• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 28, 2018

    Business U.S. Soybean Farmers Store Their Crops Waiting for Better Prices

    Business U.S. Soybean Farmers Store Their Crops Waiting for Better Prices

    U.S. Soybean Farmers Store Their Crops Waiting for Better Prices

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:36 PM PST

    Walt Disney Co and Twenty-First Century Fox Inc were sued for more than $1 billion on Monday by casino operator Genting Malaysia Bhd

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:07 AM PST

    Pacific Crabbers Sue Big Oil Because of Devastating Blob

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:25 AM PST

    Investor Percentages

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 07:00 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I'm in my 20s and looking to start my first business. As I am rather new to this, I would love if some guidance could be provided.

    The business would be owned and operated by myself and one other person. We each have about 80k we could put into this. However, we do have 2 investors who are interested.

    Each of the 2 investors we have is willing to put down 100-150k. The property we are looking at is about 800k. If we were to take 150k from each, so 300k in total, how much should their percentages of the profit be?

    submitted by /u/_curious_kitty_
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    How to Have a Great Client Relationship — Secrets You Should Know

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:06 PM PST

    The latest AI-enhanced gadget you're using is probably not actually 'intelligent'

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:37 AM PST

    LG puts TV boss in charge of mobile hoping for a turnaround

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:08 AM PST

    GM stock tumbles after Trump threatens to cut all subsidies

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:59 AM PST

    What Are The Biggest Analytics & Business Intelligence Trends For 2019?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:57 AM PST

    Toronto’s commodity-linked stock market set for rebound if oil prices recover

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:37 AM PST

    Ghanaian Billionaire Arrives In Zimbabwe

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:21 AM PST

    What if your opinion on the latest GM layoff?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:06 AM PST

    • Is it due to the increased tariff in the trade war with China?

    • Is it due to shitty products?

    • Is it due to poor management? Trump gave corporation huge tax cut. GM used that money to buy back their shares instead of (1)investing in research and development to improve their vehicle, and/or (2)save those job.

    • Is it due to Federal Reserve rate hike?

    • Is it due to any combination of the above reasons?

    • Is it due to any other reason not listed?

    submitted by /u/b10m1m1cry
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    who can advice me where to boost my instagram profile?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:22 PM PST

    hi, I created a page for my business, but there are very small amount of followers. I want to boost my account, but I don't know where to buy followers. can someone give a link to website where he did it?

    submitted by /u/litmans777
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    How would one go about starting their own clothing brand/company?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:10 PM PST

    Hi there,

    So this question has always lingered in my mind and I have read through some of the google provided sites for this question, but I wanted to see if anyone can provide specific advice for a few questions I had ?

    1. What tools can you use to design the clothing, for example is it more effective to go with pencil and paper or software on the computer? I have these mental images of what I want in my head, im just struggling with the how to physically bring to life these images.
    2. If I didn't want a large scale brand, but like a small streetwear ordeal, how do I set this up? Like create a website and include my designs, Im not trying to design a zillion different things, but maybe 15-20 item catalog per quarter?
    3. How do I bring my sketches/designs into the real world? How do you actually get the clothing made? I would preferably like to upfront a specified amount to have in (stock) if they ever sold, but with the opportunity to make more if for some reason it became popular.
    4. I'm not necessarily in it for the profit, more for the love of fashion and just being able to share something I created with people, and have them potentially wear it. With this being said, I also don't want to be running at an extreme deficit, for I am still young with student loans and an entry level career.
    5. Lastly, for branding, I do have a plug (popular youtuber) I could try to use, product placement and such, but how does one go about getting name recognition even for a small market, without necessarily advertising?

    Thanks for reading and providing insight in advance ! Like I said this is a dream and passion of mine, and I think I would do quite well at it!

    submitted by /u/CCJask
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    About to start an LLC to invest in my company with some friends...need help!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:04 PM PST

    My company just had its final round of funding, and we reached our goal quite easily. The time has come to turn pledges into cash.The business is poised to do very well, and we are turning down outside investment. The founders of the company are opening up 40% of the shares to friends and family of the company. Company operators are given first option to buy. On top of my sweat equity, I'm investing cash as well. Im bringing some friends on board, with each friend investing a. different amount. My business partner and I (we are both operators within the company as well) will own the most equity (about 70% of the total shares owned by the LLC), and around 10 of our friends will own the remaining 30%. In total, the LLC will own about 3% of the company.

