• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 2, 2019

    At-fault Insurance denying rental car Insurance

    At-fault Insurance denying rental car Insurance

    At-fault Insurance denying rental car

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 03:33 AM PST

    I was in a domino accident where the at-fault driver rear ended the car behind me, which then hit me, then I hit the person in front of me. The three of us were stopped in traffic when we were hit and fault was quickly determined. My vehicle was a total loss.

    But now, the insurance company is denying me a rental car, saying that they are not responsible for it. They told me it would months before I see reimbursement, and I told them that I have no choice but to get a rental. They again refused to pay for a single day of rental and told me that any receipts submitted for a rental will be deducted from the cars value. Essentially, I would be paying for the rental myself with reimbursement funds from my totaled car.

    Are these all lies? Are they responsible for getting me into a rental vehicle?


    submitted by /u/SkiZer0
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    Liberty Mutual Phone Interview Help? (Inside Property Claims Adjuster position)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:33 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I posted here the other day asking for help with getting an interview with Liberty Mutual (LM). Well, I was definitely helped, and now I have a phone interview with them on Weds, for an inside property claims adjuster position.

    I was wondering if anyone here had recently done a phone interview with them, for a claims position?

    any insight you could provide as to what I should expect or how I could prepare would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/blondesellery
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    Police chase ended in rental car driver smashing my 2 vehicles and fled.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 02:20 AM PST

    I used to be a P&C agent and I have forgotten almost everything about car inaurance.

    Earlier tonight at 9pm, police chased a guy in a rental car into my back yard and the driver slammed into my old trailer and into my tahoe which in turn hit my truck. My husband has been repairing the vehicles as they are out of commission so I do not carry coverage on them while they sit.

    Driver fled and is still at large. It was a rental car with Oklahoma plates. I am in Arkansas. Police ran the tags and have the name of the suspect and are confident they would pick him up soon as he ran right out of his shoes and left them in my yard!

    OK my question is: other than picking up the police report Monday, do I contact the rental company first to find out what if any policy they had on the driver or if the driver may carry a policy on another car.

    As a side note, I had just had a guy offer to buy my stinking tahoe for $1500 and obviously I can't sell it now. How bout them apples!

    Is that correct? I really appreciate any advice. I loved being an agent, I hated commercial trucking insurance with a passion. Thank you anyone!

    Ps. Sorry if I ramble, it is 4:30am and I must be in a bit of shock because I'm so shaky and nervous. I was about 15 feet away from the crash and thought it was gunshots because of how loud it was.

    submitted by /u/hoots76
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    How much auto insurance coverage do you carry?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:16 PM PST

    Hello All,

    I have not changed my auto insurance selections since I was a poor student years and years ago. At that time, I elected for the bare minimum allowable and rejected uninsured motorist coverage. I have not been in an accident involving someone else ever and have generally been fairly lucky as far as car things go. I've managed my insurance completely online through my insurance company's website and have never had an insurance agent.

    I recently bought a new house and as I started to look to bundle home owners insurance as well, and talked with an insurance agent. He freaked out about my coverage and started to freak me out as well about how little coverage I have. He told me to get 250K/500K coverage, but I told him that I don't want to go over 100K/300K. But now, I am freaked out as well. I have no idea how much is a normal amount of auto insurance coverage that people get.


    submitted by /u/as3jul
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    Why is car insurance in Michigan so much more expensive than Ohio?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 03:11 PM PST

    So I was looking at the data, and it seems that Ohio and Michigan have very similar stats in terms of accidents and vehicular deaths per capita.

    And yet Michigan has the most expensive insurance premiums in the country, and Ohio has the least expensive. Michigan also is a "no-fault" state, which the insurance companies claim is supposed to drive costs down.

    So what is going on here?

    submitted by /u/officeDrone87
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    EMS messed up and did not submit their claim to my insurance company on time. Because of this, they say I’m on the hook for the entire ambulance bill.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:11 AM PST

    So, I went into to cardiac arrest in December of 2017. In the ambulance, they asked my girlfriend if the address on my license was accurate. She told them it wasn't, and that my address was the one they'd picked my up at (I had moved in with her). Turns out, they used my old address anyway, and were unable to contact me for nearly a year. Being unable to contact me, they were not able to get my insurance info to submit the claim on time. Since the claim was not submitted timely, my insurance will not pay it. EMS says now I'm responsible.

