• Breaking News

    Friday, November 30, 2018

    I feel like I am reaching the end of my entrepreneurial rope and am heading for a nervous breakdown or worse small business

    I feel like I am reaching the end of my entrepreneurial rope and am heading for a nervous breakdown or worse small business

    I feel like I am reaching the end of my entrepreneurial rope and am heading for a nervous breakdown or worse

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:01 PM PST

    No idea if this is the right place, but non-business owners have a hard time understanding our lifestyle so I decided to post it here. I don't really know where to even start.

    My life feels like a pressure cooker. It's been really difficult for us to get out of the "startup crazy hours phase" and 7 years later (even though we are 5M+ revenue) I am still working over 80 hours a week. Things have been really bad the last year or so. I barely exercise anymore, my weight has been plummeting, and I cannot state it any more simply than I am just...depleted. The company is still in a fragile state due to mistakes made in the past and a partner that is also buckling under the stress (my workload is significantly higher). I am constantly tired, anxious, and depressed, and I literally cannot remember the last time I did not feel like shit. 6 hours of sleep or less is normal now. I am falling behind in my work and several major deadlines are coming up that if I cannot fulfill, the company will be in trouble.

    The stress of everything has made me depressed and unhappy for so long that I have basically descended into a state of absolute numbness. I almost broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years a week ago in some fucked up attempt to not deal with a relationship obligation and maybe get some time returned to myself. I started smoking weed every night just so I can fall asleep and have maybe 30 minutes that don't suck. I don't even want to wake up anymore.

    Today I had to leave the office early so I could work from home and as soon as I got in the door I pathetically started sobbing on the floor and have been sitting in my home office trying to figure out what to do with myself. I feel completely unable to work and can barely function right now. I can't even stop crying writing this, and I can't help but feel like a fucking loser because I can't handle this.

    I feel like I am trapped in some kind of hell that there is no escape from and it has been seven. fucking. years. I have stamina but this is just too much. I can't close down the company or else I will be financially ruined and several family members dependent on it will be totally fucked. I already work all the fucking time and don't know how it is possible to give anymore.

    I am totally trapped and I cannot find any way out. I have several firearms and have thought about killing myself pretty much every day for at least a year. This time I feel way too close, and I want to do anything to get out of this life I have created for myself. Anything. Logically, I know all of the anti-suicide arguments, how it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, etc. but it's not helping and I can't believe I am sitting here asking Reddit for help because I have nowhere else to turn to. I have never felt this emotionally unstable in my life. A few concerned people around me have asked if I have thoughts of hurting myself (perhaps I've exhibited signs, I'm not sure) and I've been very careful to hide it as I cannot bear the shame of having them know I have these thoughts. Especially when I am expected to be the captain of the ship and I need to be the strong one.

    Fuck. I'm sorry for the rambling, and I'm sorry for putting this on a bunch of strangers. I just don't know what else to do anymore.

    I am 29 years old and I honestly don't know if I will see my next birthday.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway0892374
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    Just my 2 cents

    Posted: 30 Nov 2018 02:28 AM PST

    Hi reddit My name doesn't mater My job doesn't matter My life is what matters My happiness is what matters

    I started a business in 1956. The year after I married my beautiful wife.

    In 1991 that very same business moved 5 miles up the road into a different county, a different city, but a bigger building because I needed more space to grow my business.

    Now it is almost 2019. 63 years after I first opened my business. When I leave this earth how do I want to be remembered? I don't care I'll be dead I'll finally be at peace!!! Lol All that you can control is you! Every single person in the world, the only thing they can control is them.

    So what did I control? 9children , 7 bio 2 adopt A modest home we were all comfortable in Enough property to be able to spread out I did my best to provide for my Family, my Friends, my customers, nice people and mean people, I set my priorities and kept them straight At the end of each day I could say I was satisfied with how I controlled the day

    Everyone has good days, bad day, up days, down days, Monday's and Friday's

    Only you chose how you control and manipulate your environment Because when the final curtain falls and the crowd goes home:

    Some fucking asshole is gonna give you 1 star on yelp!!!!!!

