• Breaking News

    Friday, October 26, 2018

    Accounting It be like that

    Accounting It be like that

    It be like that

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:45 AM PDT

    Trying to cross-reference workpapers as an intern

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:50 AM PDT

    Unlimited Power

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 10:04 AM PDT

    Can't you just write it off?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 06:30 AM PDT

    xpost from r/GetMotivated - clearly the author has never worked in Public.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 03:50 PM PDT

    Manager's reaction when I said that I'm tired of a 50 hours week

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 12:29 AM PDT

    Sending out confirmations like:

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 09:31 AM PDT

    Immediately thought of this sub

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:36 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 09:11 AM PDT

    Got shit canned today

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 03:50 PM PDT

    Was told I'm a really great guy but just a poor fit for PA. Wtf do I do now?

    submitted by /u/tahcamen
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    Found an interesting relic while searching through storage.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:19 AM PDT

    How is this not 837,000?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:25 PM PDT

    Congrats to everyone who has met their billable hour goals

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 06:15 AM PDT

    What does an audit role at a bank look like?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:07 PM PDT

    Title. Is it much different from any other industry position? Or is it more similar to public but more about internal audit?

    submitted by /u/SuperSaiyanOverlord
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    Worried about my future in accounting

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 05:47 PM PDT

    You know, I've been debating posting about my problems for a while, but honestly, I'm worried about my future in accounting and I think I need some advice... or thoughts. Or... something. I don't really know quite what.

    I just got my Taxation II midterm back today... And frankly, I'm just really depressed now. I got a 62%. I know it happens to people every once and a while, but for me it's almost a running theme. Every year, there's always that one course. I throw myself into it too. For 2 weeks before the exam, because I'm so stressed. Every minute of spare time, I study, study, and study, until just the thought of studying makes me sick. I make sure I know everything we covered in class by heart... I make sure I know the calculations. And while I do this, all of my other subjects go on the backburner because I just don't have the time. And despite the extreme amount of time and effort I spend, the result has never been worthwhile. At this point, I'm considering not even studying for the final, because I know it doesn't matter how hard I try, I'll just get the same mark as if I don't try at all - 60%.

    I am starting to doubt that I'm cut out for this... But I cannot change my course. I just cannot. I'm in my early 30's, and to go to school, I left a company that I loathed. It was construction, and I was their estimator of 5 years. My workload and responsibilities expanded every single month for the 5 years I was there - until I was tendering 70 projects per month. To put that into perspective, that's more than three times higher than the average. My replacements have quit, including a fellow with more experience than I because, and I quote, "it's insane [the workload] and they pay shit." I was doing it for under half the pay as the industry standard. I never made anything more than minimum wage. What kept me for so long is since the first day, they promised me a contract that would have easily doubled my income through commission on successful tenders... And before anyone asks, I hadn't given up on it by the 5th year because the boss kept scheduling meetings with me all those years, every few months to talk about it and how it's coming "soon." The final straw then was when the boss decided that he didn't have to pay me the amounts as described in the contract, so he just didn't pay me at all. For 8 months. But I actually suspected this would happen, and I had been slowly arranging returning to school as a contingency plan. I had enough and walked out after the 4th quarterly cheques was missed.

    I honestly... Just need to get on with my life. I'm tired of living in poverty-ville. Of not being able to do things. I'm tired of having nothing. I need to change that so I can have a better life... Because honestly, I feel very stuck where I am right now. So, I looked into accounting. It seemed to offer the best stability, has a lot of demand, the most potential, the most flexibility, and paid decently (more than I've ever made) just to start. But that's not to say I don't enjoy accounting either. I do like how busy it keeps my mind - I need a "thinking" job as opposed to a brainless job. I enjoy sorting out accounts, and neatly filing things away into categories. I like it when things balance on the balance sheet, and it drives me mad whenever I spot something amiss because I have a compulsive need to correct it. Cost accounting is my favorite subject. Advanced Managerial is divided into 4 term tests, a simulation, and a final. Right now, I average a 90% on each test. So, I don't think it's not necessarily that I don't get things... I don't think it's necessarily that I'm a bad student or I don't apply myself. I do have a passion for the subject and I am extraordinarily hard on myself... Because I want my work to be as good as it can be. I want to be the expert that people trust. And I am doing everything within my power to get myself there.

