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    Wednesday, November 28, 2018

    Orthodontist Charging my Insurance 2 Years after Treatment Completed Insurance

    Orthodontist Charging my Insurance 2 Years after Treatment Completed Insurance

    Orthodontist Charging my Insurance 2 Years after Treatment Completed

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 07:19 PM PST

    Hoping for advice before my orthodontic bill goes to collections. I started invisalign treatment in 6/2016 and everything was completed by 12/2016. My orthodontic coverage through Cigna Dental that I was signed up for in 2016 and all of 2017 had a lifetime max of $2500. In 2018, I knowingly (since I was long done with my treatment) switched to a Cigna plan with a lower lifetime maximum. Now my orthodontist is coming after me saying I owe the difference between those 2 lifetime maximums because apparently they've been charging my insurance installments since the beginning of my treatment that continued for 2 years. It was my understanding that they should have billed my insurance company within the dates of my treatment and certainly not 2 years after I've seen them.

    TLDR: Can orthodontic facility charge my insurance after treatment is completed?

    submitted by /u/Melodic_Development
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    Help with understanding coordination of benefits

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:46 PM PST


    For the 2019 plan year, I am going to have dual medical insurance coverage. My primary insurance from my employer is through BCBS-IL with my secondary insurance coming from my dad's employer through UHC. I know my BCBS plan will have a $1,500 deductible and 80% coinsurance. I also know my UHC secondary plan will have a $1,000 deductible, but I'm not sure of the coinsurance amount. My dad believes it is at least 70%, so that's what I have been using in my sample calculations... he doesn't follow it as much since his union negotiates for him. I also know that the UHC plan has a standard coordination of benefits.

    I also know that in 2019 I'll be undergoing the SARPE surgery on my upper jaw only. I don't know how much this is going to cost, and my research has yielded few reliable insights. I see totals billed to insurance ranging from $3,500 all the way up to $48,000. To be safe(r) in my estimates, I have just been assuming a final cost of $15,000, not including negotiated rates and any adjustments I can't possibly know of now.

    I don't know that I'm calculating this correctly as I have seen multiple articles with examples using 1 of the 2 following methods and I'm not sure which to use as a decent guess.

    In method 1: BCBS is billed 15000, paying 80% of the eligible bill ($10,800) leaving me with $4,200. Then UHC will look at what's left, say I still need to pay the $1,000 deductible to them and they'll pay 70% of what's left from that. 4200-1000 = 3200. 3200*.7 = $2,240 paid by UHC, leaving me with a final-final out of pocket of $1,960. Not that it would matter in the end, but I think I'm also 'credited' $500 to my BCBS deductible from my secondary insurance..?

    In method 2: BCBS is billed 15000, pays their 80% minus deductible... $10,800 leaving $4,200 for me again. Then UHC looks at the original bill of 15000 as if they were the primary insurance. They would say the absolute max they would pay is $9,800. At this point they then look at what BCBS has already paid and see that $4200 is left. So since 4200 is less than 9800, they just pay the full amount of what's left. In this case both deductibles are met.

    Obviously I would much prefer method 2 but I feel like our medical system is so out of control that I would HAVE to pay something and I'm wracking my brain trying to understand this mess. I'd just like to have an idea of what kind of surgical cost I'm getting myself into. I know there are a lot of unknowns as of now.. and I won't get any new information until Jan with my surgical consult appt, so here I am. Any help any of you could provide on this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks for reading (and hopefully advising)!

    submitted by /u/Tizzle94
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    Does Homeowners typically cover offsite personal property?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 04:16 AM PST

    My bike was stolen from my bike rack, which was locked, on my car, while parked at my office, not my house. Not sure this matters, but the office is gaited.

    I've done all I can do, outside of filing an insurance claim. No damage to the vehicle and I assume my auto insurance doesn't cover stolen property outside of the vehicle, but I'm wondering if homeowners may cover the bike, even though offsite.

