• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 2, 2018

    Legal Advice Crazy Neighbor Claimed to Own My House [Update] [KY]

    Legal Advice Crazy Neighbor Claimed to Own My House [Update] [KY]

    Crazy Neighbor Claimed to Own My House [Update] [KY]

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 09:57 AM PDT

    So a few days ago I made a post on here asking for some advice relating to a woman trying to say she owns my property and attempting to evict us. We have everything figured out now so I figured I'd post a small update.

    Crazy Lady has not come back to our house or contacted us in any way. We spoke to city and county officials and have gotten proof of ownership of our property (including the fact that we paid our fucking property tax today) and are beginning to take steps to get a restraining order on the Crazy Lady.

    Thanks for everyone's advice and jokes that really helped when I was stressing out! You're pretty good when you're good, Reddit!

    submitted by /u/WittyFunnyUsername
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    Boss won’t “allow” me to leave in exactly two weeks?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 04:54 AM PDT

    In January of 2018, I was hired as an office assistant at a small tech company. Per my contract, I was guaranteed a 30, 60, and 90 day pay raise with a dollar amount each time. It never said that it was from a job performance review. I was still a little ignorant on these things and at first I assumed it came from job performance reviews.

    I never got a single pay raise until August of 2018. My first real job review occurred in June where I was "denied" a pay raise due to "tardiness." This was complete crap due to the fact that I was always the first one in the office every single day and they knew that, but I had no way to prove it because we don't have a clock in or clock out system.

    So finally I've been looking for other places and I turned in my two weeks notice on Monday of this week. My boss seemed very disappointed and kept offering me to give another dollar pay raise. I respectfully declined and told him I was pursuing other opportunities (a salaried job this time, but I didn't mention that.)

    I guess I made the mistake of offering a little bit of flexibility saying that I could, maximum, stay 2 1/2 weeks in order to help him find the right replacement. He immediately jumped with saying that per my contract, I was obligated to stay until he thought we had "trained" the right replacement and said it would be right to stay at least another month.

    Is this even right? I know this all sounds ridiculous. But I'm also afraid that guy will somehow not give me my check if I don't stay until he says go dog, go. I know for a fact he hasn't even tried to start finding a new assistant. I offered to help with the job postings and he flat out also said no. Nowhere in my contract does it mention that. I need also mention we have no formal employee handbook. Or HR. My boss does payroll himself.

    So I am guessing I have no obligation to stay after my 2 1/2 weeks if I never signed such a statement in my small contract to begin with? I know I may sound stupid but I am quite a meek person and I don't know how exactly to approach this when the time is up.

    submitted by /u/shakespearestark
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    last year i was sexually assaulted, the case was dropped & i was declared a liar. now i'm being contacted by a det. at the pd asking if i want to go forward after a DNA match?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2018 03:37 PM PDT


    late august of 2017, it is to my belief, that i was drugged, raped & nearly strangled to death by two people i worked with.

    upon escaping the apartment i was in, i had to find someone in the complex to call 911 for me. the two people in question fled the scene, & the local pd took 20 minutes to arrive.*

    *i awoke completely nude, groggy. i quickly found my clothes & got dressed. i heard the shower running, & i noticed white powder around the cup of hot choc. i had been drinking. i light a cigarette & grab my phone. the female in question comes out of the bedroom, & asks what i'm doing. i tell her i'm leaving, that i don't care what happened & that i just want to leave & go home. she makes a slick move for my car keys & i'm like ?? i'm just trying to leave dude. i turned around to grab my phone purse & she jumped onto my back & began strangling me. she puts me on the ground & i go in & out of consciousness. i literally thought i was going to die, i'm crying "why me, why me" saying my hail marys... i catch a moment to breathe & my fight/flight kicks in. i take my cig & burn her arm & face.. she released & i turned over & grabbed my purse.. pulled out pepper spray & sprayed her. i kicked her & took off running with my purse out her apartment door. i'm screaming, "HELP CALL 911!" ... it took me forever to get someone to come out & call 911. i was bare foot, in a flannel w no bra & panties w some cloth shorts... 

