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    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Legal Advice Upcoming AMA with Jordan Rubin Bloomberg Law | Thursday 10/8 at 2:00 Eastern

    Legal Advice Upcoming AMA with Jordan Rubin Bloomberg Law | Thursday 10/8 at 2:00 Eastern

    Upcoming AMA with Jordan Rubin Bloomberg Law | Thursday 10/8 at 2:00 Eastern

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    We will be hosting an AMA with Jordan Rubin of Bloomberg Law this Thursday, 10/8, at 2:00 Eastern.

    Jordan Rubin covers mostly criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    He reports for Bloomberg Law on cases at the Supreme Court, from briefing through argument and decision. He's been keeping a close eye on criminal justice cases in particular since joining Bloomberg Law in 2017. Before that, he was a prosecutor for five years at the Manhattan DA's office.

    With the Supreme Court and the justice system both in the national spotlight these days, what do you want to know? What cases are coming up for argument? Questions about specific cases? What's happening with qualified immunity? What's the significance of the Court's latest changes in composition for these issues??

    This AMA will be posted on Thursday, so please think of your questions!

    submitted by /u/Ramady
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    [Update] Mail lady is refusing to deliver packages; Shit just got real! (TN)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Update to this

    This is WAR!

    Monday, QBK gets off her ass and walks 2 small packages from the truck to the door. My dad is in a wheelchair and has been for most of his life. He was sitting on the porch enjoying his day when this happened. QBK brings the packages to the base of the porch, looks at the stairs, looks at my dad in the wheelchair, and sets the packages on the ground 3 steps down from him.

    When he asks if she could please hand him the packages because he can't reach them, she turns around and walks away!

    The packages sat there for the rest of the day until I got home.

    This has officially gone from incompetent to malicious.

    submitted by /u/00_Joe_Snow
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    Bank accounts wiped out due to garnishment but we have never had a legal case against us

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Update (9:30am MST): The bank looked into this and stated this was an "administrative error". The person I was speaking with said that they could not find any reference to my SSN or DOB on the court documents. This was related to the case that occurred on the other side of the state where one of the defendants had the same first and last name. They said that everything will be returned today. I am so angry I can't see straight...


    We came home last night and I was going to transfer some money from my account to my son's account. When I logged on I found that my checking, savings, and my 3 kids accounts had all been wiped out due to a garnishment.

    We have never been a part of any legal proceeding. We have no outstanding/delinquent debt and no court ordered child support.

    The bank said the order is from a court on the other side of our state where we have never lived or conducted any activity in.

    We own a small business but those funds we not touched (with a different bank) but I am afraid they could be.

    Truly, I have no idea how or why this happened and wanted to see what my potential paths are to fix this.

    We are located in the Boise Idaho area.

    Help please!

    (Edited for typos and poor grammar... so much for my college education teaching me how to communicate properly)

    submitted by /u/IdahoGuy95
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    My uncle died and I was thrown out mere hours after.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I have been living with my uncle for over 8 years leading up to the exact moment of his death. He was shot and killed in my presence, mysteriously, he however had several court matters and were expecting payments soon. It is assumed he was killed by one of these defendants. I was also shot in the process. That exact evening, mere hours after his unforeseen and untimely murder/death, other relatives who played little to no part in his life showed up and started taking things. Which I questioned them about seeing as it was very evident that my uncle was leaving behind everything to me and my brother. My uncle had no kids or wives or anything of the sort. It was only me as my brother was hardly around. I have since been homeless and begging a lodging all over the place. I am uncomfortable as I am no longer in my home. Now their is greed amongst the siblings and they are fighting amongst themselves for everything. They are even stealing and selling stuff. My clothes has been given away and I left with nothing but a small bag of clothing.

    I'd like to return home and carry on my uncle wishes. What legal matters can be taken?

    I'm from the Caribbean. Trinidad and Tobago.

    submitted by /u/windmachinex
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    How do you a report a job for mandatory unpaid "volunteer" shifts? [alabama]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Title says it all. I'm job hunting and I found an ad that says to be hired, you need to work an 8 hour volunteer shift unpaid before they'll consider you. Obviously that sounds extremely illegal and I'm pissed they would try to con people like that. Who can I report this to?

    submitted by /u/Verifiedverity
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    [NY] “This will ALL be yours one day”... Ran Family Business for 13 years, 100% became 30%, Became...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    ...Me fighting to even get the 30% formalized. Things have never been more hostile between my family and I.

