• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 25, 2018

    Legal Advice NY- I sent a rent check to landlord who then claimed non-payment. I sent a new check. He cashed it, then cashed the first check a few month later. I paid twice for the same month. Is this fraud? Criminal? where to report him. He’s trying to evict me and the court case is ongoing.

    Legal Advice NY- I sent a rent check to landlord who then claimed non-payment. I sent a new check. He cashed it, then cashed the first check a few month later. I paid twice for the same month. Is this fraud? Criminal? where to report him. He’s trying to evict me and the court case is ongoing.

    NY- I sent a rent check to landlord who then claimed non-payment. I sent a new check. He cashed it, then cashed the first check a few month later. I paid twice for the same month. Is this fraud? Criminal? where to report him. He’s trying to evict me and the court case is ongoing.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:09 AM PST

    I am left freezing cold in my apartment - As I pay more than 4X the monthly hydro bill of my neighbor

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 08:22 PM PST

    In June of this year I moved into a one bedroom apartment in Ontario, Canada. My hydro bills were exceptionally high since moving in (averaging $300-$400 CAD per month). I am a student - and cannot afford these ridiculously high prices!

    • I am extremely cautious about using electricity because of these high bills, so I rarely use the stove, and I only use lights when necessary. In the summer I had an air conditioner plugged in, and i would unplug it when leaving the house.
    • In the fall month when I did not have any heater or air-conditioner on for the entire month of October and was away from the house for over a week, my hydro bill was still $320.
    • This winter I have a small infrared heater plugged in at the very minimal setting of 15°C in the living room. I have closed the doors to the bedroom and bathroom and sleep on the couch beside the heater, as temperatures are getting to be extreme. I turn the heater off when i leave the house for extended periods of time. I do not use the heating provided in the building because baseboard heating would be absurdly expensive.

    I had made a few complaints to my landlord (whom i have a number of other problems with and currently have a work order issued for them for other unrelated issues in the unit). I have also called my hydro provider and they told me that my unit has had a long history of high electricity charges and all the past tenants have called complaining about it. At this point I just thought that it might just be normal in the area and that I should give up.

    The other day as I was leaving my unit I ran into my neighbor right across from me. He asked my how I was doing... and how my heating was (since it was so cold outside). Of course I broke out complaining about how high my bills were and how cold I am all the time.

    He looked at me surprised. He told me his bills have always been around $40-70. He let me step into his house, it was so warm! The guy had a heater set so high, all the doors were open and now I am extremely confused.

    He let me take a photo of his last hydro bill (the one where it was fall and I paid $320).

    Table I made comparing my neighbors October bill to mine

    After finding out about my neighbors bill I am convinced that something suspicious is going on. There are only 4 apartment units in the building as we are on top of a restaurant. The third neighbor has also mentioned that their bill never exceeds $80, the fourth I have not spoken to extensively on the matter.

    I called Hydro again and they told me they could have an inspector come and shut off the hydro to the unit to see if anyone else is connected to my hydro - such as the restaurant.

    I am feeling a bit helpless and would like to know if there is anything further that I should do. And if I do discover that my hydro is being bypassed, will I be able to get my money back for all these months (adding up to well over $1000 of extra payments)?

    If the inspector finds that nothing else is connected to me - what other possible explanation could there be?

    Thanks for your help!


    - Wow, thank you everyone who has contributed in helping me to solve this mystery! Comments are locked and I've been receiving a number of helpful messages - even electricians willing to come by and check things out!

    - Basically everyone has agreed that my monthly bill makes NO sense what so ever and that there MUST be an external factor at play (something is connected off of my meter) - at this point, it is just a matter of what that factor could be.

    - Some people have suggested it is the downstairs restaurant, my neighboring units, the hallway lights/security cameras. Others have suggested it may be that hydro is not accurately reading the meter or the wiring is not properly set up. I have no access to the meter itself to run any of the tests that you guys have suggested - So I unfortunately will need to rely on the landlord for that.

    - Some of you have suggested that I look on my online account for usage since I do not have access to a meter- However, others have said that in my area data is not fed directly into the Hydro company in real time - and that looking online may not give me the answers I need. I am still trying to access my online account to see what's going on - I tried to make an account and it says that my meter number and account number do not match up? Even though I used the numbers from the bill. So I still need to wait until tomorrow to sort that out.

    - When the inspector comes by I assume he will uncover the underlying cause- I should be getting a call tomorrow (2018-11-26) to figure out when the inspector comes.

    - Since a lot of you have shown interest in what is to come - I will make an update post as soon as the mystery is solved!

    - If for whatever reason I don't get a reduced bill - some of you have suggested I apply for a government assistance program to help pay the bill https://ontarioelectricitysupport.ca (I hope it does not come to that though).

    submitted by /u/yka12
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    Father in-law is boarding with us and keeps fire arms under his bed despite our specific requests to have no fire arms in the house. All gun related opinions aside, he has repeatedly ignored this rule to the point where our 15 month old found a firearm and he truly didn't see what the problem was.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:48 AM PST

    Apologies for the long post.

