• Breaking News

    Friday, August 31, 2018

    Legal Advice UPDATE: The saga of the 3 year old and the EpiPen

    Legal Advice UPDATE: The saga of the 3 year old and the EpiPen

    UPDATE: The saga of the 3 year old and the EpiPen

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:47 AM PDT

    I really appreciate all the advice and personal stories shared with me last week. This is my first experience dealing with my son's allergy in school so I clearly had/have a lot to learn.

    I was able to get a letter from the pediatrician stating that the EpiPen must be kept in the classroom. The teacher now has it stored in a high cabinet, along with a written emergency action plan that details how and when to administer it. I provided her with a clear plastic case with a child resistant cap that I ordered from Amazon and was made for precisely this purpose. The teacher and the classroom aide were trained by the school nurse in how to use it. I also made certain that written instructions would be provided to any substitute teacher or alternate caregiver my son may be left with.

    We have a rotating schedule where parents take turns providing snacks for the entire class. The teacher has asked that these snacks all be peanut free. Neither myself or the teacher have asked that the other students make their individual lunches peanut free; I simply requested that my son be seated away from anyone eating food containing peanuts. Since each little table only seats 4 kids, this has been easy to implement.

    I also provided a second EpiPen, a bottle of liquid Benadryl and a copy of the emergency plan to the front office. I also confirmed that multiple adults at the school have access to the medications locked in the office and are trained to administer them if necessary.

    Most of the advice I received on my original post was very supportive and helpful. However I was baffled by the amount of judgement and criticism I received from the rest of the comments. For those of you who suggested that my son doesn't have the right to be enrolled in school, I hope you never have a loved one with an allergy, a disability or a learning difference. For those of you who thought I was advocating for my THREE YEAR OLD to inject himself, I recommend that you brush up on your reading comprehension skills. For those of you that thought I was being reckless by putting the EpiPen in his backpack...maybe you had a point. Its true that I never considered another child would get ahold of it or that my son would lose it. I took your words to heart and found a solution we can all live with.

    Now let's just hope we never need to use it.....


    submitted by /u/allthethings13
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    [Update] My brother hacked into everything and is trying to control my life. [CA]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 10:07 AM PDT



    Without going into a lot of detail, based on some of the stuff I read on here and a conversation with a friend, I realized that the way I viewed the relationship with my brother was incredibly messed up and I decided to act more seriously about this. I was thinking about how to proceed last night while cleaning, and then I actually found a camera. I know I said I thought there was one before but I don't think I really consciously did. It was in my bathroom.

    I have gone to the police station and for now have an injunction against my brother. I also reported the computer hacking along with texts and a phone message he sent where he both alludes to and directly confirms it, so.

    I don't know what'll happen but I feel a lot better having taken this right. I appreciate the comments people sent it helped a lot.


    submitted by /u/DifficultPath
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    Lawyer Watched Client Tresspass and Grafatti my Backyard... Grounds for Bar Complaint?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:11 AM PDT

    We're in the midst of a property dispute and before any surveys had been done, my neighbor and his lawyer climbed into my backyard unannounced. The lawyer then watched as my neighbor spray painted what he thought was the property line. Is this grounds for reporting the lawyer to the California Bar? The survey has been completed since, and his line is close but not exact - he definitely painted my property... in addition to just being a bully with a spray can. This is all on video.

    submitted by /u/SumoLover
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    [x-posted from r/relationships] Can I sue my boyfriend for fake rent that he took from me [PA]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:58 AM PDT

    I was sent here by r/relationships and put up a more detailed post over here.

