• Breaking News

    Monday, October 19, 2020

    Legal Advice My grandpa (82) has been sleeping with and drinking with his caregiver (60) and buying her groceries every week and has been bought her a new door. She’s married and her husband is unemployed. I feel like their both using my grandpa for his money, as he has been showing signs of mental decline.

    Legal Advice My grandpa (82) has been sleeping with and drinking with his caregiver (60) and buying her groceries every week and has been bought her a new door. She’s married and her husband is unemployed. I feel like their both using my grandpa for his money, as he has been showing signs of mental decline.

    My grandpa (82) has been sleeping with and drinking with his caregiver (60) and buying her groceries every week and has been bought her a new door. She’s married and her husband is unemployed. I feel like their both using my grandpa for his money, as he has been showing signs of mental decline.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    As the title says, that basically describes that whole situation. Using a throwaway account for this.

    I'm here to ask what kind of actions I should take. I am fully aware my grandpa is an adult, but I feel that he is being taken advantage of.

    She gets drunk with him regularly and smokes weed. Sometimes they fight after drinking and she gets incredibly argumentative and cussed out my grandpa. She convinces my grandpa to kick out my aunt even though she's been living with him. She doesn't like it when his own family visits him. He tells us all the time to not tell anyone about this.

    Should I report her to her agency? What else can be done? I think this is straight up elder abuse.

    Edit: let me also add that she is on the clock when she is sleeping with and drinking with him

    Edit again: location is Pennsylvania

    Third Edit: Wow this is blowing up a bit. I am overwhelmingly so grateful for the thoughtful advice and the sensitivity to my situation, especially from other health care workers. Thank you all for taking the time to respond. It is definitely past my bed time though (work early in the morning) and although I haven't been able to read all of this yet, I will be able to get the ball rolling on this starting tomorrow and carefully write out a plan and what I'm going to say.

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ much love and goodnight for now ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    submitted by /u/456anoneyabiz
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    Is my apartment management obligated to provide heat?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    I live in a very old apartment building that is heated by radiators. It's starting to get cold but no one's heat is working. My neighbor contacted management and they told us the boiler is entirely broken and they don't know when the parts will be in. That was several weeks ago, we've received no updates.

    For context, I live in Atlanta, GA. Is this legal and if not how do my neighbors and I go about taking action?

    submitted by /u/strawberry-week
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    HOA claims to own structure on my property but has no easement proving access.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Edit for location box -- North Carolina, USA

    (Please don't judge me for owning a house with an HOA, I promise you I tried my best to avoid it but it just wasn't possible)

    I purchased a house earlier this year.

    Apparently, when the HOA was very first being built ~25 years ago, they built a structure that was intended to be used by the community, and that would require an easement on what has become my property for access. However, my plot and my neighbor's plot were some of the last to sell, and no easement was actually recorded on the deeds to these properties when that happened. Perhaps it was an administrative mistake, it's not clear. The previous owners of my home, as well as the previous owners of the neighboring home put up no trespassing signs and had essentially been using the structure as private use, shared between the two of them.

    When I bought the house, I was given a copy of an agreement signed between the previous owner and the neighbor, essentially giving each other easement access to the structure (it's right on the property line) and agreeing to split the cost of maintenance. That agreement did not mention the HOA's involvement in any way, and I assumed that the two owners had built the structure themselves, though now looking closely it doesn't technically say that.

    I was recently contacted by the HOA, explaining that they owned the structure and they were hoping to "resolve" all this by having me and/or our neighbors grant them an easement. I in no way want that to happen.

    I have reached out to my title company but don't even really know what to say because I'm not sure the HOA is actually making a legal claim at this point? My questions are: Are there any situations where I would be forced to grant them the easement that they want? Also, do they still have any right to the structure itself, like maybe the materials used?

    If they do try to make a legal claim, would my title insurance get involved or would I need to hire a lawyer?