    Any other specifics I should include when/if filing a claim.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/k_ing_lucas
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    Dental insurance numbers don't add up, who do I call?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:13 PM PST

    Back in July, I went to the dentist for the first time in 4 years (broke college student without parents' insurance, fml). They did a "Gingival Irrigation" procedure as well as "scale, gingival inflam-full mth."

    At the time, they charged me $129 on my way out, estimating that my insurance would cover $221 of the $350 appointment.

    I now have an additional bill for $57.40 from them, which I would be happy to pay, but I don't understand where they got their numbers from and I worry that I'm being charged twice.

    The original statement of services state that I was being charged as follows:

    $45 - Oral Eval

    $80 - Intraoral Images

    $170 - Scale, gingival inflam-full mth

    $25 - Peridex

    $30 - Gingival Irrigation

    Totaling $350

    The claim they submitted to my insurance was for "Scaling Gingival Inflammation" at $275

    My insurance has this type of treatment as an 80/20 co-insurance with a $50 copay. The "amount allowed" is $87, which is how my insurance calculated my amount of $7.40 (20% co-insurance on pre-deductible allowed amount) + $50 (deductible).

    Which is all fine and dandy, I don't mind a $57.40 bill, but I originally paid $129 directly to the dentist.

    TL;DR: The dentist undercharged (?) my insurance (told me the procedure was $350, told the insurance company it was $275), charged me $129 day-of appt, came back 4 months later with a "Balance forward" of $96 [I have no idea where that number came from, but it's on my new bill], minus $29.60 covered by the 80% co-insurance and $9 as an "insurance write-off," leaving me owing $57.40

    I'm completely lost. Do I call the dentist tomorrow? Am I being charged twice? Or do I really have to pay $186.40 for a $275 procedure, despite having insurance?

    submitted by /u/almajan
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    Somebody hit my parked car yesterday but is asking for my insurance information now

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:33 PM PST

    So, I was parked yesterday and a car trying to park next to me backed up and scraped my bumper, and ripped his front bumper off. 100% his fault. We exchanged contact information and took pictures, and I have his license plate too. My vehicle was pretty dirty at the time and you could not see the damage at the time. We agreed that I will go wash it and see if there is damage and we would go from there. Well after I washed it there are scratches in my bumper that he caused. The damage is minimal but I just got this car and I love it and I want the damage fixed so it doesn't hurt the value of my car. I messaged him earlier today saying that there was some damage and that I would like it fixed, and asked for his insurance information because the auto body shop said I should go through them first then come back. Well he hasn't given me his insurance yet and now he is asking for mine. If i gave him this couldn't he say I was the one at fault and try to screw me over? He acted like he doesn't want to pay to fix it which concerns me more. Should I give him my insurance info? and what should I do to avoid him claiming me to be at fault?

    submitted by /u/beastnbobo
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    Can't take my son off my car insurance

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:47 AM PST

    Several months ago, I signed my teenage son up for Allstate driver's insurance. However, he's now decided he doesn't like driving and won't be using our car at all.

    Allstate is saying I can't remove him from my insurance unless I can prove he's moved from the home or bought other insurance.

    I don't understand how they can force me to buy insurance for someone who isn't driving.

    Anyone know if there's something I can do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/lawrencegoodman
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    Property Damage Liability

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:18 AM PST

    I was driving down a two way street with cars parked on both shoulders and a person ran out between cars to cross without looking both ways. In doing so, I slammed on my brakes (originally 25 mph) and swerved to the right. In doing so, I scuffed the bumper of a parked car with my tire/rim. I left my info along with my insurance card and asked for them to contact me. My insurance ultimately was contacted without my intervention and they paid out <$400 (they stated it was covered under property damage liability). I had no damage to my vehicle so there was nothing for me to claim. I had it all on dashcam but my insurance didn't want it. Trying to avoid a claim on my CLUE report (I had a claim a couple years ago and didn't want rates to go up), can I reimburse my insurance company? I imagine the claim will still be on the report but just a non-payment claim. Can anyone help clarify? Insured in Kentucky. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MyTooSense
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    How long does united healthcare cover dental?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:08 PM PST

    I'm on my parents insurance which is the united healtchare community plan in Ohio.

