• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Legal Advice My pawned Item was stolen from a pawnshop and they didn’t tell me until I tried to pick it up. Making several payments to extend it before picking it up and after it having been stolen. Is this legal? Do they have to tell me if an item is stolen? (Ca)

    Legal Advice My pawned Item was stolen from a pawnshop and they didn’t tell me until I tried to pick it up. Making several payments to extend it before picking it up and after it having been stolen. Is this legal? Do they have to tell me if an item is stolen? (Ca)

    My pawned Item was stolen from a pawnshop and they didn’t tell me until I tried to pick it up. Making several payments to extend it before picking it up and after it having been stolen. Is this legal? Do they have to tell me if an item is stolen? (Ca)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I had pawned an item a year or two ago and had been paying interest on it regularly. Then when I went to redeem my item, they had notified me that the item had been stolen. They said that they would wave the current interest on the loan and that the item was insured for double what I loaned.

    My question is, I know i made my last payment after the the time the item was stolen. I wouldn't have made the last a payment had I known the item was gone, cause I'm essentially paying for nothing at this point. Is this legal? Does the pawnshop even have to tell me if an item is stolen?

    I feel like the whole point of the loan is that I get to keep my item. Reading their contract, they aren't liable for burglary in this case which i think is fine, but changing me, and renewing the loan seems wrong considering I would never get my item back. Not paying back a pawn loan is fine because the whole idea is that they would keep your item Incase you can't pay them back. So why would I make a payment to extend a loan I can never actually redeem. Thanks to anyone who can help me out

    submitted by /u/SfcityGiant
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    UPDATE - Condo board is telling me as of June 5th the parking spot i own, will be converted into a handicapped spot, but there are no other parking spots available. Is this legal?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    My original post: here

    Thank you for all the advice, we ended up talking to a lawyer on Tuesday, and we paid him a small amount to write a nicely worded letter indicating that our Condo board had no right to do what they are doing.

    The condo board has more or less agreed that they are in the wrong (yeah fuck them), and will be pursing other alternatives to create handicapped parking for this new owner.

    Today the owner who wants the spot came to my door, telling me that i need to move my car because as of today it "belonged" to her. I explained to her what the condo board told me and she got very upset.

    For now i am not going to move my car because i think she could be more of an issue then my condo board.

    To answer a few questions:

    • I did offer the condo board an option to buy my spot for a stupidly high price of $200,000 and a guaranteed spot when they increase the parking space. They are not interested.
    • I do infact own this parking spot it is owned by me and deeded to me.
    • There is no street parking/stopping in front of our building.
    • Handicapped spots are actually owned/managed by the building.
    • The issue came to heads when the people who bought the condo, had a verbal promise that there was available handicapped parking. However not long after making that promise another tenant needed a handicapped parking spot due to him being stuck in a wheelchair. So the spot ended up going to him.
    • The actual owner who is complaining about this actually owns a non handicapped spot, however they refuse to trade it because they have two vehicles. Their other vehicle is one of those specialized minivans for wheelchairs.
    • Finally the owner who has been making all of this fuss has been trying to take the condo board to court over this.

    Anyways thank you legaladvice for your help!

    submitted by /u/ParkingSpotHelp1192
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    Received two certified letters of incoherent yet vaguely threatening legalese

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    My wife and I purchased a home in Maryland six months ago. In addition to the run-of-the-mill "buy your title now!" and "get insurance to pay off your mortgage!" scams, I've received two pieces of certified mail that read like incoherent semi-legal ramblings. My take is that someone thinks they can claim a property by writ of fiat or some nonsense.

    Should I simply ignore these? Should I report these to anyone? Thanks for your time.

    Three months ago:




    submitted by /u/daegon
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    Venue won't refund us unless we sign cancellation letter with non-disparagement clause

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    This is in NY.

    My fiance and I were contacting our wedding venue for a refund due to COVID-19 over the past couple months. There was a lot of back and forth, but ultimately our planned date for our wedding fell under a time where they could not physically open due to the mandated shut down that the governor had put in place and they had agreed to a refund. However, in order for the refund they said that we had to sign a cancellation letter that includes a non-disparagement clause in it.

