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    Thursday, September 2, 2021

    Claims adjusters, please tell us your craziest claim stories. Insurance

    Claims adjusters, please tell us your craziest claim stories. Insurance

    Claims adjusters, please tell us your craziest claim stories.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    The craziest one I've heard from a claims adjuster so far is from the Joplin tornado; an adjuster went to a house that was a total loss to check out the damage. The car in the garage also appeared to be a total loss, so the adjuster asked the policyholder if he/she had started a claim on the car. The policyholder responded, "I have no idea where that car came from." Apparently that car had been swept up in the tornado and thrown into their house.

    submitted by /u/Actuary50
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    Do we need Public Liability?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    My wife and I have a community pantry at our house. People can come and take what they need and swap for other things in abundance. We have a book library and also a gnome hunt. On our info sheet we say 'spot the gnomes' but as kids do, they tend to wander through the front yard hunting them.

    Public liability insurance was raised as something we should look into, but as we don't work from home and take no money for the pantry, I can't get a quote online from any insurance providers.

    Does anyone know if we do need it? We are based in Melbourne, Australia, if that makes a difference.


    submitted by /u/Patoli1
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    Help comparing home insurance quotes (first time homeowner), am I missing something or is this such a no-brainer we shouldn't even be discussing this?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    Attaching 2 images comparing 2 quotes.

    One is from AAA ($821/year), the other is from Safeco, renewed at $1,500/year. In addition, if I sign with AAA, I get a $300 discount on my auto policy. Is this a no-brainer or am I missing something? Is AAA a good company for homeowners insurance?

    This is in Texas, if relevant, on a one-year-old home. It looks like AAA gives more coverage for much less cost.

    Apologies if this is obvious, but I have come to learn that if something is too good to be true, it probably isn't.


    AAA quote

    Safeco quote

    submitted by /u/no_funny_username
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    I was approved for Medi-Cal during my unemployment: Should I get a private insurance now that I have work?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    I live in California.

    During my unemployment, I was approved to be covered with Medi-Cal.

    I recently found work that pays well, and I have the option to get my own insurance. I am pretty new to the insurance stage and I have a lot to understand.

    Practical: I already have Medi-Cal going for me, albeit low-income but it has so far helped me out. I have monthly refills for anti-allergy meds, etc.

    Ethical: I have income now, and can get my own insurance. I should only receive this help from the government in the unfortunate event that I fall into unemployment again.


    1. Is my thinking right?
    2. Should I get a private insurance?
    3. Practically, since Medi-cal does not have vision coverage, should I get that only?

    EDIT: + Location, and formatting.

    submitted by /u/drumad_
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    Sur Ron Renters Insurance

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    I recently rented my electric dirt bike out. I ordered a GPS tracker for it. And stupidly, rented it out before installing it. It was stolen. I called my insurance company to see if it was covered and realized I didn't have personal property protection.

    Good idea to understand what your policy includes and covers. I should've asked more questions. Anyways, I told them it was stolen and I wanted to include it for the future since I have hydrofoils and surfboards and onewheels and expensive toys.

    We recovered the dirt bike. But the guy knows my address and stole it again. No luck finding it this time.

    Would it be wrong to make a claim so soon after updating my policy? It's a shitty situation to be in and not sure how to go about it. I'm in Hawai'i.

    submitted by /u/Known-Investment-652
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    Two not-at-fault accidents in a week. How will it impact my premium?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    First accident (rear end) happened while I was stopped to pay a toll (the driver behind thought it was an ez-pass lane). Claim filed with my insurance, but they didn't do any work, because the other party's insurance paid up within a week.

    While waiting for the parts to come fix my car, second accident (rear end) happened while I was waiting at a red light. The driver looked visibly drunk so he took off, and the police report was filed, but they closed the case in 24 hours saying that they couldn't identify the license plate. This one created more damage in the back which caused ~$5k worth of damages that my insurance needed to pay out of my collision claim (minus deductible).

    Any idea how these will impact my premium? Will I lose my 5-year safe driver discount or would this just eat up my one time accident forgiveness and be ok?

    Location: US/ NY,NJ

    submitted by /u/confusedfinancesis
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    Waste management company knocked over and damaged my parked moped at my job

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    A coworker saw them do it and I confronted the worker. He contacted his supervisor who asked me for my moped info and said that their insurance claim dept would contact me and ask me for my insurance info. Full disclosure I did not have insurance at the time but does it matter? Would I have to give it to them if it was their fault? Please and thank you. I am in Los Angeles, CA

    submitted by /u/JojoSmithen88
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    Progressive vs Geico. Who is supposed to pay? Other driver's insurance claimed liability.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    I was recently in small accident with big damages. I feel stuck between all parties and at the two week mark, repairs have yet to begin. My question are:

    1.) Who should I be chasing to cut a check to the shop so they can start work.