    My boyfriend and I moved into a house together a year ago. My boyfriend told me to deposit $1k/month for rent into an account for our "landlord." Turns out his parents own the house and they haven't been charging either of us rent. Turns out he has been saving this money to give to me as a gift later (I've seen a bank statement.) He will not give me the money right now because he says I'll take it and leave him. During the last year, my boyfriend has helped me out a couple times financially and he says he can just keep all the money, although he's probably spent about $1k on me, not the full $13k. I know I probably fucked up by sending the money directly into the account. Is there a way to legally get that money back?

    submitted by /u/bf_throwaway137
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    My boss refuses to abide by my worker's comp. restrictions

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:23 PM PDT

    Oklahoma - I was recently involved in a fatality car wreck while at work in a company vehicle. (NOT AT FAULT) Since the wreck, I have been placed on restrictions by the doctor I was referred to by the worker's comp. insurance company. However, my boss will not honor these restrictions.


    He has repeatedly scheduled me to assist the technicians with installs in the field because we are very short handed at the moment. One job required installing a 200 lb window off of a boom lift on the fourth floor with two of the techs. As well as two other jobs off of boom lifts. Several other jobs have required lifting and carrying heavy glass for shower doors, some up stairs. The average 3/8" shower door weighs approx. 80-100 lbs. some more, some less. I also am required to drive to and from these job sites in a company vehicle.

    When I initially presented my boss with the paperwork stating my restrictions he acted very irritated and more or less scoffed at them. After two weeks he ordered me to assist with the tasks I listed above. When I reminded him I was still on restrictions his response was "If you can't, then I don't even need you here. We need help with installs and if you can't help, you can just collect your things and go home and I will find someone else." He then walked back into his office and slammed the door.
    I have been doing my best to assist with these tasks in order to keep my job until my contract I have signed with my next employer begins but it is taking its toll on me. I am now, in some ways, worse off than when this all began.

    I did inform the doctor of the situation at my appointment today. Now, what do I do next? If I call the worker's comp. insurance, they will surely contact my boss and then the shit will hit the fan. I know if he fires me I will have a good case against him. But my contract does not begin with my new employer for another 5 months.
    Additionally, I would like to clarify that I DO in fact have documentation, texts and much more evidence and witnesses to support ALL of this. Should I go straight to an attorney with this? Should I just go to the insurance company?

    TL;DR I was placed on restrictions by a doctor and my boss has refused to abide by the restrictions. I fear he will fire me if I press the issue or contact the insurance company about it. And I have proof of it all.

    submitted by /u/mildlyimpressed1214
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    Woke up to bullet hole in apartment

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:51 AM PDT

    Kansas city, Missouri.

    Last night at around 11:50 I woke up because I heard a sharp crack. I thought maybe something had fallen and hit the floor, but when I did a brief walk-around I didn't see anything.

    When we got up this morning my husband noticed there was a hole in the bookcase near his desk, shards of plastic from a container on the desk and a hole in the wall, which indicates that it came from the apartment next door. We've never spoken to our neighbors on that side and don't plan to just yet.

    We are planning on calling our apartment manager and letting her know, should we also call the police non-emergency line? Do I need to report this to my renters insurance?

    Sorry if these are all dumb questions, I've just never dealt with something like this before.

    TL;DR: Woke up to bullet hole in apartment, what do?


    I called the police non-emergency line shortly after I made this post. An officer came out about 1.5 hours later, looked at the damage and took the bullet. He went next door and the guy there who has a hole in his wall says he wasn't there last night and doesn't know how the hole got there.

    Officer said we might have to talk to a detective later as we were here when the shot went off, he then left us the police report # on a ticket and left. We then told the property manager who came, looked at it and then told us that the adjacent apartment should be vacant because the tenant moved out weeks ago, so she may be dealing with that soon I guess if there's someone squatting there.

    Thanks for all the advice!

    submitted by /u/ImaWolverine
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    My neighbor keeps taking my name off of mailbox and now I'm not getting mail

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:33 AM PDT

    Location: New Jersey

    First, I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong sub reddit. I just don't know how to go about getting this resolved.

    Secondly, I don't want to punish my neighbor in any way I just want to get my mail.

    I own an apartment in a building that has four units in it. The four apartments have four mailboxes in the foyer right when you walk into the building. I no longer live in the apartment and am in the process of renovating it so I can rent it out, therefor I'm rarely ever there and when I am there I'm only there for a few hours (mainly to collect mail).

