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    Thursday, December 20, 2018

    Do you think yelp removes your reviews after you refuse to buy their advertising? small business

    Do you think yelp removes your reviews after you refuse to buy their advertising? small business

    Do you think yelp removes your reviews after you refuse to buy their advertising?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 02:33 PM PST

    I have a new small business that opened about 4 months ago. My business had 6 reviews before I bought yelp's PPC advertising. After 3 weeks I canceled the advertising because it had a negative ROI. My PPC cost was $6-7. Absolutely outrageous and no way to set a bid limit. So I canceled it. Now I have 0 reviews. They have all disappeared. Has this happened to anyone else here? What is going on?

    submitted by /u/MyCatLikesAcid
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    Not looking for advice, but here’s a little story about the first business I started up being bullied(?) by a larger company

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 01:50 AM PST

    So when I was about 18 I started up a website called goseelivemusic.co (since the .com was like $4000 or some stupid shit like that). Anyways, we cover music news and what not. Let's me go cover festivals and concerts, so that's cool.

    Anyways, we got a letter in our inbox one day from a much bigger and more established music site, saying that we were infringing on their trademarked tagline, "Go See Live Music". Keep in mind, this was not their company name, it was not their domain name, it was only their tagline.

    Their letter told us to stop using their trademark immediately in any way (this meant completely changing the domain and rebranding completely...) or else blah blah blah.

    First off, they had let that copyright expire several years ago, but more than that, I felt like it was dumb as hell that some one could keep other people from using a 4 word phrase that just tells people to go do something...so we hit up a lawyer friend and got his advice. He ended up writing that company back for us saying, "nah we're good" in a much more fancy way, lol. We thought that would be pretty much the end of it, since our lawyer friend didn't think they had a good chance at winning in court and it would be expensive to try.

    Well, fast forward a few months down the line, and I saw that our traffic had dropped off by about 50%. I came to find that, rather than paying the court costs to fight for their trademark, they had spent $4000 (which we definitely did not have) to buy the "official" version, of our domain—goseelivemusic.com—and routed it back to their own domain. Probably because they knew their claim was full of shit.

    Our traffic hasn't really ever recovered, but I've moved on from that venture so no worries. Not sure if this experience can help anyone in the future, but I guess just be aware of something like this being an option for a competitor to do to you. It's not like we could have really prevented this, since we never had that kind of budget in the first place, so just be aware of this happening down the road if you step on the toes of anyone with money...

    submitted by /u/emurrell17
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    Is a domain name with a "-" in it a bad idea?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 08:12 AM PST

    I have a wildlife photography side-business called Grey Ghost Nature Photography. For a year now I've been waiting for my desired domain name (greyghost.ca) to finally expire. It had been linking to a dead page and the registration was set to expire today, but of course some domain reseller snapped it up right away. My business is just a side-business and it is not worth trying to buy the domain from the reseller at all.

    As a result, I settled for grey-ghost.ca instead. I think it's still a pretty good domain name compared to what I have now, and I think it's much better than if I had gotten greyghost with one of those obscure suffixes like .photo that a lot of people will have trouble with.

    Before I go about transferring my website and printing new stationary I wanted to get feedback though. Do you think having the dash in the name is going to cause me problems? It doesn't really roll off the tongue when I have to tell someone what the domain is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/GreyGhostPhoto
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    What is the best software for finding leads/prospects and let's me email or leave a voicemail in bulk?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 11:25 PM PST

    What is the best free and paid software for finding leads/prospects that fit a certain profile and also emails or drops a voicemail in their voice mailbox in bulk? For example, if I want to contact all dentists in my area that are using Yelp advertising and there's 100 of them. What is the best software currently on the market that will let me drop them an email or a voicemail in bulk, all at once without me having to manually do it one by one.

    submitted by /u/ghostzfh
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    Started an LLC, how do I pay myself?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 11:15 AM PST

    (Posting here; previously posted on the wrong sub)

    Apologies in advance if this is a redundant post, but Google and a quick reddit search both yield a smattering of different, sometimes contradictory results.

    I started an LLC in NY -- I am the sole member, and we are officially classed as an S-Corp for tax purposes. After a few months of consistent freelancing, I'm finally starting to see the business bank account fill up with money (yay!).

    My issue: how do I actually pay myself?

    Do I write myself a check? Do I need to supply a W2 as me (the individual) to me (my company)? I don't want to start just transferring money from the business bank account to my personal account. That seems wrong. But is it that easy?

    EDIT: thank you all! Some good ideas here. Not sure if a payroll company is right for me; I'm gonna try my luck with Quickbooks and deductions.

    submitted by /u/The_Goddamn_Grimace
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    Customer across the Atlantic not happy. Advice?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 01:13 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I am based in the UK and make wooden martial arts equipment. I recently sold an item (eku - looks just like a long oar for a rowing boat) to a customer in the USA, however he is not entirely happy with it.

    The item is for his 14 year old son, and he thinks the handle is too thick for his sons hands.

    Now the handle is a little thick, however I designed it to be this way for practical reasons and I don't believe it is too thick for a 14 year old. Ultimately this is all a matter of opinion as there is no true standard for what this should look like.