    Around 8 or 9 months ago, my Father in-law sold up and moved cities to be closer to us and his new grandchild. My father in-law had asked if he could move in with us, the intention being to live with us for a few months until he found a suitable house to buy. No worries, an extra pair of hands won't go unnoticed and it would be fantastic for our son to have his grandfather around (not to mention keeping my better half happy).

    For the record my Father in-law and I have always gotten on about as well as one could hope, as long as his daughter was being well looked after and she was provided for and happy, he was happy. Other than the odd disagreement over the last 10 years, no real issues, so moving in truly wasn't a concern.

    Now we genuinely only had a few minor rules per say when he moved in, the most important being no firearms in the house. At the time he grumbled a wee bit, but ultimately organized to keep his gun safe at a hunting buddies place. No drama.

    Or so we thought...

    Now I'm no lawyer, but my understanding at the time was he had strict rules about notifying the local police that he had moved cities, what guns he had and where/how they would be stored.

    Our house was not the listed location, nor do we have a gun safe on site, so my understanding was that on top of our request, absolutely no guns should be stored at our house full stop.

    Fast forward around 3 months, Father in-law had a hunting trip planned and given the early start, decided he would keep his guns under his bed over night. No incident on that occasion, other than a discussion about respecting our wishes. At this point, while my better half and I are unanimous on the rule, she feels I'm being a little unreasonable as it was just over night.

    The guns would have been dropped back off and safety locked up at the aforementioned hunting buddies house, except my Father in-law seemly decided to keep a rifle under his bed.

    Evidently this rifle never made it back to the gun safe and around 3 months after the hunting trip, somewhere along the line, our 15month old wandered into his room (off the lounge, not uncommon for the doors to be left open in an otherwise well baby proofed home) where he came across the rifle butt sticking out from under the bed. Upon following him into the bedroom we were shocked to find he had pulled the rifle out from under the bed and was inquisitively playing with the business end of the rifle.

    As any parent could attest, we were most upset and ultimately furious with my Father in-law, who not only didn't see what the problem was but had the nerve to then lecture us about how unreasonable our gun rule was in the first place...

    (At this point my better half is completely on board & is extremely disappointed with her father)

    Since then, he has had guns dismantled out on the dining table for maintenance and had guns on his bed for an afternoon or so, but not over night or actually kept in the house for more than a day.

    All of which, to him, doesn't break our 'rule'.

    Now, bringing us up to date, we have our brother in-law staying and needed some spare bedding out from my Father in-laws bedroom and upon pulling a spare blanket out, what should come with it but a big old rifle. No case, no trigger lock, and most certainly not in a gun safe. How long it's been under there we don't know, and given the previous incident, it's a wonder our son hadn't come across it again.

    Yet to have a face to face, but my better half and I are really stuck on what to do. He clearly has no intention of respecting our wishes let alone the potential gun law issues with lack of proper gun safety. We are torn because we would ultimately hate to have kick him out, but really feel like we are in a position where we might have to.

    The safety and well-being of our son is paramount and it truly feels like my Father in-law can't take gun safety remotely seriously enough.

    Now my question, if anyone makes it this far:

    (Thank you for persisting though my rambling)

    Because we have no formal agreement and it's more of a boarding situation as opposed to a tenant & land lord situation, if we were to ask him to move out and he refuses (not an unlikely outcome) what could we actually do to enforce our request and where would that sit legally?

    If I may, as a second part to my question: As far a gun laws go, is he breaking any laws by keeping fire arms at our house, not in a gun safe or at the agreed location, and not letting the local police know? Worst case would any of that legal responsibility fall on us as home owner?

    (New Zealand based)

    submitted by /u/RepetitionTechnician
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    My (18) parents stole my passport

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 09:44 AM PST

    I'm going overseas in the beginning of December. My parents disapprove of this and confiscated my passport. My mom gave it to my dad, who took it with him to Maine (I live in Pennsylvania). Is there a way for me to get my passport back without paying the $170+ for replacement? They're not going to use it for identity theft, just to keep me in the country.

    submitted by /u/blond_boys
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    I just got payed after 2 months of working, and it wasn’t my promised wage. [17F]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

    I worked at a restaurant, and started working the first week making 10/h as a hostess. Then, after finding a better job that gave me all my hours, I tried to quit. Working 3 jobs was super exhausting and I'd like all my hours to be at 1-2 restaurants. He offered me 14/h if I stayed, and I did. 14/h working as a hostess is incredibly good money.

    2 paydays go by, he apologizes and says he keeps forgetting to put me on payroll. 3 paydays go by, he apologizes again and offers to write me a check for a bit of money if I need it. Finally, I get my paycheck... but I am payed 10/h for all I've done in the past 2 months.

    What can I do about this? He says I'll be payed 14/h next paycheck, but I am being punished for his mistake. I gave my 2 weeks 2 weeks ago because I am moving. I won't even get another paycheck because I am leaving the restaurant.