    i was transported to a local hospital where i waited an hour & a half for a SANE nurse. i was told she was on her way(aprox. 45 mins-90 mins) but i had a panic attack/existential crisis & requested i be taken back to my car. *

    • the two people took off in the mans car. they locked the apartment & therefore the police had to wait for a search warrant before entering the apartment to retrieve my phone & keys. after getting the warrant, they go in & my phone is gone but my keys are there. theres dildos, collars, drugs, blood & a bunch of other weird ass shit i dont wanna talk about. they inform the officer thats with me & thats when i decided to leave bc i needed to get ahold of my friends mom or someone. i was completely alone & estranged from my family.. i was 18 years old at this time.

    once i get my keys & a way to contact my friends family, i go back to the hospital & wait 14 hours to do a rape kit. i completed but once the SANE nurse left, i left. i didnt fully check out because it had been nearly 24 hours & i wanted to go back to my friends & shower & fucking sleep.

    the days following, i have no contact with my detective. a full statement is never taken from me, & the two people are still MIA. i end having to quit my job bc coworkers hear about what has happened. they think im lying, even thothe two people in question are shady with criminal records. i phone my detective 5 days later asking for an update, to which he responds hes, "been very busy withchild abuse & domestic violence cases." & he would, "do his best to try & prioritize my case" i mentally shut down after this... i was 900$ in the hole with my phone being stolen & had 200$ to my name after having to leave my job.

    for months i hear nothing, i leave voicemails with the pd & det. & i get no response.. email inquires never go far & it was hard to get anything going. when i went to file restraining orders they didnt go thru because the charges had been dropped. the male cleared his name & claimed i was on a consensual, rape fantasy esque lesbian escapade. that he tried to pull the female off me & we got in a "cat fight" because, "you know how crazy lesbians are." (i am not a lesbian, & had a boyfriend at the time) i was under the impression the female was suppose to be my friend, not a romantic interest. the whole case is apparently dropped, i'm considered a washed up, lesbian drug addict & the dna is whatever.

    today, october 1st of 2018, i received a voicemail from a det. at the pd claiming there was a hit on the male dna found near my peri anal, neck, & thighs.. & that they want to purse the case further....

    what the fuck do is going on, what the fuck do i do

    submitted by /u/leastfav13
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    Blackmailed with voyeur video

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 03:50 AM PDT

    I could really use some advice on what to do. Recently someone posted a video of me in a hotel bathroom to a porn website. I don't recognize the hotel, but I'm working on a list of places it could be.

    Right now though, this video is terrifying me. It shows my face and the video title contains my full name. I tried sending a DMCA takedown request but haven't heard anything. This comes up when I google myself. What can I do?

    I live in New York.

    submitted by /u/NumerousTemporary8
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    NC, USA: Apartment Management is forcing Spectrum 'community' wifi on us(me) mid-lease.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 05:09 AM PDT


    This is in NC, USA.

    We're 7 months into a 12 month lease. For this entire time, I've had the Spectrum service under my name. I also have a Duke Energy account under my name. The Rent, Water is handled via the apartment management, and we get 'one' bill from them regarding that.

    So I pay for Spectrum, Duke, and Rent/Water. (3 bills)

    The service I opted for from Spectrum was 200mb download with NO cable. Me and my roommate only want good internet and save money by not doing TV. We pay $70 p/mo., with equipment included. Note, we got our own router to boost the performance within our residence.

    My latest Rent/Water bill included a new charge for $75 for 'Internet/Cable'. This has been a feature they've been 'ramping up' for, for about 3-4 months. We had previously gotten a letter notifying this bit, but due to the wording I believed it to be a 'opt-out' feature.

    But I've now learned that my billing will 'transfer' over to this new service... so that bill that was Rent/Water will become Rent/Water/Spectrum.

    Here's the kicker (at least for me); They claim this offers 100mb download, with cable.

    I wouldn't even pay 70$ for that. I don't want cable as an included price. I feel like for them to drop this new-no-option service on tenants, mid-lease is scummy. Especially since I'm pretty sure my expensive router I invested in will be completely nullified. It's also up-in-the-air how my hardwired desktops will now function with control going to these 'wifi' modem/router units that don't belong to me.