    I'm really hoping I can just tell them to go pound sand....

    submitted by /u/Pi4yo
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    My Husband Beat me so Badly I Had to go to the Emergency Room Yesterday. How do I Find a Competent Divorce Attorney in DFW?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Yesterday my husband of 4 years beat the hell out of me over an argument about finding his motorcycle keys. He threw me to the ground and proceeded to repeatedly choked me, close fist beat me over a dozen times, threw me across the bedroom, smashed my head on a large ceramic bowl (it broke), and repeatedly kicked me. While on the ground I managed to find his motorcycle key, which is what eventually ended my beating.

    This is not the first time he's hit me or choked me. The last time he punched me in the jaw resulting in only drinking smoothies for several days. After he punched me in the jaw I didn't call the police or file a report so I don't have any substantial evidence other than my mom, who I told. This time I called the police immediately after he left, I filled out a written form explaining in my own words what happened, and was taken by an ambulance to the hospital where all my injuries were documented. I sustained multiple soft muscle injuries causing bruising, and a concussion. The officer took photos of my injuries but I'm taking more photos today because many of the bruises are starting to show that weren't visible yesterday.

    When I got home from the hospital he wasn't there. My mom and I packed all his things in plastic tubs and left them outside the apartment. I have had no contact with him, my mom text him to say his stuff was outside and be needed to come pick it up. I have the deadbolt locked so he can't get in.

    The officer told me a detective would be getting in touch with me probably tomorrow. He also told me regarding the "No Contact" order, husband has to be arrested first before it can be served. That's really strange to me. Right now there's a warrant for his arrest.

    That's all to say I need a damn good divorce lawyer. If anyone can refer an attorney in DFW (Ft.Worth) more specifically but I'm willing to drive to Dallas. I have no idea what to look for when looking for a divorce attorney. Any advice would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!

    Oh and no kids, my car is in his name (I paid the down payment), the cats are mine (he's not going to fight me for them), I'm currently unemployed (looking daily for jobs) and there's 4 months left on our lease for our apartment.

    submitted by /u/ChiefyPoof
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    Venmo Scam

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    A few weeks ago I completed a Venmo request from my sister. I asked her why she needed the money, and she said she did not request it. Upon further investigation, it was clear that she had not requested the money, and it was part of a scam.

    I immediately contacted Venmo and my bank. Venmo was closed, so I sent an email. My bank "stopped" the payment. A few days later, the payment went through, and my bank said I would have to wait until it posted to dispute the charge. The payment disappeared, and I thought everything had been handled.

    A few days later, I got an email from Venmo saying that it was my fault for completing the transaction, and they could not help me. I responded asking for more clarification. I was annoyed, but the transaction had disappeared, so I moved on. A few more days later, I get an email from Venmo saying I need to pay the amount. I was still waiting to hear back from the Account Analyst who had helped me. There was a link on the bottom to report the transaction as fraudulent, and I completed the report.

    I received another email saying my account was in "Venmo collections". I immediately contact the number to explain the situation. The representative who helps me tells me NOT to pay the amount, and to wait for a response from the Account Analyst. Later that day, I decided I wanted to talk to a customer service rep. I call the number, but no one is in the office due to Covid. I called back "Venmo collections" to see if they can transfer me to ANYONE who can help. They transferred me to card member services, and a representative told me to trust Venmo's review process, and that they would get it figured out.

    Today, I got an email from the Account Analyst, with more of the same "This is your fault" language. I asked to speak to someone above him, as he clearly was not going to help.

    I spoke with my bank, who told me not to pay it, as I was a victim of fraud. I am completely at a loss for what to do. 2/3 Venmo employees have been sympathetic, but the one who could help doesn't feel that way.

    I cannot understand how this is my fault. The person who sent the request used my sister's name and photo, and immediately changed it to another name and photo. I have screen shots of 4 different names and pictures the scammer used in one night. I don't see how it's possible for a user to change their account information that often, or completely copy another account.

    TL;DR, I paid money to a scammer, now Venmo says I am liable.

    submitted by /u/aruss194
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    My Neighbor Threatened to Shoot my Dog

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Earlier this year, my boyfriend and I adopted a Great Pyrenees. They are quite large, fiercely loyal, and very protective.