    Edit: I'm in Georgia

    submitted by /u/tossaway2hell
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    I was mugged in broad daylight. A few weeks later I found my item on Kijiji and got it back.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:43 AM PST

    This happened in Montreal, Canada. I had my laptop out doing some homework while waiting for the subway to open (it was down for well over an hour due to repairs). In the last minute before it opened, an announcement was made so I start closing my laptop. But when I look up, a guy (who, in hindsight, had been looking at me multiple times) starts walking towards me slowly. Before I had time to react he lunges forward, snatches my laptop out of my hands and runs outside. I dropped my backpack out of shock and start chasing him down the street yelling "Thief! He stole my laptop!!" and "somebody help!". I know it wasn't the best idea to chase him down but the adrenaline rush I got was so strong. I stopped at the intersection after I realizing I left my bag on the benches so I had to go back.

    Called the cops who got my info but they told me to file a report at the station the following morning...The next day I request secuirty footage from the subway but they required a police report to warrant that. I filed an official report at the station but subway security told me to wait for the police to take action and that I shouldn't take things into my own hands. I was still angry, but I decided to not badger them anymore. I was almost ready to let go of my laptop. It was brand new back to school gift from my mom who paid over $2000 for it.

    I started checking Kijiji, Craigslist, Facebook, nearby pawnshops for the next few days hoping it would turn up. A couple weeks later, I found two very weird ads on Kijiji. They were identical ads, under two different usernames and two different prices. The main thing that drew my suspicions was the reasoning behind the ad: selling a perfectly good laptop because it didn't have the charger anymore. I established a fake identity and arranged a "meetup" and told the guy that my brother really needed it but we wanted to check it out first. The cops went ahead in civilian clothing pretending to be me and my brother. With a stroke of a few keys they found that the serial numbers matched!!!! The following day I got my laptop back.

    However, I later learned that he was released with a promise to appear in court. That means he is still out there but he probably won't remember what I look like because I had a cap on and looked completely different than I do now (especially with winter clothes). I provided evidence like the ads, texts, descriptions of the guy etc. What else should a victim do in this scenario? What rights do I have?

    submitted by /u/evermy
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    UPDATE - My (21f) brother (17m) is hearing voices telling him to kill himself, what do I do?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 06:22 PM PST

    Edit: we're in Louisiana

    Very boring but good update! My husband talked to my brother about what he wanted to do and my brother decided he wanted to tell my mom as she actually believes in mental illnesses. My husband told him he's got a safe place at our house if he ever needs it.

    So they sit down (I wasn't there, I was in another room) and my brother clams up, asking my husband to explain it for him. Husband explains and my mom says "so, is it true?" and my brother verifies it all. My mom basically says "your sister dealt with depression too, this isn't anything new to me." and my brother asked if he could see a counselor. My mom said she'd schedule something for him ASAP (this was at like 9pm on the day before thanksgiving and nobody was open). My brother has an appointment this week to see a counselor. He isn't left alone anymore but my mom doesn't want to take him to the ER because she's afraid he'll get taken for a 72 hour stay like I was, which made my depression way worse. She asked him if he wanted my dad to know and he said no, so she said she wouldn't tell him.

    None of us expect her to keep it a secret for long, but we also think she doesn't really understand the gravity of it. After they had their talk my mom came to me and my sister and said "WELL, brother is dealing with a little bit of depression, don't pick on him so much."

    And that's pretty much the end of it. Thanksgiving was uneventful and my brother says he feels much better with the weight off his chest.

    submitted by /u/DingleMomMcGee13
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    Friend bought a used car with a warranty from a dealer. Car is a disaster; dealer doesn't want to honor warranty. Best course of action?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 05:50 AM PST

    Asking, as the kids say, for a friend:

    My retired father has been mentoring a young man who is really getting his life on track. Young man bought a 2012 Mazda from a shady car dealer for $3200 and paid an additional $300 for a warranty covering the engine and transmission. Warranty is good for 90 days. Dealer assured young man that the car was in fine shape.

    A few weeks of driving around town confirms that the car is not in fine shape and in fact has massive problems with both the engine and transmission. Shady dealer tells the buyer to take the car to a shady garage of the dealer's choice. The shady mechanic there insists that the car is fine and that there is no warranty claim. The buyer takes the car to a second, independent mechanic, who identifies serious problems with both engine and transmission and recommends $6k in repairs--more than the car is worth. Shady dealer doesn't want to honor the warranty since his own shady mechanic says the car is fine (despite overwhelming and obvious evidence to the contrary.)

    Any legal recourse here? If so, what's the best path pursue it? It seems to me that the two acceptable outcomes are (1) a full refund of original purchase price or (2) shady dealer agrees to honor warranty at an independent mechanic. We're not sure how to approach shady dealer to increase the chances of either outcome.

    TL,DR: Friend bought a lemon of a used car with a warranty; dealer doesn't want to honor warranty. Is there a good strategy to apply pressure to make the dealer honor the warranty? We're in NC if it makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/throwawaytoday19991
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    Father wants me to inherit/gift me his offshore money

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 09:51 AM PST


    This is clearly a throwaway account to keep identities protected. From United States, California.