    My neighbor who is mentally ill has told the mail carrier that I no longer live there. Now the mail no longer shows up, it's still my legal address and I haven't gotten around to changing everything over. Do I have to go to the local post office to rectify it or can I fix this online somewhere?

    thank you

    Edit: I left it out of the original post but ​the neighbor who is doing this is doing this because she has a personal problem with me. She keeps taking my name off the mailbox after I put it back on.

    submitted by /u/jcafaro17
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    Update: coworker lied to try to get me fired and was caught

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:51 PM PDT

    2 months have gone by and nothing has been done. I have taken the past two months to qualify for my professional license in another field, primarily on the clock at work and on their pay, and I will be starting a new job in 30 days. I am taking the two weeks vacation that I had on the books and turning in my two weeks notice when I return. I have pulled all of my personal sales data from the server (shared monthly among salespeople to encourage competition) to show that I am the companies #1 or #2 salesman every month but 1 for the last 2 years(resume booster), And since the incident I have been the most stress-free I've been in 7 years. This job was my life since I got out of school. I even stressed out when other departments weren't performing before, but the last two months I've been punching my own ticket, only working the minimum required hours, and ignoring the ridiculous team building bullshit.

    Link of course: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8v35om/coworker_fabricated_evidence_to_get_me_fired_and/

    Edit: TN

    submitted by /u/badkarmavenger
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    I had a totally surreal court experience last night an then Opposing counsel told me to appeal... [Georgia]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:04 AM PDT

    Sorry for the length of this.... I have to sum up what happened so you get the picture. Last night was like a bad trip and I am trying to process it all.

    So, I was in Magistrate court over a financial civil matter. Magistrate court seemingly has no rules. They have no rule of attachment and discovery isn't allowed. The judge never was an attorney and has no background in law. So in a paraphrased nutshell, the other side says, "This is what she owes and here is letter we sent her saying that." I said, "Prove that I owe that, please. Show me some sort of contract or agreement." The Judge says, "They don't have to. They sent this letter to your house. What do you have to prove that it isn't your debt?" When I couldn't produce anything "legal" saying it wasn't my debt, she passed judgment on me. I told her that the "original creditor" listed on the lawsuit doesn't own the debt that the people suing me did, and that the original company told me that they don't have an account in my name and I had the recording of that call that I could play her, since they wouldn't send me anything in writing and she wouldn't listen then told me "whoever you talked to is wrong". There was no proof in what the opposing counsel had as to who owned the debt at all so she had no proof either. She even told me things weren't a law or requirement "in Georgia" when I had copies of the laws and rules printed out right in front of me and referenced them. I was totally baffled. I had a job that had me in court rooms a lot and have never seen a judge completely toss out the idea of burden of proof. The burden of proof should be on the person suing me not me.

    After I walked out I sat down at a row of chairs in the hallway to look for my car keys and drink some water. The opposing counsel walks out and sees me. He sits down next to me and tells me that Magistrate court is called "play court". He made sure I knew that I could appeal and should appeal, and nothing that was ruled that night was permanent, and that State court would handle things differently. He then told me that the request for production was ignored by the other side because Magistrate court doesn't enforce discovery but couldn't be ignored in State court and that the entity suing me would not be able to produce the required information in State court. He also told me that if I don't appeal, when the entity that won the judgment calls me to try to collect to only say, "I am disabled, don't call me anymore." And hang up on them and they will eventually get the message and put me in the "uncollectible" file. He walked with me out of the court house as well. Then he made it clear to me again that I could appeal and that I was "uncollectible". He even told me how to get a garnishment lifted if they try to do that to me since my income is Federally protected. This is strange behavior for opposing counsel, correct?