    I think I just... struggle abnormally with certain subjects and I'm not sure why.

    Let's wrap this up and tie it together. Honestly speaking, I don't think I'm going to qualify for the CPA. Too many of my marks are too low. And see, I kind of fall on the extreme ends of things. I'm either really good at a subject or I'm really bad. Obviously, cost accounting is really high, but then I have tax which is really low. If I do make the requirements, at this rate, it will be by just exactly enough... And frankly, that's scary because I worry constantly that I'll be a bad accountant who won't have any work. But here's the thing. For the most part, I haven't even thought about the CPA. I never really thought that it's for me. Like I said, I'm in my early 30's and honestly - I'm tired of being in school (its the 3rd time btw), and tests, and I'm tired of my job prospects being limited to retail or burger flipping. My first priority is to get a degree and then hopefully land a decent job that I can be good at. Then I'd think about the CPA. But I might not be able to do that... I don't want to lock myself out of a CPA designation either. That said, I'm also a very simple man with a very simple simple life. I don't really desire a massive earning potential. I just want to put a roof over my head, put food on the table, and have enough leftover to get some nice things take a nice vacation once in a while.

    I snoop around here from time to time, and it seems to me you guys are all about the CPA, and that's great. But the pass rate is what? Under 50% or so? It sounds like not every accountant has a CPA.. Or that every accountant has to have one to find work. And I think I'd be comfortable enough without one. But I would still like to at least try for it in the future.

    So, I'm worried I might be a bad accountant... Or I might not have what it takes. I hope that this post isn't negatively received... Or that it sounds whiny. If it is, I apologize as that wasn't intentional. I'm just feeling quite a bit of fear and self doubt. I don't really know what I will do with myself if for some reason, accounting doesn't work out for me.

    submitted by /u/TheEclipse0
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    Free Talk Friday

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:50 AM PDT

    It's been a long while since we've done one of these.

    Now that recruiting SZN is just about over and interim SZN is lurking, how is everyone doing?

    Side note: I'm putting my feelers out there for jobs in industry, but all you Big 4 guys are flooding the market and leaving no room for the little guys. What gives?

    submitted by /u/TurboSandwich
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    Seeking career advise from accounting colleagues with high level tech skills (databases, sql, etc).

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:52 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I am currently looking for a new and more challenging position and I have had literally no luck (I've received offers just none worth taking and am looking for advise from accounting professionals who have had a similar situation.

    To start, I have great tech skills. I have a hard time getting anyone to understand the benefits of these skills even if I explain them. An example of a previous project was an employer that used Dynamics GP and 3rd party fixed asset software. The previous employee took 8 business days to record fixed asset changes and record depreciation for 30 companies in the group. To me, 8 days is ridiculous. I wrote SQL script to pull all 30 trial balances directly into excel, did the same for the fixed asset software, and wrote excel formulas to give me a summary page so I only had to review companies where changes need to be made if the TB didn't reconcile to the software. If it all reconciled I'd record depreciation of which was auto-filled by another custom custom SQL report again linked to the same excel file and I'd do the journal entry (of which was filled in for me and I just copied and pasted into Dynamics GP). It takes me, depending on activity, somewhere between 30 minutes and 4 hours to do something it took a previous employee 8 days to do.

    At the end of the day even if I give the above example I've had a hard time finding a higher level position. So far I've run into the following problems:

    1. Large companies pay poorly and offer me less than I make now (this has happened twice in the last 2 months, both knew my salary when they made the offer and both refused to negotiate, and they are $1B+ revenue companies).
    2. Small companies I've interviewed with want that one particular person that has used one specific software, who have done some very specific type of task non-stop for years, in a certain industry that is exactly the same as every other.