    I know it covers medical until I'm 26 but is it the same for dental or is it only until I'm 21?

    submitted by /u/frostmas
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    With GM halting production, will the soon to be extinct models be more expensive to insure due to parts replacements?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:46 AM PST

    So with GM and other manufacturers halting production of certain vehicles like the Chevy Impala, Ford Fiesta, Chevy Volt, etc. due to lower demand, the prices I've seen for such vehicles have been highly discounted and therefore very appealing as I'm in the market for a new vehicle. However since they won't be making new models thereafter I'm wondering if the insurance will be absurdly high down the road because replacement parts won't be as readily available. Any experts who know if the discount pricing now will haunt me the next ten years while I'd be carrying full coverage compared to other vehicles like crossovers that are increasing production?

    submitted by /u/BearTerrapin
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    How accurate are online quotes?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 12:09 PM PST

    What is the difference between SR-22 broad form insurance and sr-22 non-driver insurance?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:25 AM PST

    Just trying to figure out the differences between the two in cost and function. Internet is not helpful and confusing

    submitted by /u/InsuranceAnony
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    Do Amazon and Apple

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:28 PM PST

    buy insurance? Does every big company buy insurance? Can't large companies afford to pay losses themselves and not generate profits for insurance companies and brokers?

    submitted by /u/bbnckimo
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    Can I register a car in Ontario with an Alberta License and insurance

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:41 PM PST

    I currently have an Alberta license and insurance but I would like to purchase a second vehicle which will be in Ontario. If I do this, will I be able to meet all the requirements to get the vehicle registered and insured without transferring my license. If so what is the process to doing that? Would it be possible to add an Ontario registered vehicle on to my Alberta insurance and do it that way?

    submitted by /u/doggonoyes
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    Questions regarding health insurance and the birth of a child

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:29 PM PST

    I'm having difficulties finding this exact answer online, but wish to avoid asking those at my work because they currently don't know we are expecting (only about 9 weeks along).

    I have an individual insurance plan that is a $1500 deductible and $3000 max out of pocket. The other plan offered through my employer is a family plan (me + husband, baby, etc.) for $3000 deductible and $6000 max out of pocket. I plan to be on the individual plan and my husband on his work's individual plan. About halfway through the year though, we will have a baby. So....

    I have 30 days to use a "qualifying event" of a birth to add the child to my insurance. This will cause the deductible to go up to $3000 and the max out of pocket to go up to $6000, but:

    For the delivery process, as well as baby care immediately following the birth, is that all covered under my individual plan? For example, if I give birth and 20 seconds later the doctor takes the baby's blood pressure, hooks the baby up to a monitor, etc., does the medical care given to the baby:

    - go on my insurance with the $1500 deductible and $3000 max out of pocket?

    - Is it not covered at all, and that cost needs to be paid in full?

    - Or, when I upgrade to the family plan 20 days later, with the $3000 deductible and $6000 max out of pocket, is all of that medical work done on the child during the delivery 20 days ago THEN applied to that family plan, making me pay up to $6000 out of pocket?

    Also, with a qualifying event and adding a child, do you know if that typically resets the deductible you have already paid, even if you are staying with the same company and just upgrading your plan from an individual to a family one? Or, does the amount you already paid transfer over to the upgraded plan?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/BillyZan
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    UPS hit and run

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:36 PM PST

    Hey everyone, just looking for some advice/tips/info regarding a hit and run situation I'm currently going through

    In short:

    UPS truck hit my parked car, it's on video. They take responsibility and confirmed that a driver did strike my parked car.