    When we first spoke before court started I told him that I was sick. I have a really bad cold, fever and all. He came over to me twice during the process and talked to me to see if I was doing ok. He made the comment that he can't believe they were suing me, knowing I was disabled, as well, and told me that he hates "just sitting around these court rooms". So is this just a jaded older man that hates the people he works for and had compassion for me after he was "off the clock" or what...?

    submitted by /u/reluctantly_me
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    My father owes my mother $100,000+ in child support

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:00 AM PDT

    Father had paid child support for a few years ( maybe 2 ) then moved to another state and stopped paying for the next 16 years. He has two children with my mother, my brother and I. That is why the amount owed is so high. He moved back to Arizona a few years back (The state where all of us live) Is there anything legally my mother can do about this? We also don't want thousands of dollars in legal fees. He also is a bit of a maniac and I'm worried for my mothers safety if any legal action was taken against him. Any advice? Again we are in the state of AZ.

    submitted by /u/SenpaiKumamon
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    (WA) Nurse didn't follow OBGYNs instructions and placenta was disposed of after stillbirth

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 11:20 PM PDT

    My wife and I were in the hospital for the delivery of our son, a stillbirth, two weeks ago. It was our second stillbirth this year. With the first one, we found the cause after the fact from genetic testing, but in this case we had genetic testing done early in pregnancy and nothing was found. When our son passed it was at 21 weeks and there had been no indication of problems until he was just not alive one day. Because of this we wanted more testing done to try to determine the cause. They offered us genetic testing on the placenta and baby, as well as pathological examination of the placenta. The genetic testing was done properly but this time there were no answers from that. Our OBGYN and the nurse attending were both aware of what we wanted done, and the placenta and umbilical cord were taken to cold storage to be analyzed later. Apparently the nurse did not write the order for the pathology work, which means it was disposed of.

    Today I called to check up on the status of the report only to be told none had been requested by the head of labor and delivery. The OBGYN was unaware the order hadn't been placed. The OB confirmed that the nurse was told to place the order and wasn't sure why it would have been neglected.

    Now we've lost our only possibility of finding answers and the uncertainty means we can't know what to expect if we wanted to try again or what steps we could take to prevent the same thing from happening again. We are devastated and angry. Our family has been through so much pain from this and not knowing what happened makes it very hard to hope for any other pregnancy outcome in the future.

    My question is, is there any legal recourse against the nurse that could be taken? She was doing a poor job apart from that but nothing that we couldn't get past, but this kind of neglect has a severe impact on our lives.

    submitted by /u/TinyAlgae
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    Update: FL suspected child neglect conundrum go mandated reporter

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:58 AM PDT

    Thanks everyone for your support. I called the abuse hotline last night and reported what I had observed and they said it was substantial enough to file a report.

    Today, we were supposed to take mom and baby to PCP for appt at 10am, but she called us around 8:30 and advised that she didn't need us to come and that she'd do a walk in with him later becausr a friend was giving her a ride.. She also assured us he was "fine" and " didn't look sick". As far as I know, the family has no transportation and we have offered use of our company van to take baby to all medical appointments, even the pulmonologist over an hour and a half away.

    I also found out from our health staff that this child's older brother had some medical neglect issues. He was having severe stomach pains and mom took him for a "massage and herbal treatments". Eventually, they took him to the doctor ant his appendix had ruptured. He almost died. The child was one or two at the time.

    submitted by /u/Throwingbabyaway10
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    deliberately locking workers in a work place.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 11:07 AM PDT

    ok so here's how I got into an extremely unpleaseant situation. I work at a wedding venue, mostly physycal work in the "backscene", logistics, making sure all is clean, organized and functioning. working along side other workers washing, arranging and sorting all things around kitchen, washroom, warehouse. (as part of a catering company)

    there's this new guy who started working under the place's owners who is supposed to have responsability to lock the place by the end (and various other things throughout the event.

    he hasn't even gotten to fully work by himself, still learning the job from the previous guy.

    anyways this guy, started rushing me by the end of a friday day wedding by the end, as obviously he had to lock the place already. I, try to speed my self and my coworkers as fast as possible. AND explain to him my finishing tasks and that i'm going to finish soon. (mind you all in good faith, didn't even talk to this guy until that day).

