• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    PSA: When you open an LLC people try and scam ya about Labor Posters. small business

    PSA: When you open an LLC people try and scam ya about Labor Posters. small business

    PSA: When you open an LLC people try and scam ya about Labor Posters.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I recently opened another LLC. As always, I started getting a lot of official looking letters around regulations for my business. The one that looks the most official is the need for labor posters. What the document looks like.

    It talks about audits and being out of compliance. Along with that it talks about the urgency about what date to mail back by.

    Being a single member LLC, I do not need anything of the sort. Please note the @gmail.com account. Gov't agencies will not use gmail.

    If you need labor posters please educate yourself via US Dept of Labor eLaw poster quiz.

    submitted by /u/thespiceraja
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    Won a sweet bid and wanted to share.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Just won an almost 30k contract with a public university that sets up a no bid situation for future additions. It's been very slow and this is a big win for me. My business turned a year old this month and I'm so excited. I've been selling for years for larger companies and decided I could sell it myself and while I've had several wins this year this is the biggest institution I've been able to win so far.

    submitted by /u/frailtank
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    Can you give feedback on my startup website – targeting small business owners?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    I just launched my startup, and I'd love your feedback. We're the easiest way for a small business to create (and run!) a local commercial. I come from the advertising world and know how hard it can be to go through the whole process of creating and running a commercial, so I'm trying to create an accessible way for anyone to do the whole thing in just a few clicks.

    Specific things I'd love feedback on include:

    - The problem I'm solving, do small business owners want an easy way to make and run a super-targeted local commercial?

    - The Product (MVP launched, more coming soon)

    - Pricing

    - Messaging

    - Website

    - Anything you think I could learn from that I may be missing.

    Please don't hold back! I sincerely want your honest feedback; I'd rather hear it directly from you now than indirectly from the market over time. Here's a link to our website: https://www.tryneighborhood.com/

    P.S. I know r/smallbusiness is for questions; if there's a more appropriate subreddit for this please let me know.

    submitted by /u/TryNeighborhood
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    What virtual phone number provider can you recommend with this usage

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:59 AM PDT


    What we are looking for:

    - One UK mobile virtual number that will be used by three different people.

    - We want to receive and send calls via android application.

    Can you recommend some?

    Thanks for your help and have a beautiful day.

    submitted by /u/Kecidit
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    Q: Client wants to hire another consultant to review our work. Should we walk away? Isn't that insulting?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    I run a small web design and development agency. We're mid-way through the design and copywriting work for this small medical practitioner and he wants to send our work over to another consultant that does the same thing as us for review.

    Of course that person is going to find all sorts of things to do and change -- what are they supposed to do to earn their money?

    Am I wrong in thinking that's insulting? To be clear, I'm not new at this -- we've been doing this for 15 years. I've never had someone who wanted to hire yet another cook for the kitchen. I don't view this any different than if you hired an electrician to rewire your house and then you found another electrician at the same time to check up on the first person.

    (Edit) - Also worth noting so far all feedback from him has been positive.

    submitted by /u/jlharter
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    PSA: When you file a trademark or patent people try and scam you about filing in other countries

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    This post is piggy-backing off the previous post in this subreddit:

    PSA: When you open an LLC people try and scam ya about Labor Posters.

    submitted by /u/BulkaZmaslem
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    Any Non US resident was able to get US PayPal account using LLC?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    Is it possible to signup for paypal without having permanent address in USA and utility Bills on my name for that address. Were you able to get paypal account being a non US resident?


    submitted by /u/insanitywanted
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    Sticking with it

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    When you first started your business did you ever get negative thoughts about your idea? I'm struggling sticking with things because I start thinking things like "this is a really dumb idea", "no one is gonna use this and I'll have wasted my time working on it for nothing", etc. I know it's counterproductive to think this way but I can't seem to help it. I'm wondering if this is common or if this is something I need to address maybe with therapy or something else to boost my self confidence.

    submitted by /u/ladidadi82
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    Your feedback/stories can help us improve social interactions online

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    We'll soon launch an open social platform (will be open sourced) that we believe can greatly improve the connection with your customers and your audience. You no longer need a third party to manage your relationships and require you to post ads just to reach them.

    Today, I'll be glad to talk with you about the things you don't like about the social platforms you use, so we can try to address them.

