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    Friday, November 30, 2018

    Helpful Winter Insurance Tips Insurance

    Helpful Winter Insurance Tips Insurance

    Helpful Winter Insurance Tips

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:49 AM PST

    If you live in the Northeast or Midwest, you know the drill. Four to five months of heavy clothes, seeing your breath and generally freezing outside. Sometimes even elsewhere, Old Man Winter stops in for an unexpected visit. But beyond the inconvenience and discomfort, a winter storm or other severe weather conditions can cause real damage. So it's important to think about winter preparedness.

    Protecting your home is vital. A frozen water pipe can burst and flood your house or basement. An ice dam in your gutter can cause water to seep into and saturate an interior wall. And then there's your car. Making sure it's prepped to face winter's worst is just as critical. After all, what would happen if a blizzard stranded you in your car?

    Prepare yourself

    Some winter weather tips to help you get through a severe stretch of cold:

    · Stay indoors during the storm.

    · Walk carefully on snowy, icy walkways.

    · Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow. It's a serious workout, and going at it too hard can bring on a heart attack − a major cause of death in the winter. If you must shovel snow, stretch before going outside.

    · Stay dry. Wet clothing loses all of its insulating value and transmits the cold rapidly.

    Cold-related injuries

    · Watch for signs of frostbite: loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in extremities. If any of these occur, get medical help immediately.

    · Watch for signs of hypothermia: uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion.

    · If any of the hypothermia symptoms appear, get yourself (or the victim) to a warm location, remove wet clothing, and warm the center of the body first. Give the patient warm, non-alcoholic beverages if they are conscious. And of course, get medical help as soon as possible.

    Prepare your home

    Some tips to brace your home for a winter storm:

    · Clean out the gutters, disconnect and drain all outside hoses. If possible, shut off outside water valves.

    · Insulate walls and attics, and caulk and weather-strip doors and windows.

    · Repair roof leaks and remove tree branches that could get weighed down with ice or snow and fall on your house – or your neighbor's. (Avoid liability for the latter.)

    · Wrap water pipes in your basement or crawl spaces with insulation sleeves to slow heat transfer.

    · Consider an insulated blanket for your hot water heater.

    · If you have a fireplace, keep the flue closed when you're not using it.

    · Have a contractor check your roof to see if it would sustain the weight of a heavy snowfall.

    · Make sure your furniture isn't blocking your home's heating vents.

    · During cold spells, keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air to circulate around pipes, particularly those in the kitchen and bathrooms.

    · Keep a slow trickle of water flowing through faucets connected to pipes that run through unheated or unprotected spaces.

    · If your house will be unattended during cold periods, consider draining the water system.

    · Avoid ice dams – where water from melted snow refreezes in the gutters and seeps in under the roof, soaking interior walls. Here's how:

    · Ventilate your attic.

    · Insulate the attic floor well to minimize the amount of heat rising through the attic from within the house.

    · Consider having a water-repellent membrane installed under your roof covering.

    Prepare your car

    According to the Department of Transportation, 22% of all vehicle crashes in the U.S. – and 16% of the fatalities – are due to severe weather such as rain, snow, sleet and ice.1 So, prepare your car for treacherous conditions and extremely cold temperatures – and know what to do if you find yourself stranded in a vehicle. When the temperatures start to drop:

    · Drive only if it is absolutely necessary. If you must drive, travel during the day.

    · Don't travel alone. Keep others informed of your schedule.

    · Stay on main roads and avoid back road shortcuts.

    · Top off antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, gas, oil and other fluids.

    · Make sure your tires have enough tread. Consider snow tires.

    · Keep bagged salt or sand in the trunk for extra traction and to melt ice.

    · Clear snow from the top of the car, headlights and windows.

    · Save the numbers for your auto club, insurance agent and towing service into your cell phone.

    · Keep a cold-weather kit in your trunk. It should include a blanket or sleeping bag, gloves, hard candy, bottled water, folding shovel, first aid kit, flashlight and cell phone charger.

    If you're trapped in a vehicle

    · Remain inside. Rescuers are more likely to find you there.