    eventually after 10, 15 minutes after his naggings. I finish, and find myself and another worker locked and traped with no one in sight. no the place is basically opened to the sky BUT fenced. I, as 23 years old guy could climb some of the fence, but I hade a bike with me inside that I obviously coudn't throw above the fence. eventually with the help of a call from my direct superior I could find a key in one of the offices to open a gate where I could get my bike outside.

    now it's all leading to when I contacted this guy to find out why the hell would he lock us. (maybe mistake, maybe he was sure we already left).

    turns out, that NO, this guy purposefully decided to just walk away leaving us locked, seemply because we took too long for him and he just didn't care. he CONFIRMED this to me in our whatsapp chat, so I have proof that it was deliberate.

    he admits this with no shame.

    can anyone lock workers in their workplace deliberatly, as a punishment, 'cause they "deserved" it for not working as quick as he wanted. (again this guy isn't my superior and he just started his job).

    IS THIS LEGAL? I feel like trash for working, sweating like a b**ch, and getting locked up deliberatly in my workplace.

    he even claims to have worked in this place few years ago so he should know of how stressful friday weddings are, which makes it even worse.....

    I should mention: I live in Israel. the center of the country.

    submitted by /u/DaveCordicci
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    Attorney requested I obtain an Acceptance of Liability letter from insurance. In return, my charges (minor car wreck) will be dismissed. I have never heard of this advice. Is this a solid defense plan?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:44 AM PDT

    Hello. Thanks for reading.

    I was involved in a car wreck and charged with two offenses. North Carolina allows mail solicitation so I chose an attorney and the defense plan is as described in the title.

    I definitely want the charges dismissed but I was expecting a reduction in the charges and in return be required to take driving school or to use a prayer for judgement. It's been +20years since I last dealt with an accident so i am sure things have changed.

    What exactly is an Acceptance of Liability letter and how does it get a dismissal from the court.

    Any other information you have would be greatly appreciated.

    FWIW no injuries and damages less than $2k


    submitted by /u/Busta_Caps
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    (WA) Neighbor keeps taking pictures of my car and posting them online

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 01:07 AM PDT

    Washington state.

    I live in an apartment complex in Seattle where I rent an apartment. The complex has an underground garage for which I pay a monthly fee (not sure if this is relevant). I own a fairly expensive and new vehicle which is parked on my assigned spot in said garage. On three separate occasions I caught a weirdo neighbor taking pictures of my vehicle. First time, he was in front of the car photographing the vehicle itself, which is fine with me because I thought he probably liked it and whatever. I didn't approach him. Next two times, as I was quietly walking from the elevator, I could see him taking selfies with my car and having his girlfriend/wife take photos of the weirdo TOUCHING my car. As in, he was pretending to open the door or lean against it. This bothers me because I do not want him to touch my car or take pictures with it. I walked up to them, told him this is not the first time I see him do this and want him to stop immediately. He apologized and walked away. Yesterday, I saw him AGAIN, dressed in a suit and having a photo shoot with my car.

    This guy is so fucking ridiculous. I went ahead an found his Facebook profile, then his Instagram. Lo and behold, he has like 26 pictures of him and my car where he claims to be his "new car". This is a grown ass man, not a teenager. I took screenshots but I'm not sure what's my recourse from here. I know I cannot stop him from taking pictures of my car but how about him touching it and leaning against it? Is posting the pictures online and claiming to own the vehicle illegal? Should I contact the complex or Facebook/Instagram? I am willing to dump money if necessary to take this weirdo to court but I don't know what the charge could be.

    submitted by /u/Weirdo9090
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    My daughter’s friend told the principal there’s a boy who is stalking my daughter. The principal called them all in for questioning and issued a “no contact” policy. The boy’s parents are threatening lawsuit. Should we be worried?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 11:54 PM PDT

    Sorry for titlegore. All of the information was given to me from the perspective of my daughter and a phone call from her principal, it gets a bit complicated.

    Long story short, my daughter (D) and this boy (B) spent a lot of time together in school and over the summer. They did admit to liking each other, but when the summer came to an end she told him that she didn't have those feelings anymore. It became a bit more complicated because B was friends with my son (S) so they all still hung out as a group.