    2.) What are my options if the insurance doesn't agree on the level of work to be done that the shop says is required to bring my car to original.

    Info. 2019 VW GTI 23k miles. I am insured through Progressive with collision coverage. The other driver, found 100% at fault has 10k limit on Property Damage. Geico has said that they will not pay more than 10k because that is what the insured has for coverage. They have accepted liability of behalf of the insured. After speaking with my insurance, Progressive, Geico has now assumed I would be using my insurance for the claim and has refused to even review my rental reimbursement until Progressive sends a demand letter. Progressive is going to subrogate but repairs have yet to begin. I have been advised to contact an Accident Attorney that works on contingency, file a complaint with the Insurance Commission, paid overages in the thousands out of own pocket and recoup it on my own later etc. Shop is quoting $14k in repairs Progressive says they will only pay $9800. The difference is the amount of work to blend and repair the paint over the whole car. Thanks for any help. I am located in Florida.

    submitted by /u/chinesephonebook
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    My car got caught in a flood how does the claim process work?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Do i need to take it to a shop? Is it enough to show them a photo of how bad it is?

    How can I get the most out of my claim?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Fragrant_Zebra27
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    Can one open an insurance policy with a rental car?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Ida has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm; would water damage to homes still fall under “windstorm, hail, and named hurricane?”

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    Currently getting our butts kicked in NJ with tornadoes and flash floods.

    submitted by /u/Falafelsandwitsh
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    Can someone drive my car? If so what do I need

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    It's maybe a little bit complicated, here is my story: I live in WA state. I passed my road test today, and there's a car that I'm planning to buy on Facebook. Because of Covid-19, I have to schedule an appointment for my driver license, which will occur at the end of Sept The seller want to sell the car Mid-Sept, so I'm probably don't have the license at that time. I'm thinking of bringing a friend who has valid license that can take the car home? Can I do this? If so do I need an insurance etc.?!

    submitted by /u/HEWBB
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    Denying claims for (too) dark window tint

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Question to adjusters here: Have you ever denied somebody coverage due to installed window tint beyond the legal limits? Let's say someone has 50% tint on the front side windows in CA where the legal limit is 70%. Particularly if it's a 3rd party claim.

    submitted by /u/tomk80
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    Neither my insurance nor the hospital can confirm if the radiologist will be in network?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Hey, y'all - hoping someone here can shed some light on this, because it's not adding up for me. I'm in California, and carry narrow-network PPO insurance. My child's pediatrician referred us for radiology with a local hospital group. This raised a red flag for me because I was referred to a specialist within this same hospital group while pregnant and they ended up being out-of-network (a whole other story in which the provider lied / was too lazy to check when I asked if they were in network... but red flag nonetheless), so I immediately call my insurance to make sure the visit will be covered. Insurance gets back to me and lets me know that the facility charges will be in-network, but there's no way of knowing whether the radiologist who interprets the imaging will be in network. They mentioned that the other local hospital group / only other pediatric radiology dept. is the same situation (facility will be in network, radiologist unknown). How is this possible? Do I just have to risk it?

    submitted by /u/anonlikeshakespeare
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    My commercial auto policy VS. someone else’s non owner insurance with a ride sharing endorsement

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    I have a commercial any auto insurance policy for my vehicles on **car sharing platforms.

    Recently, I purchased a vehicle under the same business for someone who wanted a car for ride sharing purposes. His reason for this is because he did not want to put the wear and tear on the vehicle he shares with his partner.

    From my understanding, he either is not listed on his partners policy or doesn't want to add the ride sharing liability on their policy. That information is not relevant to me because I am requiring him to get comprehensive and collision insurance on the car for both ride share and personal uses.

    As of right now, he is listed as an additional insured under my commercial policy. Preferably, he does not stay on there in case of subrogation against him according to the contract we have with each other.

    I have a general understanding of how insurance works. My main priority of my own commercial policy is to prevent any claims to be paid out by my insurance company. I have contracts in place; and fully understand the terms and conditions of the various car sharing platforms. My risk is minimal on behalf of myself as an insured and my insuring.

    Because this is a direct "car sharing agreement," there are many things I need to put into consideration. This includes losing out on the third liability that the platforms provide and liability for my business that the cars are under.

    I am waiting for a confirmation from my insurance account manager with how to proceed/talking to underwriting. The insurance company I use cannot advise me on anything since I have an agent.