    I will make try and make this short and provide details as needed. This is a short version of my story, including all details would completely and easily give away who I am (to people that know me).

    One of my life goals was to make sure my dad retired and enjoyed the life he deserved, considering he gave up a great job in Pakistan to move the US over 25 years ago.

    About 9 years ago he was robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped unconscious, while he was at work (gas station). That was one of the hardest days of my life. It was finals week I just got my Mcat score back and after what happened I just couldn't focus on anything.

    I decided that week I was going make sure he didn't have to work anymore so I dropped the med school route. I graduated a few weeks after finals and took a job in 2014 and after the first month of work told my dad quit his job (mom does not work, physically unable to), I promised him I'd take care of everything and be honest he was tired of the bullshit himself and agreed. That the stress of losing him wasn't worth the mental fatigue id have to worry about if I left for med school.

    For the past 5 years I have been paying for everything my parents do. This includes running a house (mortgage, bills, food, etc...). I do not know how much money I have used. That wasn't important to me, for me, I'm repaying them a debt that I feel like they were owed.

    Sorry for the precursor but I think it's necessary for people to understand the question.

    My dad told me he wanted to give me his retirement money from Pakistan. The sum of his retirement after vesting for 30 years now is close to $300k. International fund transfer is something I'm not qualified in so I'm wondering if there is any legal consequence of an (inheritance/gift?) this large.

    submitted by /u/ijustneedadvicethnx
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    Daycare called CPS over our child's actions while in their care? [Indiana]

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 06:49 PM PST

    My son is almost 4 and is developmentally delayed, resulting in us potty training him later than normal at his doctor's recommendation. We send him to a daycare for kids with developmental/mental issues, so these people are supposed to be qualified to deal with these sorts of things and have been told that we are potty training him but he is not completely able to verbalize when he needs to go.

    My son tends to take instructions very literally and has trouble remembering everything we taught him. He was out on the playground and when he couldn't get a teacher's attention, he pulled his pants down and peed on the side of the playground (apparently he forgot the "in the toilet" part of our instructions.) The teacher told me about this when I went to get him, I apologized, talked to him about it, and figured that was the end of it.

    A CPS agent showed up at my house to do an inspection because they received a report that my son is neglected and is acting inappropriately. When I asked for an example, he said that the peeing on the playground incident was reported and this is what spurred the investigation. He was completely uninformed about my son's developmental delays. I turned over all of his medical forms, but we have another visit coming up.

    What should I do to prepare? Did I mess up by talking to CPS? Do I have recourse against the school for making an incomplete report, and can I use this to move my son out of this school and into another one?

    submitted by /u/ZestycloseWelcome
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    I’ll be written up for calling in to work during a state of emergency. KS

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:35 PM PST

    The governor has declared a state of emergency, the department of emergency management and the police are urging people to stay off the roads. I live rurally on a gravel road that doesn't get treated or plowed, and it's a literal blizzard with very low visibility. Highways are closed and there are car accidents and abandoned vehicles, and we're just a couple hours into the storm. We keep losing power at home and are keeping in touch with neighbors to make sure everyone remains safe, because it's just us out here.

    I know I made the right choice to stay off the roads and I'll take the reprimand if I have to, but it's wrong. I work retail, and there aren't customers today. It's not like I'm a civil servant or an ER doctor - it's retail. I called in with ample notice and am now snowed in at my house. I can't leave and emergency services would have a hard time getting to me if they needed to.

    Do I have any recourse? I shouldn't get in trouble for keeping myself safe.

    submitted by /u/handsoaprefill
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    Employer saying friend (25F) doesn’t qualify for health insurance through work.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:05 AM PST

    Friend works 37.5 hours on the books.

    Employer keeps ignoring her questions about insurance and her manager keeps telling her she doesn't qualify through them because she's not a 40 hour employee.

    We live in CT, and I was under the impression that part-time employees qualify for insurance at somewhere between 28-32 hours?

    Are the rules different at different places, or should she be pushing harder for insurance paperwork?

    submitted by /u/craeee
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    mobile home installer crossed my property without permission

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:39 AM PST

    Landowners of newly purchased country property called to ask if I would give them permission to let their contractors cross the edge of my property so they could access their building site, until their driveway was ready. I told them No, as it could tear up the property (a hayfield). A few weeks ago I went out to the property and saw numerous vehicle tracks on the property so I went back and put up, in two places, steel t-posts with wire and marked by survey tape. On Wednesday I received a call that a mobile home was being pulled across my property to the adjoining land. I called the neighbor and told her what was going on, she apologized and said that everyone was told they did not have permission(I am now finding that hard to believe). I got to the property about 3 hours later(having spoken in person at my home w/a Sheriffs deputy who did not appear concerned) and saw that both fences had been taken down for access and that a second home had been taken cross the property(apparently a double wide) and caused huge ruts, as it had recently rained. I took numerous pictures and had a chance to stop by our lawyer and fly it by him. He was not very helpful but did say to document everything that occurred. It turns out, judging by the three access points, that my property was continually used as access. I am meeting w/the dealer of the home, who said he will send someone out next week to repair the damages, which will be impossible as it is too wet. I spoke w/the hayman and he said it won't be ready to repair until late spring. I am angry enough about the mobile home being towed across the middle of the property but was told by neighbors that a concrete truck was taken across my property along w/other vehicles & heavy machinery on an ongoing basis. Has this happened to anyone before and besides meeting w/the home dealer next week, how should I progress and deal with this without driving myself crazy? The location of this is east Tennessee, in Hawkins County, between Rogersville and Bulls Gap. It is Clayton Homes, I would be interested in knowing of similar incidents in the Rogersville area. And the property was posted and lightly fenced, the installer driving right past the No Trespassing sign.