    Be mad or giggle to yourself as you drive your luxury car down your long private gated driveway and park it outside of your personal mansion you share with your loved ones because that is what matters

    TLDR: everyone has there own shit! Worry about what you want! Only you matter! What matters most to you??

    submitted by /u/hehehahaho00
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    Best Setup for Payroll and Bookkeeping For the Self-Employed Contractor?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2018 02:57 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out next year's solution to my bookkeeping and accounting needs. I am self-employed as an software/embedded engineer and do contract work. Been doing it now for three years where I am an S-Corp, pay myself a reasonable salary, and then take owner's withdrawal.

    I was pretty happy with Xero until they removed the payroll option starting 2019. Now I'm scrambling to figure out what I'll do since it worked seamlessly in CA. I'm thinking Gusto as I found the built in health insurance plans attractive, but not completely sure. If you recommend Gusto what bookkeeping software are you using with it? I was looking into Quickbooks, but I also noticed GoDaddy's option and then there's Wave which I considered back in 2015 when I first started. All I'm certain of right now is cutting out xero since they are now giving less features, but keeping the same price.

    On a side note, I also have a RE business so if something like QuickBooks desktop is much smoother for multiple accounts and can still pull in the bank transactions easily I'd be more than happy to learn that as well.

    Sorry if this is a double post, I try to dig in and search for a multitude of duplicates before I post. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/ImpossibleArtichoke
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    Christmas Bonus Help

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:58 AM PST

    Good Morning /r/smallbusiness:

    My family owns a business and in years past we have always provided Christmas Bonuses' for our employees. Typically we assign a dollar figure based on tenure with the company with the highest payout around $5,000. We have done this since we were a much smaller company and now we've just hired our 43rd employee which is approximately 10 more than we had this time last year. In 2017 we gave out over $60k in bonuses and if we were to use the same logic this year that number would be over $70k. We always knew that eventually we wouldn't be able to continue to give out these substantial gifts and I believe that time is now.

    We have had a flat year revenue wise and lost money profit wise due to higher than expected COGS. We have always had a slim payroll for our revenue which is why we've had the expansion in labor this year.

    Any feedback on the best way to ease the blow to our employees that they're not going to be getting the same bonus that they have expected in the past. Some people will receive the same as last year while other will receive less. The example I used earlier of the $5k payout will be maybe $1k this year. We would love to give the normal bonus this year, but we just can't.

    Any advice on how to approach this would be appreciated. My thoughts were to bring everyone together before our Christmas party (which is when we usually give these out) and explain to them that the bonuses will not be as rich as years' past.

    Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays.

    submitted by /u/cpot25
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    How can I make money using college as advertising space for local businesses?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2018 01:32 AM PST

    So, I'm a broke ass college student. I want to use the resources around me to make some money. I know how to build websites and tutor in CS subjects. I want to know how I can make some income by connecting local businesses to the college platform. For example, I can advertise those businesses on campus via bulletin board, student council, etc. If anyone has any ideas on how to execute this, it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/thunder63199
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    The Basics of Acetylene Gas welded Cylinders and Equipment | AxcelGases

    Posted: 30 Nov 2018 12:50 AM PST

    AXCEL GASES is a leading Acetylene Gas welded Cylinders Manufacturer, Acetylene Gas welded Cylinders Supplier, Dissolved (D A) Gas Cylinder Exporters in India.

    submitted by /u/AxcelGases2015
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    Looking for a few more SEO clients before year end

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:37 PM PST

    I own an SEO agency called activebusinessgrowth.ca and we're looking to on-board 2 to 3 more SEO clients before year end.

    We're a boutique agency and implement a max client capacity ceiling.

    This is so that we can focus on producing our current clients results.

    PM me if you're interested to hear more!

    submitted by /u/ABGseo
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    Posted: 30 Nov 2018 01:33 AM PST


    I will be setting up a free WordPress website for you for free! Did you ever want to start a small business but you weren't able to due the high prices other people charge? Not to worry I am doing this for free since I am still a beginner so If you don't like my services you don't have anything to loose! So what are you waiting for PM me now!!

    submitted by /u/KakaTiwari
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    How do you deal with repeated plagiarism from a local competitor?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:53 PM PST

    By plagiarize, I mean word for word, their company name swapped from mine. This is the third time we have caught them doing this AFTER we confronted them, AFTER they promised to take it down, TWICE. I know this person and they are very competitive, but obviously a pathological liar.

    Now I'm seriously pissed off.

