• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    [MI] I am being forced to purchase car insurance because I have my license registered at my parent's address even though I don't drive or own a car. Insurance

    [MI] I am being forced to purchase car insurance because I have my license registered at my parent's address even though I don't drive or own a car. Insurance

    [MI] I am being forced to purchase car insurance because I have my license registered at my parent's address even though I don't drive or own a car.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Title basically. Is this some sort of stupid Michigan law? I am a full time student and do not drive anywhere and I don't own a car. Apparently I either have to get insurance myself or my parent's insurance will forcibly add me to their policy. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Busy-Spend
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    Car Fire Adjacent

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    So I really don't know what I am doing and I could use some advice. I live in Texas. There was a car fire one night in my apartment parking lot and my vehicle was damaged. A day or so passed, I didn't realize that it was damaged and drove it to work overnight. In the dark I thought maybe my headlights were dim/going out. In the light of the day, I reassessed the damage and carefully drove it home. I've parked it and haven't moved it since. The front lights and bumper are melted.

    I had to call the apartment to find out about the fire. I have liability so my insurance doesn't cover it. I have been calling people and leaving messages all week. I haven't actually spoken to the Investigator for the burned car owner's insurance. After a few days I did reach her supervisor, so at least I'm on the claim now. They sent a link to submit pictures of the damage and I did that. They want me to get a fire report. I spoke with the city and have started an open records request. Is there anything else I should be doing? After googling I gathered that after a fire you should leave it till the investigators look at it. I don't know cars. I don't feel comfortable driving the car.

    I also pay for insurance thru the Lienholder. Eventually I got the information that I could pay $150 to tow to their shop and a $250 deductible, but if the work needed is more than what is left on the car, I'll have to pay them out of pocket. Any assistance is very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/flourdevour
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    Interesting or Unusual Insurance Products?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Have you ever heard any or have any resources to look into them? I find it very interesting. thanks!

    submitted by /u/Woourcool
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    CPCU Course Guides - Burnham System

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    Just curious if anyone has the PDF material (looking to purchase on behalf of a colleague).

    submitted by /u/windy159
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    Tree fell through my roof during hurricane. Water coming in home

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Can anyone help me point to my next step. Waiting on the weather to clear to get full scope of how bad my home is. A tree went through my roof. Water is coming in home.

    submitted by /u/OkFinal
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    Seeking Renters Insurance advice

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT


    This morning my apartment building caught fire which will most likely be a total loss (started in the unit below me). I'm hoping the claim process isn't to much of a headache! Does anyone have any advice/tips moving forward?

    My policy is through Zipsure. Has anyone had claim issues with Zipsure in the past?

    How would I claim items such as clothing for example? Would I claim all my clothing as one total? It doesn't makes sense to me to have to claim each piece of clothing individually.

    This will be my first insurance claim so I really don't what to expect!

    I live in Alberta, Canada.


    submitted by /u/Flavinch
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    Can my car insurance charge me extra from switching to premium to personal/liability?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    I had the regular insurance for my car paid for 6 months, but I decided to get full coverage in September since I was going out of town. I didn't end up going out of town so I cancelled it 3 weeks later. But I paid for the entire month.

    Now, I get a call from the insurance company that I owe $80 for canceling and going back. I apparently need to pay this by Monday or I will get my entire coverage cancelled. I already had paid full coverage for September and have the personal/liability one paid until December.

    Also, I was not informed that if I changed coverage, I would get charged more for making a switch.

    Is this legal? Can I dispute this?

    I believe this is wrong but I'm not sure if this is with every car insurance.

    I'm going in person tomorrow to see where I SIGNED where I agreed to that, but I need to be prepared. Thank you.

