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    Monday, November 26, 2018

    Bought a new car last night, wrecked it this morning. Will insurance cover me? Insurance

    Bought a new car last night, wrecked it this morning. Will insurance cover me? Insurance

    Bought a new car last night, wrecked it this morning. Will insurance cover me?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 03:18 PM PST

    Long story short I got into a wreck a couple of hours ago, still pretty shaken up. It was my fault. I bought the car last night and when I called to put it on my insurance they told me to call back Monday to add it. Am I covered? What do I do?

    submitted by /u/25Mattman
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    (Massachusetts) I settled from a car accident years ago and was given money. I may need surgery now, from those injuries sustained. Might my health insurance reject this claim since I settled and received money, in theory to cover future medical costs?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:53 PM PST

    Massachusetts, not at fault car accident. I settled with an attorney, and received a modest amount, which I have likely paid most towards medical costs over the last ten years. Most recent doctor is suggesting surgery, am getting a second opinion. Is it likely that my insurance company will tell me that I am responsible for paying for it, since a settlement came from this?
    Edit: I'll perhaps post in legal advice, thanks, I was going back and forth between these two subreddits.

    submitted by /u/ohnooyoudidnt
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    Car accident in California

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:50 PM PST

    So I got into an accident. I was getting on the freeway and I was going 60 at night. there was a taxi with no lights on stopped in my lane. I couldn't get over so i hit my breaks and slid right into the taxi. Turns out the taxi rear ended a stolen car and that's why it was there. I wasn't hurt and I didn't hurt anyone, but my car is totaled. The police called a tow truck before I could say anything and now the tow company wants 430 dollars after one day. My insurance is still processing the claim but I only had liability so IDK if I'm gonna get anything from them or the taxi insurance. The tow company said I'd have to pay even if I gave them my car. what should I do?

    submitted by /u/wooalagoma
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    Health Insurance help needed (not sure if this is the subreddit I should post to, sorry if it isn’t)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:49 PM PST

    First, let me say, I'm not sure if I can post health insurance questions here or not. I didn't see anything in the sidebar about it and I couldn't find any subreddit specifically for health insurance advice. So apologies if I am in the wrong place, if anyone can direct to the correct place I would be most appreciative. I'm a 31 year old 'single' female, full time student living in Texas. I'm currently living off of my student loans, scholarships, and savings right now. Trying to find health coverage I can afford is difficult to say the least, coming out to about $300 a month. I currently with my boyfriend (he helps tremendously with the cost of everything). We are not married, so getting on his plan (or even my parents plan) is not really an option. The cheaper "student" insurances I can sign up for do not qualify as full coverage under the ACA. When I speak with an agent on the phone, the best they can give me is about $280/mo (and are rude, laugh at me for wasting their time when I tell them I can't afford it). I'm currently doing classes at a community college through an accelerated program that I will be bridging to a bachelors degree when I finish this program. My current school does not offer any kind of health insurance. I actually am required by my program to keep a health insurance policy, and it's checked every semester to Lee my enrollment. I'm at a loss of what I can do or where I can look that's reasonable. The money I have saved/financial aid is just enough to pay for my books, the gas expenditures, the tests I have to pay for and my bills I have (car payments/credit cards I've been diligent in paying).

    I can offer up any more information needed. I'm just really desperate for help. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to health insurance.

    submitted by /u/lyssap87
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    Insurance Went up like Crazy

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 09:27 PM PST

    Hi all, new to this but was hoping for some advice even though I'm not sure there's anything I can do.

    A few months ago I was in an accident where someone side swiped me on the highway, we pulled over, she said I'm so sorry and basically admitted guilt so I didn't feel the need to get a police report. It was very late and I wanted to go home, I had also had a drink after work and didn't want to risk it getting weird with the police involved. Anyhow, I talked to my insurance company and everything, and since I have full coverage because I'm paying off my car got everything fixed and that was that.

    Anyway, I just recently went to renew my policy and the lady told me oh it's gone up some. I was like ok, because I did also get a speeding ticket so it made sense to me. However, she didn't give me any kind of print out or quote to tell me how much it went up. When I checked recently to pay my bill, my insurance rate had tripled to something I could barely afford. I did go and shop quotes from other companies which were all very high as well.

