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    Sunday, April 1, 2018

    Put in two weeks notice this past week at a workplace with a toxic culture, has to be one of the best feelings I have ever experienced..... Sales and Selling

    Put in two weeks notice this past week at a workplace with a toxic culture, has to be one of the best feelings I have ever experienced..... Sales and Selling

    Put in two weeks notice this past week at a workplace with a toxic culture, has to be one of the best feelings I have ever experienced.....

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:07 AM PDT

    For those of you who have been following my posts, I worked at a SaaS company strong in its niche but with a highly toxic culture, at least on the team I worked for. Boss was a scheming psychopath and a racist hypocrite, long story short he hated the fact that I was the only white guy on the team and putting up strong numbers in an Account Management role. The guy who was behind me was a Korean guy who my boss also hated since he thinks Asians are just given things in life here in the US.

    The culture was unfair to the point that numbers hardly mattered, people were promoted based on how much management liked them (one person promoted had the worst numbers on the team), every meeting was a gossip session about others at the office, things like race and politics were regularly discussed on a daily basis in meetings (basically anything not hardcore liberal is evil), and I could go on and on.

    A lot of probing into peoples' personal lives, maximum intrusion, and even threats at times were common place. The favoritism was strong too, leadership would side with certain people even when their numbers were weak and they were wrong. I could go on and on, especially about the double standards to where the favorites on the team could say the most racist things and get away with it cleanly.

    It was wearing on me.

    I was not myself at all, my days were not the same. I was not working out like I used to, my joy for life was gone, I was miserable, and it was just wearing on me. Whenever I would interact with friends, it was only whining about work and it just beat me down like no other. At the same time, I was job hunting and coming up short on a lot of opportunities which led to more of a disappointment in my hopes.

    Things went from bad to worse, my manager was literally trying to create a paper trail to fire me. I was being written up for the most minor of offenses. Got written up for being late to work by 15 minutes, which I can understand except people are regularly late to work 30 minutes to an hour and it is hardly an issue.

    Then, after much thought, I finally put in my two weeks notice.

    Came into work on Tuesday (boss not in the office Monday) and boss pulled me inside to a meeting, it was to basically talk to me again about the write up. In the meeting, I give him the two weeks notice. He tries to probe and ask for companies I am going to but I am vague with it. After that, he gets a team lead to ask me questions and even use some tactics to get more information out of me, trying to get me to make promises such as telling them where I have been hired as soon as I get the offer.

    These people are now pushing to be an active part of my life and stay in touch after me leaving.

    I didn't have a job lined up but I had to do it, I have enough savings to live on for almost a year and enough of a support structure to my life.

    I have no doubt this guy will try to sabotage me for my next role but I am saving that discussion for a separate thread.

    A few days later it is like my world had changed.

    I was walking with more confidence and something just seemed to go well. Went to a local Trader Joes on Thursday and after walking out of it, this beautiful woman walks alongside me, looks in my direction, and smiles as she is going there. I wanted to say something but I have a girlfriend so I smiled right back and went about my day.

    I noticed more women coming on to me or initiating things with me than normal. Just this past Friday I was on an elevator with this really hot blonde who was supposed to get off a few floors above me. I walk off and she immediately follows me to my apartment while looking at her cellphone, maybe the cellphone had her distracted, and when I tell her she might have missed her floor she gets nervous and then says she is new to the apartment and was supposed to see a friend on my floor....

    I have a girlfriend..........

    It is like I am behaving in ways to where people and strangers are more willing to engage with me, life is slowly brightening up.

    The feeling is one I cannot describe but it feels good.

    And maybe things get shitty again, who knows....

    I have a couple interviews this week, a few more the week after this one, and am still job hunting. I quit without having a job lined up which was risky but it was getting to the point where I just had to. Maybe I feel good right now and in a month I am crying myself to sleep, but you have to appreciate the few good times life offers!

    Hope I have a success story to share with you guys!

    submitted by /u/anlbcore
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    Work life balance with a cell phone and more.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:25 AM PDT

    I'm in new construction sales, so I sell to be built homes to people, shepherding them through the very emotional roller coaster and six month process of selection of options, help with loan approval and then the actual build process. I do very well and sell a house once every 10 days. The process of home buying is one of the most stressful moments in anyones life, building can be even more so.

    In order to be able to communicate with my buyers I HAVE to give them a cell phone number, my company for some reason does not pay for personal cell phones but my business couldn't be conducted without one. On my days off I cannot check out, calls texts about anything from real emergencies to "who cleans the trash out of the pond behind my house" Needless to say my quality of life has diminished to the point where I literally turned my phone off this past week on one of my days off because it became so overwhelming.