    EDIT: Per the bot, I'm in Denver, CO.

    submitted by /u/xo7203
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    Am I able to file an auto insurance claim if my garage did a bad repair by using parts they shouldn't have in my car?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I had a 2008 BMW 335xi and loved the car very much. There came a time when it needed new ignition coils inside the engine. Ok, fair enough... parts fail over time so no worries, I'll get them replaced. All good, right? Apparently my garage didn't replace the cars with ones that were rated for the car. Long story short, over the course of driving the car for a few months things started to go very bad. Took the vehicle to a different BMW specialty garage and found out here about how the original garage's part choice had caused lots of dmg to my car. I had separate garages give estimates of how much it would cost to repair all of the damaged pieces back to the way they should be and got quotes around 12k. The car at this time was only worth around 6k-8k from the mileage and condition it was in. I ended up paying the specialty repair shop over 3k to repair it to a point where I can commute safely to a from work again, but ultimately ended up needing to trade it in soon thereafter (and underwater on my loan) in order to buy a newer vehicle that was more reliable etc etc. It's been about a year and a half or so since this all happened, and I'm only asking about it now because I had been attempting to pursue legal action on my own this whole time but it is harder than I thought. Am I able to make my insurance company pay for the fact that my car's value was basically destroyed due to the repairs the first garage did?

    submitted by /u/SKiTHx
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    Using 3rd party broker to buy car insurance? Example: rates.ca Or call the insurance company directly to buy insurance? Any difference?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    I started a quote on rates.ca and found an insurance company I wanted to go with. Should I call the insurance company directly to buy the insurance, or use one of the agents from rates.ca? Any difference?

    submitted by /u/bassbumpa
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    about to age of parents insurance and my job says I need to work there for a year what do I do

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I am a 7 11 sales clerk in Oklahoma and I work with a lot of strangers and have a high chances of catching something covid-19

    submitted by /u/iplaydeadpool
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    Underwriting Training Programs

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I recently completed an Commercial Insurance Underwriting internship over summer, and still waiting to hear back from the company I interned at for a return offer. In the meantime, I thought it would be a good idea to apply to other carriers for their training programs in case I never end up hearing back.

    Does anyone have recommendations or experience with underwriting training programs with large carriers? Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/ryandstuff
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    Evidentiary Standard for 3rd Party Auto Claim?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    So the other day when I was driving to work, I was waiting for a pedestrian to cross while attempting to make a right turn at a green light. After the pedestrian finished crossing and I began to make the turn, another car tried to whip around me on the left and take a right-hand turn in front of me. The passenger side panel of their car scraped along the front-left corner of my car, leaving me with a pretty sizeable dent and them with some scratches. The nervous teenage driver immediately apologized and admitted fault while exchanging information. I felt bad for them and didn't want to drive their rates through the roof or force them to pay for a costly aesthetic repair, so I told them I might be able to live with the damage. I decided not to report the accident, because who hasn't made a cringe-worthy mistake as a teenager?

    No good deed goes unpunished, so of course they contacted MY insurance claiming that I was at fault. Thank god my insurer denied their claim and placed me at 0% fault; I'm a grad student without a ton of extra crash to throw down on increased premiums, so that got me pretty riled up. I decided to file a 3rd party claim with their insurer (I have liability-only coverage and can't solve this through subrogation). Their insurer claims that this is a "he-said, she-said" situation without enough evidence to determine fault, because the other party claims I was "parked" before I presumably accelerated and hit them (and denies admitting fault at the scene).

    I get that they can't be found at-fault without sufficient evidence, but in the absence of video or an outside witness, can they really just claim I was parked in the right-turn lane and leave me with no recourse? Of course I can't prove they already admitted fault, I can't prove I used my turn signal (which I did), and I can't prove that I had been waiting for a pedestrian to cross before beginning to turn, but their story still strikes me as somewhat absurd. My girlfriend was riding in the car at the time and witnessed the same version of events I did (i.e. reality), but insurance won't accept her as a witness because she is not a neutral bystander. I'd like to argue that there is no legal parking within 30 feet of the intersection, but I'm not sure how much that would shore up my case given the fact that it would be possible for them to argue that I had done so illegally. Still, this is basically the same situation as someone cutting around and hitting you while you take a left and subsequently claiming your car was "parked" in the left-turn lane. Is the insurance company being reasonable here in holding out for some sort of definitive proof, is their decision questionable, or is there some other way I can argue this?

    submitted by /u/Misc_CleverUsername
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    Do benefits used after accident affect premium increase