    Both my insurance theirs are coordinating. Looks like their insurance will be reimbursing mine for the cost of the repairs (approx $4500)

    My question is how or is it even possible to file a claim of devaluation for my vehicle to them? Would small claims be an option? I've been in contact with UPS's 3rd party (Gallagher Bassett) in trying to get info about filling a claim, they are trying to offer me $750, I feel that's a bit low and the devaluation would be a bit higher , only reason I say that is that I contacted a devaluation company with my basic info (sent them the collision estimate copy) and they responded with an email stating the devaluation could potentially be in the $ 4k range...

    750 vs 4k is quite the difference.. UPs insurance is stating 4k is outrageous an the max they would offer me is $750

    I'm in California..

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/f0nz0
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    Hit a dead deer on the highway.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:29 PM PST

    Here's an obscure one for you.

    As the title suggests, I ran over a deer carcass at night on a highway going highway speed, minus a split second reaction in my kinda-low wagon this June.

    I called the police to file a report, then filed a claim with my insurance company. I had it inspected next day to see if there was any damage, but was given the all-clear because nothing was obvious. I canceled the claim right after that.

    Fast forward to November 24, the coil of the strut on my front-driver side wheel snapped and made constant contact with the tire. I could smell burning and had it inspected right away to find the tire was salvaged and the coil was in several pieces. When I told them about the incident, the were almost certain that was a valid reason behind the failure. The shop that inspected it first must have missed a hairline crack that eventually lead to the coil breaking into pieces.

    My insurance is willing to cover the damage for the cost of my deductible, and they're dubbing it a not-at-fault collision. My deductible is $1000, and the repair bill is nearly $2800.

    Am I going to see a rate increase after this? I think my only saving grace is that it's a non-fault, but I have no knowledge of insurance aside from the fact it seems kinda scammy.

    submitted by /u/nicktheriault
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    Health insurance for biologics

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:03 PM PST

    Does anyone know of any international health insurance companies that would cover biologic drugs in Europe?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thrownachosnotbeer
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    Property damage liability how much?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:38 PM PST

    How much is the cost for car repair usually from my fault ? If i put $20k , would it be excessive? If i put 15k, would it be enough to cover ? I'm not sure how much to put and just trying to save money on quotes. Please advise thanks!

    submitted by /u/animecybil
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    Cleanup/Storage company lost items after a fire

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 01:21 PM PST

    Hello and thank you for any insight!

    Our house was partially damaged by a neighbor's house fire last year.

    Personal property items deemed damaged were paid, but all items deemed cleanable were removed by a third party hired by the insurance company.

    After we finished the rebuild, these items were returned to us.

    However, several items were missing including a lot of small stuff we don't care about, several large and expensive items, and keepsakes of enormous sentimental value.

    We verified that none of the missing items ended up on the "total loss" inventory.

    The insurance company say they have absolutely nothing to do with this, that it is entirely between me and the third party company.

    This third party company returns none of my calls. If I call enough, I can get the manager to say something like "Everything was returned but I will do another warehouse sweep."

    Do I have any options other than filing a small claim against this third party?

    submitted by /u/NotThatZeke
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    Car insurance not responding after wreck

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:32 AM PST

    I was in a car accident on 10-23. Another woman hit me and her insurance took 100% fault. Her insurance company (I'll abbreviate it as OWI - other woman's insurance) is a little company that I've never heard of. Mine is a big company that is known nationwide. When I called my insurance immediately after the wreck, my adjuster told me that I could either pay my $1000 deductible and go through my insurance, or could go through OWI. Since the accident was not my fault and I don't have $1000 lying around, I decided to go through the other insurance company.

    I took my car to the collision center and OWI approved $3400 for repairs based on the photos I sent in. The collision center came back and said they needed $3000 supplement in order to fix my car. They sent in the request about 2-3 weeks ago. I have been calling OWI periodically to see what the progress is and keep getting the brush off - "We'll follow up." My car is only worth about $6500 so we figure it is likely totaled.