    D's friend (F) told her that B was paying people for pictures of her and another one of her friends (F2) screenshotted a picture she sent via snapchat to only certain people. After a while, someone told D that B had set that picture as his phone wallpaper. Both B and F2 deny that an exchange took place.

    F went to the principal and told them that B was stalking D and buying pictures of her, being incredibly inappropriate. Principal called in D and D told them what happened and that she felt uncomfortable around B. I don't know what F or B said to the principal.

    All parties signed a no contact form, basically saying they would not interact in or out of school. B's friend texted S that B's mother was threatening to sue all parties involved for defamation and violation of privacy because B had refused to sign the form and the school forced him to do it.

    Upon hearing everything from my D and S, it sounds like there's more background where F had a thing for B's close friend but B ended up getting in the way and not letting them get together (cockblocking?) and S believes F exaggerated to get back at B.

    There's many sides to the story and I haven't looked at evidence- I've never seen B's phone case and don't know whether or not there's those pictures others claims he has. I do know that F comes across as someone who stirs up trouble. I do want to go talk to the principal tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I should bring up that B's mother is threatening to sue.

    If there's anything I missed in this post, please let me know. I'm a little worried because of the threats, but I'm also not sure what basis they have since their son didn't deny or admit that he had been doing the above.

    Edit: California, US

    submitted by /u/throwaway2949497
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    Former homeowner gets in contact 2 weeks after closing, asking when he can come pick up something he "left". Are we obligated to let him take it ?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:09 AM PDT

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer here, but wanted to hear from you fine folks. In NY state. We closed on a house two weeks ago. Prior to the closing, the previous owner asked us if we wanted a portable propane stove that was in the garage. He asked for $300 for it. We declined. He then attempted to sell it at a garage sale, but no takers I suppose. It was still there when we took possession of the house. We like the stove and are planning to use it in the spring. It's still sitting in the garage.

    Fast forward two weeks, previous owner texts me that he would like to come pick it up! We never discussed holding it for him or discussed it in any way, actually.

    Am I obligated to give it to him ? I'm pretty sure I'm not, but wanted to hear what you folks think.

    Edit: a word

    Edit: Update : I've been vilified, educated, and everything in between. Thank you to those who helped. I have decided to send him a check for the stove so everyone leaves happy. He's happy, I'm happy, all good.

    submitted by /u/tutormonster
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    Disrupting an adoption (NYS)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:48 AM PDT

    There are a bunch of things I am afraid to ask our adoption lawyer, so I'm trying to gather more information, before I make a final decision.

    My wife and I have been fostering a little girl for 11 months. Parental rights from bio parents have been terminated, wife & I have passed all of our background checks and parenting classes and home studies. Everything is set up for a finalization hearing for 10/5, with a big party to follow to celebrate the happy occasion. Except...I am having doubts.

    So my questions for the lawyers here are:

    1. If we don't go through with the finalization, will the child be removed from us and placed with another family? She is starting kindergarten in our district and she is very attached to our family- at least to my wife- but I don't want to string her along if she could have a chance with a real adoptive family.

    2. Could my wife adopt her as a single parent? I'm sure if she had to choose between her marriage and the child, she would pick the child.

    3. Would we owe the state money for the monthly stipend we've been getting? The state has been helping with her health insurance, and other expenses.


    Edit: okay, I've been getting a lot of questions about this, so here is some background:

    My wife is a carrier for a genetic illness. Her brother had the illness, and died from it at 22. If we were to conceive and have a boy, he would have a ~50% chance of having the condition, and a girl would have a ~50% chance of being a carrier. Our foster child has a more mild version of this condition, that boys and girls can get. Her health is stable, but the condition has the potential to be progressive, so it could get a lot worse. The fact that the child has a similar condition is why my wife thinks this is "meant to be" and was so adamant about adopting this particular child, even though we initially agreed on adopting an infant.

    submitted by /u/Adoptthrow
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    Update! Wrongfully terminated from the company I own part of, hired an attorney, and I’m now being offered the company back and cash for my trouble!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 10:40 AM PDT


    I moved across the country to sell 80% of my husband and I's company to a guy in Las Vegas. He turned out to be a lunatic, very disrespectful and verbally abusive.