    It is like talking to a really stubborn stone wall who doesn't understand that all accounting software stores information in a database (I view most accounting systems as pretty much the same with different user interfaces), accounting between industries is not that different and if there are differences it would take all of a day to learn their few unique accounting quirks (unless it is a very unique industry), and just because someone sits in chair 60 hours a week doesn't make them a good employee (At best they are overworked, at worst they are doing a 30 minute task over 8 days).

    Does anyone have any advise how to identify the companies I should be targeting and how to target them?

    About me:

    1. Late 20's.
    2. Live in the Midwest, the nearest metro area is about 1.5 million people (small)
    3. Salary is $76k
    4. My job title is Senior Accountant
    5. My dream job is remote position with a startup (I've never honestly even got a call back).
    6. I do not have my CPA (I know I need to do this).
    7. I went to a local college with an honestly not great reputation (Short version is I was homeless as a teen and due to the circumstances could not go to my dream schools).

    Thank you for any advise and sorry for the long post!

    submitted by /u/techaccountant
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    I quit a B4 and feel lost about what I can do next (UK)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 12:41 PM PDT

    Hi r/Accounting,

    I left my B4 firm two weeks ago after qualifying. I hated audit and forced myself to complete the 3 year training contract. I always wanted to quit but was advised to get the ACA qualification and then leave.

    I was not very good at audit so it would have been difficult to lead large/complex audits as a senior. My clients were also based 2-3+ hours away so I would not have been able to attend interviews and would be stuck in audit if I didn't leave.

    Out of the 15 ACA exams, there are 3 financial accounting related exams and I failed them at the first attempt (I passed the other 12 at the first attempt).

    I have attended interviews for 6 companies in the past two weeks. One was for a group accountant role (which I received an offer for but it is too technical for me so I haven't accepted it) and the other five were commercial roles.

    None of the interviews I attended asked me if I had first time passes in my ACA exams and I was not asked technical questions for the group accountant role (I'm sure they would not have made an offer if they had). They liked my personality and probably assumed I would be good at the technical side as I had straight A*s/As at school and college, as well as a First in my maths degree at university.

    I am starting to panic. I know I cannot do an accounting role as I am awful at accounting - I just attended an interview to get a feel for it. I was rejected for the FP&A/analyst roles and I have realised they are not right for me either.

    I want to find a role soon as my boyfriend has let me stay with him for however long I need but I feel guilty. I am lost as the opportunities I have seen for newly qualified ACAs are areas I do not have an interest in: another practice, internal audit, FP&A, accounting/reporting, forensic accounting. I also wasn't interested in other sub-departments within audit and advisory at my firm.

    I did not know I would struggle with/not enjoy accounting when I started 3 years ago. There must be something I will enjoy that I could use my ACA qualification for but I can't find anything when looking at available jobs. I have no motivation or passion for anything after spending the past 3 years completing exams/a job I hate.

    The only area I found OK during my ACA exams was tax which I may need to start from scratch by completing a further 9 exams for the CTA - they don't seem to offer exemptions if you are ACA qualified anymore. I am burnt out so I need to be certain before pushing myself through 9 more exams and entering another 3 year training contract as I'm not guaranteed to enjoy it. This seems like the only option at the moment. However, graduate schemes usually start in September which I have missed, or in January. I might need to explore if some firms will allow me to join ASAP as I can't have a large gap in my CV. My friend mentioned it is not worth starting over in tax on below £27k for a mid tier firm as a qualified accountant (£27k was my starting salary in audit at my B4) as newly qualified ACAs earn £46k at my B4, but I cannot think of alternatives.

    I've started taking anti-depressants so hopefully that helps me get up in the mornings again.

    Are there other areas I can consider looking into that I haven't listed before I give up?

