• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Yelp is now placing "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" on company pages Entrepreneur

    Yelp is now placing "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" on company pages Entrepreneur

    Yelp is now placing "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" on company pages

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    New Consumer Alert on Yelp Takes Firm Stance Against Racism

    Continuing with its extortion effort of businesses its business model expansion, "review" website Yelp - which in the past has been accused of making business owners pay to get negative reviews taken off the site - is now also getting into the business of social justice. The two just go so well together!

    "Now, when a business gains public attention for reports of racist conduct, such as using racist language or symbols, Yelp will place a new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert on their Yelp page to inform users, along with a link to a news article where they can learn more about the incident."

    So at least they'll be citing the news when they singlehandedly devastate someone's business. Good thing the mainstream media always has the story right.

    Yelp notes that 2020 has already seen a major uptick in these types of complaints:

    "So far in 2020, we've seen a 133% increase in the number of media-fueled incidences on Yelp compared to the same time last year. Between May 26 and September 30, we placed more than 450 alerts on business pages that were either accused of, or the target of, racist behavior related to the Black Lives Matter movement."

    Yelp also openly admitted that the new feature is being implemented to appease the Black Lives Matter movement:

    "The new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert is an extension of our Public Attention Alert that we introduced in response to a rise in social activism surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement."

    submitted by /u/magenta_placenta
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    My website went viral on HN and has over 2500 registered users. Should I still focus on growth or start thinking about monetization?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    How it started

    A few months ago, I began developing the Buy For Life platform. It started as a simple list where people could add brands that manufacture durable products. It now evolved into a full platform with aggregated product reviews from all over the web, discussions, and various metrics to calculate a score for each brand and product.


    I launched it on HackerNews this week and it generated over 40k page views and 400 comments with very valuable user-feedback. I categorized and prioritized the most mentioned suggestions and will improve the site accordingly during the next few weeks.

    Growth vs Monetization

    Until now, I focused on user-growth and seed-content. But as server-costs start climbing, I need to think about making money.

    I'm a bit careful with monetization since it could harm the trustworthiness and independence of the platform. There is a big mistrust against most review-sites because they take money from advertisers and place/fake the reviews accordingly and I definitely don't want to end up like this.

    The most obvious way would be affiliate links, but I don't want to lose the trust of the users.

    A few other ideas:

    • I could imagine a Buy For Life badge/widget that companies could integrate on their website. Similar to TrustPilot.
    • Selling data for market research. What are the most loved products and why?
    • B2B accounts for the brands that are listed on the page. They could get a direct feedback-channel to their customers and answer questions or launch new products.

    What would be the best way without hurting the trust of the community?

    submitted by /u/hype_cycle
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    DESTROY my Kickstarter (preview)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I always wanted to launch a product on Kickstarter, so I went ahead and created something i think is fun, useful and fits well on the platform.

    Been working on this campaign for a while now and would love some feedback from you, this is a 1 man operation so all feedback is very useful for me. especially on the price point of the product.

    Let me know


    Also if you know anyone that have done pre-launch campaigns let me know!

    submitted by /u/MrPink7
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    3 simple but effective presentation tips

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    TL;DR -

    - Do not ask audience to read the slides.
    - Do not read your own slides while presenting.
    - Do not make viewers to write down your slides.

    Do not ask audience to read the slides

    During presentation do not use words like – this , here, these. When you use these words, you are making audience to read the slide. While presenting avoid sentences like –

    1. "Here is the data for the last quarter", or
    2. " This data represents the loss we had last year", or
    3. "These are the pros and cons of this new technology".

    All these 3 lines instruct audience to start reading what is written on the screen.

    When someone is reading, they stop listening. Your brain cannot effectively read and listen at the same time. Here is an experiment – For 5 minutes read a book while listening to a news channel, then stop and try to note down how much you remember about the news.

    The correct way to present is by keeping attention on what you are saying. Audience should be able to understand what you are presenting simply by listening to you.

    Lets see how to use the above mentioned sentences correctly –

    "In the last quarter our sales has grown by 22%.",

    the second sentence can be –

    "Last year we had a loss of 5% compared to the previous year when lose was 15%",

    and the third sentence would require you to mention pros and cons –

    "The major pros of this technology is that it is cost effective, performs well with heavy data and is very flexible for our future needs. The only major con is that this would require some learning as it is a new technology".

    Make sure that you are showing relevant data on the screen while speaking about it. Slides, data, everything on screen should complement what you are saying. But remember it is you who is presenting it, not the slides.

    Do not read your slides

    Yes, correct you are not there to read exactly what is written on the slides. Ask yourself, do you think your viewers cannot read, so they need you to read whats written on the screen?

    You know this is not why you are presenting it. Focus on explaining the subject. Slides should have bulleted points or visuals (charts or graphs), but you should be the one explaining the details of those points.