    Nowhere in the original contract did it say that we need to sign anything or agree to anything in order for our refund to be given back to us, but now they are saying they are legally required to have this letter signed. I tried to have them take out the clause but they refused, stating that we need to sign it before we can get our money back. Now they are even going as far as to ignoring my follow up e-mail with them. We do not want to sign the clause as we feel as if it's not right that they can just force us to sign something just so we can get our refund that is rightfully ours.

    The original contract has stated that refund will be given back by 10 business days as well, which the date is coming up on.

    My questions are:

    1. Is this legal? Can the venue just withhold my money even though they cannot physically provide the venue and agreed to a refund?
    2. What can we do at this point? If we were to find a lawyer, the fees might end up costing more than our deposit.
    submitted by /u/Quick_Length
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    If a curfew is in place in my city and i am on my own property but outside, am i breaking said curfew?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    I had an argument with a group of cops telling me to get inside while i was on my front porch/steps.

    And have seen videos of cops shooting at people with less-than-lethal rounds and yelling "go in your home" and whole no charge or arrest came with my argument-i was wondering whether or not those people or others would have some sort of case or complaint at least against the cops that fired/gave the order to.

    submitted by /u/marco_reus_is_best
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    Homeowner required to hook up to city sewer - closing documents from title company said the home was on sewer already. Turns out the house is on a septic tank.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    TLDR at the bottom

    We bought a house in 2016 in Idaho. All documents from the title company and previous homeowner said the property was on city sewer. Fast forward to fall 2018, we received a letter from the city saying we were required to hook up to sewer and we were responsible for all cost associated plus a $3000 hook up fee. The city said previous owners had been notified they were required to connect. We would have to run gravity feed lines from our main floor out to the street under our concrete patio and finished landscaping. We would have to tear up our basement bathroom to install a sump pump for our laundry room, toilet, sink and shower in the basement, tear up curbing, street asphalt to hook into the connection point approximately 150 feet from our furthest kitchen drain. We would then restore everything to its original state. This will be an incredibly expensive process of $50,000 or more.

    To add to the costs, a previous homeowner placed a concrete slab for a three-season room (all window walls and ceiling) for a hot tub sauna that a plumber suspected is over the top of the septic tank.

    Do we have any legal standing with the title company to reimburse for our costs? We feel they did not do their due diligence as the city has records going back 40 years stating our house was NOT hooked up. Apparently, our dead-end street has the last remaining houses on septic in the whole city. Had we been made aware prior to closing, we would have negotiated a lower selling price or passed on the purchase.

    We have no way of knowing when the city sent out letters to previous owners, just that they are claiming letters were sent. Our neighbor confirms the previous owner was aware the house was septic, but he has been MIA since the sale. His realtor has been unable to get a hold of him.

    TLDR: We received a letter from the city telling us we were required to hook up to city sewer. Closing documents from the title company (and previous homeowner) said we were on sewer. Turns out we have septic. Rough estimates of $50,000+ for sewer hook up. Do we have a legal course of action with the title company?

    Edited to add location

    submitted by /u/a_cede
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    Cares ACT violation

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    (edited) Hello, I'm a college student who lost their job because of COVID-19. My housing is federally backed by FANNIE Mae so I know I'm protected under the CARES ACT until July 25 from eviction of non-payment but, my landlord has been trying to evict me since April. Today I am supposed to be served with an eviction notice with 3 days to move out. I have emailed them back about the cares act but they never responded. I am confused on what to do since I am broke college student who can't afford a lawyer but I do know that I am legally protected. How do I and other tenants protect ourselves when they are violating our rights? Can they force us out or serve us with an eviction? This property is located in Houston, Tx 77004.