    My questions are: 1. Is it mandatory for me to keep the same amount of coverages for the vehicle that is being borrowed? 2. From my understanding, I need to keep my commercial coverage on the car in case of an accident for subrogation against the driver(borrower). Is this true? 3. To mitigate my own risk, can you think of anything I should keep in mind for lending out my vehicle to ride share drivers (off platform). 4. From all the details I've shared, would underwriting consider this a higher risk on my policy? 5. Would the non owner policy premium cost less if the car was covered under a separate commercial policy and vice versa?

    The main and most important question is: - Do we both need to keep insurance on the car or could he just add a policy on the car? - Could my company be an additional insured with a waiver of subrogation? Would this mess up the rates for the non owner vehicle policy/void ubers insurance?

    What is the smartest/economical way to properly insure the car for this purpose? Can you think of suggestions that it would be favorable to the vehicle owner(my company). Will my account manager negotiate everything with underwriting for my determined premiums? - Even with all my efforts and considerations of mitigating my risk, my premiums are crazy.. Any savvy recommendations or advice for a lower premium is much appreciated!

    Side info: The only times I would be using the vehicle is when I take the car to get serviced. This is a company owned vehicle and I purchased it solely for the purpose of him using it on ride share platforms such as Uber and Lyft. There are no loans/liens on the car. I am not a car rental company or a dealer.

    I know there's a lot of factors going on in my post. ANY advice or suggestions is much appreciated.


    submitted by /u/lotsofwineandpasta
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    Advice on submitting a counteroffer on a lowball settlement offer without a lawyer.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    I was in an accident on 5/20; vehicle was totaled. I wasn't hurt badly, but I am currently still in PT for a back issue/sciatica. Was told by a lawyer that hiring one wasn't necessary unless I was seriously injured. The other driver's auto insurance company (Sedgwick) is offering me a $2000 settlement. I think they're lowballing me. I'd like to counteroffer, but I need advice on how to do so and what to write in the letter. This has affected the way I play my sports (I play volleyball, hockey year round and golf and softball in the summer). This back issue has also made me miss out on once-in-lifetime experiences while we were on vacation that my family was able to enjoy, such as the FlowRider surf simulator. I know I deserve more than this, but I don't know how to get what I am entitled to. I'm even willing to hire someone to help guide me through this. I just don't know where to begin. TIA.

    EDIT: I'm in NY; no fault (medical) insurance

    EDIT: Here is my concern: I'm worried that because I am still playing sports, the company is going to use that against me if I try to get a lawyer and go for more. This back issue 100% came from this accident. I have never had back issues before in my life and this absolutely sucks. But, my thought process is that if I stop playing sports, my back will get worse and I won't be able to start playing again. I'm no spring chicken, after all (45). So, I push through the pain. And, like I said before, it has affected my level of play, which is depressing in and of itself.

    submitted by /u/MeZekeandBeek
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    How does one insure "homemade" furniture?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    I've been building my own stuff for years. Everything in my house is custom, one of a kind. Farmhouse table, chairs, desk, bed, bath vanities. All nice stuff too, this isn't home improvement store lumber held together with pocket hole screws. Walnut, cherry, oak. I'm about to complete an entire set of kitchen cabinets, all from a barn that I tore down. Got a couple hundred hours just in the build, another 2 months worth of finishing (french polish) left. For context, the drawer slides are 35$ per drawer.

    Got me to-a-wonder, how the hell do I list this on an inventory? I use an app to list all my valuables, pictures, serial #'s, replacement cost, etc...but I'm drawing a blank on how the heck I list a rocking chair that took me not only 40 hours to build, but 20 hours to cut the tree, drag it to the mill, and surface the lumber.

    One of the problems is I live in a cabin that doesn't have 2 inches of a surface that goes in a continuous direction. You wouldn't believe the amount of scribing I have to do to get these cabinets to mount on a wall made of rough hewn logs. How do claims adjusters value that stuff, or do they look at a pile of burnt hinges and write you a check for the cheapest IKEA cabinets they heard of?

    A banker friend told me to get an appraiser, but that get's expensive every time I finish a new piece and have to call the appraiser back out.

    submitted by /u/DriftingNorthPole
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    When you mess with a bull...

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    A bull from a farm about a mile away escaped and came to my family's farm. Once here he was destructive, tried to fight our bull and was trying to get in with our heifers. My father, uncle and I tried to get him into our corral so that the other farmer could come get him. Long story short when the bull realized he was cornered he got very angry and broke through fence and trampled me. Picked me up (260 Lb man) with his head and when I landed he ran over me. I was extremely lucky as my injuries were only 1 broken rib, a heavy contusion to sternum/chest area and deep bruising in neck and shoulders.

    Question here is- this farmer has his farm set up as an llc. I would like to get his insurance to pay my hospital bills and pay me for lost wages. I do landscaping/hardscapes for a living- doctor says lifting up heavy brick/ blocks/rocks to build patios and retaining walls is a no go for at LEAST 4 weeks.

