• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Father passed away and I'm running into a snag with insuring his home, hoping someone can help guide me. Insurance

    Father passed away and I'm running into a snag with insuring his home, hoping someone can help guide me. Insurance

    Father passed away and I'm running into a snag with insuring his home, hoping someone can help guide me.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    My father died suddenly a couple months ago without a will. His estate is going to probate. In the state he lived/died in, the homestead goes to the heirs free of any unsecured creditors. As that is the case, my lawyer has advised (as I am the sole heir since my sister passed a few years back) that I pay to maintain the house on my own so at the end of probate I can transfer title to myself and not have to pay back the cost of maintaining the home to the estate as it won't be treated as a part of his estate.

    The problem I'm running in to is my father's insurance company wrote me a letter saying they are terminating his homeowners insurance in 60 days. I received this a week ago. Probate of the estate does not end until after the insurance expires. Further, my lawyer noted petitioning the court to have the home titled to me prior to probate will take about 2 months from start to finish (i.e. after the insurance expires). I called the insurance company to see if they will extend coverage and they said they will not entertain extending the insurance by any means.

    What I've run into now is I need to insure a home I do not have title to and is vacant. Obviously this is going to be expensive, but I plan to sell the home once I can do so. Luckily he's in a highly desirable area, so it shouldn't take too long to sell. Does anybody have any recommendations on steps to insuring a home I do not have title to, let alone a vacant home? I'd hate for it to just sit uninsured and something happen as it's in a more dangerous area for natural disasters. I'd appreciate any insight.


    submitted by /u/sdpthrowaway3
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    Reinstating COBRA: I have to have the right reason?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I did not make my monthly COBRA payments on time and my coverage was terminated. However, the termination notice indicates that due to the COVID-19 emergency, I can "contact use by phone or email to make payment and reinstate coverage".

    When I gave them a call, I was directed to send an email officially requesting reinstatement, I was told I needed to indicate the reason payment had not been made. I even specifically asked "are there any unacceptable reasons?", to which they just replied "you need to indicate the reason".

    Is there a magic list of reasons which will or won't get my coverage reinstated? I'm already terrified by having my coverage terminated, it would be terrible if I couldn't get it reinstated.

    submitted by /u/jftvjiufdscggh
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    Insurance charged for gold crown yet they won't use that type of crown

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Hello there, no sure if this is the right place to ask but I recently went to the dentist and was told I would need a crown as well as root canal treatment. They made a mold of my tooth and everything seemed to be going well, once I received a copy of what services they'll be providing I noticed it said I would have a full gold crown, the assistant then told me it won't actually be gold, that it'll be something else and that the doctor doesn't like to use gold or can't use it. My question is, are they doing something shady like charging my insurance for a gold crown yet using something else? Should I contact my insurance company?

    I'm from California

    submitted by /u/GALM-006
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    What type of insurance I shouls get?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    I live in California. I turned 26 this year; hence, I'm no longer part of my parent's plan.

    Backstory: I have an underbite and my Orthodontist recommended that I need to have a jaw surgery and braces done. He deemed that he'll write it off as "need to be done for health (forgot the medical term for it)" so insurance should be able to accept it. But then I don't have any medical insurance. He claims that he knows great doctors in kaiser and wants me to get a kaiser medical insurance so I'm in safe hands. (Which I agree)

    What insurance should i get that gets me the benefits of the plan fastest? An insurance plan that could help significantly reduce the surgical cost of jaw surgery if possible. So i can start the braces asap (since my Molar teeth hurts from the gap :( ) . After looking, there are some HMO, POS, PPO and EPO. I'm also confused about this. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/eronturon
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    Please find me help

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Is there a way I can find out how much car insurance is gonna cost for me without selling my soul to the devil? Please and thank you. I'm a curious guy and I don't have a car yet nor want to purchase insurance immediately, I just want to plug in different cars and see. Every website I go onto is trying to take down my contact information as if I'm pulling the trigger on it today.