    An update: Reading through my lease I discovered that they may have broken it. My building's elevator was broken for 2 months and in the lease it states that all repairs must be taken place within 7 days. The lease states that there is a 12 hour minimum notice in order for staff to come in and last week I believe one of the staff members tried to enter my apartment but it had the security lock on.

    submitted by /u/AcanthopterygiiIll14
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    My girlfriend’s friend is the sole owner of her ex’s Motorcycle, wants to take it and sell it. He won’t let her. What can she do?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Our story begins in North Carolina. My girlfriend's friend rushed into a relationship with this guy and moved into a house that his parents bought and solely own. She paid for almost all of the furnishings, appliances, as well as his motorcycle. He used to have another vehicle but sold it. She is the only name on the title for the bike but it's in his garage. She wants to sell it and get her money back out of it as she doesn't ride. It's his only transportation so he doesn't want to give it to her and won't let her in the garage and threatens to call the cops. I suggested she ask a deputy to come with her to see if he will turn it over to her civilly. He's a pretty unpredictable guy so I think that would be the safest option for her. If he says "no, you can't come into my house or garage", what options does she have? Based on the past interactions in moving her stuff out, he has been consistently petty and called the cops multiple times on her for her taking her stuff, furniture, appliances out, but no one was charged with anything. But I could totally see him hiding it somewhere and saying it was stolen.

    What options does she have to get the bike back without doing something illegal like having a friend kick his door in, take the keys from him and put the bike on a trailer?

    submitted by /u/ronerychiver
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    Divorce when one person is unable to communicate due to stroke.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    I'm after some advice in order to help a family member. My uncle has suffered strokes which has now left him unable to communicate. His wife has filed for divorce under 'inappropriate behaviour'. We have power of attorney as he hasn't really communicated any feelings towards anything. They have two children. They have a house with no mortgage and she also has a second house she owns through inheritance. I'd like some advice on how much to ask for as a divorce settlement. I have no idea how all of this works. Any other advice on a divorce process of this kind would also be much appreciated! 😊

    submitted by /u/crazy_bunny_lady420
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    Park Rangers Seized My Firearm

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    A few days ago, Park Rangers seized my firearm after running a serial number check and the firearm came up as stolen. However, the serial number they ran was on the barrel of the pistol, not the frame. I was not arrested and only issued a citation. I was not given a receipt for my seized property as well.

    The firearm was owned by my late Grandfather for 40+ years and I would like it back. Please advise on what steps I should take. I am already looking into getting a lawyer.

    Edit: This was in Nevada on National Park Land.

    submitted by /u/bacon-overlord
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    Bird breeder sold us a sickly baby that was older than described, now refuses to refund.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT


    Me and my wife recently purchased a young bird from a breeder. The bird was small and timid, but the breeder assured us he was just like that because he was only 6 weeks old. We purchased the bird under the assumption that the bird was young and not malnourished.

    After we returned home and got the bird set up and fed, he texted us and let us know the bird was actually just below 9 weeks old. Thus, the reason he was so small wasn't his age. He has no feeding response and is in general extremely scared of everything.

    We waited a few days but he was not improving and was not eating much. We found out the method of feeding he taught us was actually dangerous for the bird as well. We talked to him and he agreed for us to bring the bird back. But once I handed the bird over, he told us he would only feed it until it was full weaned and then we would "get it back", no refund. This is not what was agreed to when we drove the two hours down to bring it back. He also told us that "no breeder does refunds". Are we legally entitled to a refund because the bird wasnt what he told us?

    submitted by /u/ChapoGod
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    I am separated from my wife and she got pregnant by another man. What steps should I take?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT


    So my wife and I have started the divorce process. We have been separated for over 2 years and she moved to a different state. We are really good friends and we co parent very well. Just not good as partners. When we filed the divorce paperwork she didnt ask for any of my stuff, or money or military retirement. Basically just we go our own ways with our own stuff. The only reason we havent finalized is due to busy work schedules and neither of us plan on getting remarried. She still keeps my military health insurance as well.

    So onto the baby:

    She has been wanting another child for the last year or so by a man she has been dating and she found out today she is 18 weeks pregnant. She is super excited and I guess I'm happy for her. Until I started reading that she could put me as the child's father. I dont think she would ever do it, but I still want to protect myself from a headache down the road.

    Has anyone been in a similar situation, or have advice?

    submitted by /u/puasd
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    My ex wants our dog after 6 months..