    That said, our dog is very friendly. Unless you were here when you weren't supposed to be, doing something you shouldn't, he's no threat.

    One day when my bf was in the yard with the dog my backyard neighbor poked his head over the fence and said "I'm going to shoot your dog".

    Now, I have never spoken to this neighbor, though I did have one very brief interaction with his wife last year. He has 2 little yappy dogs that bark and growl at the fence line, but I've always been able to wrangle my other dog (not the Pyr) away when there's an issue and bring her inside. The Pyr actually doesn't care, and widely ignores the 2 ankle biters.

    I'm not sure why he would do this, but I want to know if there's anything I should be doing. It was very out of the blue and unexpected. I don't know if he has intention or means to follow through.

    I'm assuming unless he actually does something there's nothing I can do, but I figured there's no harm in asking.

    submitted by /u/BlondeDingbat
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    Hit pedestrian with vehicle who got up and walked away. (PA, USA)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I drove my friend to work this morning because her car wouldn't start. She was already late so she was running out of my car and I just stopped in the middle of the road to let her out. There was a car behind me so I was trying to move a little out of the way and I didn't realize my friend was walking in front of my car, so I hit her a little and she fell to the ground. She got up and I rolled down my window to ask if she was okay. She said she was fine and told me to go, so I drove away. However, there was a woman yelling at me and saying you just hit a person, you didn't get out and help them and she was also trying to tell cars behind me that I hit a person and didn't get out to help. I'm worried that someone took my license plate number and reported the incident to the police. My friend is fine and I called and texted her to make sure. How should I proceed from here? Will the police contact me if someone gave them my license plate number?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    submitted by /u/itsjustme2379
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    landlord came over unannounced, now threatening eviction

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    posting this for a friend

    my friend's landlord came over to their house unannounced to give a tour. since they weren't expecting anyone to come to the house, my friend was smoking in their living room and had some marijuana related items out in the open. they didn't let their landlord in, and they thought they didn't see anything. however, they just received a 5 day notice for possible eviction due to smelling marijuana, and their landlord is threatening to involve the authorities. since they didn't give a 24 hour notice of coming, i'm just wondering if eviction is something they can go forward with. also if needed, the state is Wisconsin. i'm not sure if there are different legal circumstances state to state. thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/amanaaa
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    My wife has a violent felony charge from 20 years ago. Can I own a gun and keep it in our home? (West virginia)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    The title. Just moved to West Virginia due to covid. In my old state I found own a gun as long as it was kept locked and the ammo was stored separately. I can't find any straight answers about West Virginia only that felons can't own guns. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/OutsideEasy89
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    Someone is having pizzas delivered to my house with threatening notes.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Tonight I had 3 pizza places deliver pizza's to my home. I answered for the second one to get some clarification on what's going on. I let him know I did not order any pizzas and asked for the name on the order. He stated my name and then said there was a weird note on it. The note said "I will kill your delivery driver with a kitchen knife". Come to find out all the places received the same thing. I called the sheriffs dept. they stated there isn't much they can do. I'm thinking it's an employee I fired recently. He sent me some texts and told me he was fired unjustly and discriminated against, etc...

    Question is; is there any way to track this? Can I do anything about it?

    It was an online order. They used my phone number and my asst. managers email.

    submitted by /u/KPmyers24
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    TSA destroyed sporting equipment and are refusing to pay for it

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    I am based in the UK and I flew to Miami, FL last year via Charlotte, NC for a sailing World Championships.

    I had to carry our sails for the event, so they were checked in as luggage. They were rolled up and kept inside a bag and then inside a rigid cardboard tube. The sails were collected at Charlotte and re-checked in for the flight between Charlotte and Miami. I then saw as the sails were being loaded onto the plane to Miami that the tube was now taped up, like it had been severely damaged.

    Upon collection at Miami it was evident that instead of removing the end of the tube, the tube had just been ripped open without any care inside for the contents. Inside was a TSA inspection notice. After this, instead of then removing the sails from the bag to inspect them, a knife was inserted into the bag cutting through several layers of sails, completely destroying them. The total value of the sails was around $5000.