    Is my leverage contained in the lease? What kind of verbage am I looking for in the lease in order to defend my right to pick my utility package? I don't know what my options are here.

    Rant: I think Spectrum scammed the apt management on this one, making them believe this is the 'more powerful, commercial' solution. The people in the office, don't even understand the technology of the mesh network, or exactly what '100mb download' vs '200mb download' means. It's very frustrating.

    submitted by /u/carpeggio
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    My Fiancee has her dad's company in her name and I need it removed. What are my options?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 10:16 AM PDT

    So I wasn't aware of this sutiation until a month or so ago, but we have a baby on the way and a wedding set for fall 2019 and I don't want any part of this company.

    It's a small company that has 1 or 2 accounts. The total revenue is less than 6k a year. So it's not like its some huge cash cow. Her dad manages the two accounts. There is literally nothing else going on with the company. The problem is, the guy has no records of anything. Fuel spent, miles, hours etc. So even if I were to take over the company, which I'm not and dont want to, there is basically no paper trail to start from.

    I know why the company is not in his name, and I know that essentially equates to fraud, which, for obvious reasons, I want ZERO to do with. She is going to talk to him again about it but the last conversation didn't go well. I'm ready to say the wedding is off until this is resolved. I know, that's extreme, but my patience is wearing thin.

    What are our options?

    submitted by /u/Grabian_Aoggles
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    Doctor prescribed me a cream that ruined my life

    Posted: 01 Oct 2018 10:04 PM PDT

    Several months ago, I went to my primary care physician for constant redness on my entire genital area.

    He looked at my genitals, shrugged and then prescribed me a cream. He instructed me to use it on my genitals for a month until the redness subsided. Little did I know, this cream is strongly frowned upon to use on the genital region. After about five days, I started noticing something odd. The redness wasn't going away and my scrotum and penis started to unbearably burn.

    I went online to check if this cream was safe to use on the genital region and was met with absolute horror stories. I immediately discontinued the cream and saw the damage it had done.

    It's been three months since I stopped and my genitals look completely destroyed. I can't sleep at night because I am in constant burning and pain. My penis looks visibly different and so does my scrotum. I read the package the cream came in and it doesn't state anything about not applying it on the genital area. I just don't know what to do at this point. I am constantly in pain and my genitals don't seem to be healing. Can i sue for medical practice? The package should at least explicitly caution users that it should not be used on that area.

    submitted by /u/uhmidkwhattosay
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    [UPDATE] [MI] A small treelaw update

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 01:23 PM PDT

    A small update to this post. My brother is now convinced that this is worth pursuing and has contacted an attorney. We did it, Reddit!

    Here's a pic of the tree in it's former glory courtesy of Google Street View. (Thanks to u/ailee43 for the suggestion.) The house in the pic has been torn down to make room for the mcmansion that is being built.

    submitted by /u/snowkilts
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    My boyfriend's ex won't stop until our world burns.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 10:32 AM PDT

    10 months ago my boyfriend broke up with his GF of three years. They lived together and had grown apart, neither party had committed any wrong doing (infidelity, abuse, etc) the relationship was simply over.

    Since then, she has stalked me (driving by my house constantly) come onto my property while I was sleeping to leave his belongings in my driveway, thrown drinks at him, called him repeatedly from unknown numbers, caused a scene any time she sees us out in public, and most recently, created a fake Instagram account where she is posting pictures of him with captions alleging that he is an abuser, a drug dealer, and cyber-bullying and harassing her.

    She has been blocked from all contact possible since March. We both thought that this would blow over and now it is coming to a head. We have been told that their isn't enough for a restraining order and that the drink throwing was too long ago to press assault charges.