    What is the #1 thing you dislike and want to be fixed/improved when building customer relations online?

    If you are interested in our vision and solution you can check it out at https://about.dotsmesh.com/

    submitted by /u/ivopetkov
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    Bankruptcy During Covid

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've shared our companies struggles on a few of these threads. So some of you may have an idea, but we are a trucking carrier. Since covid, we have been running at about 40% due to Automotive shutdowns, rates plummeting, and some workforce issues.

    2019 was a horrible year for trucking, but we were ok, so covid isn't the only nail in the coffin, but it will be the final.

    We will default on an sba loan of 370k and unsecured debt of 150k or so. I'm resigned to this fact and have talked to a few attorneys and done research into bankruptcy. In the end it could be worse, but I was wondering about how covid might change it.

    Many companies are going to go under, in turn many individuals will be filing for bankruptcy to discharge the debt, it is a fact at this point. Covid will cause hundreds of thousands of personal bankruptcies. I feel as if bankruptcies caused by covid should be handled differently, especially when sba loans are involved with the hundreds of billions being thrown around. Maybe don't take my only asset, the home. Perhaps, lower the amount of time it is on your credit score? Obviously I'm biased, but it will sting a bit when the sba calls in their second mortgage on my home and start foreclosure proceedings, after watching major corporations and universities like Harvard receiving tens of millions of dollars in funding.

    Again, I am aware I am bias, but I know I won't be the only one saying my business got Corona'd.

    submitted by /u/nickmoski
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    Online services

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys I've recently bulk downloaded a load of resources for my side business (English tutoring). I'm looking for a service that will go through the files, rename them and then put them into separate folders based on the content.

    I was wondering if anyone knows where to find someone to get this done, as it's far too time consuming and tedious for me.


    submitted by /u/Dme1663
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    How much do you pay your accountant?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    How did you find them? Do they take care of everything or charge per item?

    I'm in need of an accountant so want to gauge what others are doing.

    submitted by /u/justmg88
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    Cross Border Insurance: Do I need it if I don't have a warehouse in America (Canadian Seller)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:02 PM PDT


    I been selling in Canada for a while.

    I recently setup a new corporation for selling online in America (on a number of websites not only Amazon). I'm paying ~$1500 CAD a year for this new corporation to be insured within Canada (2mill liability)

    But I asked for American insurance, but I was quoted an extra $5000 CAD a year WTF ? Is this normal? For Canadian sellers selling in USA, how much are you guys paying, and how can I get this rate down? Is it normal? Any reccomendations on insurance providers?

    Do I need this if I don't have a warehouse in America? Essentially, I'm just exporting the goods? But selling online to consumers essentially

    submitted by /u/csc3hunna
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    If you were given $1 million to invest in your business today, what would you do with it?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    My mastermind group of SMB owners was asked this last week and EVERYONE had an answer, except me. I have no idea what I would do. I don't even know how to start thinking about it.

    I understand everyone's answer is highly unique, dependent on unlimited factors (lifecycle stage of the business, industry, financial situation, team size, market, etc etc).

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/t33lt33l
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    Brother Put My Name on an LLC and Wants Me to Take Over the Mortgage on an “Investment Property”

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Small background: Basically my brother has this grand plan of starting a family business for a real estate holding company to generate income for our family in the future. He has an architecture background and has been working in the housing market for several years.

    Situation: He bought a townhouse he doesn't have the money for with a hard money loan from his employer. Still unclear on exact details, but he fixed it up in just over a month, found renters, and they moved in two days ago. I saw the property after the fix up and it looks decent.

    Where I come in is I'm the one in the family with some cash and clean credit. He told me that he wants to roll this house over into an LLC which we'll put under the family holdings LLC, but he needs me to take over the mortgage for the property. Something about he can't refinance it himself because he can't get a loan in his name (think he owes taxes for the past two years or so). According to him, I don't have to come out of pocket with any cash since the renovation increased the value to the point where the money pulled out of the refinance will serve as a down payment on the mortgage. The rent will cover the mortgage and all that's really needed from me is my name. He informed me yesterday that he put my name on an LLC and he set up a meeting with a mortgage lender for us 2 to talk with.

    My question: To me, it sounds like I'm just taking on straight liability personally by being responsible for the mortgage with the benefit coming in the form of the LLC making money. Is that correct? Am I taking on a disproportionate amount of risk here? I currently own my own condo and am looking to buy a house at the end of this year or next. How does that affect my ability to obtain a mortgage for that house? Any questions I should ask for this advising meeting?