    I have been through the TSA claims process and they have denied the claim without any reasoning. They have said that I would have to file suit to appeal the process - how would I go about doing this from the UK, and what kind of lawyer do I need?

    submitted by /u/georgewatso
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    (NY) Diabetes and Daycare- as an childcare worker, what am I required to do?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Hi there- I'm an assistant director at a daycare center in NYS. We recently took a young toddler with type 1 diabetes into our care. The original verbal agreement was that the parents would monitor her blood sugar and insulin levels for the first month until we got to know the child (and the child got to know us) before we took over. The parents have been lackadaisical at best about this, rushing in and out during her insulin times and relying on her aunt (who is an employee of ours, but works irregular hours due to her school schedule) to take care of everything. The father had also agreed to stay and feed his child lunch for at least the first week to help the teacher while she got to know the child. He has never stayed to ensure his child eats.

    Last week, the father became extremely aggressive with staff and demanded that someone be trained to take over. While no one here has a problem taking over, we have been waiting on confirmation from our licensor to let us know what we are legally allowed to do. On several occasions, our health care consultant has told us that we needed special training to take over caring for a child with diabetes, and those trainings are unavailable until November. All this information was presented to the parents before they signed paperwork, leading to the verbal agreement that they would take care of it until we heard back.

    I know through the ADA we are required to provide care. We've had some confusion between our healthcare consultant and OCFS about what we are legally allowed to do, what training is required and who can do it. The parents are saying anyone can test her blood sugar, but initially our health care consultant said we couldn't unless we were trained. Also who can train us on how to do it? Are the parents sufficient, or do we need a medical professional?

    Additionally, the father has threatened us with legal action and stated he will be recording conversations from here on. Is he legally allowed to record conversations without our consent?

    We're trying to wrap our heads around what we are legally required to do, what our licensor (OFCS) will allow us to do, and what is best practice. The father has come across almost entirely combative in the conversations he has with staff, and some are hesitant to be trained out of fear or repercussions from his unchecked anger.

    Obviously our first concern is the child and their wellbeing, so what are the next steps for us to ensure we are not only following the laws, but using best practice for caring for this child?

    submitted by /u/marzipan1217
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    Who pays to replace my soaked mattress? [PA]

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    This is in Philadelphia, PA. So far the incomplete answer appears to be "not my renter's insurance." I live in multi-story building in Philadelphia. My upstairs neighbor had an appliance malfunction that caused a large amount of water to pour through my ceiling, damaging a mattress. Parts of the building itself were also damaged but my landlord is fixing those. The water damage does not appear to be caused by any negligence on my upstairs neighbor's part, and stopping the flow of water was done reasonably quickly as all parties were home.

    The standard advice I figured I would receive is "file a claim with your renter's insurance!" And, indeed, I did, thinking this is exactly what I pay them for. Alas,

    "Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system, or from within a household appliance . . . does not include loss . . . on the residence premises caused by accidental discharge or overflow which occurs off the residence premises."

    I'm uncertain whether my upstairs neighbor's policy would cover my loss, since it is not their property and the damage to my property did not occur on their premises.

    If I wind up having to foot the bill personally, that's not the worst thing ever, but I would rather not pay for the replacement of something which was damaged through no fault of my own when I (and my landlord and my upstairs neighbor) all have insurance.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ceiling_leak
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    I need advice for a ‘slip and fall’ where the guy comes back and basically extorts money out of me

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys, first time posting on reddit but long time lurker. I need some legal advice on any defense I may have for a slip and fall. Long story short, customer slipped and fell on our pavement (our business) where we have cones, a caution slippery surface sign, mats, etc. The customer fell, but I didn't get the feeling that he was actually hurt. I am prior EMS and FF, so I've seen a lot over the years. Most of it, almost all of it, seemed acted out.