    I quit my career to come work at the failing business. I worked for free for over six months to help cut expenses.

    I invented a damn product to help build sales.

    I called friends in to help wire the place/do IT work for me to keep the place running.

    I never took vacations because I knew the business couldn't really handle my being away.

    Every time I groaned to my father about how hard it was, he would reply.. "ProcrastinaSean, this will ALL be yours one day..."

    Then, my fathers Parkinson's kicked it into ugh gear, a few back surgeries too... and my mother stepped in.

    She's been pissing away money on consultants since she assumed control from my father.

    That 100%, suddenly became "well your sisters will share in the business, too!" Despite the fact they have never been involved, let alone even scoffed when I asked for some PR help from one.

    My question is this... do I have ANY leg to stand on in terms of the "all will be yours one day" verbal contract?

    I honestly would have NEVER got involved if I wasn't working towards 100% ownership.

    Second question... how about the 30%?

    Here is a photo of what I received, which is basically the equivalent of an oversized dummy check from the lottery or something, at this point. Imgur

    Any help is greatly appreciated. My brother in law is a lawyer and of course my mother has been confiding in him on this, even though it's an obvious huge conflict of interest, as his wife (my sister) is set to gain.

    submitted by /u/Procrastinasean
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    Help/// My Ex gave me a fake court document

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys..

    My ex gave me a fake parentage document, stating that she would have custody over the kids until our hearing. It says that it is enforceable by law. I took it to the courts already and know it's fake, because they said so.

    Is this a criminal offense? Should I look to press charges? We are in the state of NM

    submitted by /u/Jakehatty
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    What legal rights do I have over my ancestors' graves?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    I am a descendant of men who fought on both sides of the Civil War, and basically every American War before and after that. Someday, I hope to be buried in our family plot, located in a Southern state. My grandparents are there, under a big oak tree. Two of the graves in our plot always have a Stars and Bars flag, presumably placed/maintained by the Daughters or Sons of the Confederacy or a similar group. The patriotic veterans get American flags only on Memorial Day. It bothers me that the rebels are honored more than the patriots. I have some Southern pride (for hospitality, charming towns, music), but it does not extend to the Confederacy. I'm opposed to slavery and Jim Crow and racism. Do I have a right to remove the flags and to keep the Neo-Confederates out of my family plot or are the dead rebels entitled to their flags?

    submitted by /u/ScurvyDervish
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    Went through refinance process and signed documents to close with notary. Lender then calls to say they can't close because they made a mistake, and provides me with new closing terms that cost me $6,000+ more.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    In the new closing disclosure they want me to sign, the lender credit we had agreed to is gone and they've added close to $3,000 in points (1.059%) that were never discussed, agreed upon, or put on paper throughout the 3 month process. (I am located in Southern California)

    Is this legal? What recourse might I have?

    (More details on my original post on r/personalfinance)

    Thanks for any responses. I can't imagine this is normal but not sure about legality.

    submitted by /u/cdf888
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    My crazy ex won't stop

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I'm on a throwaway account because I'm afraid she'll see this and know. I'm located in Florida

    I (24f) dated a girl (23f) for maybe 7 months??? Over a year ago. She was a very angry person the entire relationship, she had more rage in her than I've ever seen and I'm a very laid back person so obviously it wasn't a good fit. I tried breaking up with her multiple times over the course of our relationship but she'd either threaten to harm herself, literally prevent me from leaving, or threaten me. I obviously did eventually get away but I had to do so by literally ghosting her. I straight up made it like I never existed, I deleted all of my social media, changed jobs, moved, got a different car, changed my phone number, all of it. This entire time she has found someway to contact me. She showed up at my house, before I changed my number she would download texting apps and text me non stop, every girl I even try to get to know gets scared away because she somehow finds out and starts harassing them. She posts pictures of me on her social media from time to time saying how she wants to hit me in the head with a bowling ball, beat my ass, etc. But she has never actually touched me and I'm an idiot and only have maybe one screen shot of her threats towards me. She's currently facing a misdemeanor battery charge for jumping some girl. What are my options to get her to leave me alone? I can't mentally take the constant fear of her finding my house or my work, I miss going out in public and not constantly looking over my shoulder. This is truly exhausting.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-mr1
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    Is forging a signature illegal on a non-legal document?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    My gf's mom is trying to get her son confirmed (a Catholic ceremony) but the kid's father isn't on board with it. She forged his signature and is getting him confirmed anyway without telling the dad. Obviously she does not have permission to use his signature, but as far as I know the document really has no real legal bearing, so is this technically not a crime? If it's illegal I feel obligated to tell her because knowing her dad he would 100% sue her and she definitely can't afford it.

    submitted by /u/PlutoDidntPlanItWell
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    Dealership left fans unplugged causing car to overheat.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    This is my first post on here but I've been having a difficult time with the dealership and can use some advice.