    The situation is escalating rapidly and I am afraid for both of our safety. I am so emotionally exhausted and just want it to stop. Are there any options?

    submitted by /u/caseymccully
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    Getting divorced and wife wants me to leave the marital home.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 01:42 AM PDT

    So I'm getting divorced after just one year of marriage and only 3 months after we purchased a home together. She wants me out and wants me to sign a quit claim. I know that this is a terrible idea for me. My question is, if I were to leave and stop paying the mortgage would I lose any interest in the house? My plan is to get a contract that outlines our division of marital property wherein she keeps the home under the requirements that she refinances the home into her own name within 1.5 years or we sell and divide the equity. Is this a far fetched idea or is this a fairly common thing? Obviously I'm not leaving until we sign something and reach an agreement on what will happen with the property but goddamn I wanna leave this place ASAP. If I wrote the contract and got it signed in front of a notary would that be sufficient? I'm not that worried about the equity because it's been such a short amount of time. Also, her family gifted us 10k for the down payment and her sister was the agent and gave us the full commission towards he closing costs. So I don't really wanna screw them as I harbor no I'll will against them. There's also some credit card debt and other things she's "willing" to take on, as of now, to make things fair. I plan on speaking with a lawyer in the next few days to see if I'm being dumb or not but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/srsboats
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    My daughter’s mother is making it increasingly difficult to see her

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 07:26 AM PDT

    Back story: We are in Texas and military. My daughters mother and I did not work out as far as a relationship. There was a lot of pain and distrust throughout most of the relationship.

    For the first 6 months of my daughters life her mother and I lived together with her family. We broke up while we were figuring out custody between ourselves, I was served with papers from her lawyer (that I wasn't aware she had) for child support.

    I was taken by surprise considering we were in the process of figuring this out for ourselves, but I went to court and she offered me a schedule of M/TH 5-7 and the 1, 3, 5th weekend of the month from 11-7 and 11-5.

    I did not agree and decided to see a judge to get the actual time I felt I deserved. I ended up getting that same exact schedule and was told my daughter was too young for me to receive overnights.

    I signed the order and decided to wait the year for it to end (due to the fact that we were very back and forth with the relationship, so I saw my daughter everyday regardless)

    February of 2018 we broke up for good and our court order needed to be redone by April.

    I went through a health issue in April and afterwards we sat down and she absolutely refused to sign an order where I would receive over nights and the only thing that changed was I now see here M/W/F

    We are supposed to switch off every holiday and even then she won't allow me to have my daughter over night or to go visit the family that lives close by or she will call the police and claim I kidnapped my daughter.

    I do not have the money for an attorney (due to how much I get paid on top of 621 in child support it's just not possible.)

    I've seen military lawyers and I am on a list for attorneys to look at to either give me a discounted price or to work pro-bono.

    I'm just wondering if anyone may have any additional information on what I can do to ensure I get all the rights I deserve.

    submitted by /u/Semket
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    Attempted kidnapping? Violation of custody order? Or just close call?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 08:26 AM PDT

    My child's father and I have an established custody order. I am the primary custodial parent and he gets her 6pm Friday through 6pm Sunday every other weekend. We had been trying to coparent together more amicably and I was actually allowing him to come see her every night for bedtime routine if he wanted to do so. I want to add that he has a history of bi-polar/manic behaviors but he was recently getting help which was why I was allowing more time. Lately his behaviors were starting to turn again so I warned him that he may need to keep up with his mental health, to which he agreed with many excuses as to why he couldn't. Unfortunately his behaviors very quickly turned scary again last night while he was here spending time with her. He put her to bed then started trying to argue instead of leaving. It escalated into him trying to go into our daughter's bedroom to wake her and take her with him over an hour after she had already fallen asleep. I stood in front of her door and reminded him of the custody agreement and he threatened to physically move me out of the way so I called police and then so did he 30 seconds later and we waited. Once they got to the house they asked to see the custody agreement which proved that he had no rights to leave the house with her. I thought that was the end of it so I brought our daughter into my bed to be close to me and as I was starting to fall asleep the doorbell rang. He had gone to the magistrate and claimed that I was threatening suicide and got them to sign off on papers requiring me to be evaluated. The same police officers came and they were so apologetic. They tried to tell the magistrate that they had been here earlier and I was perfectly fine but because he claimed many false things and that I was actively trying to harm myself the magistrate felt it required an assessment. I only spent 4 hours in the middle of the night at the facility while everyone there agreed that I did not belong there and that what he was doing was malicious retaliation because he did not get his way before. The same officers spoke with the Dr who did my assessment and helped explain the situation which helped tremendously. When I got back home my ex was sleeping on my couch so I gathered our child and some things so I could leave until he was gone. He tried to follow me to the car trying to get me to hand her over to him which I refused. I locked us in my car and buckled her in her car seat as he stood tapping at the window trying to get me to open the door. I told him to move his feet so they wouldn't get run over and I left. My question is, did he violate the custody order by attempting to leave with her, even though he was stopped from doing so by the police (who made a report and made sure I got the number) and what do I now?