    · Run the engine and heater about 10 minutes every hour. Clear any snow from the exhaust pipe to reduce your risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

    · Move around to maintain heat.

    · Use maps, floor mats and seat covers for insulation.

    · Take turns sleeping. Someone should always be awake to alert rescuers.

    · Drink fluids to avoid dehydration.

    · Turn on the inside light at night so rescue crews can find you.

    · If you're stranded in a remote area, stomp out the words "SOS" or "HELP" in the snow.

    submitted by /u/ryan545
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    (Michigan) A medical bill while I was on Medicaid

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:56 PM PST

    Hello, a little over a year ago, doctors at the hospital discovered that I had a huge ovarian tumor/cyst and urged me to have surgery. When they originally discovered the mass, myself and my husband did not have a job and the hospital signed us up for our states expanded Medicaid (Healthy Michigan). I elected Blue Cross as a provider. We went through the motions with our states Medicaid office and we each got our Medicaid and Blue Cross cards.

    My surgery was one year ago today, and I happened to log in today to make an appointment with my OBGYN and I noticed that, despite it being a year, Medicaid still has not paid for my surgery ($20,000 bill). Medicaid paid for all other charges, e.g. room and board, testing, etc but the surgery itself is still not paid. Medicaid even paid for my emergency hospital stay in between when they discovered the mass and the actual surgery. However, the hospital still says I owe $0.

    I've since been off Medicaid since June of this year (so I had Medicaid overage Oct 2017 - June 2018, with surgery in Nov 2017), due to company offered health insurance, but I wonder if the hospital will ever turn this bill around on me and bill me directly. Can they do that when I had Medicaid coverage? Is this length of time of not paying only one particular charge normal?

    Any insight would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PhoenixxFyre
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    Hearing aids for 2.5 year old, BCBS-TX will auto deny, but we can appeal. Need help prepping for that. IL/USA

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:52 PM PST

    My daughter has a measurable hearing loss and an ENT says she needs hearing aids. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (my work insurance, but we live in Illinois) will automatically deny coverage for hearing aids, but we can appeal that. We have to prove that there is a requirement. I have a pediatrician, speech therapist, ENT, and the testing center that I will call tomorrow, but I'm not sure what I need to get from all of them.

    Any suggestions? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Jabberwocky918
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    Can Anthem Add a Child to My Plan Without My Consent in Order to Use the Birthday Rule?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:15 AM PST

    This is a follow-up to a question I asked the other day in /r/personalfinance:

    My now 4-month-old was added to my wife's insurance plan within the 30-day window. I also have insurance, for just myself. We both use Blue Cross, but not the same plan or same employer or anything.

    A final bill in the 5-figures keeps getting denied and kicked back, saying her insurance can't pay because Michael is double-covered. He was never covered under mine. I even called my insurance and they confirmed they never had any claims for him submitted. My plan has always only covered me, because my wife's plan is far better.

    The hospital says they're likely trying to use the birth rule, as my birth month comes first. But from what I can find, this only applies for double coverage right? Is insurance trying to say that just because both parents have plans, we're forced into using mine?

    New information I need help on Using some great advice from my original thread, we tried explaining there was no coordination of benefits and I was the only one covered. We've had both our HR departments contact Anthem on our behalfs as well.

    As of today, both HR departments are telling us there is nothing that can be done. I'm told that there is someone on my policy, under the name of Baby. That it's Anthem policy to automatically add a child as "Baby" for the first 31 days, and that they likely connected dots and found out I had a kid and did it for me. Because of that, even though we added him to my wife's on day three, they're using the birthday rule to say it must go through my plan. There are no claims submitted on my plan as of yet. Anthem told my wife to just have my HR remove him from my plan and then they'd resubmit the claim. But Anthem tells my HR it is impossible to remove a child who was covered for that first 31 days.

    So my question now - is this at all within the realm of anything you've ever heard of? And do we have any hope of fixing it or are we stuck trying to pass it through my (far far worse) plan instead? All the advice in the original thread said to simply explain and show there is no coordination of benefits and only I was ever covered. We figured this would work, because we had absolutely no clue someone had been added to my plan at all, as we never requested it or gave any indication on our own to my insurance that I'd have a child.