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    My ex and I split up at the end of January. I got a puppy for us 2 Christmases before. She moved back to Idaho and I am in Alabama. I told her she had 2 months to come back and get him. I hadn't heard anything from her since she left, not even to check up on the dog, and then 4 months later she says she coming to get him. A month later, she shows up unannounced, hiding in the woods trying to steal the dog. Long story short, she got away before the police could get there. We have a case number and if she comes back, she will be arrested for trespassing. Now, she is threatening to take me to court. Does she have any legal standing as far as getting custody of him?

    submitted by /u/kjdw15
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    OR- Employee attempting to be fired to get unemployment.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I have an employee who has openly stated to multiple coworkers that they are trying to be fired, as the COVID-19 unemployment benefits were significant. Their attempts have included- neglecting tasks, throwing away company supplies, lying about said supplies, and pushing the boundaries of the dress code.

    This employee had a negative performance evaluation right before our store was forced to temporarily close in March. The improvements outlined were all attitude based due to poor secret shopper results and employee complaints.

    I was tasked with writing a performance improvement plan, but it's clear that they're going to continue to try to be fired.

    What are our options moving forward? I don't know much about employment law outside of basic standards, but this feels like a "tread lightly" scenario, as they've been litigious in a previous position after being fired for attitude issues and being denied unemployment. Looking to cover the bases.

    submitted by /u/throwtheusernameout
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    Can a car lot hold a car I bought? After signing the title over and signing a bill of sale?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I live in Eugene Oregon. I bought a car 3 weeks ago from a used car lot. It used to be their work truck, so it is in the car lots name on the title. They said I couldn't take the car off the lot until the title has been transferred (usually they would send me to the DMV and get it done in the same day, but due to covid I had to send it though the mail, it will take 8-9 weeks just to get processed). Is it legal for them to hold the car for 8-9 weeks until the title gets transfered? My coworker says the car is technically a stolen vehicle at this point (I paid for it, they signed away the title, gave me a bill of sale, I even have insurance on it now). I'm worried about parts getting stolen off it, them not starting it up for weeks on end, and the fact I'll be paying 400+$ in insurance before I can even drive it.

    submitted by /u/coppermagic
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    Unsupervised kids and dog in yard

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    We recently moved in to a new house and are having a constant issue with two very young kids and their dog. The kids (guessing 5-6 and 8-9) come outside to play and bring their puppy with them. The issue is that they let the puppy run off-leash and it constantly gets through our fence in our yard then the kids open the gate and come into our yard. We like to let our dog roam in the front, but any time she is outside the puppy would come, squeeze through the fence and the children will follow. Even when we were sitting outside and asked them not to come in the fence and we would retrieve their dog. They just disregard us and come in anyway.

    Our dog is very nice but likes to jump, especially when she sees little dogs or kids. So we just don't want these kids wandering freely through our yard (plus I've been picking up poop that is very obviously not my dogs in my fenced in yard). We've asked nicely (and now sternly) for them to keep the dog leashed. They responded that their mom "doesn't like leashes" and they don't have a leash. We eventually gave them a leash. I've asked to talk to their parents and they tell me they either aren't home or that their parents are sleeping (at noon). I've never seen an adult, and they live in an apartment so I'm not sure where their parents are.

    We are tired of reprimanding and trying to reason with these random kids but don't know what the reasonable next step is.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit. We live in Northern Utah

    submitted by /u/manditoryusername
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    [Landlord Tenant Housing] Tenant refusing to pay rent

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I'm a landlord for an apartment building in Cincinnati, OH. I have a tenant who is refusing to pay rent. The tenant claims they have legal reasons to do so, however, nowhere in the lease agreement is there a clause that states a tenant may refuse to pay rent. Am I allowed to go ahead and proceed with eviction notices, as well as demand my rent?

    This all started when the tenant claimed there were cockroaches and bedbugs throughout the apartment and they would not agree to pay rent until I got the place treated. I ordered an inspection through an extermination company and they found no evidence of active bedbugs and only oriental roaches (which are not the harmful German cockroaches). The inspector said there is no need for any further treatment. However, the tenant is still withholding rent. I have carefully reviewed the lease agreement and found nothing that would allow the tenant to withhold rent even if there were bugs, but I wanted to come here and ask for advice before proceeding. Is there anything legally stopping me from getting my rent or taking further action?

    First time poster, if more details are required please let me know

    submitted by /u/Landlord--throwaway
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    Ex-Girlfriend from 6 years ago telling people I beat and raped her, what do I do?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Throwaway, as you can see.