    If it helps: 18, Male, No accidents, not a homeowner, one car Lets say it's like a $10,000 hatchback

    Edit: I'm in Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/TenorMadnesss
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    Got rear-ended last year and the person who hit me won the claim, now my insurance is higher, what can I do?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Long story short, I was rear-ended on the freeway last year. The people in the other car twisted the story and told the police that I sideswiped them when the damage clearly looked like it came from the rear. I lost the case because the police report favored the other driver's side.

    I had Geico, I tried switching insurance to Allstate, but DMV just sent the information to my new insurance a couple of months later. Now, I am having trouble finding cheaper insurance with an at-fault accident on my record. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

    I'm from California in the United States.

    submitted by /u/joveezus
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    What insurance do I need if I can no longer drive, but a friend occasionally uses my car to drive me to a doctors appointment ?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Live in California, my eyesight has gotten very bad, but I'd rather keep the car for three or four trips a month instead of using taxis or ride share.

    submitted by /u/Kaioatey
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    I'm getting harassed by my auto insurance company. Is this legit?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Hello to whomever is reading and thanks in advance for help.

    I live in Tennessee.

    I always get minimum automotive insurance because, well I'm poor. Please don't scold me about this since it's not the point of my letter.

    I switched to a new company because I was a little upset with my long term provider. I also saved a good little bit of money, which was also my goal. I did everything online and paid for 6 months.

    After that I started getting texts and emails from the insurer. They would usually say things like "Hello Brian. We'd really like to get to know you." "Hello Brian, we'd love for you to come into our office and talk to us about any questions you may have about your coverage."

    And I'm thinking to myself "If I wanted to come into your stupid office, I would have signed up in person!" But I knew almost immediately what this was really about. After a few weeks, the messages changed to this...

    "Hello Brian. Thank you for being a customer but we need you to come in and sign paperwork that states that you REFUSE TO GET MAXIMUM COVERAGE."

    And there you go. What the actual hell? They are now calling me on the phone, texting me, and emailing me; saying over and over that I need to sign papers stating that I refuse maximum coverage.

    Why on earth do I owe them anything? I have already picked my plan and paid for it. Their website didn't say anything except "Thank you for your purchase."

    I don't get a call from my local pizza place asking me to sign a paper stating that I refused all of the toppings. So to me this is harassment and they just think that they can get communication going with me and try to talk me into upgrading.

    What I will do instead is switch to another company if they tick me off enough.

    My brother, on the other hand thinks that it is they who are being harassed by their manager and that they have to show that they tried their best to upsell.

    Obviously I don't care because I am tired of all of this nonsense from them.

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol/sigh

    submitted by /u/synaptic-flow
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    Valet driver at the Ritz Carlton damaged 2020 RAM coming out of parking garage, now what?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    My husband and I stayed at the Ritz Carlton for an extended weekend. We called down to valet to retrieve his 2020 RAM and by the time we checked out and went out to our vehicle I noticed a huge area on the right side scraped, dented and damaged. I asked the valet what happened and he said it just happened and he was looking for the paperwork to file a claim.

    They gave me a claim form admitting fault, I submitted an online police report with images of the damage and now we have to take the vehicle in for an estimate of the damages. My husband is understandably upset! With an accident, the vehicle has most certainly depreciated, even after the repairs.

    Should he trade it in for a new one? Get the hotel insurance to cover the depreciation value? He is LIVID!

    EDIT: We live in North Carolina, the accident occurred in Georgia.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

    submitted by /u/sunshyne2477
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    Salvage titled car totaled again (California)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have an older vehicle that was issued a salvage title in 2005 for some minor cosmetic damage. All was repaired and I've been driving it for the last 15 years. I was recently involved in another minor accident (not at fault) and was informed by the other party's insurance company that my vehicle would be total loss. This isn't a surprise, considering the mileage (300K+) and age of the vehicle. I received a fair offer for the car and the buyback price is reasonable.

    I would like to retain the vehicle and fix the damage (fender, bumper, headlight, nothing structural) with used parts on my own.

