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    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    Can a Google maps timeline prove I wasn't there at the time of the "accident"? Insurance

    Can a Google maps timeline prove I wasn't there at the time of the "accident"? Insurance

    Can a Google maps timeline prove I wasn't there at the time of the "accident"?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    I was called by Geico today saying that I backed up into someone on June 3rd, 2020. Only problem is I did not leave my house that day. My dad left the house with my car to buy cigarettes but this was earlier in the day and he said nothing happened.

    This freaked me out, but I checked my Google maps timeline for June 3rd and it shows I was at home the whole day, will this help? The investigator comes back to his office at Monday and will reach out to me then.

    Edit: I'm sorry everyone, my piece of shit Dad admitted to it despite him and my mom being the first ones to know. Turns out the accident wasn't at 8P.M. but at 5:30 P.M. when he went to the drug store.

    submitted by /u/LordModlyButt
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    Shady Car Dealarship

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    This story ended up being way longer than I intended. TL;DR at the bottom.

    I used to be an insurance agent, and this is a story that happened with one of my clients a couple of years ago.

    Names have been changed to protect identities.

    The agency that I used to be with was located in a small, older community. A large amount of my clients were not very well-educated, but I always took the extra time out to explain things to them in laymen's terms.

    I never let a client buy a policy from me unless they fully understood all of their coverages and limits of their policies.

    One client in particular, Sam, was special needs. He lived with his girlfriend Sarah (also special needs) and their friend Jim who seemed to also be special needs but slightly more functional than Sam and Sarah.

    Sam, Sarah, and Jim were perpetually broke. They often had to walk everywhere because they were often without a working car. (I would see them walk past my office because the house they rented was nearby).

    Sam was the only one who actually had an auto insurance policy with me.

    Sam would often buy beaters to drive because that was all he could afford, but they would only last for a couple of months at a time before it would break down and he would have to get another car.

    Sam trusted me because he knew I had his best interests at heart. It took me three times as long to explain anything to Sam than it did my other clients, but I didn't mind because he deserves to know what he's buying.

    One Monday, Sam comes in with yet another new-to-him car. I was happy for Sam but also curious because this car seemed like a much better car than Sam had bought in the past.

    It was still a used car, but it was only a few years old instead of the 13+ years old cars that Sam would typically buy.

    Sam had bought the car over the weekend when my office was closed, so he called into my company's after hours service to have it put on.

    I internally groaned because I hated the after hours service. They often did not know what they were doing and messed up a lot of things that I would have to go back in and fix.

    Sam wanted to make sure things were done right so he came in and asked me to check everything for him.

    I ask him for all his papers to double check the VIN was entered in correctly, etc.

    As I'm looking through the paperwork, I immediately notice several things are off.

    1. The car was being financed, and the interest rate was stupid high.

    2. The car was being sold to Sam for probably 1.5xs what it was actually worth.

    3. The car wasn't in Sam's name!!

    I didn't comment on the first two because frankly, it's none of my business as his insurance agent.

    The car was in Jim's name, but the car was put onto Sam's auto policy with the after hours service.

    I explained to Sam and Jim that they can't do that because Sam does not have an insurable interest in Jim's car.

    Sam said, "Yeah, that's what I thought, but the dealership told me it was okay and I could do that."

    I wanted to give the dealership the benefit of the doubt and told Sam, "They might not know that, but that is why there are insurance professionals. If you have questions about insurance, always ask a professional because that is what they are trained and licensed to do."

    I then explained the only thing I could really do was to quote Jim for his own auto policy. Jim said sure.

    I ask Jim for his license so I could start quoting him his own policy. That is when Jim tells me that he doesn't have a license. He never has. He only has a state ID.


    What. Even.

    I said sorry and explained that I can't sell Jim a car insurance policy if he doesn't have a valid license.

    That was when the whole story came out and Sam and Jim told me about how they went into a car dealership for Sam to look at cars.

    Sam didn't qualify for financing, so that was when the dealership told them that they could put the car in Jim's name and finance it through Jim.

    Now Sam and Jim knew from the many hours they spent with me in my office that I can only put cars onto Sam's policy that have Sam's name on them.

    (He previously tried to put his mom's car on, and I walked him through the steps he needed to take to get it donated into his name, etc before I could add it on.)

    So when the dealership presented this, Sam and Jim said, "Well Sam's insurance agent said we can't do that."

    This fucking car dealership told them I didn't know what I was doing and to not tell me about this car.

    They instructed Sam to call in to our after hours service to add the car on and not tell them that it was in Jim's name and not Sam's!!