    Six years ago I broke up with a girl that used to regularly hit me, call me names, gaslight me, and just overall would play with my emotions by doing things like pretending she was pregnant briefly "just to see how I'd react" and a whole bunch of other nonsense. I broke up with her when, after 3 years of this (yes I know) she called me "retarded" when I called to tell her I'd be driving back home from Boston a little later than planned. It seems like a little thing but I couldn't take it anymore and I just snapped. It was a very messy break but I had a lot of good friends help me through it. At one point she came to my college campus looking for me and made a huge scene, which was the beginning of this problem.

    It's been a long time since then and I now have a girlfriend of 5 years that I am absolutely in love with. She's strong, supportive and has helped me get over past trauma. My ex is still looking for "closure" and will consistently find new avenues to try to get in contact with me, popping up in my life when I've just about forgotten about her. My girlfriend is aware of this and has even told my ex to leave me alone herself. I refuse to engage with my ex and I know that's driving her crazy.

    Over the years she's posted op-eds (she wants to be a journalist) about her abusive ex that gave her an eating disorder, was always cheating, etc. None of that is true but I can't prove it, I never really cared to because it's over and I know what happened there. The accusations were also never anything huge like rape, and she also never named me by name. She also had revealed to me that when she was young she was sexually abused by a family member and that's always made me pity and excuse a lot of her actions, which is partially why I didn't break up with her sooner and also why I've let her get away with this for so long.

    But that changed today when she randomly messaged an acquaintance we both know from back home, who then sent it to her friend who then sent it to one of my good friends who sent it to me. The message claims that I raped and physically abused her. Again, I can't prove this didn't happen just as much as she can't prove it happened, but as I ignore her she keeps escalating and I don't want her messaging anyone at my company or trying to get me fired or anything.

    I don't want to confront her directly because, and I know this may sound silly to some, I just break down when I'm talking to her. The one time she got through to me via phone (she used someone else's number I hadn't blocked) I immediately fell apart upon hearing her voice. She was so verbally abusive that I just can't do it anymore.

    I'm the guy in this situation and I just don't know what to do. I don't think I can ignore this anymore because it's getting worse, but I feel like if I bring this to light I'm just going to look like the bad guy even if she has no proof, and I think she knows that. None of my friends or family believe her because they know what she's like, but I really worry about the future, like f I start my own business which I've been saving up for and she tries to ruin it.

    How do I go about legally getting her to stop doing this? Should I just leave it alone?

    submitted by /u/throwaway26514
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    Custody battle against my older sister for our little sister

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    I live in California and my older sister lives in Tennessee.

    I'm going to give important background that may seem irrelevant. My two full siblings and I were adopted by our grandparents (dad's parents) and was raised by them basically our whole lives. Parents were in prison most of our lives. They also got custody of our half sister (same dad, different mom) when she was around 6-7 years old. Now she is 16, our grandma died back in 2015 and grandpa gave her up due to her being a troubled kid. She bounced around and lived with my mom, tried living with our dad, ran away a few times and was in basically juvie for a while, then she went to live with our older sister. So basically, none of our parents ever had anything to do with us and never had custody of us.

    Our older sister treated her like absolute garbage. Used her as a live in nanny for her two kids and also as a maid, and also sold drugs. She'd go on trips far away to transport/sell drugs. Little sister would end up missing school a lot and basically had straight Fs. She frequently wouldn't have anywhere to sleep since our older sister would bounce around and rent 2 bedroom houses and never got her a bed. One room for her, one room for her two kids. Random men or friends would take the couch most of the time.

    I talked my older sister into sending her here to live with me last September. She gave me a power of attorney so I could get medical for her and put her in school. Since she got here she has thrived. No more straight Fs, and hasn't really given me a problem.

    Our dad didn't like something political my little sister posted on Facebook and hopped in there calling her names, and she defended herself and called him stupid after he called her stupid. He didn't like her disrespecting him because he is her "father," even though he has never had custody of her and has never supported her in any way. I have not received any kind of child support of any kind from anyone this whole almost year I have had her. My older sister messaged me about it and told me to tell her to stop being disrespectful or she was going back to TN to live with her. Then my dad called me screaming at me and cussing me out saying he was buying her a plane ticket to go back and live with our older sister again because "I let her do what she wants." I told him I was going to go to the courthouse and file for emergency custody of her.

