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    Wednesday, February 9, 2022

    Startups I wanna make my employees millionaires, but I don't want to turn my company public. What are my other options?

    Startups I wanna make my employees millionaires, but I don't want to turn my company public. What are my other options?

    I wanna make my employees millionaires, but I don't want to turn my company public. What are my other options?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 01:13 PM PST

    I'm too early. But not day dreaming. Interested to know and set long term goals. I believe in making my team rich and happy, but just putting all money to my pockets. Mostly I might not need funding. But whether with or without funding, how can I make my team, investors rich without going public.

    I try to reduce dilution of shares giving to employees, but I want them to become rich on the process.

    submitted by /u/LawOfVibration999
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    i want to start a business but i feel so uneducated

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 02:02 AM PST

    I've always been used to being the employee to the point that I'm scared I might actually f up when I start things on my own.

    Don't get me wrong, I have tons of ideas, mvps, strategies, and lofi wireframes that are already there, but I'm in this situation where I feel so uneducated about the business world.

    I tried getting help from a business coach, but it was just a waste of money. I feel like I could be more successful if I was able to enroll in a business course, but that would take so much time. I've been educating myself through books, but I feel like I'm just fed ideas after ideas without having the proper roadmap to really do shit and it sometimes paralyzes me to act.

    I guess what I'm just pointing out is I know a lot about the different departments in a company, but don't know how to be a 'CEO'.

    I hope you could recommend books or courses that really equipped you. Or atleast share some advice about this crap situation on my end.

    P.s. Maybe i just lack confidence lol. But i do feel so uneducated compared to the people I follow and engage with in the online biz world.

    submitted by /u/masochim
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    How to overcome self doubt/fear and force myself to pursue a project?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:29 AM PST

    I've always known entrepreneurship is my true calling and I have a startup project in mind that I'm super passionate about. Yet the thought of starting is somewhat terrifying to me which I truly don't understander why….It's like every time I think about pursuing my idea, I just slightly feel like there is a hand holding me back. Has anyone felt this way before they started their first startup/business? If yes then what is your advice on how to force myself to just start? Thanks everyone!!!

    submitted by /u/nickle061
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    Hard to find people who's willing to offer a feedback!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:46 AM PST

    I asked my friends /family and joined groups of my targeted audience asking for a feedback, to try an app I'm working on!

    And I'd say 1 out of 5 will give a real honest feedback. The other few will just say "I love it" kind of feedback And the rest will just ignore it!

    I'm currently offering money and still no one contacted me asking to try it, i don't know what to do.

    I don't want to activate the payment getaway to live and face problems afterwards "it's a service app".

    I'm sooo tired and seriously thinking of launching it officially, start the marketing campaign and wait for the real feedbacks.

    What do you think?

    Should I move a head and anticipate the real and raw feedback in the review section at the app stores?


    Wait to gather needed feedbacks and work on it to make sure everything will go smoothly as we planned.?

    submitted by /u/lamaleen
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    Any tips for pitching an (untested) idea or concept? And without a team.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 07:19 AM PST

    Hi, I have a (rather) silly question regarding a pitch. But before that, I'd like to explain the background and situation. Last year, I won a design challenge, in which I created the concept and obviously I don't have a team (it's purely a visual concept).

    This year, I was invited to join a pitch battle by the challenge's organizer, which I accepted. It's just, are there any tips to pitch a purely design concept, and without any teams? I don't have numbers to show either. I'm really confused, and would appreciate any answers. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/AdAstraAbyssoque
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    How often do you speak with your co-founder?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 06:39 AM PST

    I'm working on a very early stage startup, and was wondering how often should I speak with my cofounder? We have a quick call every morning and a debrief every evening and obviously catch up during the day when something is important. We're always very productive, but some days we have lots to discuss with each other, other days everything is straightforward and we just get on with our work.

    For some reason, those days make me a bit unsure sometimes, I have this impression that I should be constantly speaking with my cofounder and discussing everything, which would obviously be very inefficient. So just curious to know how much contact y'all have with your cofounders?

    submitted by /u/Gabzerr
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    Best advice you found online as a human leading a startup?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 06:36 AM PST

    Am putting together a list of the best resources for startup Founders that address the non-obvious aspects of founding a startup. If you saw a blog, article or resource that left an impression with you on how to be a better leader or actually enjoy the startup journey would love you to share!

    submitted by /u/ThassonTelAviv
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    Need Advise for startup

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 06:04 AM PST

    Problem I'm trying to solve : Many students in college are really bright, they know many things about development.. like they learn web dev, app dev, game dev etc but are introvert and cant seem to find a group of other students with similar interests to make a team and work on bigger projects. There are various competitions, hackathons in which they don't participate just because they dont have a good team..

    Solution- A platform where there will be many developers (students of my college) from various domains of development.. like web dev, app dev, game dev, python dev, frontend, backend, electronics, etc etc..

    They will have a price..in which they could be hired as a team member by our clients. This will benefit the student developer as they are getting work experience and projects for their resume, the customer who is also a student will have a team and can participate in competitions and add quality to their resume and also this will encourage participation in our college and will help increase the reputation of my college.


    Is this idea good.. should I work on it. What all should I do to make this a success. I am working on a website for it.