    Make yourself comfortable with the slides before going into the presentation. Think about possible questions for every slide and prepare your answers. Remember you are not presenting the slides, you are presenting the subject.

    Do not make viewers to write down your slides

    The focus should remain on the presentation and not on the note taking. Inform your viewers that you would share a copy of slides/file after the presentation, so they do not spend their time in taking notes.

    This will give audiences more time to listen to you. Keep focus of your audience by engaging in questions and discussions. Remove any distraction from the process, so audience would be free to participate.

    This simple tip will make your presentation interactive. Your viewers are there to interact with you and not to take notes.

    Feel free to check the original post - Read Here..

    submitted by /u/edditor_1
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    Need Help Marketing Online Business

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT


    I just started my first online business; worked hard on building a solid website and got my product ready.

    Now I am faced with the task of actually getting customers. My initial plan was to have a buzzfeed style quiz on my website and use Facebook ads to help get people to take the quiz. However, the conversion rate has been low and the strategy isn't really working. Does anyone have any effective marketing strategies for new online businesses that have worked for them?

    submitted by /u/coloradokid1414
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    BTC ATM Business

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Hey reddit,

    I am considering purchasing a BTC ATM to put in my city. I am very much in the preliminary phase here. I was hoping there might be somebody on this sub that has gotten into this business that would be willing to give me a little bit of there time to talk about their experience.

    I have a lot of detail questions that I would love to discuss! I sincerely hope to hear from one of you!

    submitted by /u/Sobutie
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    How do you know when college isn't worth it anymore?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT


    I am conflicted because I can't convince myself that the opportunity cost of completing my degree is worth it.

    When I first started college, I went to a community college and was able to receive scholarships/financial aid to help pay the cost. During college I learned several skills (on my own, not because of the classes I was taking) that all center around investing and self growth. (investing in assets). I learned these skills online and in books I bought. I developed a hustler mentality and learned how to "trade". Now this skill is very broad as there are many things a person could "trade" for profit. I traded up every aspect of my life until I eliminated my expenses and was actually making more than I spent on living.

    That's all awesome and I am super proud of the self-sustainable life I have so far. However, now I no longer qualify for financial aid and so I am halfway through my business marketing degree(I should add that I learned all of my digital marketing techniques on my own time and not in college) and will soon have to pay close to 5k per semester(which lasts 3 months) and I have about 5 semesters or so left. I tried every loophole there was for financial aid and still nothing.

    I don't want to work for any one else, I already work for myself. The way I see it, I could be investing that money every month vs spending about 20-35k that it will take me to finish my degree.

    Im having trouble evaluating the opportunity cost here because my whole life I was told to go to college and get a degree so I could get a good job. I don't see myself happy working for someone else in the long run though.

    Besides the actual cost of the tuition, my time is split between school and cultivating my skills, which is okay because I am excellent at time management. Now because of rona, classes are all online and there is rumor that it will be that way next semester too, so I'm not using college to network because I don't even get to meet new people. I just don't see the point.

    Is there any one out there that has a similar story? Did you "outgrow" college? Is the opportunity cost of finishing the degree too high? I'd love to chat with you if you have some insight or if this is familiar to you.

    Thank you for reading and I am eager to see what responses I get!

    submitted by /u/mrktngmster
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    Learning about The Habit Loop helped me completely transform my approach to Habits

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    So many of us often attribute building good habits and breaking bad habits to how strong our willpower is. This is actually false! In fact, your habits can be completely hacked once you understand the stages of their formation. This can be explained by using Charles Duhigg's Habit Loop

    The Habit Loop is a neurological loop that governs our habits and comprises of 3 stages:

    • Cue: This is the initial trigger for the habit. It can be a location, time, emotional state, etc.
    • Routine: The behavior you wish to change or reinforce.
    • Reward: The aftermath of the routine that causes to to revisit that habit in the future.

    Through my experience, I've learnt that it's most effective to stick with the same cue and reward and simply manipulate the routine to produce the same result.

    The key is to really pay attention to the cues that cause you to engage in the habit and then see if you can get the same reward by altering your routine for a better one. I explain this further here with examples - https://youtu.be/bUtLiAu5rYc. The Habit Loop is completely derived from understanding how this works neurologically and then using it to completely hack your relationship with habits. You got this!

    submitted by /u/BladeV-Cash
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    I have a great app idea but unsure where to go about it?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I am not a developer or don't have much knowledge on that either. I do have a great idea for an app that I am not finding that has been done before but unsure. What would be the best way to go about this to see about making it a reality? How to make sure my idea is not stolen too. Thanks for any info.

    submitted by /u/BestSuggestion0
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    What are the key essential skills for a founder/entrepreneur? How to enhance them?

    submitted by /u/rightmodel
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    Hello, I am a teenager and I want to advertise piano lessons!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm a 15 year old high schooler who loves piano and has been playing for 10 years. I recently took on as being a teacher for a young student from a lucky post on a neighborhood forum app. I found it to be rewarding, and made my first 100$ outside of my family! I want to get more students though, and I was wondering on advertising this locally in my neighborhood, as my neighborhood has lots of children. I'm afraid that flyers won't work, as I see my parents just recycle them when our mail comes in. Any tips? Thanks

    submitted by /u/SHANPATELSUCKS
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    product liability / general advice needed

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Hi everyone

    Not sure if I'm posting in the right place here, but I could do with some advice about products that can cause damage to other peoples property and how to handle this.