    Thanks for your help! Just feeling run around in many circles and pretty stuck at this moment.

    submitted by /u/ppc_brian
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    TX - Self-Insured Company Driver Hit Me And Won't Reply

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:36 PM PST

    Long story short, a taxi driver hit me, and their company is self-insured in Texas. I filed a claim with my insurance which covered my vehicle repairs, however I don't have a TX insurance policy, and my state (MO) isn't a PIP state, so medical/lost wages/rental is all out of pocket at the moment.

    The accident occurred on October 13th. While technically there aren't any requirements, the taxi company said they pay everything at once and needed info from State Farm first before they'd pay my lost wages and medical. SF finally finished up their billing and sent the taxi company a letter of subrogation last week.

    The taxi company is absolutely ridiculous, however. I still don't know who my adjuster is, I only have a phone number for an assistant. Every time I call, I'm told the claims manager is in a meeting or is too busy with other cases to talk to me or work on mine. They literally have NEVER called me, I've spoken to them a small handful of times and that's only when they miraculously pick up their phone. I'm out about 4-5K, which isn't anything to forget about, but is also small enough where I'd want to make a lawsuit my last resort, especially since I'm sure legal fees wouldn't be cheap.

    Since the taxi company is self-insured and of course I'm filing against them, are there any insurance protections in Texas that I could use against them to get them to reimburse me already? Or can they take literally as long as they would like?

    submitted by /u/Winter0110
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    Insurance Adjustment for New Car Engine?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:39 PM PST

    Hypothetically, let's say my car has 200k miles on it and I go all out and completely replace the engine with a brand new one. Let's say it costs $6k for parts and labor. If I get into an accident the next day and it's a total loss, how would an insurance adjustor value my vehicle? I'm assuming the value would go up a bit if I could provide receipts, but I'm guessing I wouldn't get every penny I put into the vehicle. For example, would they categorically exclude labor costs from my receipt? Intuition tells me I might get 40 cents on the dollar if I'm lucky, but what do you think?

    Normally, I would just find a similar vehicle to compare it to but there is none because generally no one will put a brand new engine in a high mileage vehicle.

    submitted by /u/MysteryOfTheAges
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    Car insurance payout, can i keep it?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:53 PM PST

    Someone didn't park their car properly and it rolled out of the spot and hit mine. I filed a claim with their insurance (usaa) and got it appraised at a shop for them. They agreed to pay out for all damages, but i was unable to leave the car to be repaired. After being unable to do a repair for a while, they sent me a check for the full amount of the appraised repairs. Can i cash it and keep the money? Im the only person named on the check. Im still paying the car loan.

    submitted by /u/TallGuitarDaniel
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    26 YO in California, Need allergy shots to function but have no insurance. Advice?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:02 PM PST

    I turned 26 about 7 months ago, which was when I also had to stop receiving allergy shots for chronic hayfever. As these months have passed and I've gone without the shots, I've become increasingly aware of how much I need them in order to simply feel normal and function. You know how on a bad allergy day your eyes burn? Well my entire face feels like that for the majority of each day. Pretty much the only thing that helps is covering my face in moisturizer and smoking weed till i cant feel the uncomfortable sensation anymore. Obviously this isnt conducive to working, or going to school, and has only been maintainable since I've taken off school for familial reasons. I can't stress enough how physically uncomfortable it feels. So many people just write it off as hyperbole, but it gets so uncomfortable during parts of the day i literally just want to be alone.

    Now that I can no longer use my parent's insurance to get these shots, I'm not sure what to do. I can't get a job like this, but I also need insurance if I dont want to pay $1000 that I dont have for allergy testing. I guess I'm just asking if there's anything I'm missing. Do i have any options at all? I could ask my parents to pay for it but I really would prefer a different avenue.

    Edit: forgot to mention that things like otc allergy meds and even prescriptions pills don't touch it at all

    submitted by /u/Thoreauxaway7
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    Disabled Adult Dependant- Questions about staying on parents Health Insurance after 26. (OPM/FEHB)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:52 PM PST

    Hello all, Ill try to explain as quickly as possible I apologize If I miss anything. I will be turning 26 in January. I live in Tennessee.

