• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    In regards to looting, I've read a lot of defense about how businesses are insured, something like net zero effects on a business destroyed. To small business owners, what actually happens? small business

    In regards to looting, I've read a lot of defense about how businesses are insured, something like net zero effects on a business destroyed. To small business owners, what actually happens? small business

    In regards to looting, I've read a lot of defense about how businesses are insured, something like net zero effects on a business destroyed. To small business owners, what actually happens?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    I am assuming that even if you have insurance, simply claiming it will increase your premium and squeeze your bottomline like any other consumer insurance right? Most retail businesses whose workers you employ are also 'poor'?

    I just want to be clear:
    I am all for protest but am against looting and riots, please distinct the two.

    submitted by /u/cincopea
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    Sustainable Clothing Company

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone

    I am a young entrepreneur trying to make this world a better place with my efforts It would be really helpful if someone could please suggest me how do I go ahead with the Brand Distribution in Europe and USA as a Sustainable Clothing Startup. My company is based in India and going live as soon as the COVID-19 situation gets a bit better.

    submitted by /u/akingh4
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    Senate Passes Small Business Loan Extension

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Feedback on retainer model

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I hope you are all doing well.

    I run a small UI/UX design agency in india, and I am trying to figure out a retainer model which could work for my clients and at the same time give me consistent cashflow.

    This is the model I came up with.

    The client will basically pay me X amount of money to be available for a week every month for any work they might have. And if the work exceeds more than a week I would be charging X amount per day for each day.

    Can you guys give me some scenarios about what would work, what would not work, what issues or questions clients could potentially have about this model? Or if there are alternative models existing out there which work better?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

    submitted by /u/popoman246
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    Questions on entering a partnership

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    I have recently been proposed with the opportunity to become a partner in buying the company that I have worked the past five years for. My proposed ownership would be relatively small (10%) and my initial investment would be somewhere between $0 and $20,000. My only concern is that the loan myself and the three other partners would have to get to buy the business would require all of us to be liable for.

    I'm very new to all of this and while I'm very excited about the opportunity I am definitely nervous as. My question is, what type of professionals should I seek guidance with to make sure that I am agreeing to a good deal, and that legally I'm not putting myself at too much risk? I know there is always risk with these sorts of things but I want to make sure I'm being smart and could use help. Thanks and wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/IslandClimber
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    Is it business suicide to make a post requesting that anyone who's been to a protest not come to my place of business?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    It was one thing to tolerate a no-masker here and there, but with so many people traveling from the suburbs to the cities and back again for protests I'm very concerned about my own well-being and that of my other customers. I'm just afraid that if I made such a post it will get spun that I'm a racist and not that I'm fearful of these folks that have been coming into contact with hundreds if not thousands of other individuals. Statistically they have the highest chance of getting me, my employees, or my customers sick and shutting me down again. Which I cannot afford.

    submitted by /u/evergreenyankee
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    New guy here.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Hello guys! New guy here. How do i target people by facebook id on facebook ads manager? I have about 100 people facebook id and dont know how do i let them see my ads or post.

    submitted by /u/price8247
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    On the brink of the end

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I own a furniture company which I started a couple years ago and gradually worked it from a side gig into a full time job in february. COVID hit, you all know how that's been, and now I'm looking at the next 3 months as the potential end of my business.

    I had to have a conversation with my roommates (I split a house with my girlfriend and 2 of our good friends) about needing to work out of the garage because we can't go for the shop space we want to based on lack of projected orders. It just fucking crushed me to my core. Theres a sense of pride I had in forging my own path and learning so much along the way, and that conversation milled my dignity and pride completely. I've worked harder for this than anything in my life and the feeling of it slowly dying is shredding me inside.

    I know this is just a sob story post and maybe that's looked down on, but I just want to mostly say thank you to this sub for helping me out big time along the way. You kept me motivated to push for more and aspire to make my business more legitimate. I had no mentor or teacher and this sub has been my only lifeline. Even though it looks like my dream will be short lived, I owe a thank you to everyone here.

    I also want to say that to anyone feeling the crippling and soul wrenching depression I'm feeling can reach out to me and I'd love to talk about it. I think mental health is more important than ever and sometimes commiseration helps. Love you all and wish you success.

    submitted by /u/Omnipotent-but-lazy
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    Square application

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    I had a square account since December. I did about 3 to 4 sales. I applied for the PPP loan since last week Tuesday. I still haven't gotten a response. Is that normal?

    submitted by /u/Arrowroot777
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    Anyone with experience of pitching new business to investors?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm nearing the point where I am looking into investors for my new business. Our business is a bungee jumping company that will open a seasonal attraction in our city (Miami). The city has a clear demand for more attractions and fun, so I believe that definitely has a room for a new company.