    I blocked them both on social media and older sister messaged me on Snapchat basically saying she's going to come here to get her soon and she will call the police dept and get her back because she technically has full custody of her. I have been asking for months for a new power of attorney because the old one expired after like 4-5 months and she just hasn't done it.

    Will she be able to take her away from me because she only gave me POA? Do I have any rights since I have been her provider for almost a year? Since she's 16 can she tell police and/or judge she wants to stay with me and not go back to TN? She has done astronomically better here with me than she has with anyone else. Does California technically have jurisdiction over her now since she has lived here for almost a year and has been going to school here with me or will TN have jurisdiction since older sister still technically has cusyody? What exactly is it I need to do?

    Also random, dad and older sister both have criminal backgrounds and drug charges (recent). I have only ever gotten a speeding ticket. Older sister recently lost custody of her children back in January due to going to jail for a few weeks.

    submitted by /u/rockishOBOI
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    I'm Unsure Whether I'm Legally Allowed to Scrape the Data from Basketball Reference or the NBA Stats Site for a School Project.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:27 AM PDT


    I am doing a project for my school computer science class in which I plan to scrape the data from either one of these sites (most likely Basketball Reference) and am unsure whether this is permitted or not. I plan on using the data to create a Discord bot which will allow the user to pull up stats, schedules, standings, etc. using commands. I would also like to release this bot for public use once I'm done.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ilikecupcakes123
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    An upset neighbor is dumping lawn waste into our planters and yard (South Dakota, USA)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Hello! I want to give a bit of backstory to our neighbors and what has lead up to this. I'm not sure if any of this is relevant, but I thought I should include it. I will have the actual question down further.


    We have lived next to our neighbors for a couple of years now, but within the last week or two they have suddenly become upset with us. They have listed a number of grievances against how we live, including:

    • Telling us that we are not allowed to have our dogs outside past 8 because the wife doesn't like them (not because they're noisy or actually bothering her, she just doesn't want them out there while she's gardening). Both dogs have bark collars on and do not bark or anything.

    • The weeds that are growing in her yard are our fault, and we need to go into her yard and pick them for her

    • Any trash that blows into her yard (Eastern South Dakota is windy as hell, trash blows into our yard as well) is ours and we need to pick it out of her yard as well

    These are the main highlights of the verbal conversations we've had with her within the last week. Some texts have been exchanged between us that are setting up times to talk, but so far everything said has been verbal.

    Legal Advice

    In "retaliation" to whatever she believes we are doing, she has now decided to dump all of her yard clippings and anything she deems "trash" into our yard on purpose, specifically into a large planter we have of wood chips to make it more difficult to clean up. I know this will probably be a city municipality thing to work with, so I have been reading the local municipal code to find something on whether or not this is illegal. My questions are as follows:

    • Is this generally an illegal thing to dump lawn clippings and "trash" into our yard?

    • What would this be called, or what should I search for in the municipal code to figure out my next course of action?

    I have been recording as much as I can to gather any evidence of her lying and doing any dumping on our property, but I just want help knowing where I should be looking for municipal codes.

    If you need any further information, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/EnadZT
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    Brother in laws parents are POS

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT


    My sister married her husband (BIL) around 2012, love marriage(means alot in our culture), they are happy but his mom is toxic as fuck, she absolutely hates my sister and makes her life a living hell, after YEARS of emotional torture my brother in law woke up and decided to tell them to get the fuck out of his house.

    His parents are refusing to leave unless they get all the money back that they claim to have provided for the house and other things etc (80,000$). I'm pissed and just learned from my mom that BIL and sister are staying at my cousins and that BIL cried last night. I'm typing this in anger before I head out to see them. My family is actually trying to come up with the 80k and I've pledged 10k (all I got in my checking).

    WITH THAT SAID I'm not a nice fucking nice person like my BIL and sister, my plan is to go and confirm that his parents aren't on the deed of the house and I'm gonna recommend he serve them an eviction notice immediately.

    PS: my sister and BIL are very successful and money isn't a problem NOW, my sister is the one that made all the payments and during the early years of the marriage she was the sole bread winner while my BIL went to school.

    Is there anything I should know before proceeding?

    submitted by /u/KobesHelicopterGhost
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