    I initially took my 17' Mustang GT (20,400mi) to a Ford dealership for a check engine light repair. They stated they needed to replace the Exhaust VCT Solenoid. Fixed the next day and I drove off the lot. Made it to the light and the check engine light came right back on. Took it immediately back to them to complain. Days later they said that it is fixed and they replaced the Cam phaser this time. When they made the repair I drove off the lot and got stuck in traffic. That's when I notice my a/c was not getting as cold even with it on Low and fan on high. That was my first red flag to turn back around. But when I started driving on the highway it was working so I decided to see if I can make it home. I stopped by to get some food first and while I was idling the a/c stopped working again and then the engine temperature gauge went to H. The engine overheated. Of course I immediately turned it off and pushed it into a nearby parking spot. I had to get it towed back to the dealership and they stated they found that the fan was unplugged. My question is what damage should I be cautious of. Should I trust them if they said they didn't find any damage? Can they be liable to replace the engine for this mistake? The 3yr factory warranty just expired but I do have the extended warranty. They refunded the deductible I've been paying for them to fix these problems and gave me a rental but I'm just worried about the long term effects on my cars engine.

    submitted by /u/jonjon9671
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    (PA) Customer purchased a part, damaged it, tried to return it, we refused, now he is creating a website with a similar name as ours and is attempting to slander us.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    This is weird, but it is happening in PA. I run a small manufacturing company. We make electronics for engines and power generators. This customer purchased our part, damaged it, tried to return it, we refused the return because of the extend of the damage, he filed a claim with the credit card company, we fought the claim, provided proof of the damages to the credit card company, and the credit card company sided with us. The customer is now sending threatening emails, and he said he is going to design a webpage with a very similar URL as ours and tell people how awful we are, and that he is a pro at SEO. It appears that he has actually registered the domain. I have all of his emails where he explains exactly what he is going to do. I have been running this business for 15 years, and I have never come across a customer like this. I am at a bit of a loss on what I can do to stop his from slandering my company. Any guidance would be very appreciated.

    Edit: The customer is located in MI

    submitted by /u/darthpoopballs
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    Received a refund for a mattress bought online, but company hasn't picked it up after repeated calls to do so. How long do I need to wait until I can sell it or donate it to a charity? [Alexandria, Virginia]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Reposting with my location.

    So, I have no idea if this is appropriate for this sub, but I have no idea where else to pose this question. I bought a mattress online from a company offering a 100 night in home trial. After about three weeks on the mattress, I decided it wasn't right for me and initiated a return. Within about a week, they issued a full refund (minus a $99 delivery/restocking fee) and told me that I would be contacted within two weeks to arrange a time for them to pick up the mattress. Almost a month went by with no calls for a pick up arrangement. I contacted the company and was assured I'd be contacted with three days. That was over two weeks ago.

    My question is, at what point does the mattress simply become my legal property? I don't have a lot of extra space in my home and I need to get rid of this thing; at what point am I legally allowed to sell it or donate it?

    submitted by /u/dualplains
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    My landlord is charging us $1500 (USA/NJ)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    We're moving out of our apartment in NJ because our lease is ending. Save for the hole in the wall there we mounted a TV, everything is pretty much exactly how it was when we moved in. If they just wanted to keep the security deposit, that would be fine. They said on top of the security deposit they need $1500 to repaint the whole apartment and shampoo all the carpets. They said its all because of COVID. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/wolfy321
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    My wife is being cut out of estate things from her fathers death. Do we have any avenues to make this right?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Her father died in a work accident in May of 2020. We are in Onondaga county ny. While my wife was grieving and not in a right mind she was made to sign over rights to executor of estate by her step mother. The paperwork she signed was not the same that we received when we requested a copy. I would like to help her make this right somehow. Is there any legal course of action?

    submitted by /u/outerspace-case
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    (CA) Landlord demolishing wall in bedroom because of mold; is he legally obligated to put us up in a hotel?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    There's mold in my roommate's bedroom (we're 22F) and she's been sleeping in the living room for a month. Our landlord told us a week or so ago that someone was going to come open the wall up (and said just wed and thurs), but tonight - 12 hours before they arrive - he told us that it's actually going to be 7 days start to finish and we can't go into the bedroom or kitchen until they're done.