    I didn't find out about this until I got a bill from the EMS collections dept late last year (who of course had all the correct contact info). Do I have any recourse? My insurance says they're not paying due to late submission, and EMS doesn't care, they just want to get paid so they're coming after me. I don't want to be on the hook for nearly $2,000 because of a clerical error.

    This is in Austin, Texas. Travis County EMS.

    submitted by /u/RockMeIshmael
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    Question about wording of my policy

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 11:54 PM PST

    So, my policy with State Farm says the following:

    We will pay the cost to repair or replace property covered under SECTION I – PROPERTY COVERAGES, COVERAGE B – PERSONAL PROPERTY, except for property listed in item b. below, subject to the following: (1) until repair or replacement is completed, we will pay only the actual cash value of the damaged property; (2) after repair or replacement is completed, we will pay the difference between the actual cash value and the cost you have actually and necessarily spent to repair or replace the property; and (3) if property is not repaired or replaced within two years after the date of loss, we will pay only the actual cash value.

    So does this mean that if, say, my house were to burn down in a fire tomorrow, that they would first determine actual cash value of my property, pay out, then I'd go out and purchase the items to replace what I lost, and then submit receipts and they'd make another payment?

    For example, my laptop. If I purchased it for $2,500, and they assessed the actual cash value as $2,100, and I went and bought the same laptop for $2,500, they would make an additional payment for $400?

    Totally just a curious question from picking through my policy. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/haydenj96
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    My insurance gave approval for an injection I need and so the doctor wrote a prescription to the pharmacy, but the pharmacy won’t let me pick it up because it’s soemthign the doctor needs to give me.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:42 AM PST

    I need an injection for my knee and the one I need the doctors office doesn't care. After a long process the insurance finally approved it so the doctor wrote a prescription so that I could get the injection and then bring it to his office so that he could provide me with it since it's not something he carries in his office. However, the pharmacy is saying they're not allowed to release it to me since it's soemyhing that needs to be admisnited by a doctor, even though I'd be taking it to the doctors office. It's a very expensive injection that required pre-authroization, so it's already been such a hassle. What can be done at this point? I really need it.

    submitted by /u/02202017
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    Elderly visitor from Europe

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:18 PM PST

    My father in law is visiting, USA NC, from Portugal and he is not in the best health. He is retired. Tonight we had a scare in which he almost choked but i managed to help him dislodge the obstruction in time and we all went home safely. This got me thinking about health insurance. Should i get a plan for his stay with us? Would his health benefits in his home country cover care here in the us? I appreciate any and all advice.

    submitted by /u/vasquca1
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    Diminished value claim

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:09 PM PST

    Was hoping someone can point me in the direction of a proper diminished value calculator, or one of those company's that write it up for you. Geico is being rather difficult with this, and wants documentation to support my claim. I have no idea what kind of documentation they want and neither will they tell me.

    submitted by /u/Spetnaut
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    How can I get the best discount from RightTrack?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:06 PM PST

    I recently got Liberty Mutual insurance, and they offered me to enroll in the Safeco RightTrack program. Seems like it is a window-mounted GPS tracker (maybe accelerometer?) that sends data over my phone's liberty mutual app, and based on my driving, I get between 5% and 20% discount.

    Now, Immediately I am suspicious because how hard I accelerate/brake says nothing about how good my driving is, and I will probably accelerate/brake a lot entering and exiting the freeway.