    Customer gets hauled off on a stretcher, acts the part of breaking his back, then walks in 4 hours later as if nothing happened. Customer ignored all questions regarding his well-being and if there were any current medical bills he would like me to take care of. Customer then tells me I have two options, either pay him an absurd amount of dollars or he will sue me and ruin me. Thankfully I have him on video clearly stating his demands, but I'm not sure if that helps at all. I also have video of him returning to our place, walking and acting perfectly fine to and from the parking lot. What do I do from here? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone!

    submitted by /u/raisins_world
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    My girlfriend is afraid of going to court over a rape and sexual assault case because of her rapist threatening to sue her in retaliation for damages and false rape accusation, evidence is scarce and she's extremely worried, any advice?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    (For the record, this happened in the state of Tennessee.)

    As the title says, a colleague of my girlfriend's raped her a few months ago and sexually assaulted her a month prior, she hesitated to tell me immediately after both incidents for fear of "upsetting me" and afraid that I would immediately assume she was cheating on me (which she was not).

    I tried my best to comfort her throughout this entire endeavor, and she had already mustered the courage to report the sexual assault to the police, but not the rape. She has filed for an order of protection and has just been notified of the court date to get the order approved.

    I'm currently worried about some glaring issues that have presented themselves in this incident.

    1. The rapist is currently stalking my girlfriend as well as her friends and family (even her family's colleagues) on social media, threatening to take legal action against her and "sue her for damages and a false rape accusation after all this is over".
    2. There isn't enough (or any) physical evidence in both incidents so the likelihood of him escaping any sort of repercussion is pretty high - there's only so much that circumstantial evidence (mostly in the form of text messages) can do. One of the rapist's friends (who is adamantly convinced that the crime did not take place) informed me that she "had texts from her (my girlfriend) disproving this".
    3. She's afraid that said circumstantial evidence can be used against her in court, or the rapist successfully makes his false testimony believable and be twisted by the defendant to imply she gave her consent since no witnesses were apart of either incident.
    4. Again, the rapist is threatening to sue her for damages and false rape accusation if he wins the case, and that's a major thing inhibiting her decision to continue on, since if she fails to get him charged due to a lack of evidence, she could be on the receiving end of a lot of undeserved and unjust legal ramifications at the hands of the rapist.

    I'm basically here to gather a bit of legal advice to ease her concerns and find out what would be the best way to go about this. I could elaborate on what circumstantial evidence could potentially be available to see if would be admissible in court or dismissed as hearsay.

    Edit: Would it increase her odds of winning the case if she went to a civil court instead? And would there be any non-financial consequences for the rapist (e.g. still being put on the sex offender registry)?

    submitted by /u/Sapphirelia
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    Restaurant tips

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I'm a cook at a small chinese counter service restaurant in the US where people pay at counter and the cashier (FOH) brings food out to table. We have a shared tip pool.I used to get paid $11/hr on paper with a small amount of cash tip ($5-10) per paycheck. There was a situation where some of the cashiers saw that the amount of tips that we got were less than what the restaurant received in electronic tips. Two cashiers noticed this and one of them quit. The other one brought it up and got fired after an argument. These cashiers said that we would get about $200-$300 in electronic tip., and there would be 4 people working per shift. The owners response was always that the tip is built into the paycheck. Since then, he has reverted to paying us the same $11 but with a different way: wage is now $9/hr and now we get $2/hr "tip" in the paycheck along with some cash tip. It looks like they're putting a set amount of tip and pocketing the rest is what I hear from coworkers that don't work here anymore. Is this fishy enough to go to the labor board and win back wages? I have a good relationship with the owners and don't want drama.

    Side note: One of the owners just bought a hellcat and a house too lmao. His full time job is an account though and his wife and brother manage the restaurant full time.

    submitted by /u/travis-scott-burger
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    I was recently given a citation for speeding in Maryland (82 in a 55 zone). I'm a Virginia resident, is it automatically a reckless driving charge? Should I get an attorney?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I was driving home and was pulled over for speeding. The officer said he "clocked" me at 82 mph in a 55 zone but, I'm *very* certain I was doing < 80 mph (per my car's speedo). I fully cooperated with the officer; he asked me for license and registration and just handed me the citation with no dialogue at all. Upon researching, I discovered that Virginia has much stricter speeding laws where speeding at 82 mph is an automatic criminal charge (for reckless driving). This is really starting to bother me. I don't have any points or tickets on my record. Should I get an attorney?