    Not sure what my options are. I don't really want to get my lawyer involved (I can't sue someone for plagiarism) and I don't believe in public shaming (although it's very tempting right now).

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/feilu108
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    Google Adwords Help

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:46 PM PST

    This is my second time using google AdWords and I am at my ends wit. I think I set everything up perfectly. Location is set, ad copy is on point, bids seem high but I am getting the same error over and over again. The ads are approved but says they aren't showing. Does anyone have any insight into this problem? Thanks

    submitted by /u/gajoraku
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    Online courses to learn about contracting and how to respond to RFPs?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:42 PM PST

    I am ready to start a consulting business of my own after working as a 1099 for a few years. However, I have no idea about the process of how to approach potential clients, how to create and negotiate contracts and how to respond to RFPs. Are there any good online resources, books or courses for contracting 101? I've looked at the local SBA offices and PTAC but I can't find a dummy guide to contracting that is offered anytime soon. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Hairypotsmokr
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    Considering An Acquisition Offer

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:36 PM PST

    I'm self employed and run an internet marketing agency. I have a number of freelancers I retain, but no employees. Business is 7 years old and profitable.

    Today a client I have had for almost as many years proposed their intereat in acquiring my company, primarily to acquire me and my knowledge and expertise to help further grow their business. They have proposed hiring me as an employee twice before in previous years but I declined. I didn't want to shutter my business.

    It's been a tough year with cash flow, but 2019 looks promising. With that said, being acquired sounds like an interesting opportunity to review.

    For one, my business would be acquired and continue to operate. Just under the parent company (the current client). I would no longer manage all aspects of the business, instead focusing just on the internet marketing work of both my business and the parent company.

    The client is making this proposal because they want me to focus more on growing their internet business. They feel as an agency I can't give them my all, which is true.

    If I don't accept an acquisition I am certain they will fire me and hire someone else to be in house. Not this year. Maybe not next year. But eventually they will hire someone full-time, they are certain they want to do this eventually. Thus, if I decline I will eventually lose them and their revenue. And it's a big enough client I'd need to pick up 4 new ones just to replace them. Doable.

    Client is successful and has grown every year sustainably.

    I'm torn but leaning towards saying yes. Would be nice to have a stable paycheck and health insurance. I'd also be given a stake in the privately held company.

    Lastly our 2 businesses are synergistic and an acquisition can facilitate a new business line down the road that has some real promise.

    I have no details on dollar amounts as none was discussed. Just the prospect of an acquisition and continuing the conversation Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/of_rivia
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    For the entrepreneurs that are not organizationally minded how did you get organized to read balance sheets, cashflow statements, sourcing materials, deal with logistics from China?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:20 PM PST

    Need help and ideas for items to sell at gift store

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:22 PM PST

    My parents own a failing dollar store at the moment and a dollar tree is opening up right next to it next month but my parents cannot get out of the lease for the store for the next 3 years and must continue paying for the store. They do not want to abandon the store as they are old and want to make the most out of the dollar store until the lease expires and then retire so they decided to change the name of the store and rebrand it as a gift store where items are about 20 and under. Anyone have any suggestions on what items they can sell, or any other suggestions? I bought about $1200 worth of stuff straight from Japan like special bentos, cute back packs, and other items because my parents can resell for $20 and theres the element of exoticness since these items are only available in Japan but the issue is I only bought about 3-4 types of items with some flavors and my parents need more selections to sell.

    Any advice would be very appreciated

    edit: The demographics of the city is about 16k people (but near D.C) and there is a good portion of hispanics, Asians, but predominately white people and people of all ages.

    submitted by /u/SJLD2
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    Business Pitch Deck Advice

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:48 PM PST

    Hey everyone-

    Long time lurker and hoping you folks might be able to offer up some advice for me.

    I've been a freelance marketing consultant for the past year and have been fortunate to get some cool gigs via referrals. However, my goal is to obtain new business in industries where I don't have any connections and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do so.

    I'm going to put together a deck that highlights who I am (or who my company is, rather) and what we offer, but I want to be sure to include necessary info so that when I send to prospective clients, it's as concise as possible. Any advice as to what I should absolutely include? I currently have: About, Services, Challenges, Solutions, Successes, & Contact. I know I'm probably missing some key things that I'll kick myself for not thinking of off the bat.