    I have explained my reasons to him, and asked him to give it to his son (Christmas present) and let me know how he gets on with it.

    I know customer happiness is very important, but the postage on this was £50, (item cost is £130 - £50 materials, £80 for time/workshop/tax) so to replace it is going to leave me down.

    How would you advise me to proceed? Chris

    submitted by /u/An_aminal
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    Starting a Coffee Roasting business

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 02:16 PM PST

    Hi, I'm looking to start a new Coffee Roasting business and I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for resources. I'm ambitiously starting from scratch here, financially and in the field of coffee roasting. This sounds crazy being the first time I've actually written that down in writing, but onward none the less. I've had a lot of passion for coffee from as long as I can remember, and keep coming back to this idea of owning a coffee roasting business. I'm 32 and have an expecting wife and two year old at home. I work full time, but I need a change and I'm motivated to make this happen. Whatever advice you have, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jbobmke
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    Copyright Registration

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 11:56 PM PST

    "Copyright is a well recognized form of property right. Copyright as the name suggests arose as an exclusive right of the author to copy the literature produced by him and stop others from doing so."

    submitted by /u/Artinstiz9560
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    Switching away from plastic straws for restaurants/bars?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 11:52 PM PST

    I was wondering how small businesses; bars, restaurants, cafés are generally dealing with this #ditchthestraw movement.

    Plastic straws are really cheap, and the next cheapest ones are paper straws, which still cost about 4x more. Besides, they aren't quite as good at their job, since well, paper.

    Is it worth the switch to say bamboo or stainless steel for that matter? How are you all coping with that? Or are you just going to wait until you have absolutely no choice, i.e. a ban is enforced in your city.

    I recently opened a small store selling eco-friendly straws only and was wondering what the small business owners think. If you PM me, I'll send you the link. Not going shameless plug atm. Although I'd love some feedback.

    submitted by /u/mafmaafmaaaf
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    Trying to think outside the box (food startup looking for a kitchen)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:59 PM PST

    I am looking to start a food business in Florida. Working with frying meats, so It is not covered by the state's "cottage" laws. That's fine. That just means that I have to use a commercial kitchen to make my food. No problem.

    The issue I'm running into is that there seems to be NO commercial kitchens in the whole wide Tampa Bay Area that has a deep fryer.

    I have a specific type of oil that I use. So anywhere I go, I'd have to empty their oil, clean the fryer, refill with my oil, cook, then let cool, empty my oil, clean and refill with their oil. Okay. A pain, but still doable. I've even offered to buy my own fryer to keep at the kitchens. No deal. Apparently most do not have the vents and fire suppression needed, etc...

    I was thinking next of maybe renting time from a food truck. But that's when I get a touch paranoid. I don't know where else to look.

    Can anyone help me think outside the box about this problem?

    submitted by /u/g33k0u7
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    Any experiences with Shopventory and Shopify + Shopify POS (or Square)?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 09:38 PM PST

    We're considering leaving Square POS for Shopify POS + Shopventory .

    We've been on square since day 1. But honestly feel we've outgrown them with 6 locations and 6k skus in brick and mortar. Creating SKUs is sloooowwwwwww and painful. No variant photos etc.

    Shopify POS seems to do a few things that plug some long standing holes on the front end for us. namely barcode printing from the POS, schedule-able promos, and Discount codes. It would also unifies our ecom and POS solutions oh so elegantly.

    HOWEVER they have some pretty major gaps on the back end. Ex: You can't transfer items between locations. You can only manually adjust quantities up/down. Square is poor at transfers, but Shopify is non-existant.

    It's really clear I need some sort of ERP / Product Management to backstop Shopify. Shopventory looks promising, but I've also been eyeballing Netsuite (however they have some pretty scary reviews).

    Any feedback at all on shopventory especially wrt to these channels would be much appreciated.

    P.S. If you have facebook, amazon, and instagram market places integrated I'd love to hear about that workflow also.

    submitted by /u/ThroughTheEsses
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    Website name / recommendation

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 08:46 PM PST

    I have 3 ideas for a name for my website / future buisness that I'm almost ready to publish: Intern-zone.com (internzone.com not available) Intern99.com 99intern.com

    The site looks to provide internship information as well as prep for getting these positions.

    Which one of these seems best? I've been trying to decided for the last several months while I build my site, but can decide.

    If you have a better suggestion let me know also since I'm almost at release but dont know what to call my site.

    submitted by /u/AVGunner
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    Collecting out-of-state sales tax for California - how to minimize the hassle?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 10:58 AM PST

    This week we got a notice that as of 4/2019 we'll need to collect and remit sales tax for California, even though we do not have a nexus of business there.

    A quick glance shows more than a dozen different tax rates by county - anyone have tips/tricks for making this suck less?