    I was gob-smacked. Could the dealership really be that incompetent?

    I broke it down for Sam and Jim and further explained that I can't insure this car for them, and that I doubt they could really get it insured with any car insurance company because Jim didn't have a driver's license.

    They asked what they could do, and I suggested going back to the dealership to see if they could add Sam's name to the car, and that would be the only way I could add the car to Sam's policy.

    They left my office and immediately went to the car dealership. They were back a couple of hours later with Sam's old car that he had traded in with a whole new story to tell me.

    It was worse than what I thought. The dealership wasn't just incompetent, they were downright predatory. They knew exactly what they were doing.

    When Sam and Jim came back to try and see if they could fix the financing, the dealership said they couldn't do that because Sam's credit disqualified them from all loans.

    The dealership then told Sam, "Why did you go back to your insurance agent? We told you NOT to tell her we were doing this."

    They conned the shit out of Sam and Jim because they knew that they were special needs and thought they could get away with it if they Sam and Jim not to tell anyone else what they were doing.

    They were doing things that were not only mortally reprehensible, they were knowingly doing things that were illegal!

    Sam and Jim ended up canceling the sale and took Sam's car back.


    Shady car dealership took advantage of my special needs client Sam and sold him a car and put the car under his friend Jim's name to qualify for financing.

    Jim (also special needs) did not have a driver's license and therefore did not qualify for any auto policies.

    The dealership then instructed them to circumvent me, the insurance agent, and call into an after hours service to illegally add Jim's car to Sam's policy.

    submitted by /u/anoninsom
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    ������������������ ���������� ����������

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮 𝗗𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 I'm buying a Lexus 250 the years a 2007., I'm a 19 year old man and a first time driver . I'm taking a driver course to lower my rates as well . However , I was wondering if anyone had the best " bang for your buck" looking into and I as far as pricing, customer service and overall coverage to your car.

    Please feel free to share any personal experience :)

    submitted by /u/TRAINREKTD
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    Medical Claim

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    First off, my apologies if not posting in the right place.

    Long story short (still long, sorry):

    Got involved in a not at fault accident involving 15-20 cars. Went to the hospital to get checked out, everything's good. I get slapped with a $2600 medical bill. My insurance had an already open auto claim and have squared me away in that aspect.

    However, they also opened a medical claim without me asking for it, and have told me my policy statements ($2500 reimbursement and 80% of the OT I lost that day). However they seem to be threatening by stating if I don't take this within 2 weeks they're going to revoke the claim and I can't go back and reopen it.

    The kicker is the police report for the main accident finally got released (2 weeks later) but my insurance is having issues getting it and asked me to. Apparently it's gonna take 45-60 business days to get it. So my insurance doesn't know who the other guys insurance is that was at fault.

    My questions are:

    Should I go through my insurance and get the medical bill paid

    If I do, will my monthly rate go up

    Should I just stick it out for that long wait period and then go after the guys insurance (assuming my insurance won't)

    I appreciate your feedback!

    EDIT: location - US, TX

    submitted by /u/Krynvel_Hat
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    State farm input wrong vin

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Was looking for different insurance so I copied the vin from my insurance i.d and the website was saying invalid vin because it was supposed to be 17 letters long i when to check car and Its missing one number will the DMV send me a letter because they input wrong vin and it will show that my vin wasn't insured?

    Live in Texas. Its been almost half a year.

    submitted by /u/throwawoy374629
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    I just paid my vehicle registration in Nevada but am now moving. They offer no refunds. Can I get insurance in another state while maintaining my registration in NV for the next 11 months?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    I just paid $1500 for two vehicles in Nevada. I didn't find out until two days ago that I was going to be moving (family circumstances).

    The issue is that Nevada does not offer refunds for "non" residents.

    Rather than pay another registration, my plan is to keep my NV registration wherever I go. If I'm ever questioned I'll just say I'm visiting.

    The issue I'm somewhat concerned about is if I get into an accident. Will that be an issue? (If I keep my insurance in Nevada but get into an accident in, say Kentucky).

    This is obviously all a moot point if the answer is "yes" that I'm able to have insurance in one state and registration in another.


    submitted by /u/woodhavenapherical
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    Had a question

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    What is a good affordable insurance provider that covers Health, Dental, Vision, and Pregnancy

    submitted by /u/Sanchez2093
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    New Jersey PUA questions

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Not sure if this belongs on this sub, but I am just looking for advice/opinions from as many people as possible. I am a full time college student who normally works during the summer. I cannot safely travel to my work because of COVID-19. My question is if I qualify for PUA benefits? The last time I worked was the summer of 2019. Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/hotback82
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    Difference in insurance between 2WD and 4WD?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I'm just getting liability but how big is the difference between 2 wheel drives and 4 wheel drives?