    I told him he shouldn't talk to people that way, and he fired me, citing insubordination. I immediately hired an attorney, which made my boss then decide "okay, you sue me and I close the company. You don't sue me and you sign a paper saying you won't, and I'll continue to grow the company".

    I told him I didn't think those two options left me much of a choice, but I'd like to sleep on it.

    The next morning after I left my attorney, my boss calls, offers to reverse the sale, return our company to us, give us $10,000 for the trouble, and we part ways.

    We're negotiating for more money, because we realize he's scared and we have all the power, but WE DID IT YOU GUYS!!!! I can finally breathe again. To feel that we moved our two babies across the country just to have the company we have nurtured and cared for the last 3 years be taken from us and slowly destroyed was devastating. I am so ready to start over in this new city with our company back in its rightful owners hands.

    submitted by /u/Miahep
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    Threatened with suit over racial slur incident [IL]

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:50 PM PDT

    I own a dive bar with a relatively mellow, older crowd of regulars. I am not black, but the majority of my regulars are. This is relevant to the story.

    On Monday night, there were 4 customers in the bar. One of them was an old white guy. I was in the back working on a calendar when a bartender told me that the white guy was throwing out the n-word at the other three customers, all of whom are black. I asked him to leave and he got very aggressive, so I called the police and had him removed. I believe he was charged with disorderly conduct.

    Today, I received a demand letter for $100k that basically said that I violated this guy's civil rights and I will be sued if I don't pay. The letter basically says that I racially discriminated by kicking him out for using the n-word when I didn't kick out the other customers who were apparently using the n-word amongst themselves (I didn't hear them do this, but even if they were using the word, I think there's a big difference between a group of black people using the word with each other and a white person screaming it at black people as an insult.)

    So, did I do something illegal? I never told him he had to leave because he was white, just that he had to leave for using racial slurs. Can I really be sued for this?

    submitted by /u/threatenedwsuit
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    [AL] Racist? Neighbors keep calling the cops on me (19F) and my boyfriend (21M)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    So my boyfriend (lets call him Tre) and I recently moved into our own home on what we thought was a nice quiet street, this was around July 1st. The house we moved into was previously being rented by my grandparents (who are both white) who had no problems living here never had the cops called on them etc. So about two weeks after we move in I had an officer knock on my door and basically tell me that he's been getting a lot of complaints about cars of our description speeding up and down the road (the speed limit is 15mph). So I tell the officer I'll be sure to slow it down and apologize and he seems to be understanding and tells me to have a nice day. Everything is fine for a while until tonight where it all just became a shit storm.

    My boyfriend was coming home from work for his lunch break and as he pulls onto our road a cop is sitting there and flags him down. Tre pulls over for him and the officer tells him he pulled him over because hes been getting a lot of complaints about speeding down on the road (keep in mind that our neighbors the alleged racist ones are looking on) then seemingly out of nowhere he asks Tre how much weed he has in his car very loudly. Tre doesn't smoke weed AT ALL, Tre has a "piece of shit car" that burns oil constantly and he told the officer that that's what he was smelling the officer then replied with "I know the difference!"

    Tre told the officer again that he promises there's no weed in his car. The officer then asked for Tre's ID finding that Tre had no criminal record and only one ticket in his entire life and seeing as there was no probable cause to search his car he let Tre go with a warning to slow down. All of this while our neighbors are watching so now we're sure to get even more complaints on us since now they definitely think we smoke weed. Tre and I are both reasonably pissed and were already planning on getting cameras on our cars from the first visit from an officer but now I think we definitely need them sooner.

    Is there anything we can do to further ensure that we can prove we're not speeding? or even better is there any way to get this neighbor off of our ass and maybe get her in trouble for wasting police officers time with damn complaints?