    I was wondering what suggestions anyone has on how to game the most out of these trackers. Can I put them on when I am going to the local store, but take them off when I need to use the freeway? Can I just stop using them when I reach the minimum 125 miles and just wait out the remaining days? I've been reading a lot of reports how these trackers will severely drop your discount for even one incident, so I want to try to avoid even a single incident if possible.

    submitted by /u/10art1
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    Am I stuck paying for bloodwork ran an another lab?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:09 AM PST

    Hey guys and thanks in advance for your help. I feel like an idiot because I know this is partly my fault for not reading the fine print of my insurance. Currently I have a blueselect plan through BCBS in Florida. Anyways, I went to the doctor a couple of moths ago for a routine checkup. At that time I had some blood work done. Anyways there is quest and labcorp labs around me. I didn't think much of it because the nurse practitioner talked about each one. Anyway to get to the point, I went to labcorp. Well I just got a bill for $1100 for blood work that is out-of-network according to BCBS and they are not going to pay anything because my plan has a large out of network deductible. I bought me a little more time becuase I guess they never received the bill but the ladies at both places said it wouldn't be covered. The lady at labcorp did offer a 40% discount so I end up paying 600. How should I approach this or just suck it up and learn a $600 lesson.

    submitted by /u/ciscovet
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    Best general liability insurance provider for a landscaping company?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:32 PM PST

    Just started my landscaping company that does outdoor hardscapes. Was wondering where to purchase insurance to protect myself from accidents like damaging owners property?

    submitted by /u/juanvaca394
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    Car hit last year about 9 months ago. Since then I can't keep my battery charged. I suspect some wiring issue where the damage was. How to proceed?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Hello fellow Redditors! Thanks in advance for hearing my plea. This might be a bit of a long one but I promise my rambling has a point.

    Last June my car was hit while parked. Damage was to the rear driver side. Bumper cover, taillights, quarter panel etc. Its a 2008 Honda Fit if that matters, and I live in Maine. I'll have owned the car for 2 years now at the end of May.

    Thankfully the at-fault driver stopped and was already on the phone with the cops by the time I ran outside to see what had happened. I made a claim with my insurance and paid my deductible. It was fixed and they were reimbursed by the other party's insurance. I got my deductible back etc.

    At the time I had a job 3 towns over so I was driving an hour or more a day, enough to keep the battery charged. In August I switched jobs to one right up the street so I don't drive it nearly as much. Anyway once I stopped driving so much I started having battery issues. The battery will die if I don't run the car every day. In September I replaced the battery which was only 16 months old. Then I replaced it again (under warranty) in December. Now it has started dying again.

    It has become clear now that my newest battery has failed that there is something wrong that is draining it. My mechanic and I suspect some wiring issue where the car was damaged, but at this point its all speculation. We haven't been able to prove it.

    My question is this: should I call my insurance company and explain this to them? I used their preferred body shop and I legitimately feel like they did faulty repair work. It has been 9 months since the crash so I don't know what they will say. Diagnosing electrical issues can be like finding a needle in a haystack so is it realistic to think they will help?

    Any advice would be great, thanks again folks! Happy March!

    submitted by /u/This_Name_Defines_Me
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    Third-party insurance company refuses to comply with attorney

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 04:24 PM PST

    After my accident I tried to settle with the third-party insurance company, initially they were complying but the other driver told them that we collided as I was entering the parking lot. We actually collided on the street, after she turned out of the parking lot and didn't see me. The long and short of it is that I hired an attorney who tried to get a hold of the adjuster several times, the adjuster is now being really on cooperative and she says that she's not gonna share any details of their findings from their investigation. I'm starting to lose a little bit of faith in my attorneys, so I'm wondering if she has the rights or the power to demand or retrieve some of those records? You would think that if I file a claim with the other insurance company that I have the right to see you at least the findings of their investigation?

    My attorney says that all that is left for us to do is to file the lawsuit against the other driver. I'm wondering if I even need an attorney for that at all.

    submitted by /u/shaylafor
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    How much should I expect to pay for auto insurance monthly as a new driver?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 03:41 PM PST

    I'm 18 and about to get my license (I never took a drivers Ed class just studied for my permit and an practicing with my parents driving...

    I live in Massachusetts

    How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? I have a retail job and work about 20-30 hours a week

    Which insurance companies would be cheapest for a new driver?

    submitted by /u/daisy2689
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    In a car accident almost a year ago, don't know what can or cannot be factored in.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 03:13 PM PST

    I don't know if this is the right subreddit to ask but here it goes.