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/Jawkneee45
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    Incfile (Annual Report) Filing Fee - What is it and do I need to pay it?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:43 PM PST

    My business' annual registration is due tomorrow and I'm doing it through incfile. When I went to pay it, I found the "VA state fee" - $50 (expected) but accompanied by an "Incfile (Annual Report) Filing Fee" for an additional $88 ... Just wondering if I have to pay the incfile fee or if there is any way I can circumvent the $88 fee. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/datdudepatty
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    Why E-commerce Titans Cannot Solve Such Issues for Jewelry Purchasers?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:38 PM PST

    Jewelry and accessories are indispensable in people's daily life. With the characteristics of entering the market earlier, larger scale and richer products, the cross-border e-commerce titans including eBay and Alibaba have been usual suppliers of small and medium-sized purchasers. Undoubtedly, they have played an important role in helping the purchasers lower purchase cost and increase sales.

    However, nowadays more and more purchasers find that their profits have been going downward gradually; at the same time, less and fewer promotion effects did the e-commerce have on their business. Why?

    Based in the State of Delaware, FashionTIY, Inc is committed to creating a professional platform for jewelry and accessories. After visiting more than 130 entrepreneurs engaging in running entities and online stores that always run jewelry and accessories including fashion necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, sunglasses, key chains, accessories, beauty and others, it's known that they changed their purchase channels from e-commerce titans to FashionTIY since they have got more surprises about products and services provided by FashionTIY.

    Castro, the owner of an entity and online store in the State of New York, said that she mainly engaged in the operation of fashion accessories, such as necklaces, rings, bracelets, and anklets, especially jewelry sets. Price is always a matter of great concern to her. Compared to that of 3 years ago, the advantage in price has been weaker and weaker, and even not lower than those purchased through offline channels in earlier years, which made her have to find a new supply channel.

    Anna, an interviewee from the State of California, said that she always needed a large number of products including fashion accessories and apparels, about 300+ styles per month. When purchasing from those e-commerce titans, she had to communicate with and conform to each merchant because the products she needed were often from several stores, even different platforms, which was a waste of time.

    Scott, another store owner running scarves, hats, belts, ties and other accessories and apparels from the State of Texas, said that he was always troubled by the logistics. He needed to select styles from different stores, even different platforms; however, it was hard to make their logistics unified. He might receive all the products within one order in several parcels by spells, which took a long time and gave him a headache because he must check details of the products received and to be received within such a long period.

    Currently, having established cooperation with FashionTIY, they are all excited at and satisfied with the partnership since the FashionTIY helped them realize one-stop and one-order purchase, what's more, they are also supplied with uniform shipping, logistics, and after-sales services.

    As a mobile application, FashionTIY made the purchase not boring anymore, exactly a funny activity took anywhere and anytime. The purchasers have enough time and space to select their products because everything has become more convenient and simple, from selecting products, adding products to cart to placing the order. In case that an order is placed, all the products will be delivered in one parcel with your invoice attached, hence, details of each product can be checked easily. Lower price brings you more profits, easier product selection brings you more choices and faster shipping brings you higher efficiency, all of which are proof of FashionTIY's professional advantages.

    Jewelry and accessories purchasers, just open the FashionTIY app or website for more information. All of the dealers should notice that the earlier you choose a better supplier, the more profits you will get.

    submitted by /u/fashiontiyinc
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    IFTA in WA State

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:37 PM PST

    My husband and I own a log truck business in WA State. I am looking into tracking our fuel usage to start filing for International Fuel Tax Agreement. Has anyone done this? Is it a pain? Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/olearydani
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    In general terms, is it a bad idea to integrate vertically immediately after founding a company?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:33 PM PST

    What can I pay for out of my business bank account?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:22 PM PST

    Hi There - I am a small business owner and within the past year incorporated as an S-Corp running a small consulting company out of my home. I am the only employee, and I pay no vendors. My question is around what I can and cannot pay for out of my Business Bank account.My question is, can I pay for the following expenses out of my Business Bank Account without getting into trouble with....I guess the IRS? My Tax person is telling me to go ahead and pay for everything out of my business account.

