• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 27, 2018

    Microsoft. The company everyone took for granted but whose stock performance this year was steady, consistent, and even surpassed Apple as the most valuable US company. Investing

    Microsoft. The company everyone took for granted but whose stock performance this year was steady, consistent, and even surpassed Apple as the most valuable US company. Investing

    Microsoft. The company everyone took for granted but whose stock performance this year was steady, consistent, and even surpassed Apple as the most valuable US company.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:15 PM PST

    Microsoft, for 3 decades, has stayed in the top 10 most valuable companies. Let's put that in perspective. In 2000, GE was the most valuable company, and today it's desperate. Sears, same thing. And while Apple and Amazon surpassed $1 trillion market cap before cratering recently, Microsoft stock continually stays strong. And Google is down for the year.

    Personally, I think Microsoft has a strong long term vision, strong brand, and strong lead in technology in general. This year we saw Amazon totally destroy its goodwill with the public with the whole HQ2 sham and the Stop BEZOS Bill, we saw Apple get greedy with a costly iteration of the iPhone this year that was so boring, they need to make more of last year's iPhone X model because people aren't upgrading or buying this year's minor upgrade, and we saw Facebook have the largest single day stock drop in US history, as their userbase stagnated and privacy scandals continue to be uncovered for this company.

    Microsoft wasn't always the good guy, and they were almost broken up in the 90's and early 2000's for being a monopoly. But then Apple came along with the iPod, then the iPhone, then the iPad, and Microsoft was caught flat footed. Google dominated search, and Amazon got online retail. But this didn't lead to Microsoft getting weaker, if anything it lead to Microsoft reforming its ways, working with the linux community and gaining enough trust to acquire GitHub, as well as establishing itself in social networking with buying LinkedIn.

    At this point Microsoft may not be the hip/cool/sexy company everyone wants to pour their money into, but they are stable, consistent, and reliable. They don't get greedy, they seem to have their internal affairs in order for the most part, and most importantly, they are at the forefront of augmented and virtual reality with Hololens and other headsets, and considering Apple is dipping their toe in augmented reality with apps like Measure, Google is trying out Daydream View, and Facebook bought Oculus for $3 billion, there is a real race to crack the code in VR and AR, something the tech community has tried to do for decades but couldn't because the technology wasn't there yet and they don't know the best form it should take. I used to be a skeptic of VR, then I tried out a headset at the Microsoft store and it blew me away at how incredible the experience was.

    The future of tech is not a speaker that listens to your conversations and gets you to buy stuff (Amazon), the future of tech is creating a second reality with VR and a better reality with AR.

    submitted by /u/CuriosityBout
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    I Read The News So You Don't Have To - Market News (November 27, 2018)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:20 AM PST


    • GM is laying off 14,300 employees and closing seven factories
      • The car industry is changing, all the top selling sedans in America are Japanese (Camry, Civic, Accord, Corolla, Altima, and Sentry)
      • US auto factories have extra capacity in excess of 3.2 million vehicles, meaning more factory closures are likely
      • Ford will be cutting back production to just two vehicles, the Mustang and the Focus Active
      • Tariffs have also weighed heavy on the industry, contributing $700million in excess steel costs to GM alone
    • The Dallas Fed Manufacturing Report came in weaker than anticipated (Expected 24.5 | Actual 17.6)
      • The Index of Hours Worked in Texas is down sharply as well
      • Things appear to be slowing down in Texas
    • On the flip side, the Chicago Fed's National Activity Index shows things picking up at the national level


    • George Soros will close his Open Society Foundation offices in Turkey after Turkey's president accused "the famous Hungarian Jew Soros" of dividing and destroying nations
    • Shell and Eni are at the center of a bribery scandal in Niger. The companies were found to have been given favorable treatment to explore in the Niger Delta
    • Mexican markets are at their lowest levels since 2014
    • Saudi Arabia is pumping record amounts of oil despite already low prices