    Last March I was rear-ended while driving home from a work meetup. I was hit by a semi and spun around on the side of the road, thankfully nobody was very seriously injured. The truck did not stop and we never found who it was so my claim was uninsured motorist. The injuries that resulted were extreme wrist pain and loss of strength. I also have some anxiety that is still here today. My car was also totaled and I lost 2 weeks of work and had to go to part time so that I could make enough time for school as it was a lot harder to write and type.

    My question is: How should I calculate the amount I should ask for when settling?

    I don't know if this is considered when settling but:

    - I am going to college for programming and I still have bad pain after typing for even an hour.

    - I ended up failing a class because I physically could not do the work.

    - I don't need surgery as of now but could in the next 5 years.

    - I did as much physical therapy as I could but in the end I will always have to do exercises at home.

    Also, I have seen the multiply by 3 but I don't know if I should include my medical expenses as Geico paid them all in full already.

    I'm in WV as well, any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/hollow_glass_dildo
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    Progressive auto insurance claim questions.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Hey guys, just looking for a little insight.

    I got rear ended on 2/6/19. I initially pulled over since we were in the right lane. Well the guy jumps in the left lane and takes off. I saw him split traffic and take the first exit so I decided to go ahead and take the exit to see if I could find him. Well he got caught the next red light from the exit and saw me pull up behind him. So he decides to finally pull over(2 miles away from the crash), mean while I have already called the cops and told them he took off. I called the trooper back to let them know he pulled over and our location. After going back and forth with this guy getting his information (he only wanted to give me his ID info at first) I finally got his insurance information and told him the police were on the way. He kept insisting that he had to leave even though I had told him several times the police were coming. So he takes off, I give my statement to the cops and I leave.

    The next day, I give my statement and was told they are waiting to get his.

    Fast forward a week. I can't get ahold of the insurance adjuster. 2-3 days go by and complete silence. I finally call Progressive customer service and they say they will get ahold of her and have her call me. She finally does and the guy that hit me has been dodging his insurance company. And I've been told that there is no deadline to closing the claim if they can't get ahold of him. So I let it be for about 2 more weeks.

    Finally able to hear from the adjuster and she has said that the other guy is saying I slammed on my brakes causing him to hit me and they are investigating it. Totally understand, but the police report has been out for a week or so now and I'm still stuck in the same spot. What more could they be doing? I was rear-ended, the guy left the crash scene and left the other scene where he pulled over before the cops came.

    is there a certain timeline they have to complete an investigation by? Or settle the claim? Or am I at the mercy of their hands? I don't want to make the insurance adjuster more pissed off at me for bugging her than I already have.

    I'm in Minnesota if that helps. It's about to be a month since all this happened and everyone I talk to is saying that this is taking longer than usual.

    Looking for any help or insight on how to proceed. (Sorry for any typos, as I'm typing on my mobile.)

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/M3nace2Society
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    Cycling accident and liability

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Hi I wanted to get some other perspectives on a cycling accident I had a while back, which my solicitors decided not to run due to low prospects of success.

    Essentially I was cycling home in peak hour traffic. The car in front of me had crashed into the rear of another car, which had stopped quite suddenly in the line of traffic as the driver thought a van was going to pull out, which it didn't.

    As the car in front of me had crashed, and I had no idea the other car in front of it was stopping (I only realised after seeing video footage from a CCTV operating locally), I didn't manage to brake in time and crashed into the rear window of the second car, sustaining facial injuries and broken teeth.

    Now I understand typically a car that hits another in a rear is 'always' held at fault, but I don't feel my solicitors took heed of case law such as Foster v Maguire & Irwell, where a cyclist riding head down who hit a parked van and trailer in the cycle lane was held to be 70% at fault rather than 100%, showing that courts tend to be more sympathetic to cyclists.

    submitted by /u/fllegend
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    Truck hit by 2 different people while parked

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:25 AM PST

    My truck was parked on the street and hit by 2 different people during some icy weather. Both were nice enough to leave info. 2 different insurance companies are sending adjusters to look at the truck next week. I feel that they are going to blame each others client for the damages.