    submitted by /u/kv_reddit
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    Someone hit my car and refuses to give information.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I (20) live in NYC, my car was parked in front of my house. About 2 months ago my little sister's friend (17) backed into my car with 8 other kids in the car which made it hard for her to see. She dented my bumper, side fender, and headlight. I don't want her to get in trouble or anything so I'm trying to deal with her dad to pay for the damages but he's refusing to pay or give insurance information. Should I go to the precinct and make a police report? Legally my car is under my dad's name does that mean he has to? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Acidicshadow
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    I was arrested and released without a court date but a vehicle not under my name was seized by CBP.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    I [18] M was arrested for Alien smuggling. My father's vehicle was seized and all of my property inside of it. I was processed with a cleaned record and questioned. When questioned I didn't stay silent as the agent questioning me offered to drop the charges if I gave him information on where the alien was from and such. I had a clean record prior to this. I was released without a court date or any information on whether or not I was prosecuted. I need help because I'm freaking out and I have no idea what to do now. I was told I'd receive a letter in the mail in regards to the seizure and how to retrieve the vehicle. I've been doing reading and it seems that a lot of people hire an attorney to retrieve the vehicle. The vehicle is under my dad's name but I my daily driver. I fucked up and I should've made smarter choices but I just don't know where to go from here. I'm currently home alone in Texas and my parents are in Arizona. I haven't told them but I do plan to tell them but as for my criminal record what does this mean? I don't believe I was prosecuted as I was released without a court date or any other paperwork except for my personal items. Any advice helps

    submitted by /u/kikemaximus
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    [TN] Half My Apartment Building's Roof has Been Missing for Over 6 Months

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Hi, I live in Knoxville, TN. My apartment building has four units, two two story units in the middle and two one story units on either end. I live in one of the one story units.

    At the end of March, there was a big storm where a tree hit the two two story units in the middle. One was empty because someone new was moving in the next week. The other had a lady who safely made her way out. All three units that had residents (including mine) had to leave for a while. Eventually, I and the other person living in the other one story unit were allowed to move back in. The lady in the two story units was moved to a different location owned by the same property company.

    In the over six months since the tree hit my apartment building, I have not been able to see any work done on the roof except adding new layers of tarp when I and the other resident complain about any water problems. Both the other resident and I have had water damage spots on our ceilings where we are connected to the units without a roof. The other resident has also had her drain pipe fall off, but management nailed it back into place, and it looks a bit bendy now. I have also had problems with mice (right after I was let back into the apartmetn building) and roaches (recently). When I look in through the back doors of the two empty units (we all share a back patio), I can see lots of mold inside and one of the units has a hole in the first floor ceiling. I'm concerened that eventually the mold will expand into my unit and negatively affect my and my pet's health.

    I basically wish to know how I would go about either getting the roof fixed, if I have no hope of it being fixed, or who I need to contact to gain this information. I tried looking at building codes, but I couldn't personally couldn't make heads or tails of it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/TA_halftheroofisgone
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    Neighbor masturbating with blinds open

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Not entirely sure what sub this should be under but here's my problem:

    [Chicago, IL] My neighbor frequently has sex with the blinds open which isnt inherently bothersome to me. Our buildings are incredibly close and his floor to ceiling bedroom window faces my office window where my desk is pushed against my window. When you go to look out the window the only view you have is the neighbors window. Anyway, the other day I could see him staring into my window out of the corner of my eye, I gazed over and we locked eyes twice. He then proceeds to lay on his bed and masturbate in clear view. I like to keep the blinds open to get what minimal light I can into the office area but I feel super creeped out now and feel the need to keep the blinds closed because I'm worried he'll do it again. I guess I'm wondering how I should go about this? Is it completely ridiculous to contact the PM of that building or should I keep my blinds open and hope it doesn't happen again? Has this happened to anyone else? I'd like to believe it was an isolated incident but I still feel incredibly uncomfortable. Not sure if it needs to be consistently happening to file a report or something.