    Cross Posted to r/legaladvice

    -OMP: Office of Personnel Management

    -RFC: Residual Function Capacity (a test that determines how much a person can lift/push/pull/stand, etc, this form is often used by insurance companies and Social Security to determine if/how much work someone can do.)

    -BCBS: Blue Cross Blue Shield (Federal Employee Preferred or FEP for specifics)

    OK, So I am disabled (Documentations include an RFC and other things from Geneticists and Rhuemetologiests stating the severity of it keeps me from working. Full Time wheelchair user, currently fighting for SSDI).

    Under the new laws, from my understanding, disabled adults can stay on their parents health plan if incapable of self support, after age 26.

    However, I am Married. I have read the entire OPM Manual about health benefits, dependants, and qualifications, and It does not state anywhere in the manual that me being married would disqualify me from this provision. I called Blue Cross Blue Sheild FEP and they stated "It doesnt matter if you are married you can still qualify if you meet the criteria, and eligibility is determined by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

    So I call OMP to get the form R1-30-10. On the form however, there is a section (2c) asks if the dependant is married and if they are, to attach a copy of the marriage certificate and sign the document and return it. On the back side of the form it states " Please have the unmarried disabled dependent's physician complete the back of this form and return the completed form to the above address. "

    So, does this mean I no longer qualify since I am married? I would think if being married disqualifies me it would be stated by BCBS customer service and on the OMP manual. If I do get denied do to being married, can I use the OMP manual itself to appeal this decision?

    Thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/_audiotherapy_
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    How can I find out if my dental insurance covers invisalign?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:35 PM PST

    My dental insurance covers Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment of the Adult Dentition (age 19 and over) Class I and II and my out of pocket cost will be ~$3600 but I don't know exactly what that means. I know for a fact i can get braces for that price because I had a consultation for them at an orthodontist's office last year but is there any chance it will also cover invisalign? The CDT code for this is listed as D8090.

    How can I find it in writing whether they do or don't and what they consider to be treatment?

    submitted by /u/5prcnt
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    Arizona - Donated car; Cancel Insurance?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 01:18 PM PST

    I donated my old car recently, and am driving a company car that has insurance through the company. I am wondering if I can cancel my auto insurance.

    When I first got the company car, I called my insurance company (Allstate) to cancel the insurance, since I didn't need it. The lady I spoke to then was very helpful and gave me options. 1. I could cancel my insurance, and just needed to fill out a state form (can't remember which one), so I would not have any consequences. 2. Suspend the coverage, and don't drive it, but I could call them when I wanted to re-instate it if I did need to drive it. 3. Just drop it to the lowest coverage (which is what I did at that time).

    When I called them this time, saying the car is now gone and I wanted to cancel, the lady gave me some pretty shady sounding answers. She basically told me if I canceled insurance, I could never come back and get a policy with them due to a lapse in coverage. This seemed like a lie to me. What if I wasn't planning on driving for a few years, I have to keep insurance? Also, what about the state requirement. Just didn't like that. She offered instead to drop the comprehensive part of my insurance on that car, which I no longer own, and I would have some liability or something only for $182 every 6 months. When asked if I could just get some liability without a vehicle she said no.

    Am I getting lied to? What would r/insurance suggest? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/carlson_001
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    Should I remove driver from my auto policy after driver received DUI or wait?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:55 PM PST

    My friend was driving my car very regularly so I added her to my insurance, which actually brought down my premium by a bit. Now, she got a DUI last weekend and I'm pretty sure I should call my insurance company to remove her, but I wanted to just check in if anyone had any advice or experience with that. I imagine I might have to pay back part of the reduction that was refunded to me when I added her, which isn't a big deal, I just don't want to get cancelled or slammed with charges from her being on the policy.

    submitted by /u/aprilkindarocks
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    Husband got into an accident in my car...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:49 AM PST

    The way it happened would seem him at fault since he had a stop sign and it was a one way for the lady. (Someone told me, the person at the stop sign is ALWAYS at fault.) He said it was clear and she was must have not seen him.