    But what else, what should be in that site? What should be the next step after the customer has selected their team and paid for it? How should I contact the customer ? what about competitions? How can I make this better? How to get customers? How should I encourage good developers to join my startup as team members for my customers?

    Main problem- What should be the pricing of developers? How much should I take from it? Should The price be high? Should the price be low? why?

    Guys I have 0 experience of business or managing a startup? Please guide me

    What are the other problems that Im not aware of?

    submitted by /u/CoolAsteriod
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    How do I market to the great resignation?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:35 AM PST

    My product would be a great fit for most of the people who are leaving their jobs right now. But my question is, how do I get in front of them? Google ads wouldn't really be up my alley because I'm not trying to target certain searches? Or would it? I'm at a bit of a loss here.

    submitted by /u/ButIHateTheTaste
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    How important are VCs?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 03:38 PM PST

    I've been seeing this trend of startups raising crazy amounts of money from VCs. Makes me wonder if startups even need so much money lol. My plan was to first approach an angel investor and then a few months after that approach a VC and that too only if I feel like we need more funding. Mostly I was thinking of avoiding VCs cuz they then get to have a say in the business decisions. So what do y'all think are VCs overrated or beneficial?

    submitted by /u/FixComfortable7460
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    Should I go into agreement with a law firm?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 12:35 AM PST

    Hey all,

    A fellow seed-stage investor who is also a lawyer and owns his law firm is offering to provide me with legal services & networking to get me to a capital raise in return for 8% equity in my start-up.

    That is a huge amount, and I am rightly hesitant. But in my hesitance, I have also come to see some value in this deal. To be fair, I don't have a great network. In fact, I wouldn't know anyone with more than 50k in the bank. So I see his value proposition - and where he is trying to leverage me.

    He argues that by giving him the equity and allowing him to be the first "angel investor", he is validating the product for other investors, who see him and his investment in the company as validation.

    Idk if this sounds iffy, especially when he is not really contributing anything tangible, other than the free legal services (which I suspect would be worth no more than $40k).

    In essence, is his networking capability and legal services worth 8% in my company? Is this something I can do myself? Would he open up doors for me that I potentially couldn't open myself?

    Has anyone experienced anything similar before, and what are your takeaways?

    Any pointers would be really appreciated!

    EDIT - it's a fintech product in Australia

    submitted by /u/agearctic
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    Best way to set up landing page with SquareSpace, ThriveCart, and Active Campaign?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:06 AM PST

    Making a landing page on SquareSpace for a mentorship program I offer. Goal of the page is to book discovery calls. I have an affiliate program that I'm running through ThriveCart (whoever refers a client that books gets a cut of the sale). I want to be able to track this. ThriveCart is integrated with Active Campaign to collect emails.

    I'm using SquareSpace to design the page but I'm stuck on where to put the ThriveCart form or Active Campaign.

    So far, I have buttons to schedule a free discovery call that brings the person to Acuity (scheduling platform, like Calendly) where they can book their call.

    Will this not capture affiliate data if it goes straight to Acuity and not to a ThriveCart form?

    On the bottom of the landing page, I'll also have a form where people can submit questions (name, email, etc).

    Should I put the ThriveCart form here to collect their info and any questions they have here? This way, I can collect emails + track affiliate data.

    Will this automatically put the email address into Active Campaign?

    submitted by /u/lalaladootdoot
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    Do investors really care about the business plan ?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 03:34 PM PST

    I understand why a business plan is important for the team itself but do investors care about it ? The accelerator I graduated from taught us how to make a pitch deck and that's it we didn't learn about business plans. So are business plans being used and is it necessary for it to be 40+ pages lol

    submitted by /u/FixComfortable7460
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    Looking for a client management solution for my subscription-based service. Any recommendations?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 08:01 PM PST

    I'm looking for a client management software for my marketing business. We offer one service that is billed as a monthly subscription. I've found that the some of the most popular CRMs (e.g. HubSpot, Zoho, Pipedrive, etc.) are built more around the sales/marketing processes, whereas I'm looking for something built more around operations/fulfillment.

    Here's what I need:

    - Something to track all client communications. For example, if a client sends me an email (or I send them an email), the message is tracked in the system so that my team can see it.

    - Standardized monthly tasks for each client. For example, we will have to complete the following tasks for each client: accept payment, complete the work for the client, and send the work to the client.

    - The ability to mark clients/subscribers as active or inactive. In other words, we need the ability to mark clients as inactive if they decide to stop using our service.

    Here's what I don't need:

    - I don't need any lead tracking features. The sales process for my product isn't complex, so this isn't necessary.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/NC-Numismatist
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    Any tips on building relationships that last a "lifetime"?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 01:58 PM PST


    I am a young student currently studying abroad in Denmark (Business major, but have a lot of IT background if it's relevant). I am planning on continuing my studies with exchange programmes in Japan and South Korea. During my studies I've been engaged in a startup world and IT, and I have started working on my startup as well. I am realizing how important it is to build valuable connections and grow your network.

    I've been wondering if there are any book recommendations or tips on: 1. Spotting talent / recognizing the strengths of people, 2. Building valuable relationships that last a "lifetime" (whether friendships or business related relationships), 3. How to communicate in different cultures - Asia which is very different from what I am used to.

    I am realizing how much opportunities these studies in different countries can give me and I want to get the most of them.

    submitted by /u/Natromitus
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