    submitted by /u/tofu5
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    Question about sexual abuse of a minor (OK)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:52 PM PST

    This happened in Oklahoma. I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I was abused by a relative 8 years ago. This abuse occurred for 3 years (ages 12-15) and didn't end until his wife caught him abusing me. He convinced me to say it was a one time occurrence otherwise he would kill himself and it would be all my fault that his kids would be without their father. So I told everyone it was just a one time occurrence. I was raised a Jehovahs witness and they believe in handling child abuse within their organization. Their first reaction was to report it to police but then they decided they didn't want to press charges. Well the state decided since I was a minor they would proceed with the charges anyway. My family hired a lawyer to get the case thrown out, tried dodging subpoenas as long as possible, refused to let me meet with the prosecutor, and even had me meet with his lawyer to get me to change my story to something less incriminating. I heard my family tell me over and over that the "worldly" courts couldn't give me true justice, only God would be able to provide that. They said that his children wouldn't see him and would have to know and live with knowing why he was in prison. They told me he would be raped every day in prison because he was an attractive man. He always told me that I would tear our family apart and everyone would blame me if I ever told someone about the abuse. It felt like he was right. That's why I never spoke up, I truly blamed myself for it. Well I recently learned he now has a teenage step daughter and his own daughter just turned the age I was when he started abusing me. It really made me decide that I need to protect innocent children from him. I wish I would have spoken up sooner, but I have to do something about it now if there is anything that can be done. Not sure if new charges could be brought against him since the abuse occurred so much longer than the authorities knew? He was charged with lewd molestation and was acquitted. I plan on calling the DA who tried my case on Monday to see if there is anything that can be done. Any advice that can be given would be appreciated immensely.

    submitted by /u/Koaliawa
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    I was drugged and raped. Someone help please.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:55 AM PST

    I'm deleting this because reddit sucks and blocked the comments for further discussion. Thanks for nothing reddit ✌🏻

    submitted by /u/Helpmeplease5252
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    Man posted free dogs on craigslist. I responded. He wanted my social security number and more to background check me. I posted he was a scam and now he wants to sue me for slander.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 02:57 PM PST


    So 2 dogs were posted on craigslist for free. I contacted saying hey I own a farm, Im a disabled veteran and constantly home, and can give them a good home. Well the owner said he needed my full name, social media links, and social security number so he could background check me. I was like okay clearly you are a scam. He told me he would beat me up so I stopped replying. I flagged his ad and posted an ad saying hey this ad <screenshot> is a scam and here's screenshots of his conversation with me. Well I guess he saw that because he called me flipping out and saying he was going to sue me for slander and ruin me. I was like uh huh okay dude. This was last night. Well all day today I have been getting calls and texts because he made 17 craigslist ads for free animals and electronics with my phone number. I asked everyone to flag them and they did and ads were taken down. He then made another ad with photos of me, my full name, saying I am a scammer, I'm not a veteran, I'm a fat whore, etc. He also made a YouTube video calling me a whore and scammer and saying he would sue me.

    This dude is batshit crazy and cant do anything to me in court, right?

    submitted by /u/TheseusScamander
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    Is it possible for a minor to create a nonprofit, nonpartisan voter registration organization?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:06 AM PST

    I'm planning on possibly creating a nonprofit organization/group during the 2020 presidential election. Forgive me if this seems a little disorganized, I'm only in the baby stages of planning.

    Anyway, my plan is to visit colleges all across my state (Virginia) to register and encourage college students to vote. I want to plan events on campuses where I will set up voter registration booths and host registration events. Or, just set up booths at an already established school event, such as a football game. in addition, I'll speak to student leaders to do dorm-to-dorm registration, planning future events and so forth, and school administration on doing a plan for Election Day, where students could get excused from classes to vote (if that is even possible). I'll also talk to Student Government and Event committees on organizing an Election Day event to encourage students to vote.

    Here are some important bullet points. • my projected date of rolling out my project is November 2019 when I am 16.

    •I will be throwing events in Spring 2020 and Fall 2020, when I will be in between the ages of 16-17 and in my Junior-Senior years of high school.

    •I'm planning on POSSIBLY having a main volunteer body of a local partisan group. That partisan group is made up of adults. I'm still considering whether or not I should borrow that organization's people to do my nonpartisan group, or just starting and running a nonpartisan voter registration branch of that organization. (If they let me)

    •I'm relying on student volunteers from the particular campus I am visiting to make up the rest.