    My car took most of the damage as it was a side collision. He said their car didnt have much damage. Its really just the right car door for me, but estimated repair cost is almost 10,000 due to thr air bags being deployed.

    (Which I know I have to pay for myself.)

    Long story short, we fell behind on bills and my insurance expired in August.

    Just received an email from the other parties insurance wanting to speak with us.

    What are my options now? What do we tell the insurance agent? Do I just call them and tell them I'm uninsured and so was the driver? I'm in MN.

    Should I even bother calling the agent if I'm probably gonna get sued anyway?

    submitted by /u/ForeverYoungAtHeart
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    Mercury Insurance vs Progressive Insurance

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 04:09 PM PST

    Which is better in claims handling and customer service? I know all insurance companies have their horror stories but just wanted to get an idea.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/EasyApple11
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    Health Insurance/Medicare question

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:06 PM PST

    Need some help please. On SSDI, wife's employer insurance is primary, Medicare secondary. Looking for 2019. How would I know if I could/should? switch to an Advantage plan, or of it would suit me to do so. Totally lost and I know I don't have a lot of time to figure it out. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/02soob
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    Aftermarket parts at State Farm Select Service shop or OEM parts at Dealership collision center?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:35 PM PST

    Hello, I recently got into a car accident (not my fault) and opened up a claim with State Farm to get it repaired since I don't have the other side's information (it was a crash on the freeway and the CHP handled everything and gave us the card to request the police report, which will take 1 week). State Farm suggested I bring it into one of their Select Service shop for inspection and repair. My dad wants me to bring it into the Honda dealership's collision center so I can get new OEM parts instead of the aftermarket parts offered by the SF shop.

    Two things with this:
    1. State Farm select service shop has an outstanding 5-star review on Yelp and State Farm provide limited lifetime warranty, which I like, so if anything goes wrong they will fix it until I'm satisfied. However, I just bought my car a few months ago, it's a 2018 Honda CRV so I'm feeling disappointed that they can use, and I quote the SF rep, non-OEM, recycled, or reconditioned parts. They flat out said they will not use OEM parts.

    1. I called my dealership collision center who said they can match the estimate and give me the OEM parts. Makes sense because I'm sure they have deals with the manufacturer that can get them those parts cheaper. But their yelp review is horrible with many reviewer saying they delay the job up to months and will not take responsibility if anything goes wrong. I'm sure State Farm won't do anything later if I select this shop.

    Can anyone give me some insight to see which is a better option? Should I just opt for the aftermarket parts to ensure quality work even if it depreciate my car value? Or opt for OEM parts but there is chance of sub-par work. I just wish I can convince the SF shop to give me OEM parts at least for the mechanical repair since I want to feel safe driving. Also I can't seem to find out the actual State Farm terms for limited lifetime warranty. What exactly will they cover?

    I appreciate any insights! Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/iciel
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    Life Insurance Policy/Beneficiary?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:16 PM PST

    If 2 family members have passed in the last couple years, and one of them kept you from the other, and a lady who is a felon (including fraud, burglary, and negligence) was left everything and she is very vindictive and shady, there is no getting a policy number from her.. but there IS an insurance policy unclaimed that she DID NOT receive (she made that very clear in her threatening texts)... How do I go about even finding out who the beneficiary is at that point? Thank you in advance and I know this is probably just an easy question to Google but I'm currently having a Google software glitch and cannot utilize most things Google. Any information is much appreciated.

    I am in the United States - Oklahoma (deaths were also in OK)

    submitted by /u/Tokahontas918
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    Hypo: Accident report doesn’t determine fault, then liability denies claim, in a contrib state. Next step?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:14 PM PST

    Accident occurs where it is a he said (Jack) vs she said (Jill) and officer can't determine fault. Jack files against Jill's liability insurance which denies the claim (believing Jill's story).This is in North Carolina, which has contributory negligence. If Jack has uninsured motorists insurance, can he take denial letter and open a claim with his own UM carrier? What if UM tells him he can't open claim since Jill's liability denied?

    submitted by /u/Ruffian9000
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    Accident and auto insurance question

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:05 PM PST

    I was involved in accident when somebody hit my car turning ion front of me. I filled a claim with other company but the say they dont accept 100% fault and advised me to call my insurance. My insurance considers this a claim (deductible) and say they will reinburse me if they collect from the other company. My question is this: should this really be handled as new claim?

    submitted by /u/allimsayin
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    Geico vs Allstate rideshare auto insurance

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:01 PM PST

    Part-time Uber/Lyft driver. I currently have a Geico rideshare hybrid policy that is technically commercial auto insurance. I'm shopping around and Allstate says they can't write me a policy because I currently use commercial auto insurance. They say I need to be insured under a personal policy for 12 months before they can insure me.