    I am a brand new startup and I am selling a product which is a phone holder for bicycles. It works with a stretch silicone band that grips around the corners of your phone, and then clips onto your handlebars of your bike. It is a product I have white labelled from china, and it fits all smartphones from 4" up to 6.5" so pretty universal in size. I haven't tested every single smartphone that there is with this band, but have tested a wide range of phones and it is sturdy. It also is being sold on amazon by a number of sellers and has strong reviews.

    I took out some product liability insurance, incase my product caused any damage to my customers smartphone.

    I never thought so early on I would need to worry about this, but I have had a micro influencer who was doing a sponsored post for me, come back and tell me that their phone fell out of the band when using it and her iphone screen has cracked. This has been a blow to be honest. I rang her, and went through all of the questions to find out how it happened, I was very apologetic for the situation and I have offered to pay for her phone to get fixed (£166), but I haven't admitted liability. I wanted to just get to problem fixed right away especially as she does have a decent amount of followers, and also because I was genuinely upset that my product may have caused this.

    She has told me that the phone fell out of the attachment when it was in locked postion, but this has been vigourously tested and unless the product is defect (she is posting it back to me so I can test it myself), then the only way it could have caused damage (if it isn't a defect product), is if the instructions werent followed properly (the phone has to be attached and locked in the correct way otherwise it can slide out. I have stated in the instructions which position is locked, but I realise I need to more more clear of the risks of jot locking it properly. Lesson learnt..Either way -however it happened, I don't know how to move forward. It has made me extremely anxious about the orders I have sold so far (60).

    The issue I have moving forward, is that my product will secure your phone unless it hasnt been fitted in the correct way (and of course, if it is a defect product). I am worried that many people might not follow to instructions carefully, and blame me, and I end up in lots of disputes where I can't really prove who is liable, because unless I test with their exact phone in the exact environment, I can't be sure. For example, it has been vigourly tested with an iphone 11, but if someone has a case on their phone then the conditions of use are different to the original test.

    I do have product liability insurance, but im not sure what my process needs to be now moving forward. Do I just get them to send the product to me - if it looks ok I just assume the customer is at fault, and if there is a defect then I cough up for the repair?

    I feel quite deflated and I'm feeling like maybe I have chosen the wrong product. Do I maybe put a warning label in with the product and say, this product has been tested and inspected. Incorrect use of the product (like not following the instructions) can lead to phone damage which we cannot be reliable for.

    Any advice on my complaints process regarding damage, warnings I need to give, or just whether I should just give in before I end up with a load of disputes would be welcome.


    (edited for spelling)

    submitted by /u/truekaven
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    Schoolwork - Need people for a quick survey about my team idea :P

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT



    Je suis un étudiant qui a un cours d'introduction à l'entreprenariat et dans le cadre du cours, nous devons réaliser des recherches afin de valider si notre idée d'entreprise est valide.

    Lien au sondage:


    Merci :)



    I'm a student who has an introductory entrepreneurship course and as part of the course, we need to do some research to validate if our business idea is valid.

    Link to the survey :


    Thank you :)


    submitted by /u/SaladMiXXXer
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    Can I make money fixing up and flipping phones/tablets?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I'll be learning as I go and I'll be looking for phones with small faults such as cracked screens etc how much can I expect to make?

    submitted by /u/JordanB3396
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    Managers - what tools do you use to manage your team?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Hello friends. What tools you all use to manage your team(s)?

    My company has severely underinvested in tools so I don't get too much exposure to what is out there except for the occasional free trial.

    I have been using a spreadsheet to try and track certain things but it's not working out so well.

    Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/noodledreaming890
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    To entrepreneurs with any type of profitable website or web application - What do you do and how did you do it?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I'm an experienced web developer with many different websites and web applications under my belt that I've built for other people. But I want to build a profitable web app or website for myself.

    I'm having trouble trying to figure out what to build.

    I have built several subscription based SaaS web applications that I hoped would bring me in some income, but I unfortunately skipped the step of looking for market interest prior to building them. They're beautiful and functional applications that I find useful, but there's either no interest or perhaps I don't have the tens of thousands of marketing dollars to get them out there.