    Thank you in advance. Just kinda confused and feel like I'm playing with less information than everyone else involved.

    submitted by /u/datsherbert
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    My warehouse is stuck with non-medical grade PPE (mainly masks) typically worn by employees during manufacturing. How can I liquidate or sell them to help pay our bills?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I run a small beauty manufacturing company that typically has 20-50 workers, most with developmental or intellectual disabilities. About 90% of them will not be returning for a very long time because the state has determined that they are high risk for COVID complications and do not have the capacity to follow social distancing and cleaning guidelines.

    So we are stuck with 4 cases of face masks (about 150 boxes of 50 masks). I'm trying to pull back in enough to pay our lease, like $20/box or $600/case shipped (if that's a fair price?). I've sold some off to a local grocer chain but otherwise I'm stuck. Looks like all of the online marketplaces are locked up. Is there anywhere we could still try to sell or trade them online?

    submitted by /u/UH2000
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    Employee filed for Unemployment

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:45 PM PDT


    I'm located in California and I'm a small business owner and we closed for a few weeks and reopened for 1 month already. We asked our staff to let us know if anyone wanted to work, but no one responded.

    Today I received an unemployment claim letter for one of our part time employees due to coronavirus. This is my first time handling an unemployment claim.

    We did not lay her off. Obviously, I understand why shes claiming unemployment. I just want to know, is there anything I need to tell her, on my end, to legally protect my business?

    Would I be wrong to deny her request ? I dont want to pay extra taxes if I dont need to..

    Also, how does unemployment tax work? How much do I pay and how do I pay it ?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/notsosocialbunny
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    How do you switch email from yahoo to gmail with the smallest interruption.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Since we started in 2000 we have been using yahoo email and we are wanting to switch everything over to gmail. Is there an easier way to transition this or is it just setting up the new email and letting everyone know. We are a service business and all of our customers email purchase orders, Lien wavers , schedules, and other things needed.

    submitted by /u/rcf1289
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    Very large order to be paid for in late December of 2020, can i push sales to 2021 on taxes?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    it looks I will be getting a very large order in the last 2 weeks of December 2020 that we won't be able to begin fulfilling until January 2021. Can i book those sales for 2021 tax year or do I have to have them on my 2020 return. It will take months to fill this order. thank you

    submitted by /u/cash4yourtrash
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    Business owners who are surviving the pandemic relatively intact, what can we learn from you?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    What kind of business are you in? What steps did you take that led to your relative stability right now?

    submitted by /u/researchusesonly
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! im a small business owner who has an at home salon.

    I specialise in weddings, Lash extensions and spray tans

    I am wanting to find out the best marketing techniques and ways to grow my clientele. I have a strong presence on my social media and upload regularly but i dont know how to direct new people to my accounts to grow.

    Can anyone please help me with this!

    submitted by /u/tjayde_
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    What programs/software do you use to calculate sales tax and remit them for international online sales?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:19 PM PDT


    I'm a dropshipper for online sales and want to know what program/software do you use to calculate sales tax and remit them for international sales? Is there a minimum sales you need to do before you need to collect sales tax? What about for sales in the USA? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bizaweb
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    Wedding photographer

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Currently a wedding photographer based in WA state. Next year my husband and I will be living on the road and I want to see if anyone has any info on the business licensing needed to work in different states? Or at least info on the legal side of running a photography business while living on the road? I'm already licensed for WA but I want to make sure I do everything legally/the right way. (Please be nice to me!!!)

    submitted by /u/mariacusickphotos
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    Applied on 4/6, Short App, Heard nothing no advance no nothing. Just got a denial email.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Based on the information you provided in your loan application, we have determined your economic injury

    is not substantiated. We made this determination for one of the following two reasons:

    1.Your economic injury is less than the amount you received from the EIDL Advance. As a result,

    we are unable to substantiate any additional eligibility at this time.

    1. The information you submitted does not indicate an economic injury.

    Well I did not receive any advance as of yet, also the short app really does not ask about economic injury...... Also no Credit Pull. I find it amazing that they just deny without even looking at any information. Who knows maybe I will at least get some kind of advance this week. Anyone else get this same letter from them ?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Tesla80
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