    My question is, do I need to file for a salvage certificate / title with the CA DMV again, even though the car has an existing salvage title?

    submitted by /u/Hwajangshil
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    Aflac critical care

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I've had Aflac for years for Critical Event and another for Cancer.

    Having aortic root and valve replaced. Any chance of getting some help from Aflac? Didn't realize their scopes were so narrow. The advertising is so happy happy hiding behind small print.

    submitted by /u/ISeeEverythingYouDo
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    Bankers Life LTC- Simplified issue vs fully underwritten

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Can anyone Eli5 the difference? My parents purchased this for estate planning but said they did not have to take a medical exam. A friend in the industry said thats a red flag and any reputable carrier would have them do a full physical, and that it may not be the coverage they think they have. Can anyone shed light on this and give us better questions to ask when we call the agent?


    submitted by /u/Ordinary-Office
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    Would a co-signer on a car lease be listed as an owner on my policy / car registration?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    If I have someone co-sign on a car lease for me, would they be listed on my registration and / or car insurance policy?

    submitted by /u/UnfairRegister
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    Workman's Comp TN, knee in near constant pain 18 months after injury

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Fracture in my knee working for Amazon March 2019. Spent several months on Workman's Comp & going to physical therapy. Doctor decided I was cleared to go back to work Sept 2019 even though the knee still hurt (he clearly thought I was faking).

    Only worked a few weeks then quit because it still hurt to walk. I know I should have immediately put in another claim but I didn't. I was just so frustrated & depressed.

    A year later & my knee still hurts all the time, even if I'm just sitting around doing nothing.

    Is it too late to get medical bills covered to fix whatever the hell is wrong with my knee?

    What if my knee just hurts forever?

    submitted by /u/Nouseriously
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    Car Insurance Claim Advice

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    There is damage to my 2020 Blazer due to scraping the side of a garage. Received an estimate for $2300. I currently have a $500 deductible with good coverage from Geico. I live in California. Should I file the claim or pay out of pocket?

    submitted by /u/ballinjizzle
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    Settlement Money for Future Rate Increase due to Not-At-Fault Accident

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I've seen lots of questions about how/why auto insurance rates increase after a not-at-fault accident but none about getting settlement money for it.

    I was in a not-at-fault accident years ago (about $14k in damages, no injuries). My rates skyrocketed afterward and, like most, it was a total surprise. My rate went up about $70/mo on average for at least the next three years.

    I kick myself for not realizing this before settling with the other party's insurance company. This ended up costing me thousands in the subsequent years... Has anyone ever successfully claimed damages for this reason? Do you think it would fly?

    submitted by /u/wow6432
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    Designing an insurance company's website!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Hello all! This post is sort of insurance-related in that I'm designing a website for an insurance company. This insurance company is fictitious, but it's for a case study/end-to-end project that I'm currently working on for my UX design course.

    If anyone has 6-10 minutes to spare and would like to participate in a card sorting exercise, please go to this link: https://2h63bv5n.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/x46p6o7t

    I'll use these data to help me design the structure of the insurance company's website.

    Responses are completely anonymous! I only need about nine more participants. If anyone could help a beginning UX designer out like me that would be soooo greatly appreciated! :o)

    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/thedailyfunctilio
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    Flooded car

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    My car, a Santa Fe, was flooded, it got up to 4 or 5 inches in the car. It was running at the time and after about 20 minutes the lights flashed on and off and then it died. It was high enough in the back to get into the tail pipe. I'm still waiting on insurance to give me an answer about what there going to do with it. Would it be totaled ? In Kentucky