    I feel like it's unsafe for us to be in the house when they open a wall of mold up, and we also can't use half of the house - our produce will go bad and we have to order in.

    Does he have any obligation to house us elsewhere?

    submitted by /u/discoatmyfuneral
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    [Louisiana] Homeowners Insurance adjuster is ghosting me on my claim... and a second hurricane is about to hit. How do I get movement on this? Do I threaten lawyers? What are my options?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    So, Hurricane Laura hit. Lots of damage, got a general contractor to bid a quote. (Approx $52,000 in damages)

    Insurance came back after their field adjuster came out and said their quote was $11,000 in damages. This is just for the dwelling. I knew their quote would be low balled but damn

    My last contact with them stated that my additional living expenses and contents are pending approval and that she needs to talk to contractor about the numbers. No big deal. Sure they will work it out.

    This was weeks ago. With ZERO movement. I have called once a day around 1-2p.m. I send two emails asking for updates, once in morning and once in evening.

    I have submitted all receipts, pictures, etc. I even called and have left voice-mail with her supervisor to no response. Contractor states they haven't even got the call/email from the company

    When I call the general number for insurance they just say try the supervisor and thats all they can do.

    I'm at a lost of what to do. Its been about 3 weeks with no contact and no movement on the file. Hurricane Delta is about to hit us directly when we haven't even got the money from the 1st hit to fix repairs.

    Is it time to hire an attorney or independent adjuster? Is it wise? Do I send a formal demand letter first?

    I'm at a lost of what to do.

    submitted by /u/GodofAeons
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    My boyfriend (18M) is being sexually harassed at work, but is afraid to report it

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Hello, my boyfriend's having a little bit of an issue. He's being sexually harassed at work, but it's not obvious enough that he can report it. A manager recently transferred to our store and constantly follows him around and distracts him from working because she asks him to stop his station to help her. She'll be all the way across the store and there will be employees not doing anything, but she'll still ask him to come. At first we thought whatever, she just needs help but we both kept noticing it and he's starting to get annoyed by it because it's simple tasks she could do by herself (like opening a door because it has sauce on it and she doesn't want to get her hands dirty). It got really bad the other day though. She walked into work (off duty so I guess she didn't have to wear a uniform) and came in only wearing a see through bra and jeans and kept trying to get his attention and talk to him. I don't think any of this is enough evidence to take action but we're just trying to do our jobs and it's silly how ridiculous this is getting. Is there anything him or I can do or do we just have to wait for it to get worse? (Also yes, him and I work the same job) This is in Missouri and in a workplace.

    submitted by /u/JadeReadsASMR
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    How can I ensure my wishes will be kept after death?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I am dying, partly due to a genetic thing I have. I was approached to consider donating my body to research to help other people with my condition after I pass. However, my family is extremely religious and will refuse and fight for my body to be buried according to their religion, rather than my wishes.

    Is there any way I can ensure that this cannot happen? It is very important to me for something meaningful to happen from my death.


    submitted by /u/throwaway20102810
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    Going through the courts for the first time with a 5 year old, and unemployed/mentally ill father-Missouri

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    My ex and I have relatively worked well together to comparent, and until March he was paying 500 a month in child support, with no custody agreement. He lost his place in a PhD program in January, and has slowly been drinking away his money since then (not covid related). He moved back with his dad in July, and has been taking a more active parenting role until this Monday. He's refused and schedule, or to get a job and says watching his child 6 hours a day and an occasional unplanned night should negate any child support he owes. I've also been giving him gas money/filling up his car/borrowing my car since he came back, because he literally has no money.

    The issue now is he's gotten progressively more controling since he found out about my new boyfriend (and has been threatening suicide/to never work a W2 job again unless I break up with the new boyfriend). It all came to a head on Monday, and I kicked him out of my house, because I'm tired of being threatened and gas light in his attempts to control my life.