    Since SaaS apps seem pretty hit or miss and take a lot of development time and marketing, I've been considering perhaps building some sort of straightforward blog style websites to monetize with ads.

    I'm really trying to figure out what direction to go here.

    People with experience making money running web apps or websites - what do you recommend would be the path of least resistance for making some passive income as a web developer?

    submitted by /u/AnUninterestingEvent
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    Selling websites on flippa

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Does anyone have any experience with flippa? Whether it be selling or buying a website.

    A bit about the site: I have a website(affiliate marketing) listed there for sale, but currently it is not making any kind of revenue. It has around ~400 monthly visitors mainly from Google and its ranking really well for buyer intend keywords(best this best that review etc). I say ranking well since the domain isn't even 1 year old and it's ranking better than some big authority websites, say for example PCmag and others. The site itself consists of 13 pages with 5 of them being with affiliate links and the others are informational. I'm mentioning this to prove that it's not ranking well just because I have a lot of content.. On the contrary.

    My questions: Would you, as a buyer, look forward to this type of a website or would you prefer to get one which is more established and or one that actually generates money? Should I try selling it now, or should I try to make the website more profitable with more content and sell it for more in the future? (I'm running low on money and I don't have a lot of time, sadly)

    The only reason I want to sell it now is because I'm not doing well with money and I have ideas for other sites!

    submitted by /u/baychev
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    Have you automated anything in your business or do you plan to?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm curious if anyone has automate something in their business or plan to in the near future? What was it? Why did you automate it or why do you plan to automate? What were the results?

    submitted by /u/icelem
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    New idea for personal shopping big ticket items, feedback is truly appreciated.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    At least I think it's a new take on an old idea.

    I have a lot of connections in electronics and furniture in my city. My idea is to use those connections to get deals for people they wouldn't otherwise get. The concept is that you tell me what you want (model number) and get in writing on a business card the best price you can for said item. If I can get you a better price you pay me a comission for half of what I saved you.

    Ex. You find a mattress that you like and the best price you can get is $2000. I can get it for $1400. Meaning you pay me $300 and therefore save $300 over the best price you were able to get on your own. (In some cases I would be able to save thousands off sale prices on certain items.)

    Do you think this is a bad idea or good idea? Any possible hurdles that I'm not considering other than the obvious of contracts and acquiring customers? Open to suggestions to improve the idea or have it destroyed. Would you use this service if you knew about it?

    submitted by /u/CreateorWither
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    I'm researching on BFCM - Black Friday Cyber Monday deals roundup. Are you thinking to run a BFCM sale this year?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Hey Entrepreneurs and Marketers,

    I have created around 100 categories for listing the awesome products' BFCM deals this year - https://www.inboxcoupon.com/black-friday-2020/

    Kindly, comment your product or services where you'll be running your Black Friday Cyber Monday 2020 deals.

    I will save it for the future.

    Sathish Sundar

    submitted by /u/digitalsathish
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    Looking For Freelancer / Contractor Agreement Template

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Theres a lot of low quality options online, but does anyone have a free contractor / freelancer agreement that they recommend? I'd prefer it have an IP assignment section and non-disclosure. Any recommendations would be helpful! Thanks

    submitted by /u/nosoup4you718
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    First time entrepreneur: question about creating charges on Stripe

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Apologies in advance if this is (1) a dumb question—this is my first time running a business and (2) not the right place to ask; I'm not sure where else I could have asked.

    I run a subscription-based service (recurring business month after month). Customers buy a new package approximately after every month.

    I just discovered that Stripe (payment processor) gives me the option of charging a customer a custom amount with just a click of a few buttons (I can set that custom amount, and the payment deposits almost immediately). Moreover, I just discovered that Stripe stores their payment information after they make that first initial payment.

    This almost feels illegal. Before I charge a customer, do I have to get their permission first? Or can I just assume that since they're continuing with more business, I can just charge them?

    What stops any unethical business from charging a huge amount at any time they want? (Not saying I would—just asking out of curiosity).

    Again, apologies if this is a dumb question. I'm just new to this whole business thing.

    submitted by /u/p2000c
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    Business in third world

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I'm from a third world country and want to do business back home.

    Provide I understand the risks of investing money in the third world, specifically risks associated to my third world country - how have some of you living in First world (whatever that maybe, US, Canada, Europe) that have businesses in either Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle east been managing the business?

    Do you work with someone "you know" who already lives their and has connections before starting the business to manage it, or hire someone (probably won't work for my country) to take care of it?

    How often do you visit your business? If you work with someone "you know", do you split profits or just give them a management fee?

    My challenge is, I want to start the business, but don't want to live there all year round especially in Summer when it's hot as hell and also I'll still be regarded as a foreigner and ripped off daily/lied to if I live there lol.

    Input appreciated.

    submitted by /u/soodi69
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