    I'm in georgia.

    submitted by /u/_blnk_0000
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    Can my parents refuse to drop me from health insurance

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I do not desire to be on their plan. Can they refuse to drop me from their plan?

    submitted by /u/justhelp17
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    Old home flat roof insurance claim NYC

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Mothers flat Roof is about 15+ years old and done. We have tried patching it up and has helped but water is still getting into roof attic but not into the second floor( sealed up for now). During the summer when it rains you can smell all the mold and dampness as soon as you open the front door. All the rain water that passes through the roof and gets into the attic. I received a quote from some roofers and i was told $14-15k for a new roof. As a repair would cost half and only last about 4-5 years. Is it possible the insurance(Progressive) will cover the roof replacement or any at least? I have the insurance adjusters this week.

    Any help would be great.

    submitted by /u/brooklyn2k
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    She didn’t take fault

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    So I'll keep it short. I was driving in the right lane and a lady drove across 4 lanes into my lane and I had a decision to hit the car or try to avoid a collision. I did the latter and got her insurance etc. not sure if the police issued her a ticket or not but after a few days her Insurense said she was not at fault. I had to claim an accident under my insurance to get things fixed(hopped a curb and hit a poll). Is there anything I can do to get things as they should be. Not sure if I'll be able to go after her in small claims. Any help would be nice.


    submitted by /u/itsnotlando
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    Not-at-fault party requested no claim to be filed.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Curious one here and I don't get it. My partner was in an minor fender bender and they were at-fault. The Not-At-Fault party was really incensed over the damage even though it's entirely cosmetic, and requested that my partner pay without insurance. My partner agreed to it at the scene if costs were "reasonable" which I think was a mistake, but they're stressin and I don't want to make their anxiety worse.

    Any idea why the Not-At-Fault party would make such a request? It seems fishy to me but maybe I'm just ignorant.

    EDIT: This is in Illinois, for the bot.


    submitted by /u/DanHazard
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    Want to consolidate multiple homes and car policies

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Got in this position incrementally but want to make things easier to manage post retirement. Any suggestions? We have homes and cars in NC and FL.

    submitted by /u/gekisme
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    Can my parents refuse to drop me from health insurance

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I do not desire to be on their plan. Can they refuse to drop me from their plan?

    submitted by /u/justhelp17
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    [Los Angeles, CA] Employer chose to run my payroll through my STD & LTD, now requests wages back from state disability - some concerns

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    TLDR: Been receiving more than 100% of wages due employer choosing to pay with additional from state disability during STD & LTD. Concerns about how I would pay the extra wage back, and legalities around it.

    Hey all,

    Going to break down the situation quickly here. I am aware that I might need to seek legal consult, but also feel general crowd-sourced advice might be helpful.

    • Had a surgery at the beginning of the year and have been on medical leave since then for recuperation.
    • I've registered for STD, LTD and state disability from the guidance of my employee benefits coordinator.
    • State benefits was registered to be as integrated / coordinated with employer.
    • My employer chose to pay me my full salary through STD duration and part of LTD duration.
    • I am entitled to 100% of my wages during the STD period per my employee benefits package.
    • I am entitled to 60% of my wages during the LTD period per my employee benefits package.
    • Employer reaches out recently to ask about payback of wages during STD and LTD periods.

    I understand that I have been receiving more than 100% of wages due to full wage chosen to be provided by my employer with additional from state disability. I am willing to cooperate to do what it takes to receive only my fair share of wages.

    My concerns are as follows:

    • Since I am entitled to and was provided 100% of my wages during STD duration, it seems like a solution would be providing to my employer the state disability payments.
      • What is the legality of this? There is a concern if I get audited by the state, it will show that I'll have been provided full wages plus state disability payments. If I pay my employer these wages, and somehow get audited and the state requests these funds, would I be in a situation to pay the state disability payments back to the state too?
    • Another solution would be to go through the state disability over-payment process and provide the state disability payments back to the state.
      • This SEEMS like the safer alternative, as my employer has fulfilled their contractual benefits obligations. It would then be up to me to provide the state their funds back.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/dBxuAHsWAtTMoZYE
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    Turned 26 and missed the health insurance enrollment deadline at work. What now?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:56 PM PDT


    I'll start off by saying this is 100% my fault and I'm not blaming my employer or the benefits company for my situation below.