    submitted by /u/twoeyedleela
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    Making under server minimum wage.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 09:08 AM PDT

    Serving minimum wage in Florida is $5.23 and I am only getting payed $4.05. The restaurant I work for has a policy where employees get one "free" meal a shift and that's why we get the pay reduction. I don't even eat the food due to dietary restrictions and it just doesn't seem fair at all. So I was just wondering if that's a legal practice or if they're being shady? The tips I make are also horrible and I read somewhere that if the tips I make don't add up to be minimum wage then the restaurant owes me the difference? Is this true?

    submitted by /u/whatintheworld8
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    I am done with my Mother. I want an Adult adoption with my stepmother.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 09:32 AM PDT

    It was the last straw after finding out that she was hanging out with the man that molested me as a child. I want to offer an adult adoption to my stepmother since she has been there for me since I was 8, and has been more of a mother to me than my bio mom. I live in Washington and my stepmom lives in Idaho. How to I go about getting forms/ the quickest and cheapest way possible?

    submitted by /u/crcb24
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    (Florida) Can my landlord inspect my apartment monthly?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 09:01 AM PDT

    I had a rather heated conversation with my landlord this morning after today (for the 3rd time this year) they said they would come by for an inspection but no one showed up. I take the day off of work when they're supposed to come by for an inspection because our landlord is very shady (big surprise) and we don't trust them to not steal from us.

    During our conversation she said, "if you want an inspection so bad we will come by every month".

    Even if they don't actually come by and just say they will, this puts me in a position to have to call out of work once a month.

    Is this legal?

    This is the best I could come up with in my googling:

    83.53 Landlord's access to dwelling unit.—

    (1) The tenant shall not unreasonably withhold consent to the landlord to enter the dwelling unit from time to time in order to inspect the premises; make necessary or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations, or improvements; supply agreed services; or exhibit the dwelling unit to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workers, or contractors.

    (2) The landlord may enter the dwelling unit at any time for the protection or preservation of the premises. The landlord may enter the dwelling unit upon reasonable notice to the tenant and at a reasonable time for the purpose of repair of the premises. "Reasonable notice" for the purpose of repair is notice given at least 12 hours prior to the entry, and reasonable time for the purpose of repair shall be between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The landlord may enter the dwelling unit when necessary for the further purposes set forth in subsection (1) under any of the following circumstances:

    (a) With the consent of the tenant;

    (b) In case of emergency;

    (c) When the tenant unreasonably withholds consent; or

    (d) If the tenant is absent from the premises for a period of time equal to one-half the time for periodic rental payments. If the rent is current and the tenant notifies the landlord of an intended absence, then the landlord may enter only with the consent of the tenant or for the protection or preservation of the premises.

    (3) The landlord shall not abuse the right of access nor use it to harass the tenant. History.—s. 2, ch. 73-330; s. 5, ch. 87-195; s. 4, ch. 93-255; s. 446, ch. 95-147.

    I wager my issue here would fall under (3), since she specifically said that she would do a monthly inspection due to my questioning her about not actually showing up for inspections. Unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to record the conversation.

    Is it really legal for her to come by monthly for an inspection?

    submitted by /u/TbanksIV
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    We found out we've been living in an uninspected and structurally unsound home for 4 years