    My question would be: What is the best way to find investors who would be interested in such a business? I know for Angel investors they usually want to be in their industry. Do you think I should look for general entertainment investors?

    We are looking for $100,000 and while the business will probably be not very profitable at the beginning it can absolutely break even within a couple years and then make a good profit in 3-5 years. I've been following some startup channels at YouTube (this is the most recent video I've watched) and was getting some info from there, but need more info and past experience on this.

    I just want to have a good start looking for the right people interested in this type of company. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/james13h
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    Client wants to convert me from 1099 to W2 for P P P. Is this fraudulent?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    I have a client who I've been 1099 contracting for (I definitely fall under the 20 point contractor vs employee questions and am not misclassified), and they're suddenly wanting to switch me to hourly W2 to use PPP funds. Is this fraudulent?

    As a current 1099, they shouldn't have included me in their loan amount. They claim they didn't and say they have PPP extra money since some of their W2 employees are refusing to return to work due to making more on UI.

    Although I realize it would be very late to apply - I'm also wondering if they do convert me if I would also be ineligible for my own PPP loan (despite having been a 1099 for the entirety of 2019)? I am also a W2 employee for another company, so I'm not sure I'd qualify for a 1099 PPP regardless.

    submitted by /u/mae890
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    How does a business run smoothly?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    There is planning (annual plan, marketing plan, product plan, operational plan, ect). There are also systems in place. Process, compliance, policies ect.

    There are two separate roles we must do. A. Business management. B. Strategy management. The strategy management do the right research, come up with strategies and create improvement plans. Business management makes sure the business performs to achieve the annual goal, and problems get solved.

    how does a single person strategize AND manage the business? Are we to really make a good system and process AND a good strategic plan so those two things does the brunt of the work. Then we go in and make sure things are done how it should?

    submitted by /u/Putrid-Excitement
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    I want the best chance of my books or online content to sell overseas, in countries such as Japan, what are my chances and where should I start?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    I'm helping out a client, she has online stores in Kindle USA and the UK. But she feels like her stories and books might be a good seller overseas, does it depend on the topic or niche? She's telling me that her niche in which some are erotica and some virtual coloring books are well-liked in places like Japan.

    Not only we need to translate the work (I've got that started) but I know no one in Japan. Do I just start emailing Japanese book stores if they would be interested? Present a portfolio of my client and then hope for the best?

    Has anyone tried breaking out in the overseas playground, if so, what are some useful tips?

    submitted by /u/raynorpreneur
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    Offering health benefits as a small business owner - questions

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I run a small business in Southern California. I have 1 full time employee, and a part timer. The full time employee is starting to ask about benefits. My understanding from relatives, and working other jobs myself, is that often time the amount you pay through an employer is close to what you would pay going off on your own (this was especially true for someone close to me that I convinced to leave their employer plan and join a similar plan through an insurance agency)

    I do want to be fair to my employees, but at the same time, we're a very small business so I have to watch finances.

    Anyone have an idea of what to expect as far as expenses go when it comes to offering employee benefits? Does it end up really being a big bonus for them?

    submitted by /u/Defiant-Strawberry
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    How to scale my blacksmith/knifemaking business?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Longtime follower, first time poster.

    I work full-time as a Mechanical Engineer but I'm feeling my enthusiasm draining as my side-hustle/business is taking off. I've been blacksmithing and making knives for years, but the last couple years have yielded some huge growth and I'm approaching a position where I have no more time to give my business. Eventually I'd like to quit and do this full time, but I'm having trouble building that bridge. Hopefully someone here might be able to give some advice in how to grow without adding time.

    Staff and labor:
    Just me at about 10-15hrs a week. I do all customer interaction, design, smithing, sharpening, sheath making, etc. For events I'll usually enlist the help of my wife and a friend for setup and running the booth, but 95% of it is on me. A lot of what I do is hard to delegate; forging blades is inherently difficult and can't be outsourced and much of the customer interaction is difficult without having a deep understanding of the process.

    My core product is hand forged knives of all types- hunting/camping/fishing/survival/kitchen/fighting/historical, swords, etc. I make each piece myself from bar steel to finished piece. My knives generally cost between $100-$300 apiece. I also make and sell camping and outdoor equipment like Ferro rods, flint/steel kits, small survival kits, etc which has helped me to expand my product line without significantly increasing my hours worked.

    Customers and engagement:
    I've made blades for Soldiers, chefs, survivalists, reenactors, and enthusiasts. I have great success at any celtic/renaissance festival but also at more typical art/craft shows; I usually do about one per month. I have a website and a strong social media presence, but my engaging with customers face to face is really where I build strong relationships and gain long-term customers. I often bring a portable forge and do demonstrations at events which people seem to love.