    We have a website that uses WooCommerce, and we also ship to a number of clients throughout California who order via phone/email/PO. We keep track of everything with Quickbooks Pro.

    submitted by /u/lilyboop
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    Real time progress tracking question.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 12:13 PM PST

    I run a machine shop that specializes in low-volume, low-repeat, quick turn jobs. Some of our jobs move through the shop in a matter of hours from stock prep through inspection and shipping. Other jobs require several weeks to complete and have many components in various phases at any given point. Needless to say, knowing what thing is where and what's happening to it is an absolute nightmare. As of right now, progress tracking is done by manual entries made on a spreadsheet and the data collection/entry accounts for a great deal of administrative time.

    We put so much effort into keeping track of everything because of the nature of out business and our customers may want to know what their order is doing at any moment (Usually they have technicians scheduled for the day after one of our projects complete so being late is a very expensive idea).

    So, getting to my question, is there any software out there that can help with this but not add hours of informational overhead to each job? Essentially, I just need to know which of my employees have touched a given job last, when they picked it up, and when they're done with it.

    Commercially available ERP software requires way too much information to set up a project just to get the job tracking to work and it's wildly expensive for all the more we want it to do. Barcode software Was an option I looked into but those are more inventory management type things that focus on how many you have vs how many are going out and for us, we take in raw material and make it into a slew of different things and most inventory management softwares get really confused by that.

    Those where the obvious places to start but now I'm out of ideas for the most part.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/nonamesareavailable2
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    Selling Small Business - Help on Expected Tax Loss

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 06:59 PM PST


    I am selling my small business to my current business partner and will be taking one payment up front for the business. It looks like we're going to miss this year by just a couple of weeks due to waiting for his loan to come through for the buy out. This means I'm going to be going into next year with this lump sum and no other job or income.

    Is there a way I can go about getting an idea of what my expected taxes will be on just that amount? Will I be expected to pay a full 35% plus capital gains, making my buyout significantly less than expected, or should I be anticipating something smaller than that?

    My worry is that I'm going to lose half of my buyout, essentially nullifying so much of the effort and existing assets in the business and walking away with something meager.

    submitted by /u/BranWheatKillah
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    Do you use Fuel Cards/ Fleet Cards for your employees?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 12:52 PM PST

    I wanted to know if there are any small business owners who have used Fuel Cards/ Fleet Cards for their employees' work travel expenses. Just looking to see if they have been effective for folks.

    submitted by /u/SBMKevin
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    Hired Freelancer to build simple app and now unresponsive. I want to do it in house.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 07:28 AM PST

    I hired a free lancer to build a simple form submission app (22 fields) with some minor conditional logic(if optionA selected, we wouldn't need certain fields on the next page) for $500 (cheap). It's been six months of frustration, and she wasn't responsive for 22 days until 2.30AM asking for a $50 bonus. I didn't stay on top of this job, like I should have but did respond with in 2 days to her emails. It's not about the money, it's about having to wait 22 days to receive a response.

    I have the nearly completed .png file and want to complete it in house so we can update/edit the app as required. Literally just need to change letters to capital case. Is there a relatively cheap app builder software that I can upload a .apk file and complete this in house. App needs to posted on Android and Apple marketplace.

    submitted by /u/NoIdeaHowToHobby
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    What's the ISSUE?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:31 PM PST

    Got a business?

    What type of things do you struggle with?

    submitted by /u/AZEdgeTech
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    Delaware LLC question about dissolving.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 07:42 AM PST

    They are saying I need to pay franchise tax & a $200 cancellation fee. Dissolving can often be a result of a business failing, as in my case. The business does not have $500 to pay all this. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/imabadfish
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    [Partner] Looking to Partner with Web Designers and Developers

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:18 PM PST


    I am looking for web design / development freelancers, companies, etc. to partner with my company. I believe that I can grow my customer base and in return I can help you grow yours as well by teaming up with other companies. If interested in finding out more and taking advantage of this opportunity, please leave a comment below or private message me. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/WPICompany
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    Organization tips for a paperwork intensive business?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:06 PM PST

    Hello fellow small businessers, My dad's business has experienced quite a bit of growth over the last year but the paperwork has started to drown our family. Business receipts, invoices, design's, customer info, sign-off sheets are becoming too cumbersome to manually sort and archive so I have taken it upon myself to create a job for myself and organize his business.

    Receipts often go months without being logged/recorded and folders are disorganized and not all in 1 central location. Is it there an easy way to scan all of these documents and receipts and keep them organized in a way that my computer illiterate parents can understand? Are dedicated receipt scanners worth it or is the biggest challenge just spending 1 day a week to organize?

    submitted by /u/Big_Booty_Pics
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    LLC help

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:05 PM PST

    I'm starting a counseling private practice LLC with another counselor. How do we pay ourselves? Is there anything to be aware of?

    submitted by /u/littleGnomeStation
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    Web designer vs web developer

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 08:19 AM PST

    What would you say is the difference between a web designer and a developer?

    submitted by /u/nrbookit
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    ACH payments

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 03:25 PM PST

    So I am a new business (started in 2017) and want to offer the ability for clients to pay me via ACH. The only option I've found is QuickBooks and they take forever. My current bank will only offer it to clients who have been open for 2 years. Stripe and Veemo require client to verify their account with two small deposits prior to originating a payment. Anyone out there know of another company who will originate ACH for a small business ?

    submitted by /u/tba0964
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