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 08:55 AM PDT

    We moved into our rental home in February of 2014, and knew the house was an eyesore, but we needed a place to stay that was large enough for myself, my husband and our three children. There weren't many issues in the past 3 years, until recently. It started as a small leak in the upstairs hallway, in April of this year. We mentioned it to our landlord, and he dismissed it, saying, "I'll get around to it." The small leak then turned into a large crack, about 18 inches long, and when it rained we needed to put down towels and buckets to catch the water. Again, the landlord was notified, and we were dismissed. By this time, it was June/July, and our landlord had already headed off to Canada for the Summer. The crack then turned into a large gaping hole, filled with moldy old insulation and when it rained outside, it was also raining inside. The water would leak down into the kitchen on the first floor. When we went to check out the damage on the third floor, we found that water was leaking from a hole in the roof down into the walls on our third floor. Water was leaking out of the plugs, and collecting in the second floor hallway light fixture. This resulted in us turning the breaker off and moving all three of our children into one bedroom on the second floor. We AGAIN reached out to the landlord, and he was still dismissive. So, we withheld the rent. Last week, my husband went to the local township building to file a complaint. That's when we found out that this property hadn't been inspected since 2010, and our landlord hadn't had a U & O for this property since 2007. When we received our "Right to Know" paper work yesterday, we found out that the home didn't pass inspection in 2010, because of numerous structural issues that our landlord never fixed. In addition to that, he was cited with a violation for not making the repairs needed to bring the house up to code, and STILL didn't make the repairs. We know he broke the law by renting us this house, but what we want to know is, are we able to get our 4 years of rent back? Do we have a solid case? Aside from the paperwork and rent receipts, what other proof do we need?

    submitted by /u/Fart_Balarski
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    The CNA at the hospital I’m in bled all over my hospital bed and refused to clean it up. -Missouri

    Posted: 01 Oct 2018 09:36 PM PDT

    • near Kansas City, Missouri.

    I am in the hospital and expecting. I have to have surgery tomorrow.

    The CNA assigned to my room had an open wound on her finger and started making my bed for me. I watched as she got her blood all over my bedsheets, bedspread, and top blanket. I asked twice if I can have different bedsheets because she bled on them. She looked at me and said, "That's not blood. That's just red marker stains." I said "no, I'm pretty sure that's blood. I want new sheets." She refused a second time, instructed me to lay back down, (on top of her blood) and walked out of my room. I had to talk to a nurse who eventually got me new sheets. I'm dumbfounded. What can I do here? I want to make a complaint, but is this some kind of code violation for hospitals?

    submitted by /u/RedTrailWildcat
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    I lost my job because a background check showed I have an active warrant

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 08:16 AM PDT

    I'm not really sure if this belongs here or not so I apologize if this isn't the right place. I've been temping at this company for the past 3 months. Recently they offered me a permanent position. I went through the drug test, physical aptitude test, and physical from a doctor, and finally did my background check. Now, I do have an active felony case that I have not been to court on. This does not necessarily disqualify me for employment due to the nature of the charge. But what did disqualify me, is that the background check showed an active felony warrant.

    I called my lawyer, he tells me I don't have a warrant, he would have seen the filing if I did. My supervisor told me if I get some proof that I don't have a warrant, I can come back to work. But the sheriff's office told me they won't type up anything saying I don't have a warrant and I don't know how else to get one. I sent my lawyer a couple of messages but he hasn't answered. I did call the background check company to dispute it but I don't know how long that will take and I can't afford to just not work.

    This is in Alabama if that matters. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/unafraidlemon
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    Driver who hit me while I was cycling is refusing to give me his insurance details (UK)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 08:16 AM PDT

    So yesterday I was hit by a car, ended up in A&E but fortunately was discharged the same day (I'm doing okay). I was luckily enough for there to be an off-duty (if that's the term) doctor passing who saw me in the road, stopped and having given me a quick assessment offered to drive me straight to A&E himself. I sensed his urgency and of course took him up on his offer, however, this only left me enough time to get the driver's name and number. I was very shaken up and completely forgot about his licence plate... hindsight's a bitch.

    Once I was discharged from the hospital and made it home I gave the guy a call to politely introduce myself, tell him I went to hospital but that I am okay, and to ask for his insurance info so that I can make a claim for my bike (it's mangled) and potentially loss of earnings. He got very angry and very defensive, eventually hanging up on me. I tried phoning him again today but got no answer. I've filed a police report but I was wondering if anyone here would have any other help or advice for me?

