up with payroll of $20K?

    2 As i understand i can purchase WC from private insurer via insurance broker or directly from the State Insurance Fund.

    Which is better? I assume that going directly with State Insurance Fund should be cheaper.

    3 When i get a quote, will there be written class code?

    Just want to make sure we are classified correctly. Cause reading this seems like there is a possibility of wrong classification. I tried to search codes myself here and see nothing for tour guides.

    4 We will work with walking tour guides and bicycle tour guides, obviously first one is safer than the second one.

    Will they be combined in one code? Or will it be separate codes and we will providing separate payroll estimate for each category?

    Sorry if some questions are too specific, i just want to know what to expect and what's the the best way to do it before i move forward with it.

    submitted by /u/1f1nas
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    Looking for Advise on Pain and Suffering Settlement.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    I live in the state of New York, a "no fault" state. In June of 2018 I was in an accident when another driver proceeded through an intersection where they had a stop sign and I did not and hit me on the driver's side. My car spun and the backend hit a utility pole. The car was totaled. I was on medication for a dvt in my left leg so I was brought to the hospital.

    My heart rate was high so they did a CT scan. The impact had caused multiple bi-lateral PE's. They did an x-ray of my shoulder for the pain. I had severe shoulder pain, and severe bruising on my breast, stomach, thigh, and knee as well as some smaller cuts and scrapes. My glasses were knocked off my face in the impact and scratched badly enough that I had to have them replaced. They kept me in the hospital for the remainder of the morning and afternoon and then a doctor recommended that I go to a different hospital to have a surgical mesh implanted so that I did not experience another PE. I was then transported via ambulance to a second hospital.

    They did not know whether they wanted to go through with the surgery so they wanted to observe me overnight and keep my on IV fluids only. The new hospital decided not to operate but to change my blood thinners and monitor me. They did more CT scans, x-rays, Ultrasounds, and blood testing. I stayed in the second hospital for three nights until they released me having changed my medicine, advised me on the dietary regulations for warfarin, sent my blood for testing, and taught my mom how to give me shots twice a day. They advised I follow up with hematology within two weeks but it ended up being over a month later before I could get an appointment.

    In the mean time I was out of work for a week. I did receive lost wages from my insurance. However, the stress that followed went beyond just missing work. I had to go to weekly or bi-weekly blood draws to check my INR which involved constantly changing my work schedule. Depending on those results my dosage of warfarin would change often between 5-8 mg daily and alternating dosages on certain days. The medicine made me cold, tired, and sweaty. The fluctuating INR and threat of another PE or clot was and still is a source of anxiety for me.

    I stopped the medicine in November at the recommendation of hematology and that in and of itself was stressful because they did not do any repeat scans at that time as I was told that with the factor five leiden and already having multiple PE's there would likely be permanent damage. Throughout my healing time I went to my primary doctor for multiple follow ups including concern with lingering bruises and pain that ended up being hematoma on my knee, breast, and foot as well as blood in my urine. I have also recently had follow up appointments and ultrasounds to check for clots because of the fear that any pain is another clot.

    All in all this was a lot of anxiety and stress for me to have at the age of 25. It is still a source of anxiety to have to drive through the intersection where the accident happened twice a day just to travel to and from work. We have been in contact regarding pain and suffering payment but I was thrown off guard when they asked how much I want because I don't know how to put value to what I experienced.

    submitted by /u/tmarie702
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    Someone crashed into my parked car and left a note. I reported to insurance. What to do now?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Hi guys. So basically, I financed a Sentra in 2015 (that I haven't fully paid off yet). I kept it in great condition; never any accidents or problems. Till Tuesday (of last week)...

    I had my car parked outside Rite Aid. Some lady with a truck crashed into it, wrote a note, and left. When I found out, I contacted the police. Since it was on private property, they didn't write a report. I called my insurance and had the car towed. At first, they were gonna salvage it at some place at the Bay Area, but now they said it's fixable, so they said they would send it to a nearby body shop.

    So far, the repair shop hasn't received it, and it's been 5+ days, which infuriated me. I contacted my insurance (Mercury), but my adjuster hasn't been picking up (on Friday nor today; left a message during normal business hours- no response). I also called the truck driver's insurance (USAA). They said they would pay the deductible and would pay for our rental car (since we don't have any other vehicle), BUT we can only get a rental once the car actually reaches the body shop and the repairs are being worked on (which makes sense, but I have no flipping idea where the frick my car is lost right now).

    Anyways, the biggest concern for me is that the damage is pretty big. The lady basically destroyed a portion of the front bumper. When I first saw it, I noticed that there was damage to some of the internal components as well. The problem is that I had a car in GREAT CONDITION. I don't wanna face any problems in the future due to this accident. I don't even wanna drive my car now that it's damaged this bad, because I don't trust it will be the same. Pictures: https://imgur.com/RUA3ch5 https://imgur.com/ZPawuZr

    I still have to pay off $10,000, and I don't feel comfortable doing this now. This damage was 100% the lady's fault.

    submitted by /u/Hammad80
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    Medi-Cal (Alameda County) Custodial Care Reimbursement?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I'll try to keep this brief but, with as much context as possible without boring you to death.

    My wife and I handle care for my father. He's 66 years old and disabled (has been since I was an infant) with Multiple Sclerosis and Diabetes. He's always been on Medicare since he's been disabled and receives ssi. Just this year we finally got him approved for Medi-Cal with a share of cost.

    He currently resides in a board and care facility near where we live and it costs us $3,500 monthly out of pocket. He pays a portion of it and the other portion is currently handled by another family member.

    What we're trying to find out (and not having much luck in doing so) is, if, there is a way to reimburse a portion of that custodial care through Medi-Cal? We understand Medi-Cal will cover long term care but, our understanding of long term care is more of living permanently in a skilled nursing facility which he doesn't really need. His needs are more help with mobility (maybe somewhat of a skilled service with physical therapy), dressing, bathroom routines, medication, bathing etc.

    Does anyone have any experience with this particular kind of setup? Are we just SOL? Just kind of trying to decide where we need to spend our effort to maximize what we can do for him. Thank you all for any help and suggestions. Truly a frustrating situation for us.

    submitted by /u/decisive_dad
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    Should I contact my insurance company after backing into dumpster?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    I'm in Utah and I backed into our apartment complex's dumpster. Rear of the car (I think it's called the rear bumper?) now has a hole in it. I plan on getting a repair quote once the repair place opens, but I don't know if I should contact my insurance company about it. I can pay out of pocket.

    Would premiums go up even if I don't file a claim? Will they know about the accident even if I don't tell them simply by getting it repaired where I've previously gotten the car repaired with a not-at-fault claim? I want to ask them wether or not I should file a claim, but they're not exactly an unbiased party.

    submitted by /u/testingreddit777
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