    I got a call this morning from the collision center and they said they have not heard from OWI. I told them I don't know anything, and asked if they could call to poke them a bit.

    My questions are this: My own insurance adjuster has stopped returning my calls, and has basically told me that I have to contact OWI to know what's going on. They have basically stopped away from the case. My aunt informed me that when I decided to go through OWI, I was saying that I wanted to represent myself. My mom says that my adjuster should be doing more. Who is right?

    Also, it has been over a month since my wreck. I have called OWI about a dozen times and am still waiting. Is this normal? Is there anything more I can do? I am driving a rental car and drive 100 miles or more a day, and am really ready to have my car back or get a new car.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/nicolenotnikki
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    Is this illegal or against health insurance policy?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 01:07 PM PST

    I see my doctor every three months to get my adderal prescription refilled. He gives me three separate paper prescriptions, one for each month. The first one is ready to drop off but the other ones will be highlighted and say "Do not fill until [one month from current date].

    I'm losing my health insurance at the end of this year but it worked out pretty perfectly to where my last prescription says "Do not fill until 12/27/2018." I, however, messed up and did not drop the first script off the day I got it. I waited about another week or so to fill it. I tried to get my second month filled today but my pharmacy said they couldn't fill it sooner than 29 days from my last fill. This kind of messes up my plan to get these three months filled while I still have insurance.

    Am I allowed to fill one of them at a different pharmacy? The date on the paper prescription is fine and ready to be filled, it is just the actual pharmacy that is unable to fill it because of my timing.

    submitted by /u/wittynamehere114
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    Immigrant Insurance

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:16 PM PST

    My USC husband is a dual citizen and he hasn't lived in the US for years but this December, we've decided to move to the US permanently. He doesn't have insurance and neither do I, where do we begin? We are flying to California to see family from December to late January, then taking a road trip east to New York City, where we plan to stay. Do I get short term insurance in California? How about when we go cross-country? Or when we get to NYC? I've been trying to do my research but Healthcare in the US is so complicated.

    submitted by /u/ellynmeh
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    Car Insurance - At Fault but Don't Feel I Caused Damage

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:27 PM PST

    I was recently in a fender bender that was my fault, I rolled back into the car behind me while on a hill. More room would have been nice, but I believe the fault is on me.

    My concern is that there is no damage to my car and I'm not sure the scratch on his could have been caused by me. It's a long squiggly scratch on the lower right side of his bumper. We tapped straight-on with no scraping as he was directly behind me.

    I'm not sure if I should file and have my insurance investigate or pay out of pocket. I don't know if they'd even be able to determine if the damage is old or new. Is it worth me risking higher rates or possibly even being dropped? I'm with an insurance company that only takes good drivers. I'm currently paying $75 a month, with my old insurer I was paying $120/month (Geico) with similar coverage. Looking at a new quote with Geico while stating that I have one claim and I'm being quoted at $210/month. So potentially a big difference at stake if I'm dropped or my rates go up.

    Should I just pay out of pocket, it will be less than $1,000? But, I'm currently saving up to pay off my car and get a new place within the next couple months, so I really need my cash. I've been driving for six years, no infractions or accidents till now. Any advice on how I should proceed is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/CarJoe1
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    How likely is it that homeowners insurance will come after me?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:56 AM PST

    I rent a house with my SO in Minnesota. There was not minor water damage caused by my pet. A sink overflowed and caused damage to the floor and ceiling. My landlord, a first time landlord, demanded that we pay the deductible for their homeowner's insurance policy who would cover the damage. My SO has rental insurance and he handled a lot of this but I don't think they covered it. We paid the deductible and the repairs have been completed.

    I understand that technically, legally the insurance company could come after us to recoup the costs. I'm wondering how likely it is that my landlord's insurance would come after us for the cost of the repairs? If so, what is the timeline?

    submitted by /u/HowLikely112718
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    [Seattle, WA, USA] Vehicle Insurance Question

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 01:12 PM PST

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