    There is a hit from the rear quarter panel that made me hit the car in front of me. The other hit me and the car parked in front of me. My front drivers quarter panel and his rear drivers. There is bumper damage and paint on my tire. One of the companies stated over the phone they wouldn't pay for the front. "Its the other drivers fault". No police report was filed.

    Should I go and get repair quotes before they arrive? Any advice to make sure everything goes smoothly. I've read that you can negotiate, but I'm not certain in this case.

    Also, the truck is an old 97 Mazda and not worth much monetarily.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Teachjzy
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    Driver falsely claiming I totaled her car when there was hardly one scratch! Help!! Best way to fight this??

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Hey guys, first time poster here. Any help is appreciated, I'm so beyond baffled right now and I really don't know what to do. Three months ago I was in rush hour morning traffic. The light was red, so everyone was at a full stop. Light turns green, everyone starts moving, including the car in front of me—then all of a sudden stops short. I tried to stop in time but just couldn't make it. We were not going more than 5mph, so I ended up gently tapping the car in front of me. To my surprise, the driver got out, holding her neck, and wouldn't speak a word to me other than to say "Can you call the police?" Okay, fine. I called, cop came—he seemed as confused as I was that we even called. He advised me to take pictures, which I did), and he wrote up a report—he thinks he can see a scratch on her car and that's it. He says "I highly doubt you guys will call this in but if you do I have the report". She had pre-existing damage to her car—a clear dent in the back but she admitted to the cop that it was previously done. The whole time though, she's holding her neck and saying something about maybe going to the hospital. She called her husband to come by as well. This definitely got me worried as it was a clear red flag. Look—if I believed for one second that I had hit her hard enough that she could've been hurt or that her car got damaged I'd have no issue in paying, but—it was a tap, I hardly felt it, less than 5mph, a scratch that can be buffed out...there's just no way. The cop seemed to be rolling his eyes most of the time at the absurdity of it all, and again advised I take pictures.

    Now she is claiming her car is totaled. My insurance is going to go through the roof and I honestly can't pay it. Beyond that, principally that someone would do this just makes my blood boil, and it's so disheartening. What is my best course of action here?? What can I say to the claims adjuster? Things I should not say? Things I should?? Any help is appreciated!!

    My husband just had major surgery this week and this is causing him so much extra stress. I just want to make it better, but I really have never fought an insurance claim before. Help, Reddit!!

    submitted by /u/herecomesthesonny
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    Insurance is going to stop paying for the rental on Monday.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:39 AM PST

    I was on a mini vacation driving from Texas to Colorado. I was in a accident in the new Mexico Colorado border on January 17th. The other driver was at fault and The car wasn't drivable so I got a rental and have been in one since. The insurance company called the body shop yesterday and they were told that the car wouldn't be done until the end of next week and they let me know they would cover the rental up till Monday and I had to contact the body shop myself to see if they would cover the rest of the rental.

    Do they have to continue covering the rental or am I supposed to pay for the rest of it? Btw I'm going to have to drive back to Colorado to pick up my car once it's fixed

    submitted by /u/Moii_
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    Term Life Insurance - Statefarm or TIAA

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Hi folks,

    I got 30 year term life quote from StateFarm and TIAA. Statefarm is about $160 more year over TIAA. Over 30 years which is about $4800. Wondering if there is a big difference between the two companies or they are pretty much the same? Appreciate any suggestions.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,


    submitted by /u/marklarisunique
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    How policy dividends work?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:31 AM PST

    When someone says they got a wl policy with a 4% dividend... 4% of what? The face value of the policy? It can't be that... Just a little confused

    submitted by /u/yournextstorenayber
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    Question about changing primary address on insurance...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 11:33 AM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    I guess my question is actually two-fold.

    1. I am moving to a new address in Canada; does anyone have experience changing their address for auto-insurance - specifically DesJardins (from Ontario)? If so, or regardless of the company, how painful is this process? Was it online only? I have horrible anxiety with phone calls.

    2. What - if any - suppporting documentation is required for this change? I have heard that in some cases, they might ask for bills, but i don't have any just yet.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/gorzbk
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