    Also, pain and suffering? What should I try to get here? I'm not trying to screw anyone- but i just want to be done right myself. This farmer has had his animals get out several times before always causing problems he doesnt even live at the farm. Details to help- state NC my age 30 male zero medical history I can provide more details as needed

    submitted by /u/judafo1038
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    Health Insurance

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    I am starting a new job next week and am picking between a High deductible and Co-Pay plan. Young-ish, healthy family so usually we'd take the HDP and the HSA and be happy. However, my wife is due for baby #2 in October. Obviously a large cost that would be great for the Co-pay plan. So my question is can we enroll in the co-pay plan for September and October then switch out to the HDP after she gives birth during the open enrollment period in November?

    submitted by /u/handsomehank34
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    Anyone know about Branch Insurance?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    I've been shopping around for insurance and most of the quotes I've gotten are similar or slightly lower to what I'm currently paying. However I got a letter from these Branch Insurance and they quoted me half of what I'm currently paying for the same coverage. Are they legit? This seems like a too good to be true scenario so I want to be careful.

    submitted by /u/coolyc3
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    Rental car coverage for an engine breakdown with parts on back order

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    On Tuesday August 10th. I had one of my cars breakdown because of a mechanical issue and I had it towed to my dealership service center. Because of shortage of labor or something, it took them an entire week to get a diagnosis on my car and for that week I had no rental car coverage or loaner provided from them because they first needed to verify it was a repair covered by my warranty (it was).

    Finally on August 19th I got a diagnosis, was told I'd only have 2 days of rental coverage but the repair would take longer. I fought back and forth for a while and talked to many different people on the warranty side and got it so that I would have coverage for 14 days.

    Then on Tuesday August 31st I get a message stating that one of the parts needed to repair my car is on back order until 9/23 and that I have already maxed out my rental coverage. So basically I am liable to pay for at least 22 day of rental car out of pocket.

    I am wondering if anyone has any idea what my options are here since the car breakdown was not my fault and is in fact covered by my vehicle's warranty but I'm still expected to pay out of pocket for a rental car in the meantime. Is this something maybe my car insurance can help me with? Or a tax write off since I'm using the car to commute to work? Are there any obligations from the manufacturer or service provider given that this mechanical failure is not my fault?

    The car in question is a 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid

    I am covered under warranty through Hyundai Certified Pre Owned as well as Full Wrap Extended Warranty through CostGuard.

    I am in the state of Florida and my car insurance company is State Farm where I also have full coverage on this vehicle.

    submitted by /u/faizanv
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    Neighbor hit my car in the building parking lot

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    EDIT: In Montreal, QC Canada

    A neighbor, trying to park their car, drove into mine and left a pretty big scratch and a few dents. They told me about and I obtained video footage from the building's security system showing them driving into my car.

    They don't want to get insurance involved and said they can try fixing it with a paint pen. I took my car to a body shop and they quoted $2K for the repairs.

    Assuming my neighbor doesn't want to pay this and I have to get my insurance involved, would it increase my premium? Even though I am not at fault here?

    submitted by /u/Steven3435
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    Will insurance only pay out on the damaged part of a fence?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Have an old 6ft wood fence - 64ftx6ft and then 35ft at 3ft.

    27ft of the 6ft section got blown down by Hurricane Ida, snapped the wood posts at the concrete. Like I said this is old, not rotten, but a rather dog-eared, some bending in the posts, not stained for a long time. Several years old, maybe older.

    My thought is that any insurance claim is simply going to pay for the 27ft that fell down, and so with a $1k deducible, and probably a lot of depreciation, it's not worth filing a claim for. Fortunately it's the only real Ida damage we got, so no lumping it in with roof damage etc...

    So best not to not claim?

    EDIT: Louisiana, USA

    submitted by /u/Tonebr
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    When paying medical bills, do you go by what insurance says is patient responsibility or what the doctors office bills you?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    My question is in the title. My insurance says I only owe a doctors office $850 but checking insurance, they say I have $0 patient responsibility. Whom do I go off? I've paid $450 so far and stopped paying but they are now saying they'll send it to collections.

    submitted by /u/thiswildjourney
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    Purchase Long-Term Care policy in Texas for use in Washington?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    I recently moved from TX to WA. I just found out about the new LTC tax in WA, and I'm apparently way too late to the party. No insurers are offering these policies anymore, and if they are, the minimum premium amounts are huge.

    I've seen that LTC policies are portable from state to state. Would I be able to purchase an LTC policy in TX and use that to avoid the tax in WA? I don't really know how going across states with insurance policies works. I still have a valid Texas residence that I can use for the application, and my Texas driver's license is still valid.

    submitted by /u/SirAdditional
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