    I made 150k last year so this 24/7 work lifestyle felt somewhat justified but I'm losing my mind and need to find balance.

    Questions: Is there a solution to using the cell phone but also being able to not be constantly bombarded when I need a moment of solace.

    Is 150k worth ownership of my life, do you guys have a better work life balance, am I just being a bitch?

    You see these news stories about France and recently New York where they are limiting the contact that an employer can have on an employee after work hours, do you guys have decent boundaries between your personal and work lives? I've been in B2B 10 years prior to this B2C seems to creep into a lot non-business hours.

    Thanks for reading r/sales, keep grinding!

    submitted by /u/LouieKablooie
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    Politics in the workplace

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:06 AM PDT

    Have you ever been in a scenario where you just joined a company and were either number 1 or among top 1% in sales volume and really just a better salesperson than everyone.

    I find that a lot of the managers that have been there for a while have been looking for ways to suppress me, limit my growth, the good leads I take despite my success, and try to get on me about small things.

    Any what I should do or what you did in this experience.

    I find the managers looking at me constantly or doing/saying things near me to get my attention, or get a reaction out of me.

    submitted by /u/Greendende
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    Constantly doubling my fellow workers in turnover but starting to get bored.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 01:07 AM PDT

    Been in retail sales selling computers for 9 months, 8 of those I have more then doubled my fellow workers and I'm starting to get bored and have no idea what I should try next was hoping for a little guidance

    submitted by /u/Stupidaussiewanker
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    My quota is too high - can I argue it?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 08:55 AM PDT

    Is there ever a good way to discuss quota being too high with your sales leadership - without sounding like you are whining?

    I've missed quota this quarter but even if I'd closed the one deal that should have closed (a big deal!) which would have brought me close, I didn't really have a chance I think due to the conditions in my market.

    My whole team is based in Silicon Valley and sell to the entire US, apart from me and one other person - we are based in a developing market where we have a smaller presence in the market and lots of countries with poor economies in the territory. People aren't as adventurous with their money and due to information security and legal issues the sales cycles are at least 2x as long. I can back that number up with data.

    the other person in our market told me his quota is going to be lower next quarter by only a few thousand dollars, whereas I think it's basically 15% too high for me at the moment. It's likely they might do the same for me but I think the change he was offered isn't going to be enough, at least this year.

    I should mention this is a startup, so still privately owned; the quota is set by head of sales, not finance people.

    Any advice you guys have here would be super helpful! Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Babinian
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    What do you guys think about an automatic email lead scoring tool?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:08 PM PDT

    Just wanted to gauge a little bit of interest, hopefully this isn't against the rules - happy to delete if it is.

    Would you guys find an extension that automatically scores any email conversation with a lead you're having? Basically uses AI to give a score that combines: 1) the quality of the lead/company (scored using AI), 2) the personality/response quality of the individual, 3) seniority/role of the individual.

    I'll give an example: you have 2 conversations going on. 1 is with a grumpy, low-level employee for a company that's showing low intent to buy. 2 is with a senior-level employee at a fast-growing company that's eager.

    The algorithm would detect those and score the 2nd lead way higher than the first lead. Now anytime you open your inbox, you can see at a glance the quality leads vs the non-quality ones, so you prioritize the quality ones.

    Do you guys think this would be useful?

    submitted by /u/danmaker99
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    Do you think real estate agents will still be here in 10-20 years from now?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:49 AM PDT

    Is anyone a sales specialist at cisco?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2018 06:13 AM PDT

    I saw a job posting for a cisco cybersecurity sales specialist and it looked really interesting but I don't meet the level of experience required. I was wondering if anyone here has this job and if so can you help me understand what your background was and what you do most days?

    Also, when I looked through linked in for people with that specific job description, I saw several who had no previous sales experience. Is this the type of job that it's possible to network my way into?

    submitted by /u/joe_average1
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    To those with d2d experience, are my expectations realistic?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:15 PM PDT

    I go in on Monday for training with a startup roofing company, I'll be going door to door setting up appointments for our sales reps to do their demos. For each of my appointments I set up I make a bonus to my check.

    I'm aware that 95% of the time people won't answer or they'll slam the door in my face. I have no problems with rejection. But I'm trying to get an idea of how many appointments I can realistically expect to get. Is 4 appointments a good amount? 6? 10?(a week) I've never done door to door, but I'm excited to start, but I also want to go in with realistic expectations. That way I can just sponge up info and get better at sales and not feel bad when my expectations were to high to start with.