    So I have a few problems: 1. I'm not sure who was deemed at fault for the initial accident or if there's anything I can do to challenge the case. 2. I'm not sure what to do about the lady who updated my insurance policy for me or what the best next step would be.

    I'm in California and my insurance is aaa if that helps at all! Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/spatzipatz
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    [US, NY] Long Term Disability Insurance is calculated using partial income

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:04 PM PST

    I'm currently receiving LTD benefits through Lincoln Financial. Prior to that I was receiving STD through the same company. My short term disability was based off my weekly pay as provided by my employer. I earned $1k per week with my employer, my STD was 60% of my weekly income, so I was getting $600 a week. Then when I transitioned to LTD my benefit switched to a monthly payment, but it was much less then I was previously receiving.

    I called and spoke to someone at Lincoln Financial about the difference and he explained that LTD doesn't use my paystub to determine my income. They instead use box 1 of last years W2 to determine compensation. So, my W2 showed just under $45k for last year, an amount much lower than the $52k per year that I actually make.

    I was stumped for awhile, then I remembered that the company i worked for didn't open their doors until February of that year, and I started in the middle of January. So the first two weeks ($2k) isn't on my W2, and the last week of the year ($1k) isn't on there either because it's going to be on my 2018 W2. But that's only 3k, I'm still missing about 4k from the 52k total. I research W2's and discover that the rest of my income is listed in three other boxes on my W2, they were 401k deductions, pre tax health insurance payments, and pretax child care deductions.

    So my question is this: Is it normal to use box 1 of a w2 to base disability payments even though that amount is less than the normal wage? I can understand why the insurance company would do this, but it seems like such a scam. My employer presented this insurance to me as "60% of my monthly earnings", but it obviously isn't that amount. Should I pursue this with Lincoln Financial even though they told me their policy for determining income? Or is there some other course of action I can take?

    submitted by /u/clamsmasher
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    Bleach melted leather interior of Ford Focus, will comprehensive coverage cover this?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:25 PM PST

    So as the title says, a bottle of bleach somehow started leaking in the back of my car. I'm in the middle of a move, or was, I finished right before thanksgiving. My partner left the cleaning supplies in my car. We left to visit partner's family over thanksgiving. So about a period of five days, the bottle of bleach leaked, and put a hole in the back of my leather seats.

    1. Will comprehensive cover this damage?
    2. Is there anything I should be worried about with bleach being open in my car?

    I don't want to file a claim if I'm SOL, so I'm Edit: didn't finish sentence... "so I'm posting here".

    submitted by /u/zerust
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    Is Directors and Officers Insurance or D&O something a small business should have?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:31 AM PST

    After doing some reading on D&O I would sum it up as a duty to defend the management level of a business from claims that their decisions caused harm to shareholders, employees, customers, or third parties. I see 90% of articles and posters say you don't need D&O unless you are a pretty large business and it is expensive. The other 10% say that D&O can help small businesses and there are insurers out there that are geared for even tiny businesses.

    So what peril would D&O help with for a single member LLC with no employees or other members run by the sole member? I would think it would be a way for this sole member to protect against decisions they made that ended up causing harm to customers or 3rd parties. What if the sole member built a website for the LLC that was breached and private customer information was stolen and made public. Yes, a cyber liability policy would probably cover the business, but is it not unusual for sharp elbowed plaintiff's attorneys to also name the managers personally and claim that the harmful acts were not authorized by the business operating agreement and were a personal act or other veil piercing strategies? In that case wouldn't the sole member need D&O to cover the legal costs that are now being directed at them personally for their role as managment of the LLC?

    It seems like for a small LLC with few assets, that D&O could be all the protection the sole member with no employees or other owners would need. Any claim that attempts to go after them personally for their decisions managing the business which is all of them would get picked up by D&O. Made a product that broke? that was your decision. Website was hacked? the website was your idea too.

    So my thought here is that for an LLC, CGL, Cyber liability, E&O, all cover the business itself, and help it survive if a lawsuit comes on those individual matters. D&O helps the manager personally survive if they are sued in connection with ANY decision they make to manage the LLC which seems more comprehensive.