    Thank you for thanking the time to read this, I do really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/ken_quartz
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    My wife and I are guardians of a relative about to turn 18, who shows no signs of being ready or interested in handling their own life. How do we proceed?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 11:17 AM PDT

    My wife and I became guardians for my sister's child in 2016. Our niece was 14 at the time we became the guardians and is now a Junior in high school. My sister adopted her as a two-year-old from an orphanage in Siberia. She has a significant physical and mental health issue. The primary physical health issue has left her with a compromised organ and requires ongoing monitoring.

    In addition to the medical issue with an internal organ, shortly after coming to live with us, our niece told us she identifies as a male. We have supported his feelings and choices in this regard and provided professional support as well. We have also identified and sought various means of professional support for things such as ADD, social anxiety, cutting, Reactive Attachment Disorder, and problematic characteristics such as hygiene problems, isolation tendencies, lack of any emotional attachment (a primary symptom of Reactive Detachment Disorder)

    This situation has been a lot for us to handle. We established relationships and a cadence of communication with the school, his guidance counselors, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, 4 medical practices, and more. We've tried to encourage interests and friendships, and facilitate existing family relationships, etc. We've had little success in affecting any change in areas such as demeanor, attitude, decision making, etc., but we have no real relationship with him after 2.5 years of effort.

    He's not a troublemaker. He just doesn't care about anything. Well, he cares about anime and dressing up as anime characters, but he doesn't have any inclination to care about others, or to take even the smallest of responsibilities.

    We've started to realize that we don't have an exit strategy. He will turn 18 in the middle of his senior year in high school. At that point, the way my sister structured things, he is going to come into a large some of money. Some in retirement accounts, some in cash, but collectively quite a bit of money.

    What we don't have any visibility into is how do we eventually extricate ourselves from this role. When do we get to let him move on with his life while we move on with ours? He doesn't want or need a relationship with us, but even though we are urging it, he is doing nothing to learn life skills, such as how to write a check, pay a bill, drive a car. He wants nothing to do with any of it and it starts to feel like we are going to have to manage his life for him forever.

    We will no longer be his guardians as of next November. He will be partially through his senior year in high school. What do we do? Do we treat him like we did our children? Do we work to get him into college and have him come back to our house in the summers? That is not an enticing thought.

    We're not uncaring people. We want to do what's right, but we don't know what that looks like right now. In low moments, we feel like saying we are completely done when he turns 18. Like we can get him setup in an apartment and just wish him good luck. On the days we aren't feeling sorry for ourselves we know that we can't just do that. But what is reasonable? We just don't know. We could use some input from people who aren't embroiled in this as we are.

    tl;dr: My wife and I are guardians of a relative who turns 18 next year. This person is unmotivated, lazy, and has many physical and mental health issues. We don't know where our obligations end and need advice

    submitted by /u/guardianquestion
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    I encountered something while on a walk that didn't sit well with me. Should I walk back by the location and contact the police?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 11:36 AM PDT

    (I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. I've been thinking about it since it happened and it's really bothering me. If this is the wrong sub, please point me to the right one.)

    I took a long walk out to a shop outside my college campus on Sunday. On my way there, I passed by a row of houses. A few of these houses had really cool Halloween decorations up, so I slowed down to look at them.

    A few houses down, I started to faintly smell rot. Like, the smell of roadkill that hasn't been cleaned up. I couldn't tell where it was coming from at first.

    Then, I passed by a really messy house and it became horribly strong. There was an even messier car in the driveway. I saw through the rear window as I passed that there were blankets, clothes, and stuffed animals piled up inside. I don't know if this is important, but as I walked by this first time, an old woman was sitting in a chair on the porch. All I really saw of her was that she was wearing pink. I saw their trash can out on the curb, so I just assumed at that point that it was old food in the trash and picked up the pace to get away from the smell.

    After I left the shop, I had to walk on the same path to get back to campus. When I passed by the messy house again, the woman was no longer outside.

    I was walking slower this time, and I could swear that the smell was coming not from the trash, but from the car. I got freaked out and got out of there as quickly as I could.