    •I will contact local and state election officials to gain access to voter registration forms.

    So I'm wondering how possible all of this is, legality wise. Would I have to file as a nonprofit with the Government or can I form a group with little stress? Would I need my parents to sign off? How long should the process take if I needed to file? Should I stick to it just being a branch of an already established organization? How can I carry this out?

    Any and all advice is appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Orchidsprings
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    16 year old Neighbor pooped on my doorstep because I wouldn’t let him borrow a rake. Kansas

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:36 PM PST

    Throwaway. My neighbor has done this to other people in the past. The police don't seem to take it too seriously either. I don't want to install a camera because it may be considered child porn. Is there anything I can do to stop him?

    submitted by /u/bobsm145
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    Fired for "Stealing" Tips - 15F Waitress

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:01 PM PST

    I live in Toronto, Canada. So I got my first job 2 weeks ago. At the group interview, the boss just said we would be paid minimum wage. He didn't say anything about tips. I got hired as a waitress and I have been putting tips into the tip jar until my lapse of judgement today. I asked around last week and no employees get tips. The boss also works as a waiter sometimes.

    I slipped $5 into my pocket in the afternoon, when he was gone. I'd served a table and they paid their meal by card (no tips), however when I went back to the table they left a $5 bill.

    He found out and fired me tonight, saying it was fraud. I'm really scared it'll show up on my employment record (also not sure how that works....?)

    However in Ontario I'm sure it's illegal for the employer to get all the tips.


    Thank you! I don't know what to do next.

    • Is what I did illegal, and if not, how should I deal with this situation?
    • Can he say he fired me for "fraud" on my employment record?
    • How will it affect my future employment?
    submitted by /u/waitressthrowaway12
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    I have been harassed, stalked, and broken into by someone in the same apartment complex as me, and now landlord won’t fix a faulty front door lock. Do I have grounds to break my lease?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 04:58 PM PST

    I (20F) live in North Central Florida, U.S.. A few months back I caught my much older neighbor, we'll call him John, who had harassed me for months following up to this incident (catcalling, making extremely vulgar comments, waiting and watching me as I came up the stairs at night), inside my house while I was in my bedroom. He approached my closed door and began hitting on me, and also told me he routinely let himself in the house whenever he saw the opportunity. I filed a police report and the complex staff gave me a transfer to a new unit away from him (although they first tried to move me to an apartment right next to his, furthest from the security guard, with a bedroom door that was literally fractured in half so it was impossible to lock). Other than being trespassed from my house by the police, John did not see consequences. The apartment did not evict him or even fine him.

    I have not heard from nor seen John since then, but my experience with him completely ruined any sense of safety I had in my home and I now suffer from frequent anxiety attacks. Recently we had an incident at the house where my roommate, Ellie, frantically texted and called me when she saw a man hanging around our back porch, then closing our front door while she was in her car and I was in my bedroom asleep. It was no one we knew, and my mind immediately when to John. I called 911 and it was later determined that the man was the boyfriend of a girl who was illegally trying to live here - one of our roommates moved away suddenly, picked a couple of people off of craigslist and handed them the key to the house without going through a proper subletting application.

    Although we found out this person wasn't my stalker, I was still on edge and concerned about security in the house. Our front doors have automatic locks on them that require hotel-like swipe cards to unlock them. Problem is, there have been several instances where the swipe machine simply doesn't work and the door stays unlocked, or a deactivated swipe card will unlock it, or even once a debit card did the trick. I called the office and requested them to put a deadbolt on our front door as I had in my previous unit. They told me no, and so I requested the property manager's contact info. I sent a lengthy yet completely respectful email to the property manager detailing my experience at these apartments, how this staff had treated me, and I expressed concern for my safety. He told me they would not be installing a deadbolt but would give us all new key cards so there was no chance anyone had a stray card to our house that wasn't deactivated. This upset me because I made it clear to him that our entire card machine was faulty, not the keys. I tried to send him a second email telling him this, but he had blocked me.

    I have read that victims of stalking and harassment can sometimes break their lease if they can prove that their landlord did not provide an adequately safe environment. To me, not punishing John, trying to place me in an apartment next to his with no door lock, then refusing to provide a properly functioning lock system on my current front door qualifies.

    I am terrified in my own home and I have been for months now.

    My question is, do I have grounds to break my lease? If so, will I need to hire a lawyer to help me do this, or is there a way I can get out of this on my own?

    submitted by /u/miawallacesuglytwin
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    My close friend told me that my roommate repeatedly sexually assaulted her four days ago at a party. She doesn't want to press charges. Are there any actions I can take to break my lease? [Texas].

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:14 AM PST

    My close friend confided in me that my roommate had repeatedly sexually assaulted her at a party when I was out of town. A party had been thrown, and my friend had too much to drink. He had invited her to sleep in his bed, as our futon had been occupied by another person. She told me that night he kept putting his hands under her bra and eventually into her panties. He also took her hand and put it on his penis. This had allegedly happened five times, and each time she said she could only pull his hand away and turn away because she was too drunk. She had confronted him in person. Because she was his friend and doesn't feel victimized, she doesn't want to press any charges. I've kept pressuring her to report him to protect other women. I don't think there's any evidence that can be collected because she waited four days and showered to tell me, but I at least want some sort of paper trail on him now and try to take some sort of legal action. She's adamantly refusing. I've linked her to some sexual assault survivor's support groups.