    Edit: I'm also aware that a lot of this will depend on how I talk to people and how many doors I knock on in a week. Thank you ahead of time!

    submitted by /u/Seamore31
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    How to improve my customer base as a wholesale parts counterperson?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:21 PM PDT

    The background:

    Basically, the main part of my job is to sit at a desk and take calls from auto shops. I deal in OEM parts of Subaru and Mazda. We're a small force of five people and I'm the newest guy (less than a year) but I'm consistently out-selling my coworkers except for one guy who is neck-and-neck with me.

    We have an outside sales rep, but he can only ever be at one place at a time. My company is medium-sized and secure, but competes directly with a huge corporation. I may be the big fish in my small pond, but I know we're nowhere near our limits and I want more for me primarily and my company in general.

    Defining the problem:

    I'm in no position to visit shops and promote our services to them in person. Yet I know that we're not grabbing as much of the market as we can. How do I reach out to people who likely already have a relationship with a larger distributor? Is cold-calling a viable strategy when you're trying to upset long-standing relationships with another vendor?

    Thanks for any input.

    submitted by /u/Tobacconist
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    Possible job!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:35 PM PDT

    I applied on indeed too a retail lead generator position at a hvac company, they called me back, I answered a few questions and they said to come in Friday and fill out a application and bring social security card and license with me. I hope I get the job!

    submitted by /u/Pjl123abc
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    Leaving sales for good.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 02:38 PM PDT

    Not sure if I'm going to get a bunch of passive aggressive remarks or even banned, but I'm hoping to generate a good discussion.. or even be disproved. I tried sales for around 2 years and I want to share my experience.

    I tried it out. It didn't work. I worked at a bank and it was stressful as fuck. I closed millions of business but never saw a bonus of more than 1k during my whole time there. I was lied and cheated to by most of my coworkers at some point and I saw my coworkers do seriously unethical shit all the time (think: deleting voicemails of clients once you already closed the business anyway and couldn't get a refund). Also saw my company promote seriously misleading info several times. A lot of salespeople I knew had compulsive behaviours and unbalanced lives due to how stressful their work was.

    Many "advisors" didn't even know how investments worked or what an index fund even was.

    I tried transitioning into a b2b role as a route salesman only to learn it paid 60k and had terrible hours and truckers get paid 80-100k here anyway because they actually know the best "lead" of all. Unionizing.

    I had clients who were salespeople and they also seemed to be getting screwed all the time.

    I was approached by SaaS companies and I refused because I saw how shitty and useless their product was right away even though it paid a lot. I also have suffered from shitty programs surgically inserted into our company probably by SaaS salespeople actually hurt my productivity in my current job, my last job, and even my new job.

    I explored the idea of solar sales only to see that you are really just pushing shitty loans on naive do-gooders who think they'll save the environment by paying shitty loans.

    I'm gonna be a high level (job - censored for privacy) because I actually gave a shit and learned a tonne at the bank+put the effort into finding a good job. I'm not going to talk to the public anymore, I won't have to wear a suit I can't afford to tarnish, listen to shitty retail music, nor bust my ass manipulating the logical flaws and emotional biases of the public to make a living. I'm ecstatic and my depression has lifted in a way that it hasn't since I started working in sales.

    I really believed sales could be a good career opportunity and fought back against the stigma of sales. But now I'm not so sure anymore, the whole experienced actually really pushed me in the opposite direction and I will be wary of salespeople from now on.. Please prove me wrong.

    At least sales permitted to to "close" interviews and "generate leads" for great job opportunities and even get laid.. so there's that I guess. In that sense I don't regret the experience I've learned.

    submitted by /u/hepahepahepa
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    I have a job interview Friday, I chose the day. Should I have chose a day earlier in the week? Could someone steal the job from me, if they got interviewed before me?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:23 PM PDT

    Retail lead generator position

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 05:07 PM PDT

    Is a RLG a good entry level position for sales? I'm a 17 year old who recently got a job interview for this position. Does it count as sales experience?

    submitted by /u/Pjl123abc
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    Product Evangelist for Tech Startup

    Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:37 PM PDT

    We're looking for the next Grant Cardone. A well-connected product evangelist who has no problems whatsoever standing in front of large audiences talking about our products/solutions. Sales-minded, experienced cold caller, a closer-by-nature. You never give up and you work hard. You need to be a born salesman. You know how to prepare for and give elevator pitches. You know how to deal with "curveball" questions from the audience. You are convincing and you have charisma! You must be 100% fluent in English. You will take our product to market and work for equity. PM if interested.

    submitted by /u/julianc2182
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