    Here's where we get into the details. The goal here is to build this into a 6-figure business eventually, but right now the number to beat is $80k (my full time pre-tax salary). I have no expenses outside of materials because I do all my work out of my house. Here's a breakdown of what I usually bring in monthly:

    • Custom orders- $1500
    • Pre-stock orders- $500
    • Events and festivals- $1000-$5000 depending on the event (obviously zero now because of COVID)

    I'm trying to grow income so I can increase income to my full-time salary so my entry into self-employment has as little turbulence as possible. A few ideas:

    • Increase production and sales of low cost-high sale items like fire starters and pre-made items
    • Reduce production of low-profit items like custom silverware, gate hardware, etc.
    • "Hire" my wife to do more stuff like registering for festivals and engaging with businesses.

    I'm hoping some of you may have ideas as to how I might more effectively grow this business and build it into something profitable and sustainable that doesn't require me to work 80/hrs a week to keep it afloat. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/bes5318
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    Buying Ingredients From a Store and Selling the Final Product - legally

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Hello, I was wondering about the legality of starting a business selling let's say, macarons. If I were to go to the grocery store to get the ingredients I needed to make the products would I legally be able to sell the final product on a website?

    Would I need to go to a wholesale or find a contract somewhere to get those ingredients?

    I'm in Minnesota by the way. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lint_Warrior
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    Best PC/Server Backup Solution

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for the best PC/SERVER backup solution. I'm fairly techy, but getting lost at some websites. Basically narrowed it down to Azure (does this back up Windows 10 PC?), Carbonite, drive or BackBlaze. Need to back up 3 PC's and 1 Windows Server.

    Microsoft has great support for Office and feels like it's the safe bet, but I'm unsure if it covers backing up PC's AND so confused on their pricing.

    For the other solutions, they have so many complaints. Unsure if it's just unhappy people or legitimate concerns, but I definitely don't want a cheap backup solution and not be able to get my backups when I need.

    Any insight greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/zris92
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    Question about contacting large corporations

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    So I posted earlier on this subreddit and a piece of advice I received was too contact big corporations to find out information on suppliers and distributors. How would I word my contact request? Do I just ask for distributor information? Any help would be apprecriated

    submitted by /u/cloud44049
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    18 year old business owner

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I want to own my own business, and then one day my own personal corporation. I want to start my own lawn care business. What advice do any of you have on where to begin. How to manage. And how to sell me service. Any help is good help.

    submitted by /u/markbiltz
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    To those who boyght a gym or massage spa in past six months?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Edit: Cant change the title typo sorry.

    How are you guys dealing with everything that happened? Especially gyms that are high capital investment in the beginning. Has it ruined you financially? Are you planning to sail through? What have you learned from the experience.

    submitted by /u/Wheninvancouver
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    Is there any reliable, timely way to ship packages from the US to India in 2020?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    I'm shipping robot parts and have done so in the past but seem to regularly have issues. I seem to remember trying DHL, FedEx and UPS with varying delays both in shipping and customs up to two months. These are small repair shipments, nothing that requires anything special.

    I expect Covid, curfews and the death of air travel will not help the situation. Does anyone have suggestions for a reliable method they've used recently?

    submitted by /u/BigSlowTarget
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    Changing to appointment only, how should I manage Google, Yelp, FB, etc for hours information? Additional ideas on making that pivot.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Hoping to get some insight from people running appointment only businesses and others pivoting to the same model.

    In looking at changing or Google Mybusiness page, I don't see a clear answer on how to designate a business as appointment only. Pre-Covid we had regular shop hours but the reopening plan calls for us to be appointment only now, plus we wanted to move to this model anyhow.

    Either way, I would just love to hear how people have utilized listing services and social media business pages in purely an appointment based manner.

    We already have a set process to direct everyone to our website for inquiries, so it won't disrupt how we work per se. But I'm just not sure how to make that definite public change, from a well known open to the public shop, to appointment only.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheNTurn
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    Workers’ Comp expense for covid claims could fall on employers.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Bank of America fail! (Existing loan excuse)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    It has been 9 weeks since I applied for the PPP. At 8 weeks, SBA checks my credit. Just over 24 hours later I get an email from Bank of America stating that SBA declined my application because I had an existing PPP loan. I did not apply elsewhere and do not have a PPP loan elsewhere. Frankly I feel that this is the latest tactic that Bank of America is using to put people off. Anyone else not applied elsewhere and had this problem with Bank of America?

    submitted by /u/BizzieLizzie1
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