    It seemed suspicious and disturbing to me, but I'm not exactly the bravest person. Is this the kind of thing I should record proof of and report to the police?

    submitted by /u/Ttngummybear
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    Attorneys Keeping $250,000 Settlement

    Posted: 01 Oct 2018 06:10 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit, please be patient as it's my first post. This is a very long story that I'll try to keep as basic as possible. I'm limited on case knowledge and legal terms.

    I'm 23 currently. When I was 14, my parents were involved in a trucking accident and passed away. My dad was the driver, my mom was riding with. They were not at fault. My two aunts eventually became the head of estates, and I became very close with my dad's sister and she raised me like a son. She is mostly in charge of all things relating to the estate.

    Throughout these 8-9 years we were involved in a long wrongful death lawsuit under one law-group, and a product liability/wrongful death suit with the same law group.

    Long story short, we settled with the trucking company my dad worked for, for $250,000. We also had a case where we sued the truck manufactuer for product liability, which we lost in the state of West Virginia recently after testifying.

    I was recently informed that our attorneys are keeping the entire $250,000 for their expenses relating to the second product liability lawsuit, which was close to a million dollar in attorney expenses. My aunt keeps going back and forth with the attorneys over email, as they are seemingly trying to get her to "agree" that they can keep the entire settlement.

    I'm just trying to gain some closure in all of this after a long drawn-out case and receiving nothing.

    My questions:

    My aunt informed me that she was never informed of the $250,000 settlement until after they settled for us. Is this legal?

    Even though we lost the big case, are they allowed to keep the entire $250,000 to cover their expenses? We have copies of all of the documents and original agreements we made, but can't find evidence either way of what's right or wrong of them? I was under the impression that attorneys get a percentage if they win. Not all if they lose.

    Is close to a million dollars reasonable for a wrongful death lawsuit? We were never informed of their expenses.

    Please feel free to ask questions here or through private messages, as I tried to be as brief as possible! Thank you for listening!

    Edit: To add one more thing, my aunt was asked to submit her expenses for the depositions and trial. She submitted our expenses totalling around $14,000 and they never asked to see receipts (we have them). They overnighted the check after she asked for it a week a later. Are we being paranoid, or can this be seen as they want to settle this issue quickly and move on before we get further involved? She hasn't deposited the check.

    This whole case was overwhelming for everyone, and we'd like some outside perspective before we move on completely. Thank you all again!

    submitted by /u/PartyGavin
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    My employer doesn’t want to pay wages for mandatory trainings or travel from a job site back to the central office

    Posted: 02 Oct 2018 05:26 AM PDT

    I work for an hvac company in Massachusetts. We have about 30 employees, we have a central office we go to at 7 am every day. We get sent to houses at distances of 10 minutes away all the way up to 2 hours away.

    Our field is going through a lot tech development so we get a lot of training classes available to us, usually at night after work hours. Some we are told, "it's there, you can learn if you'd like" and some are labeled "mandatory" with 2 weeks warning. if someone can't make it, it's not exactly enforced, but everyone in the company will give a missing employee shit the next day. Classes are sometimes 20 minutes away, are sometimes over an hour away. The employer often pays to get us a seat at the class.

    Before posting, I very quickly was able to find this article. It says "employer MAY..." a lot and I don't know what the exceptions are https://employment.findlaw.com/wages-and-benefits/getting-paid-for-not-working.html

    For "on the clock hours" we are payed from when we get to the central office until we leave the job site + labor done after we arrive at the office at the end of the day (moving stock or cleaning) we usually leave job sites at 3:30-4pm, though we have time frames on jobs, usually 3-5 days. If we are behind schedule, we are expected to stay late (payed) or work Saturdays (payed). I'm in the install department which has more consistent schedules. Our service department gets however many calls a day and are expected to work 11+ hours a day 5 days a week in our busiest season. An 87 hour work week for one employee(who was on call) has happened before. I average 46 hours a week myself, just working mon-fri.

    If you care, the employer provides work shirts, tools, and work vans. Edit: I actually forgot to paste that link. I feel dumb

    Edit2 for clarity: things not being paid wages for include training classes and the duration of the ride it takes to get from the job site to the central office. This ride depends entirely on where we are working that particular day. It's by no means consistent, and can take 2 hours sometimes, though 1 hour is very common.

    submitted by /u/Trsddppy
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