    The other crucial detail is he confided in me two months ago that he had molested his cousin when he was 14 up to when he was 16. He had gone to counseling for five years when his family refused to press charges. I was horrified when I heard this, but he claimed he was rehabilitated and seemed remorseful. I had already signed my lease with him at this point.

    I do not want to stay the remaining 8 months of my lease with him, but I can accept if that's the reality I have to face. Both our names are on the lease. We have been splitting rent and utilities without problems. Is there any way I can approach the apartment complex and ask them to break my lease? I'd even take another one bedroom apartment in the same complex. My friend said she would comply with whatever I need and even talk to the complex to break my lease.

    If I can't break my lease, is there any way I can prevent any parties from occurring at my apartment and protect other women? I've already verbally warned my female friends to stay away from my apartment. I told them it wasn't safe and wouldn't elaborate. If I had to stay, I plan to tell him to never talk to me unless it was about rent, bills, or the apartment.

    It's Sunday, so my leasing office is closed. I have distanced myself from my roommate because I'm dangerously angry at him. Who should I talk to first? Can I record my roommate and use his confession to break my lease? What questions should I ask?

    submitted by /u/littlefoxtrot
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    [WI] Roommate abandoned (way too much) property

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:06 AM PST

    Hey guys! I'll try to keep this short. My roommate/good friend moved out the 16th of August. She left a ton of stuff here. She kept saying she'd come get it, but has failed every time she said she would. This is a substantial amount of stuff (clothes, bedding, furniture, etc) in my tiny apartment, and it's now the end of November, and I'm pissed.

    She claimed she would grab it the week of the 19th. I said if she didn't get it by then, I was going to do something about it. This is all over text messages. I talked to my landlord about the legality of me leaving her shit on the curb - she claims that legally, she, as a landlord, is not able to touch any of her stuff. For some reason, I feel this is wrong. She also said (since she's a very nice person) that I could leave her stuff in a locked area of the basement in the apartment complex instead of leaving it outside.

    What I'd like to know is if me moving her stuff into the basement is legal or not. If it isn't, I'm curious about how I can properly get all her stuff out of my apartment. I kept getting different answers online, so I dont want to mess this up. She is dating someone super vindictive who doesn't like me, so I'm almost positive if I handle this wrong I'll be in court pretty fast.

    Also, this is in Dane County, Wisconsin.

    Tl;dr: crappy roommate leaves all her shit in my tiny apartment. I want it gone, but in a legal way.

    submitted by /u/jandzoe
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    Bothced C-section

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:33 PM PST

    Northeast Arkansas

    I had my c section 10/29/18 it was a planned repeat c section. I'm so upset. When they finally took me back for my c section they told me they were going to do a spinal. Everything started off good. But once the needle was in I kept feeling pain on the left side so she kept trying to adjust it about 4 or 5 times then she finally injected the meds. Right after she did this in my left calf and foot it felt like a million needles sticking me at once. The nurce in the room asked what happened then anesthesiologist said well the meds are already in, so they laid me back. We waited for the doctor to come and I was still able to move my legs when he got there. They cleaned my stomach and went to test if I could feel anything and I told them it felt like he was poking me with a needle. So they lowered my head and waiting a few minutes before trying again. Which again I told them I could feel them poking me and it hurt. I was also still able to move my legs. The lady that did my spinal was trying to explain to me that i was numb except the top layer of my skin wasn't. Well they started the c section anyways. I felt EVERYTHING. I was screaming and crying. They wouldnt stop. They wouldnt give anything for pain til she was out. The doctor and nurses where talking about the new meds they used not working right for others and saying it was a bad batch. They kept asking are you feeling this? And I'm screaming yes. Then saying she shouldnt be feeling anything but kept going. My sister came down to the door where I was cause she heard me. She has a video of about 8 minutes of hearing me screaming though my husband said it was the entire time from start to finish so I'm not really sure exactly how long it was its a bit fuzzy. After my daughter was born they gave me morphine in my IV and I passed out til I was back in my room. I was up walking within 2 hours. I dont understand why they decided to keep going. It wasnt an emergency. My daughter wasnt in any type of distress if it were or she was I could understand needing to not waste time and getting her out right then.

    After getting the medical records and post op notes we read through them and noticed They left out all indications that there was any kind of problems that occurred during the operation and also all the medications are listed on the report except for the morpbine.

    What actions am I able to take if any ?

    Edit: To be clear this is my wife explaining her account of the situation.

    submitted by /u/Death-KliX
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    Father released after psychotic episode, no money, no ID, no phone, 1,600 miles away from family and a horrific lack of contact from the hospital.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:29 PM PST

    So, this is a long story. Myself (24F), I live in California. My dad (50M) has been living with his parents in Michigan for the last year. The whole family has always assumed he was high functioning on some part of the spectrum. He deals fairly well in life, but obviously has an addictive personality. A mental disorder is not shocking to me.