    submitted by /u/WarOk5153
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    I currently have a vehicle on a 6-month Insurance policy. We just bought a certified used car from dealership and Insurance is asking for 6 months of payment with 2 months left before renewal.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Sorry guys, first time posting on here. I'm not too sure how to word this so please bare with me. As mentioned, I've had this insurance policy with one vehicle for 3 years now. I renew it every 6 months and at the moment have 2 months left (2 payments) before renewal. Today we bought a certified used car so when I called the insurance company to set the policy up we were told we needed full coverage, which we expected. With full coverage it comes out to almost $500 every 6 months for just that new car. The woman told me that I would have to pay that full amount of almost $500 split between my last 2 monthly payments to cover the new car until renewal. Then it will be split between the 6 monthly payments as usual. It is my first time going to a real dealership by myself without a cosigner/on my own insurance policy and I can't help but have a feeling in my stomach the insurance company just screwed me a little bit. It seems a bit odd to me that I have to pay 6 months worth of coverage for only 2 months left of the policy. Is this normal? And if so, why? Any advice would be great.

    Edit: Located in New Jersey

    submitted by /u/WiredLily
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    Spouse with HSA, me with HMO

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Edit: I'm in Georgia (USA). Question is if my wife and kids are in her HSA and I'm on my own employer based HMO, can I also have an FSA)

    Last year my wife and I went on separate insurance policies due to her employer imposing a premium surcharge ($100) when including spouses who have access to health insurance through their own employers.

    So, wife and kids on her HMO, and me on mine. We also use an FSA.

    This year, we are considering jumping over to an HSA. However, we are strongly considering sticking to having separate health insurance due to the surcharge.

    The big question is this

    If my wife does an HSA and I do an HRA or HMO, can I still have an FSA?

    submitted by /u/refinancemenow
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    Auto Insurance Total Loss/ABV

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Hi. If my insurance company decides to declare my trusty 07 Accord a total loss (hit a deer) do they have the power to make the title a salvage title? It's safe to drive, the headlight deer hit even still works but that needs a lens otherwise I don't see how it is not perfectly safe aside from sheet metal damage to front fender and my door.

    submitted by /u/and_youf
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    What happens if I sell my car?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    This seems to be a grey area for me. I currently have a car on my auto policy, but will be selling it to put back for another car. Obviously I have to cancel the insurance whenever I sell the car, but how can I go about not cancelling or having a lapse in my policy? I just feel to many people sell and save for other cars for insurance to lapse and then skyrocket. US, KY.

    submitted by /u/dman472
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    What happens if...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I am at fault in an accident and pull out another 12 month policy before the accident catches up in all the computer systems?

    It's been an awful year. I got great insurance for my motorcycle. but I used the bike to take stress out and got a speeding ticket and an at fault accident (not at the same time). By how much is my rate likely gonna go up? Chicago IL

    submitted by /u/Areaman4
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    GAP Insurance

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I left the dealership and found out the same day they did not give me GAP insurance. It was discussed during negations and I was focused on trying to transfer my down payment I did not notice that they did not add it. I called and e-mail no reply. Now I am stuck. State Farm does not provide GAP Insurance. What do I do? I am in Illinois. I just left them Saturday and today is Monday.

    submitted by /u/tacomeat20
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    Car Dealership Product Photography Business (CA LLC)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I have a small business providing product photography services. I am currently the only employee. My primary customers are car dealerships in Southern California - I photograph their inventory.

    My interaction with the cars is to move them around the store's lot to stage photos and then return them to their parking spot. I do not manipulate (repair, wash, etc.) the cars beyond moving them in and out of place and opening/shutting the doors, hoods, and trunks. Sometimes the cars are located off-site (at a satellite lot) and require driving a mile or two on public streets to stage the photos and then return them.

    I understand I need a "General Liability" plan, but because I am working onsite at the client's location I believe that I can skip the "Garage Insurance" and just add on "Garage Keepers Insurance" only. Does this sound correct?

    Also, during the busy season, I sometimes bring in independent subcontractors to help me photograph (not employees of my business.). Would my insurance cover any accidents that occur on their watch since they're working with my client under my contract?

    EDIT: I had General Liability & Garage Keepers insurance about 4 years ago for about $50/month from a company that no longer offers Garage Keepers. Any recommendations of other companies servicing Southern California?

    submitted by /u/TheRambleMammal
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