    I turned 26 at the end of April and subsequently aged out of my parents' health insurance plan. My employer has great health benefits and offers 100% insurance coverage.

    However, I had done some research online leading up to my birthday and read I would have 60 days before & after turning 26 to enroll in a new insurance plan... I put off enrolling until Mon 6/1.

    TriNet — the benefits company — said their special enrollment period is actually only 30 days and I missed the deadline by 1 day. I was told to submit a benefits appeal for any chance of getting coverage and would hear back in 15-60 days.

    I still have not heard any word back after submitting my appeal and am becoming worried about not having insurance as I have one prescription for a non-life threatening condition which needs refills every 3 mo.

    I am still finding conflicting info online and followed up with a TriNet customer service rep today but their response was simply:

    "The regulations are set by the US government and TriNet must be compliant with the law. If we could provide you a 60-day timeframe to submit your Life Status Change after aging out of your parents' insurance plan, we would absolutely do so. That is not the information the United States government has transmitted to TriNet. Your benefit appeal will take up to 60 days to be received and either approved or denied."

    My questions are:

    1. What is the typical outcome in these scenarios?
    2. Who makes the final decision about my benefits appeal — Trinet or my employer?
    3. What are my options going forward given the appeal is rejected? I love my job and employer but am willing to pursue a new job/company if it means losing health insurance until October.

    Thanks so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/hdubbb
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    if someone opens their car door into another car they’re at fault right?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I was driving down a residential road and someone didn't look before opening their car door. It smashed my car so bad that it's not very smart to drive it. Her insurance is making it sound like it was my fault... but it is hers right? What do I need to do to make sure she is found at fault, I really don't want to have to pay for something when I didn't do anything wrong.

    submitted by /u/okivegreenblanket
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    Help disputing medical bill

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Is an eye/physical exam ever required when obtaining auto insurance?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Long story short, my grandfather has had his car insurance provider for 50+ years and now needs to change. He has a clean record. He's nervous that the new insurance provider will require him to get some kind of eye test or physical. Has anyone heard of this happening?

    Edit: Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/enthusiastic4few
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    Can my fiance get insurance on a car in my name without me on the policy?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    I was recently gifted a car under the stipulation that it remains in my name only. I already have a new car, and I am going to continue driving it while my fiance takes the gifted car as the new car has a better safety rating and I am the primary driver for our children.

    We were calling for quotes and it is around $60 extra a month to have both of us on the policy instead of just him. We are both 26 and have no tickets/accidents. I don't think we have ever swapped cars, so I don't see a need to be on the policy unless it's necessary.

    Is it possible to get the insurance in his name only? Our other cars policy is under both of our names, and we have a homeowners insurance policy together if it matters.

    This is in Ohio.


    submitted by /u/fossilfinderq
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    Car crash statement (Connecticut)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Ok. So I think this is the right sub to post this

    Yesterday I got in my first car crash (fender bender. They rear ended me). I got a call from the other person's insurance company asking for a statement. I missed their call though.

    I'm calling them back as soon as I can, I'm just wondering what I should say to the insurance company. I've written down some information I think is relevant: Who was in my car, where the crash happened, my car model, my insurance, and what happened. Is that enough? Is that too little? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am freaking out a little lol

    Update that nobody asked for: Everything went perfectly fine. I wasn't at fault and I was overthinking a ton lol Thank you all so much for your advice

    submitted by /u/ImACoolPersonLol
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    How to become an auto insurance agent?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I would like to pursue a career in the auto insurance field, eventually opening my own agency. How can I become an agent with out a college degree? I will be attending college for a business degree following my achievement of my property and casualty license. I currently reside in Nashville, TN.

    submitted by /u/Tam_sofine
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    Insurance policy advice

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:32 AM PDT


    I am starting a business where I teach people how to skateboard in Florida and online. I am talked to an insurance agent who gave me these 5 options in my insurance application:

    10k accident insurance

    25k accident insurance

    1,000,000.00 Per Occurrence / $1,000,000.00 Aggregate

    $1,000,000.00 Per Occurrence / $3,000,000.00 Aggregate

    $1,000,000.00 Per Occurrence / $4,000,000.00 Aggregate

    $1,000,000.00 Per Occurrence / $5,000,000.00 Aggregate

    I am just starting so I have no idea how big my customer base is going to be, but I expect between 5-20 students at anytime when I get this going. What do you guys think is the best option for a business like mine?

    submitted by /u/Slowmotionfro
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