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    (North Carolina) My understanding is that the amount your post-accident premiums increase depends in part on how much they had to pay out for the vehicle(s) damage, injury, etc. Does this also apply to the other various benefits, such as replacement carseat, rental car, etc? In other words, does taking advantage of any of these add to the increase in the future premiums?

    submitted by /u/hallofmontezuma
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    Doctor didn’t submit treatment to insurance

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    I'll try to make my question as simple as possible. So I have dental insurance and live in the state of Kentucky and went to an in network provider using FEPBlue Dental. My insurance has no maximums and covers between 50-100% depending on procedures. So I was present a pre treatment estimate of $28k before insurance and gave them my insurance information, which they called back a week later stating they spoke with my insurance and my out of pocket expenses were $6400. Granted for the work I'm getting done, this is a bargain. My concern is when I tried to find the claim online via my insurance nothing was submitted. So I called my insurance who stated they do not have a pretreatment certification on file or anything at all from the provider, in my file. My concern is how the provider came up with my out of pocket expenses or why they said they spoke with my insurance when my insurance has no record of it. Plus an additional 10% off for paying cash. My concern is being billed for more down the road, in the event my insurance doesn't cover anything. Is this normal practice for an in network providers? Should I be concerned? How did they come up with the costs without calling my insurance l? Should I pay the $6400 before they submit it to insurance? Advice?

    submitted by /u/Environmental_Monk19
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    My brand new corvette caught on fire—im scared to drive it but Progressive won’t total it

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    2019 corvette I bought brand new last year. Only 29k miles. Randomly caught on fire while I was driving. The entire back left side (near the gas cap) is burned very badly, but there doesn't seem to be any engine damage or anything else. I have no idea what caused the fire.

    The initial repair estimate was around $11k to fix, but they still are having a "causation specialist" come look at the car. Obviously the car would be worth way more than $11k before the fire. Probably around $45k.

    It doesn't look like they will total it though. I'm scared to ever drive this thing again. I would never want my son or daughter driving this car after it randomly set on fire. How do they expect me to believe this won't happen again and it's just fixable? What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Shanedoe3
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    Becoming a collision estimator at a dealership

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Help with a parents Life Insurance policies

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    My parents have asked me to take a look at my dad's life insurance policies as he has an agent reaching out to him wanting to sell him their products and have stated that what he currently has is no good. Something specifically about the Farmers Insurance policy. I used to be licensed in life insurance but it's been a few years but I would really appreciate any advise on how to approach this.

    A few background items: My dad is 57 years old. He is a small business owner which I believe he has separate insurance for which I do not know the details of. Him and my mom have paid off their mortgage but likely have other debt including credit card debt, some student loans for me and my siblings (three of us, all graduated college in our upper 20s/early 30s). The point is, they do not need to provide for us anymore. My mother is 55, works a job with roughly $100K in her 401K. My dad does not have a formal retirement plan outside of SS. I worry that they will rely on the kids to help fund their gaps in retirement (we are European, it's very much cultural).

    They are pretty secretive about their finances but I worry about their financial decisions as they do not prioritize their savings as they are more spenders. That is something I want to tackle next after this. They seem to be pushing to cancel as many of these policies as possible to bring down how much they pay each month. My dad is trying to retire form his business in the next few years, I am worried he does not have enough savings and he will likely be relying on social security and may even quality for disability at some point.

    I have told him not to buy any more insurance from the agent as he needs to get a handle on what he has below and needs. He tends to be a sucker for the sale. I want to help them but I also want to ensure my mother is set up if in the event my father does pass before her. I do not think it is smart to cancel all of these policies as she would not be able to afford all their bills on her own without some sort of support as my dad is the main bread winner.

    Any advice on how I should approach this would be very helpful. We are in Illinois.

    Here is what they have – right now these policies are $649/month which is not sustainable for them when he retires either. I am wondering if any of these WLI policies would be better suited for term life.