    Thank you if you managed to read everything :)

    submitted by /u/megt94
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    Quickbooks online is the worst.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:51 AM PDT

    I love how I had like 5 different tabs open and even though I am actively working in them I get logged out automatically after a certain amount of time. And then have to log back in and reopen every report. Ughhhh I get that it's nice because the client can keep working in their QB and we can have easy access to all the updated work from the client, but god damn if it doesn't piss me off when I get logged out.

    submitted by /u/shannymcshanface
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    California - CPA Exam App

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 04:00 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I am in my last semester of college and will graduate with my Bachelor's Degree (with 150 units) at the end of December. My goal is to finish the CPA Exam prior to starting full-time at a Big 4 in Fall 2019, so I will have approximately January to September to study. Ideally, I would like to sit for my first exam before the end of the first testing window in March. After hearing the nightmare stories of how long it takes the California State Board of Accountancy to process your application, is there any tips or tricks you all have on how to get this process expedited?

    I went to community college prior to transferring to a 4-year university and took random courses at two other community colleges to get 150 units as well. Would it be wise to begin sending the CBA my transcripts from these three community colleges now and then last one from my 4-year university after my degree is posted at the end of this year or January?


    submitted by /u/cpaontheway27
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    Compensation Assessment Needed

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 04:58 PM PDT






    I have Masters and CPA no experience

    What do you think?

    Did anyone here counter?

    submitted by /u/Equivalent_Pineapple
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    What's the point of inventory observations?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:05 PM PDT

    I've performed a few inventory observations and I'm having trouble understanding the point.

    We make a selection (a sample of the population) that is adequate to provide assurance over the entire population.For example, I make 50 selections. My counts are different for, let's say, 10 of these selections. If the client agrees their re-performed count to my count and also makes the changes in their inventory records, everything is fine. I only expand the selections if the client and I disagree on the count and they refuse to change the amount in their inventory records. How does this make sense? This provides absolutely no assurance (in my mind) over the inventory population. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of inventory observations?

    submitted by /u/idiotauditor2921
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    Will there always be someone better when I'm on the job hunt?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 01:01 PM PDT

    My whole fucking career has been one letdown after another. I was turned down for every internship and workstudy I applied for in college. I only landed my first job after graduation because their #1 pick lied on his resume. They fired me after seven weeks. With my second job (where I am now), it's blatantly obvious that the company was more interested in quantity than quality. One of my co-workers is astonishingly incompetent, and it makes me want to scream every time I have to clean up after one of her mistakes. I passed the CPA exam in December, but since none of my supervisors here are CPAs, I have to change jobs. I fucking told these assholes during the interview that I was trying to become a CPA, and I didn't find out that that would be impossible with them until I had already been working for them for over a year.

    I've given up counting how many times I've put in a job application and never heard back. Even on the rare occasions when I do get an interview, no matter how well I think it went, there's always a better candidate for the job. My dad was able to get me an interview with his company, but even after hearing from him that I would be getting an offer, it never came. I later found out that all hiring at the company is on hold.

    I thought things would turn around this week. After making some updates to my resume, I answered a job ad that was posted by a finance/accounting recruiting company. I nailed the interview, and the very next day, they called and told me they had an opportunity for me. I even took today off so I could meet with them. I sat down with the client, had a great conversation, and went home. I just got the call from my recruiter telling me that I wasn't selected for the second round. There were five for six candidates in total, and they picked three to advance. Just my fucking luck, right?

    So when the actual FUCK are things ever going to turn around for me? I have a master's degree in accounting, I've passed all four parts of the CPA exam, and I've excelled in my current job for the last two years, AND THAT'S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH. IT NEVER IS. These companies can only afford to hire one person out of countless qualified applicants. When the fuck is my number going to come up?

    submitted by /u/DeadPants182
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    Just took FAR, AMA

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 06:46 PM PDT

    just wanted to say hats off to everyone who passed this thing on the first try.

    felt like I got boomed.

    -now we wait-

    submitted by /u/BattalionLover
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