    • Healthcare for myself
    • Property Taxes
    • Personal Taxes
    • Mortgage
    • Home Operating Bills (Gas, Electric, Water...)
    submitted by /u/CBlosangeles
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    For those whose beginning was maybe embarrassingly small: what was that like and are you glad you went ahead with it anyway?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 01:30 PM PST

    Also, what advice might you give to someone who's struggling with having to start with (for lack of a better phrase) a humble beginning?

    submitted by /u/OhFuhSho
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    Advice on Naming a Business

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 04:57 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I am looking for some advice for naming a business that I am starting. Without releasing much information, that are about three names I have in mind. Two of them directly resemble exactly what I am trying to pursue with my company. I have done some keyword research and both of them are being searched for, 1600 searches a month and 8100 searches a month. The domains are available, but not for cheap. One is $2k and the other is $5k. My logic behind using these names for the business would be for SEO and search purposes. I would think they would come up first since they are literally the exact search terms in domain form (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    The other name is a made of word of two actual ones and closely resemble the business what I am going after, just not literally. Of course I'll do SEO and do my best to appear in the searches for my terms, I just think it might make my marketing simpler if I go with the other names. My hesitation is that using those search terms as a business and domain name is that it might make my company sound boring and unoriginal, which is not what I'm trying to go after brand wise. I like the name of the one that I made up however the ".com" is not available, I am using GoDaddy's domain buy service to try to acquire it. I believe this name is more original and would be a conversation starter.

    Other option is I use the original one as the business and marketing it as such but buy the domain with a lot of search value and do a 301 redirect to mine, lol.

    I would love to hear anyone's feedback :)


    submitted by /u/da_hanzzz
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    Best option for moving 5 couches from san francisco to santa monica?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:12 PM PST

    Would I be contacting a moving company..or a train company? It's a 7 hour drive.

    submitted by /u/ohnoimrunningoutofsp
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    Secured line of credit on a boat?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 01:48 PM PST

    My business has about $100k between a few credit cards. I have been moving it around as to not pay any interest. I don't think I will be able to do that starting in February. I have a boat that I own free and clear that is valued at about $50k and a car valued at about $10k. Are there any lines of credit that can be secured with a boat as collateral? I should be able to start chipping away at the debt in the spring when business picks up, if credit card interest doesn't kill me before hand.

    A little context.

    I run a small boat tour company in San Diego. I have two full years in business. It has taken me two years to become profitable. I just put all my expenses on business/personal credit cards instead of going through any hassle of applying for a business loan. I have good credit, except for the fact that my credit utilization is at 50%.

    submitted by /u/RandyWe2
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    Young, stupid, and overwhelmed

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:59 PM PST

    After 8 years in my industry managing businesses and making money for other people, my significant other and I finally went in to business for ourselves. I am the brains and power behind the operation while the SO was the finance for start up. We are 50/50 ownership, have no debt, and have no employees or other overhead besides rent/utilities/merchandise. While I know the day to day operations and market of this industry like the back of my hand and we are doing AMAZING for our 3rd month in business.. I am so beyond overwhelmed when it comes to bookkeeping.

    I originally hired a CPA to help with the formation of the LLC and all of our business licenses but quickly realized, although he came very recommended he wasn't worth a crap. I ended up paying him too much just for the LLC and having to do the rest on my own. I have met with 4 other CPA's and none of them fit the bill. They are all either related to/already work for our direct competitors or are just SHAAAAAADDYYYYY. I figured this would be something I can tackle closer to tax season. I have QuickBooks Pro Desktop but for the life of me cannot bring myself to it. It's beyond overwhelming.

    I have never been a huge numbers person. But I need to be for the sake of our business. I understand profit margins, I understand I need to bookkeep but no matter what book I buy, or tutorial I watch its literally panic attack inducing.

    I finally got some motivation to tackle it only to read I have 3 basic choices of setting up quickbooks:

    • The right way ( convert at the beginning of my calender/accounting year )

    • The slightly awkward way (convert at the beginning of some interim accounting period )

    • The my-way-or-the-highway ( convert whenever you want and create a lot more work which you will have to figure out on your own most tutorials wont apply )

    If I am being stumped by this alone, how in the world am I gonna tackle the rest? We opened our business on august 27th, I don't even know which one of these applies!!

    Can anyone please offer any words of advice? Or Hope? Even though we are doing good as a business and turning a profit I am beginning to doubt our decisions. Maybe I am not cut out for this ?

    Sincerely- Overwhelmed

    submitted by /u/ChopChopMadafaka
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