    My main question is, if my business partner and I want to form another company under the umbrella of the LLC, but separate from the other investors, how would we go about doing that? Do we form another LLC, or some different kind of company? I'm a total noob when it comes to this stuff, and while our CEO is a financial whiz, he's got so much on his plate right now I'd like to try to do this on my own before asking him to help me out.

    I know I've only given a brief description of my situation, but I'm happy to elaborate for anyone interested in offering some advice. What other general pitfalls should I be aware of before starting this LLC as a way to invest a few hundred K of my friends and my money? As the primary shareholder and founder of the LLC, what would my legal responsibilities be, if any?

    submitted by /u/Hugsarebadmmkay
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    Need Business Advice

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:26 AM PST

    Thanks in advance for lending me your ear.

    So I work for an agency and the owner recently informed me that he's downsizing. I do digital marketing and my primary role is running social media ads for the agency. However since it's more of a creative agency than a marketing agency, we simply lump the social ads in with the quote for all other social media work we do (content creation, posting, etc).

    Here's my question - the owner mentioned he would consider partnering with me to create a sort of "spin-off" agency that will only be dedicated to ads (Facebook & Google). He said he would provide the seed money and use his connections to get business. I tried asking what sort of ongoing work he would do for the company (i.e. pitch meetings/negotiations, using the creative agencies resources like design work on the cheap, etc.) He was pretty ambiguous and simply told me to come to him with a proposal for what I think is fair.

    So here's what I have:

    I'll be doing all the ad creation, optimizing, reporting, client back-and-forth, etc. So I expect AT LEAST 60%. If he's only referring clients, then I think he should get 10% without paying any overhead. 15% if he wants to contribute 5% of overhead (which isn't much since it will be remote.. just a few tools and if we expand then paying an employee or 2). If he's willing to negotiate with potential clients and be the "face of the company" then he can get 25% of revenue and pay 25% of the minimal overhead. If he's willing to use the design team from the big agency, he can get 30% (plus whatever 100% of revenue the clients pay for the design work).

    The thing that I'm battling with is the fact that a lot of digital advertisers have great success freelancing. He does have A LOT of connections here in Miami, but really I can get clients worldwide so I just need to land a few. I have a couple clients right now and charge them $400/month (which I know is quite low). Of course the end goal is to have an ad agency of my own where I can delegate the work.... and that's the value I see in this partnership with the bossman. He can immediately legitimize the company. We'll have a nice website, a trusted businessman, (perhaps) custom design work, etc. But on the other hand.. I can make a simple landing page that offers a free consultation and perhaps make good money just freelancing (although it will require a lot of pitching). On the other other hand, I can also do my freelance work on top of this agency... so it can't hurt right?

    Sorry about the long post, but any insight would be greatly appreciated! I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/garka33
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    Ohio Pioneers Business Tax Payments With Bitcoin

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:44 PM PST

    My company is working with a non-profit. We're taking revenue but no profit, but still having to pay business taxes on said revenue. Any solutions? Should I create a nonprofit branch of my LLC? Less confusing details in description.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:35 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I run a housecleaning company. I work with an organization that provides services to households with pediatric cancer patients. They hire my company to clean for these families. They pay my company $100/cleaning. I give 100% of that money to my cleaners and take no profit for my company, whereas normal cleanings are split 70/30 between the cleaning team and my company, respectively.

    So the problem I'm having is that the cleanings for the cancer patients currently account for almost 20% of my revenue. I'm making no $ on those jobs, which I'm fine with, BUT I'm having to pay business taxes on the revenue that comes from those jobs even though the money is basically going straight to my cleaning teams.

    Wondering if anyone has any solutions or ideas for this. I'm basically paying now to clean these houses. Granted, it's not much, and if there's no solution I'll still continue doing it because it's a cause that I care about. But if there's some way it can be avoided, that would be nice. Only thing I can think of is make a branch of my LLC a nonprofit? Or the other way is to have the nonprofit that's paying me pay my cleaners directly instead, but I feel like that would be a hassle for them since I can just keep their card on file and charge them every cleaning and they'd only have to deal with me instead of multiple cleaning teams.

    Anyway, thanks for reading! Ideas welcome. WA State if it's relevant.

    submitted by /u/Thank_The_Knife
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    5 Ways to Launch a Startup Without Building it From Scratch

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:07 AM PST

    Some businesses are gonna make a lotta dosh out of the US gambling boom

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:45 AM PST

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