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    Thursday, December 2, 2021

    Personal Finance Where does one keep non retirement savings?

    Personal Finance Where does one keep non retirement savings?

    Where does one keep non retirement savings?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 08:44 PM PST

    I have 150k sitting in my savings, but the savings returns percentage is a pittance.

    Financial situation:. Late thirties, single parent of a young child. Income is 90k. I max out my 401k and Roth IRA contributions yearly. Roughly have 600k in retirement accounts (401k and IRA) Debts I have left are just my mortgage. I owe 300k. I have about 14 years left on a very low interest mortgage. Home value is about 600k.

    I am frugal and good with budgeting but I don't know diddly squat about the market or how to invest. I worry that letting it sit will just devalue the amount. I haven't seen any savings account offer a decent % though. I considered real estate but prices are ridiculous. So what do I do with it?

    submitted by /u/TekkenVladmir
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    Apartment charged fees from move out before I moved out, then took entire deposit with no statement.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:39 PM PST

    My last day at my studio apartment in Seattle was October 31st (a month ago). My rentcafe shows that I was charged a cleaning and painting fee whilie I was still living there. Then a few days after I moved out they took the rest of the deposit ($350) without a reason and I haven't received anything in the mail explaining why. We spent about 8 hours deep cleaning it and made sure it was spotless. (It's a 187 sq ft studio) I don't understand how they can do this. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/dokidokisushiuwu
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    Weird situation receiving inheritance via large personal checks: am I in danger?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 08:34 PM PST

    All right, here we go. Grandparent died from covid earlier this year. They left about 100k in stocks to each grandchild. The children (3 plus spouses) worked it out to liquidate it, split it up, and distribute it to all the grandkids. Children decided that the best way to do it to avoid taxes would be to write individual checks to grandkids less than 15k. Sounds kind of crazy to me, but maybe it had to be that way because of the stocks or something?

    Anyways, I don't know any more details of why they did it this way, but now I (and my cousins) have six $14k+ checks from my parents, aunts, and uncles, and I need to deposit them into my checking account. If I show up at the bank tomorrow and say "deposit these, please," what's going to happen? Will I and my family be okay, and is there maybe a better way? I am in the US, in a state with no inheritance tax.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway333444555a
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    Signed a year lease with my former partner. We broke up with 6 months remaining on the lease.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 10:10 PM PST

    My apologies in advance if this isn't the right sub. My partner and I decided to part ways recently, and I will be moving to the a different city. I was the primary lease holder and he was the secondary. We've been paying everything half but utilities, internet and etc have been under my name. Even rent is paid through my account. He's still in school and gets financial help from his parents. When we signed the lease, we had to show that our income was 2.5x the lease and we used my paycheck as "proof."

    For those of you who's been in similar situations, were you able to get out of the lease without the property management checking the financial situation of the person who's remaining. If they are gonna give him a tough time, he said we should keep it both under our names until the lease ends and he'll pay. While I don't mind that if it comes down to it, I'd rather not if I could help it. As for the internet and utilities, I guess I would have to transfer them to my new place and have him set up a new one on his own. Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/hbhf
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    25 turning 26 next year. When do I enroll in health insurance? (NJ)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 08:45 PM PST

    So it seems my time of being on my mom's great state insurance (Horizon BCBS) is coming to a close and after some discussions, I realized that I may have made a mistake in missing my company's open enrollment 2 weeks ago. I turn 26 in March 2022, I live in NJ, job office is out of NYC, I'm a single independent, and in September got a job making a bit Over 80k a year. When and where should I begin looking at this topic? All advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SeattleSloths
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    FICO score keeps dropping

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Hi, everyone!

    I had some questions about my FICO score and I hope you can help me figure it out. My mom opened a credit card for me a couple of years ago and I don't fully understand it - my name is on the card but it's influenced by her credit history so I have a ridiculously high credit limit. I never use more than 10% of it at a time (and that's usually only when I use the card for big purchases like vacations or furniture) so that's not my problem.

    I have not been late on a payment since I first got the card and was still getting used to having it, but lately I've noticed my score has dropped from 771 to 702 over the last several months. I don't know what's causing it.

    Would the fact that I sometimes make a payment in the middle of the month (more than the minimum) and then another one later on (sometimes after the due date but before the statement closes) affect that? I very rarely end up carrying a balance and not a significant one compared to my credit limit or my purchases.

    Could my brother's credit card activity affect it? He has a similar situation as me but spends WAY more and is sometimes unreliable or inconsistent with his payments.

    Should I cut my losses and open a new credit card with just my history associated with it?

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/akdjdjdjsjxjx
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    Is a financial advisor with it?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:10 PM PST

    Recently liquidated my brokerage account to help with my down payment on my new place.

    During the same time I sold my house and made six figure profit on it.

    My gf is now wanting me to speak to a financial advisor to help reinvest the money back into the market.

    Is it worth to get a financial advisor and pay the fees?

    I am good with budgeting my money. I have some knowledge on the market and investing. I feel if I just reinvest into some ETFs like the bogle 3 fund portfolio or something, and / some blue chip individual stocks - that would be pretty similar to what the financial advisor would be doing.

    Or am I wrong to shrug it off?

    submitted by /u/mjkouris12
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    Credit understanding

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 10:36 PM PST

    If I get a credit card and set the limit to 300usd but only use 150 of it, would I need to pay only 150usd or 300usd?

    submitted by /u/No_Crab_3549
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