    • Goldman Sach's China Activity Index continues its descent
    • Demand for new automobiles has fallen steadily
    • China has dropped imports of US crude oil to zero
    submitted by /u/ogordained
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    90% of the 70 asset classes tracked by Deutsche Bank and cited in the Wall Street Journal are on track to post negative returns for the year. The previous high was in 1920, when 84% of 37 asset classes were negative

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 11:16 PM PST

    Trump suggests US could slap 10% tariffs on iPhones and laptops imported from China

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:28 PM PST

    10 Years of FAANG Quarterly Income Statements, in 3D! [x-post from /r/dataisbeautiful]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:54 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I posted this for /r/dataisbeautiful recently and thought you all might appreciate it here as well. I took 10 years of quarterly income statement data from the major FAANG companies and used EchartsJS to visualize it in 3D. I had a lot of fun learning this charting tool and it's pretty interesting to see the relationships between all these items in three dimensions. For example, it's very easy to see the cyclical nature of AAPL in their revenues and costs, and also very easy to see the cost of revenue/revenue relationship differences between GOOGL and FB which don't have a ton of overhead, vs the same relationships for AMZN and NFLX which have very different margins.

    Anyway, take a look! If nothing else they're cool to look at! Next up, multiple companies on the same chart I guess!

    submitted by /u/ghostofgbt
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    G.M. to Idle Plants and Cut Thousands of Jobs as Sales Slow

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:02 AM PST


    General Motors said Monday that it planned to idle five factories in North America and cut several thousand blue-collar and salaried jobs in a bid to trim costs.

    The action follows similar job-cutting moves by Ford Motor in the face of slowing sales and a shift in consumer tastes, driven in part by low gasoline prices.

    The five G.M. plants will halt production next year, resulting in the layoff of 3,300 production workers in the United States and 3,000 in Canada. The company also aims to trim its salaried staff by 8,000.

    submitted by /u/J-LG
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    How do you guys choose what company to invest in?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 01:20 AM PST

    I'm a beginner and was just wondering how you guys come across companies and decide if they would be a good investment. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/james_hawley_
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    United Technologies to announce its intention to separate into 3 companies

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:48 PM PST

    Snapchat. My underdog choice as a buy simply because they're the anti-Facebook.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:02 AM PST

    Watching this interview of Evan Spiegel, he's really positioning himself and his company as the opposite of a Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook:


    While Zuckerberg and Facebook are about "move fast and break things" with complete disregard for privacy rights and opting for growth in users and advertising revenue, Spiegel and Snapchat are about taking a long term view about what people truly want in a social network, even if it comes at the cost of not appeasing investors in the short term.

    This strategy is sound, it's the strategy Apple is taking, as a vanguard for your rights, your privacy, and letting you control your data. That's why Apple and Tim Cook have explicitly called out Facebook and their business model, while literally partnering with Snapchat to create custom "masks" on Snapchat for the iPhone X. For Apple to use Snapchat in their keynote presentation of new features of the frontfacing camera, that's a huge endorsement of the company.

    Instagram recently lost their cofounders who were the last holdouts of user rights, privacy rights, and not sacrificing people's data to sell to more advertisers for more money. So while people are leaving Facebook because they don't trust it and opting for Facebook-owned Instagram, it's only a matter of time before Zuckerberg ruins Instagram as he now has total control and say over what happens with that photo sharing social network. Same with WhatsApp, the cofounders left, promoted the competitor Signal, and endorsed the hashtag #DeleteFacebook after Zuckerberg pushed them out over privacy rights and loosening up the encryption on WhatsApp to get more data to sell more advertisements.

    Snapchat's stock has tanked since their IPO, yes, but that's my whole point about how now is the time to buy. Because Snapchat is the only real alternative to Facebook and Facebook owned apps. And not only has Apple displayed interest in Snapchat, so has Google, as they are investors in the company through their venture capital division. So there's no way Snapchat is going to go bankrupt or going to close it's doors. Snapchat is either going to win the future of social media and social networking, or they are going to be bought out at a premium price by a company other than Facebook that understands and appreciates their long term visions.

    submitted by /u/CuriosityBout
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    Long short portfolio fama french factors

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:55 AM PST

    Ive been constructing mutual fund portfolios and im running into an issue with the creation of a long short portfolio.