    submitted by /u/Overall-Middle5949
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    Legal advice needed!!! My boss was having me write her checks from the business account, and after a while she began telling me to write myself one as well.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Ok- this is totally a TL;DR situation BUT I'm so freaked out that I could potentially be in trouble over this. Please advise: I work for a local small business in Florida, we build pools, do pavers etc. The company is "owned" by a husband and wife, but the actual license is held by the wife. She is an active addict, has been for years. She always controlled the company check book, until it came out that she was writing herself checks and using the money for drugs. Once this came out, she got clean for a while, but I was added as a signer on the business bank account, and all was swell. She kept stealing checks, and playing exhaustive games, and eventually started having me write her checks, at first she threatened my job if I wouldn't write checks to her, and then she would say well if you write a check out for me for this amount, write one to yourself also. I said no for a long time. One day I did it, I wrote myself a check too but only with her permission. So, now they're going through a divorce, and things are ugly. She got into trouble for the money she took over the years, and now she is saying that I "stole" money. She says if she's going down, everyone is going down. I never took anything outside of when she would write me a check or have me write her checks. If I always had permission from the business owner to do so, how can I prove it? I've never been in trouble, have no criminal record, etc. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/ElegantGrapefruit626
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    Can the township just build a sidewalk in my front yard?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I live in NJ, and my wife and I are renting to buy from my father in law. Today some construction guy came to our door to tell us that the township had decided to put a sidewalk in, and that his company was hired to do it. He said that the end of our front yard would be torn up, and our driveway is getting redone as well. That was literally the end of the conversation. I plan on calling the township to ask a few questions, but I figured I'd start here.

    Can the township legally do this? Are we just losing a portion of our front yard? If they're doing the sidewalk and my driveway what happens when I have to leave for work? Am I going to be forced to pay anything, or are they paying me? Who's responsible for the upkeep of the sidewalk?

    submitted by /u/111stupid
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    Undocumented immigrant, no insurance, suspended license (WA State) rear ended us.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    We have underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage. So, the car will be fixed. But there is still the deductible. What recourse or legal action can I take to recoup my deductible from this person? Can they even be sent to collections by the insurance company if they aren't a citizen? Is it even likely a court would enforce them paying since they can't even legally work in the US?

    They also had a suspended license. WA State doesn't ask about citizenship when issuing licenses. We called the cops after the accident because the threshold was met. I know he was going to be ticketed and charged or whatever, but not sure about arrested due to COVID.

    They were not the owner of the vehicle they were driving. If they aren't and the owner has coverage, would that cover us?

    Also, what's the likelihood they would end up deported if they were arrested? And then I'm assuming I most definitely would not recoup costs.

    submitted by /u/sittingatmydesklol
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    I'm being falsely accused of rape - will my evidence keep it from going to court?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    This is in North Carolina.

    Three years ago, I was in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship. She hit me, said that she had been cheating on me, said that I was abandoning her (when I decided to leave), and said that - at some point during the relationship - I had raped her. I cut contact.

    A few months ago, she messaged me on Facebook Messenger. She apologized and admitted to hitting me, admitted to lying about cheating on me, and admitted and apologized for her general abusive behavior. When I pressed her on the issue of rape, she became more vague. The conversation goes as this:

    Me: Did it ever feel like I crossed consensual boundaries?

    Her: Maybe a few times, but we were just messing around so I didn't care.

    Me: So nothing like rape or sexual assault? I'm sorry for the few times I did cross boundaries.

    Her: I doubt it. Even if it was, I'd done the same.

    Me: Let me rephrase: Was there ever a time that it felt like I knowingly - as in if you or anyone else were in my shoes, they'd know - defied your consensual boundaries? Did I ever do anything despite you verbally saying 'no'?

    Her: Not that I remember.

    A few days ago, I was notified that she was apparently saying to other people that I raped her, and that she was considering going to the police.

    Is the conversation above enough to keep this from blowing up into a nightmare scenario?

    submitted by /u/coolmanfoolmank
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