    I'm generally happy with my Geico rideshare plan but would like to pay a bit less. Currently at about $1200 yearly premium.


    submitted by /u/tyler86tn
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    Insuring a car in California that’s registered in Michigan

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:30 AM PST

    My car is currently registered in Michigan and my mom is the owner. I'm moving to California in the new year. Do I have to transfer the title to my name and register the car in california? Or can I just leave the title and registration in my mothers name in Michigan but still insure it to drive in California?

    submitted by /u/Shrimpfriedrice7
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    Accident in rental car

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:58 AM PST

    I had an accident in rental car for which I was at fault. I received the following claim from the rental car company:

    Damage: 684.37 Admin Fees: 100 Loss of use: 271.24 Diminishment of Value: 68.43

    I want to know if I can challenge the Admin Fees and Loss of Use.

    Is the Admin Fee like on of those junk fees on a mortgage where you can just "No I'm not paying that."?

    For Loss of use, it says is 15.00/4.00 hours @70.09 per day @ 100% occupancy. 100%? I don't think so. Could I challenge this with some number that is Average Occupancy Rate for rental cars?

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/allelopath
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    Rear Ended Twice Within Two Months

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:49 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I was rear ended by a hummer yesterday that caused my trunk to pop up and it to be caved in a bit.

    In September I was hit on my rear bumper by someone as I was getting onto a highway.

    My question is: With both of these accidents occurring and neither (hopefully the second as well) being my fault, will this effect my ability to get insured or rate?

    Thank you!

    Edit: I'm in Texas

    submitted by /u/artem_m
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    Travel insurance?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:35 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I've been researching for ages which travel insurance companies are the most reputable and which might best suit my personal needs. I've heard horror stories about nearly every company within my budget and hardly any positive feedback. Right now, I'm stuck between DAN annual travel insurance and World Nomads. My question is quite general: does anyone here have personal experience with travel insurance for longterm travels? Which companies have you used and would you recommend them? Have you had to make a claim before and were you compensated appropriately? For reference, I'm 23F from the United States and will be traveling throughout SE Asia for a little under a year. I have US medical insurance (my own plan, not my parents') that will cover me internationally for primary doctor visits. I mostly need travel insurance to protect my photography and editing equipment, in addition to coverage that will apply to scuba diving, emergency airlift transport, and trip interruption or cancellation. If anyone at all could give me some insight on their experiences, I would greatly appreciate it! Many thanks and well wishes to you all!

    submitted by /u/high-priestess
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    Please help. Father in laws car was rear-ended. Officer taking report knew the other driver and wrote the report to make it look like it was my father in laws fault.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:15 AM PST

    So my father in law was backing out of a parking space in a grocery store parking lot. He reversed all the way and then placed the car from reverse to drive. After he switched to drive another car tried to drive around him and struck the back drivers side of the bumper. Other driver gets out apologizes and says it was his own fault for not being patient.

    Police officer shows up to take the report and knows the other driver. They talk and joke for a while then the cop says it was my father in laws fault and wrote the report as such. The officer wrote in 1st person narrative that my father in law drove in such a manner and that the other driver did something else. Instead of the typical narrative of simply writing the statements from the two drivers since the officer of course didn't witness the accident. As well the officers supervisor didn't review or sign the document which is supposed to happen in NJ where we live.

    He has crappy insurance. His adjustor is basically throwing his hands up in the air and saying there is nothing to do.

    My first question is since my father in law wasn't in reverse at the time does it matter? Also should the insurance company be doing more to fight this. They keep saying it's not worth it.

    submitted by /u/ajdhbk
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