    Each portfolio consists of approx 50 funds, while some have a world, european of american focus. Thus, im regressing them against the appropriate FF factors, i.e. 30x world 15x usa 5x eu. Im doing this for another portfolio as well.

    However, the other portfolio has another geo focus, i.e. 20x world 10x eu 20x usa. Thus when comparing the two portfolios, the FF factors arent equal. Is there a way around this or should i create 1 FF factor?

    submitted by /u/HiImSammie
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    Nobody is mentioning Tesla being single digit weeks away from death? Disappointed.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 07:22 AM PST

    What currency is home to a country with little debt and little dependency on oil imports?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:10 AM PST

    I want to convert my dollars into another currency for a couple of years, and looking for suggestions on a currency that's stable in these times of high Chinese and US debt and volatile oil markets. What would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/abstlouis96
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    Daily advice thread. All questions about your personal situation should be asked here

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:04 AM PST

    If your question is "I have $10,000, what do I do?" or anything similar. There is no single answer to this question, but we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to give some sort of answer

    • How old are you?
    • Are you employed/making income? How much?
    • What are your objectives with this money? (buy a house? Retirement savings?)
    • What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?)
    • What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors?)
    • Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Expensive girlfriend? (not really an asset)
    • What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs?
    • Any big debts?
    • Any other relevant financial information will be useful to give you a proper answer.

    Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. You should strongly consider seeing a registered financial rep before making any financial decisions!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Ethical investing?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:00 AM PST

    I am looking to invest but would prefer more ethical companies in an ETF. Anybody know of what is available?

    I also saw this recently and was thinking about buying some shares but don't know about doing that over just an ETF in things that may be more accidentally ethical: https://www.fundedbyme.com/en/campaign/8363/kale-united/?type=e?fin_info=True#_=_

    submitted by /u/TarAldarion
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    WSJ Pro

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:07 PM PST

    Anyone here use Wall Street Journal Pro?

    I am interested in the bankruptcy membership, but I am not sure if it's available for retail investors.

    Just wondering if anyone has found it useful.


    submitted by /u/rake-fan
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    Thanks, Fidelity

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:10 PM PST

    Good time to buy Zillow (ZG)?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 07:57 PM PST

    Newbie investor here, and am wondering what more experienced investors thoughts are on buying Zillow stocks?

    submitted by /u/Xanderp711
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    Newbie here, what are your opinions on investing in gold?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 11:15 PM PST

    Hello, I am thinking of investing in some gold coins and maybe continuing making some of my future income in gold. Question is, will it be worth it, i know gold is not a good investment but its price stays somewhat the same, so i cannot expect any gain? Also, which coins are the best? I found a dealer in my country that sells sovereigns, francs, marks, dollars, kronen, ducats and krugerrands as well as pesos and gold bars(1 kilo). Also does silver have any value at all? Regards.

    submitted by /u/Killershit9000
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    FB : Facebook documents seized by the UK

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:48 PM PST


    How bad this can be. I have long position in FB and wondering if this can bring down stock further down. Do not want to time the market but want to diversify my position.

    submitted by /u/SmallBasil7
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    Investing in both SPY and IVV

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:40 PM PST

    I just wanted to see someone else opinion on investing in both of these ETF's at the same time.

    submitted by /u/Puggo_From_China
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    Overstock down 15% today after surging 26% on Friday, any sense to either move?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:36 PM PST

    Buy CRM tomorrow before earnings?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 06:15 PM PST

    Time to start buying more bond funds in anticipation of slowdown in economy and possible rate cuts down the road by 2020?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:16 PM PST

    Is it too speculative of a defense move to start buying more into bond funds with discretionary cash? If we get a recession, I assume there will be rate cuts, but that will be once the fed stops raising rates....

    submitted by /u/roygbivy
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