    I have contacted a few different lawyers, the first one offered to set up parenting plan for us for 750, but of course ex says he will not sign anything unless I agree to breakup with the new guy, so it seems like we will be going to court. I checked up on the first lawyer I talked to online, and he seems to have a clear bias against mother's in these situations (lots of MRA, women are all after the guys money posts publicly on Facebook book). I realize these women exist, but I've been the primary breadwinner my child's whole life and pay all the bills right now, and have built up a career for myself. I'm worried about his ability to stay un biased and on my side.

    2nd lawyer I called wants 150 for a 1 hour phone conversation, which I'm more than willing to pay, but seems high to me? I've only talked to his law secretary, and she asked minimum info and has an appointment for me at the end of the month.

    The problem now is he's actively threatening suicide and driving by my house and berating me if he notices my car is gone, I am not letting see my son, and for the most part am ignoring his threats and asking him to seek mental health treatment. I don't know if we can make it until the end of the month at this point. Can I file a restraining order without a lawyer in the meantime. Can I keep him from my son since we have no custody agreement at all? He says he will ignore all summons etc, what happens if he does that? Him refusing to get a job, what are the consequences? I don't really care about the money, but it puts me in a rough financial situation not getting that extra 500.

    He's a great dad when he's mentally healthy and not being a pocessive jerk, but it feels like his mental health is spiraling. Both his parents understand why I'm setting boundaries, but of course he's their son. I know this is lawyer territory, but while waiting for my consultation what can I do to protect myself and my child?

    Thanks for any advice. I really need it.

    Can't edit my title, but we are in SW Missouri

    submitted by /u/katybeckhas
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    (MD) I own a rowhome with a concrete divider between my porch and my neighbor's. Neighbor claims the whole divider is his. My title doc is unclear. Who can I call for help?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Long story: My neighbor and his family have been a problem since I bought my home a year and a half ago. This centers around the most annoying issue: His adult daughter frequently sits on the barrier between our homes smoking and throwing cigarette butts/blunt roaches on my porch. I've spoken with her many times. She refuses to quit. This came to a head when I caught her dealing drugs on my steps last week.

    Yesterday I installed a screen over what I believe is my half (I measured, it's an inch on my side). He came out screaming that it was his property. I disagreed. He took it down while I was away. The police have been called.

    In the meantime I dug out my title/survey document but it isn't clear. Who can I call to get a definite answer? I don't want to be tresspassing or using his property but I also believe it's mine.


    TLDR I own a rowhome with a concrete divider between my porch and my neighbor's. Neighbor claims the whole divider is his. My title doc is unclear. Who can I call for help?

    submitted by /u/csjo
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    RE Lawyer not acting in my interest

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I made clear via email to my RE lawyer that I wouldn't pay or split any fees unless mandatory by law. He agreed, and the seller agreed and the sellers attorney agreed to this.

    The flip tax fee is the obligation of the seller, according the co-op board rules and their responses to my questions.

    I'm reviewing the final Contract and Rider that I signed and I see that although it does state in the contract that the seller will pay the tax, there is a statement in the Rider of splitting fees and there there was prior agreement between parties for this.

    I understand, it's signed and sunk, but I made clear to my RE attorney that I would walk if that was a contingency. When I brought this to their attention asking how was it included in the Rider, they claimed that it was a contingency to th deal. I was never made aware of this prior to signing.

    It was always understood that the seller would pay the tax.

    Their response to this is that I was right in believing the seller would pay the flip tax since all communication indicates this. They said they'll reach out to the seller's attorney to see if they can correct this, and if he couldn't that I wouldn't pay his fee.

    If it is a contingency that was not disclosed, then I don't see me not paying his fee as equivalent since I wouldn't be paying $190k plus the tax if I was made aware of any contingency.

    If it was their oversight, the. I feel this adds to a pattern of poor communication and oversight and him not acting in my best interest and causing me material financial harm.

    In either perspective, I am at a loss of what I can actually do here. I know I signed the documents and have to proceed with the purchase, but I feel like the person I hired to protect me from things like this (or at least inform me so I can make a decision) has failed me.

    What options do I have other than just not paying his fee (which is less than the tax) as he suggested?

    submitted by /u/nomindbody
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    Can you sue a tattoo artist if they give you Hepatitis and are unsanitary?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm curious about this, my father is a doctor and says some parlors aren't sanitary. I'm curious can you sue for damages if you contract a virus/ disease from a needle used by a tattoo artist? I know during this pandemic safety is a huge priority but im curious can you sue for that? Also, can you sue if they botch your design? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Fawkreddit99
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