    He had mentioned a few weeks ago he was going to be traveling West to do some visits; his grandson from my older brother had been born in July. This really begins the morning of 11/14/18, I'm in class and I get a call from my dad. I don't answer and listen to the voicemail ten minutes later after class. It says something like "Hi honey, I just wanted to say I love you, thank you for everything, and I'm sorry for everything.........I'm on my way out to see Travis (older half-brother) and...and then I'm...I've got something to do...then I'm going to come see you guys." I'm the only one in the family in California. My older brother lives in Vegas. I knew something was off immediately. I called him back, but his phone was off. So I started calling his sister (we'll call her Aunt A, she's closest to him besides myself) and my grandmother. They told me he had left the previous day and that he seemed normal. I called my brother to see if he had heard anything from him and he said no.

    The next afternoon, the 15th, my brother sends me a voicemail from my dad that had about the same level of crazy and same message as mine. I call more family and learn he left these messages for my mom (they divorced 21 years ago), my mom's parents, and a few other family members on his side. All were about the same.

    That night my dad finally calls me. He is obviously out of his mind. His car is broken, he's on the side of the highway. Where is he? "I don't know." Are there any signs nearby? "Hmmm nope." Can you use your maps on your phone? "My phone is broken." You're talking to me though. "It won't do anything else. I'll have to start my list over." He says it looks like Wyoming. I ask how I can help him and he laughs and says he wishes he knew. I say I want to send him an ambulance and he says that would be nice. He says he needs to go and hangs up. Aunt A gets a hold of him and he's walking at midnight between the highway and some railroad tracks.

    We lose contact with him until the next morning (the 16th) he calls Aunt A from a grocery store in Colorado begging for help. A deputy picks him up, knows where his car is, says the car is just out of gas, helps him with that and helps send him on his way. The deputy says "Well he seemed fine, said he was a grown man and could take care of it. So I let him go."

    Two hours later Aunt A calls the deputies to see if they had seen him go. Six deputies were trying to calm him down as he is screaming about the government watching him and throwing things alongside the highway. They get him calmed down and to a hospital in their small town. A case worker there is prompt in communicating with us. He is relatively calm. They're working on transferring him to a bigger hospital in Denver. They can't give him anything because he has to do a psych evaluation at the next place. They have him in handcuffs because while he didn't get violent, he did say he wanted to knock the deputies teeth out. Said a couple hours in he was much more agitated; said to the doctor "I want to punch you in the face, but I know it isn't right...so I won't". I spoke to him and it was the ravings of a mad man. I wasn't speaking to my father.

    The problems begin when they transferred him to the hospital in Denver that night. The previous case worker said that we couldn't get any information on him because when they transferred him (in his complete raving lunacy) he wouldn't sign a release of information. Which meant unless I had a patient code, I couldn't get anyone to "confirm or deny he was there." So for the next couple days I could do nothing but call the hospital and leave my name and number. He did call me back whenever I called. He progressively got more calm and sane. It wasn't until the morning of the 20th that we got him to sign the release of information. Immediately we called the case worker trying to figure out what was going on with him. We get the voicemail. I call the hospital, they transfer me...same voicemail box. I wait until the evening of the 21st and demand to talk to a doctor about my dad. First they try and tell me there isn't a release of information. Then they give me to a nurse who doesn't seem to even know who my dad is. He tells me little, like well we think it could be bipolar or substance abuse (his tox screen came back clean), they are giving him respiridol (sp) twice a day, and it looks like they might let him to the next day but it was unclear.

    So it's the morning of Thanksgiving, I call the hospital. It rings for a couple minutes before an irritated woman answers. I ask to talk to my dad. She tells me the patient phones are busy and to call back later. I don't wait long, because twenty minutes later a random Colorado number is calling me. It's my dad, he's using a phone at a motel near the hospital. He's not sure what he's going to do since the hospital said they would get him a taxi to his car...but they didn't, so he might sleep on the streets since the motels won't let him check in without an ID. Also his car is impounded and it's a holiday so it's not going to be open anyways. He hangs up to call the police and see if they can help. I now have no way to contact his since besides having no transportation, ID, or money....he also doesn't have a phone. All these things are lost or in his car, which is two hours away. He calls me from a kind strangers phone and he's scouting out a nice spot under some camper shells to sleep (sounds like a 'sane' plan" and I managed to get him an airbnb, an uber to said airbnb, and food delivered there as well.

    So it had been over 48 hours with no word from the case worker. Neither the case worker nor hospital gave any warning that they were just putting a man with nothing on the streets in Winter on a holiday. I find it hard to believe that this isn't some sort of negligence. Also, no man that is clear enough to be released from a mental hospital immediately decides he's going hop a fence and sleep under a camper shell in November in Colorado. I'm mostly just furious about the situation and am looking somewhere to direct this fury.

    submitted by /u/Howdidyougetthisjob
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