    Policy #1 Whole Life Insurance (100K death benefit) w/ waiver of premium disability rider. Started July 2006 with annual premium of $2408 w/ Cash Surrender Value of $28.5K
    Policy #2 Whole Life Insurance (100K death benefit) w/ accidental death benefit of 100K and accelerated benefit for terminal illness. Started September 2018 with annual premium of $3400 w/ no cash surrender value yet. No dividends paid either.
    Policy #3 Universal Life (20 YR Guarantee) Started in June 2003. Benefit of $319K and Annual Premium of $1371
    Policy #4 Universal Life - 50K benefit. Started June 2003 w/ annual premium of $605
    submitted by /u/Intelligent-Cat7242
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    Can I separately insure myself on siblings vehicle (CA, USA)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    My sibling and I are roommates, I often drive their vehicle as I don't have one of my own. My siblings insurance company is unable to insure me due to my driving record.

    Am I legally able to go to a separate company that is willing to insure me and get myself covered on the vehicle outside of my siblings policy?

    submitted by /u/Hardstare3
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    Windshield crack

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    So a couple weeks ago I got a rock chip on my car and I took it to a glass shop and got it fixed. Called my insurance to get back the $50 but thats when I found out my comprehensive deductible was at $1000 and they didn't cover it. (I recently got new insurance and it was a hectic time so I guess I never lowered it) so I changed it that day to the lowest which was $100. Fast forward today the "fixed" chip spidered out while I was driving out of nowhere and now it looks like I need a new windshield. Will this be under my deductible of $100 or does it fall under $1000? Thank you

    Edit: located in cali where there isn't free glass coverage unfortunately

    submitted by /u/Elifdog
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    What type Insurance will I need to cover a travel AAU basketball team?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    The owner/coach of the team needs to put insurance in place to cover if something would happen while players(minors) are in his care. Thanks for the suggestions

    submitted by /u/HalfManHalfCornball
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    Primary and Secondary Insurance

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Location: Colorado, US

    I have primary dental insurance through my employer. I need about $2.5k worth of dental work done, so I'm looking into secondary insurance (if I can even do that). I found a plan which would cover 50% of fillings and 10% of a root canal on day 1. (Premier Choice: https://www.uhone.com/api/supplysystem/?FileName=45586-G202008.pdf) I have a few questions:

    1. Can I buy insurance personally and it be my secondary insurance? Or am I stuck with only my employer's insurance?

    2) Once my max benefit is covered from my employers benefit, my secondary insurance would still cover it correct?

    3) Even if my dentist ends up being out of network, I'd still end up with some service, correct?

    4) My health insurance is through UHC, adding personal dental insurance wouldn't be a problem, correct?

    5) Is there anything Im not thinking about?


    submitted by /u/jbokwxguy
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    How often does insurance cover jaw surgeries?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    I have a severe overbite and I wanted to get it fixed, so I went to an orthodontist, and she recommended I get braces for two years ($6,000 her quote), and that I would need jaw surgery ($15,000-$25,000 according to Google) to break my lower jaw and pull it forward. My lower jaw had stunted growth when I was younger, so it doesn't line up

    Does insurance typically cover procedures like this jaw surgery, or am I really going to need to pay the equivalent of a brand new car?

    submitted by /u/zrk03
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    Virginia - water damage caused by broken pipe

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I had an upstairs neighbor's pipe break and cause damage to my laminate floors in my kitchen/through to my dining room. She filed a claim through her insurance, but after speaking with them they said the quickest way for me to get my repairs done would be to go through my own insurance.

    So I did this, and am just curious as to what to expect. I have continuous laminate flooring throughout my entire 800 sq/ft condo (2 bedrooms) and an open layout kitchen/dining/living room.

    The damaged laminate has been discontinued.

    Will my insurance pay to replace all of the laminate in my entire condo, including the 2 bedrooms? Or just in the open areas (kitchen, dining, living room) visibly affected by the water?

    submitted by /u/kissmeimadolphin
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    [NOT OP] Drunken joyride straight into a 40 ft yacht. What could go wrong.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    My mother’s auto insurance added me, an 21 year old adult to her insurance when I moved in with her despite me having my own car and policy

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    So basically my moms insurance added me as a driver to her policy but I drive my own car and have my own policy with another company. They're claiming for me to be removed off of her policy they need a copy of my Id and insurance. But that's ridiculous as to why I was even added in the first place. Is this normal behavior? They are saying that since I am around the vehicle I have to be on there? This is in Ohio by the way

    submitted by /u/xTacoCat
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