    Edit: I forgot to mention that we know who the neighbor is because my sister is friends with the lady on Facebook and shes posted both times at almost the exact time the cops spoke to us about speeding on our road calling us stupid and telling other people that they should "let us know" of our speeding. The lady has 3 kids that like to skate up and down the road and says our "speeding" is a danger to them.

    submitted by /u/retroNarcissist
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    [Colorado] Treatment Center has been payed by the VA for one year of treatment. I paid out of pocket for 8 months until they received payment, not received my refund as promised.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:21 AM PDT

    Throw away account in Colorado State, on mobile sorry.

    I am a 100% rated Disabled Vet. I have been receiving treatment from a clinic for almost a year. It is a methadone treatment facility, not a heroin user, just needed help getting off of pain pills after injuries sustained in country.

    My issue has to do with payments I've made that I was told would be reimbursed. Strange because other vets there are allowed to have their accounts go negative, like $12,000 neg, until they receive payment from the VA.

    I started going in sept 2017 and I had to pay out of pocket $330 a month until the VA started paying. Do to the va switching systems it took awhile to get it paid for, so I paid out of pocket for 8 months. Towards the end I was running out of savings and applied for Medicaid and started using Medicaid because they would not let me dose for one day without payment.

    During those eight months I would inquire every time I paid about receiving a refund and I was reassured that it wasn't going to be an issue. In June the clinic received payment from the VA for one year of treatment, Sept 17- Sept18. My social work called and told me the check was sent and they would be receiving it in a few days. That is when I started requesting my refund.

    I have asked to speak with the director and left several messages since then and have yet to even receive an answer, they keep telling me next week, then three weeks, then a month. No refund.

    At this point they have been paid for one year by the VA, back charged Medicaid from May until now, and I paid for 8 months out of pocket. I was refused mental health therapy because the va was already paying for therapy, that since has been resolved and I should start therapy next week for mental health and Ptsd.

    My question is what do I do next? Do I report them to the State Medicaid board? Do I call the ombudsman? Do I get a lawyer involved? They have a grievance process that I'm going to try, but I'm still not sure if that will work. Please advise.

    submitted by /u/Confused-in-Colorado
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    [Upstate NY] Report to police?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:42 AM PDT

    So, last night I pull into my driveway at roughly 8pm.

    A man walks down the sidewalk and stops behind my car and whips out his smart phone. I ask him can I help him/what's wrong. He's yells "You blew by that stop sign you fat f*ck. You've been doing it all week."

    It appears that he is a neighbor who lives 4 or so houses down, across the street from a "T" intersection. There is a stop sign and I have to make a right hand turn to get to my house.

    So, I bit later I go for an evening walk. I see him sitting on his porch. So I calmly say, "what's the problem, bro?"

    He then pops the trunk of the car in the driveway, and shouts "I'm in the military so don't try nothing." I see a large camouflage duffle type bag in the trunk.

    So I just continue walking. He starts to follow me and gets all up in my personal space and starts yelling more obscenities about my weight and how I blew past the stop sign and there's kids in the neighborhood, etc. I keep walking and calmly/simply say, I'm sorry, I will be more mindful of that in the future. Of course there was more harassment type stuff, and again I calmly say, "Do you use that mouth in front of your kids?" He says "Yes."

    Of course I felt very threatened over the situation and there are better ways of handling it. I also suffer from chronic and borderline severe depression and anxiety to the point where I have been partially hospitalized in the past, so things that wouldn't bother normal people sometimes drive me to the point of wanting self harm, not that it is pertinent to the case.

    He was wearing a USPS uniform and I was able to figure out his name and look him up on FB. He says he's a postal worker (insert disgruntled jokes now) and it also looks like he is in the National Guard. Now, I don't know if he has weapons at home but it's a little unnerving that someone can get unhinged like this and has military training. I also wonder if he was high or drunk or something as well.

    Is this something I should think about filing with the police, in case anything in the future happens?

    PS I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    submitted by /u/The_Real_Throwaway58
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