    Looking for some wisdom to finally demystify what D&O really is.

    submitted by /u/DutchEcon
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    [HELP] Does this count on driving record?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 05:01 PM PST

    Hello! I am a 21-year-old male in central Ohio. My question is:

    I was in a minor accident in January, 2016. I hit black ice and slid into a guardrail and did some minor damage to my car at the time. This was never reported to my insurer ( my parent's insurance). However, a local police offer stopped to make sure I was okay, and took down a written statement of what happened (just doing his job). But there were no damages, no one hurt, ext... He didn't cite me, or give me any tickets.
    I am going to get my own insurance going into 2019, but I am curious if this is something that will show up on my driving record? I am contacting companies to get quotes, and I am not sure if I should include this story or not.

    Thanks a ton,


    submitted by /u/Alex_ERA
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    Picking an Insurance Plan in the Marketplace, with Mental Health Coverage in Mind

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 04:33 PM PST

    (cross posted from r/mentalhealth)

    I am struggling heavily in choosing a new insurance plan for 2019. I am using the open marketplace (through the government website) to try and find a plan, but it's so difficult to find plans for the issues I need covered.

    A few details:

    I am under 26, but my parents are retired and are on Medicaid, so I have had to find my own insurance for the last few years, as I'm not a student.

    I live in Michigan.

    I make less than $30,000 a year, but too much to qualify for additional government help, other than the tax credits.

    I almost never need to see a primary care physician (I don't even have a regular doctor I've seen in years). If I've gotten sick to the point of needing prescription medicine/antibiotics, I go to an urgent care clinic because their prices are cheaper.

    I'm leaning toward a silver plan, although more expensive, because it seems I'd have to pay less in order to see a mental health service provider on a regular basis (as opposed to choosing a bronze plan, where it seems I'd be paying my premium+all fees associated with the doctor/prescriptions until I'd reach the deductible [generally $6000-$8000 in the bronze plans I've come across])

    My biggest issue:

    I have never seen a doctor regarding mental health issues before. I am not officially diagnosed with anything, by anyone, ever. This was mostly due to my parents not recognizing that I needed help as a child/not recognizing that mental illnesses are actually problems people suffer from (they still don't know how deep this goes for me, but I'm not here to dwell on this). The last two years I just chose cheap plans because it was all I could afford, which made specialists/mental health care extremely expensive.

    2018 has been the worst year I have had in terms of my illnesses (obviously I'm self-diagnosing, but I am 99.99% percent sure that I suffer from major anxiety and depression issues). I need to get help. I don't know if I'll make it through 2019 without starting the process of finding care for myself, seeing a therapist/doctor, taking medication, etc. I don't know WHAT I need, but I know I need help.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to go about choosing a plan, specifically for mental health coverage? I don't know where to start, because I don't have a specific doctor or prescriptions I need covered; I just need help, and help that's not going to bankrupt me.

    TL;DR: I've never had mental health care coverage, but know that I will need it in 2019, and I need help finding an insurance plan that will specifically meet this need.

    submitted by /u/acinnamoncandle
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    Settling a case with car insurance company

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:51 PM PST

    Was in a hit and run accident (100% other party fault) and was able to track her down and force her to cooperate with her insurance company after I filed a suit in small claims court. I have come into a settlement with her insurer; they sent me 2 forms to sign and send back:

    1. Non-suit: confirming I am dropping my lawsuit.

    2. Release: detailing the amount which we agreed upon.

    The lawyer is asking me to sign both of these forms and email them back, and she'll mail me my check.

    I am pretty much sure this is standard practice but just to be safe I wanted to double check: is this standard practice to sign the forms before getting paid? Again I am pretty much sure they are legit (they are lawyers for a major insurance company).

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/thrownaway_dumbo
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    California SSDI

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:43 AM PST

    Trying this again because I wasn't clear enough. I have disability through EDD. So my physician gave me 2.5 months of disability and it was approved. After evaluating, Surgeon cleared me for 4 weeks and then part time. After the four weeks, since I'm only doing part time, will I still get some disability? I'm not cleared to go back full time until 8 weeks so I'll be doing part time for 4 weeks. I am getting mixed answers online. Some say you can't work at all with disability and some say you can and during the part time you'll get whatever you lost.

    submitted by /u/Excavatumfemale
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    Progressive vs Geico?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:21 AM PST

    Which insurance company is better for auto insurance? I know that every insurance company has bad stories but I wanted to see overall and based on people's experiences.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/SimpleFruit22
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