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    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Stocks - r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Options Trading Thursday - Mar 26, 2020

    Stocks - r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Options Trading Thursday - Mar 26, 2020

    r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Options Trading Thursday - Mar 26, 2020

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    This is the daily discussion, so anything stocks related is fine, but the theme for today is on stock options, but if options aren't your thing then just ignore the theme and/or post your arguments against options here and not in the current post.

    Some helpful day to day links, including news:

    Required info to start understanding options:

    • Call option Investopedia video basically a call option allows you to buy 100 shares of a stock at a certain price (strike price), but without the obligation to buy
    • Put option Investopedia video a put option allows you to sell 100 shares of a stock at a certain price (strike price), but without the obligation to sell

    See the following word cloud and click through for the wiki:

    Call option - Put option - Exercising an option - Strike price - ITM - OTM - ATM - Long options - Short options - Combo - Debit - Credit or Premium - Covered call - Naked - Debit call spread - Credit call spread - Strangle - Iron condor - Vertical debit spreads - Iron Fly

    If you have a basic question, for example "what is delta," then google "investopedia delta" and click the investopedia article on it; do this for everything until you have a more in depth question or just want to share what you learned.

    See our past daily discussions here. Also links for: Technicals Tuesday, Options Trading Thursday, and Fundamentals Friday.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This is the blip in the market before the next downturn

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Anyone else not buying the jump in stocks over the last few days? Unemployment numbers will continue to jump. Everything I am hearing is the state systems are down and I highly doubt that the 3.2 million number is all encompassing. Layoffs will continue well into April as some companies expected to get back to work immediately but are now realizing the case count and death toll is rising even faster than before. I think the whole swath of the south who are following republicans advice and are generally obese will get hit even harder than NYC on a % basis. Furthermore - Cheesecake Factory came out yesterday and said it wasn't going to be paying its rent. This is the first large company to say this but it won't be the only one. Many individuals are also doing the same with rent and mortgages. We haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg. I think we have, at minimum, and additional 30% to drop in s&p 500 and likely greater than 50%. I feel like I am watching the big short and we are at that point where the numbers start going bad but the prices are still going up.

    submitted by /u/a1minneapolis
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    Finally figured out what is happening with the swings in the market

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    At first I didn't get it. It went up a little ,then down a little . Sometimes completely opposite of the news . Goes up alot, then down hard , then Rams right back up with full force .

    Then I realized , we are literally being fucked .

    submitted by /u/treborly
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    This is why you DCA.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    About a week ago, we were down greater than 30% and this entire sub was screaming DON'T BUY! WERE GOING DOWN 50%! WERE HEADING FOR A DEPRESSION.

    People acted like they had a crystal ball into the future and they were probably the same people that were pulling out their money after taking a 30% haircut and now have missed the 20% bump since Tuesday's open. There was no accounting for unlimited QE, no accounting for a $2T stimulus bill with more likely more on the way, and no real justification for the expected 50% drop that people were predicting. Just coronavirus fear mongering an no realization that these companies will rebound once this is over, and that will be priced in way before they actually rebound on paper.

    A few of us began taking long positions between the end of last week and Monday's close. Those of us that did, are laughing at the dooms day'ers today. Could we reverse and go down another 50%? Sure. But guess what we will do? Buy more. Guess what the dooms day'ers will do? Say were going down another 20% and miss the next upswing.

    This is why you start taking positions slowly once you see value. If people had their eyes open, they would have seen things forming that will begin to mitigate the economic damage (Like unlimited QE and extreme stimulus). If people listened to real investors like those at Guggenheim, Oaktree, or any other successful hedge fund and investment capital company, you would know these people all began seeing value near the end of last week. Instead you come on Reddit and look for confirmation of your undying bearish opinion that is baseless. You pull up the coronavirus worldometer and think the stock market should inversely mirror the case total. Why do people think they can time the bottom when the greatest investors of all time tell you it isn't possible?

    tl;dr - Don't listen to people on reddit. Don't try and time the bottom.

    submitted by /u/JCubb12
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    Lesson learnt, No one knows anything.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    When I bought a huge chunk of MSFT at 135 and AAPL at 220 I was called out dumb cause they will go to 110 and 200 respectively the day unemployment numbers come out. Sold 30% today, now market goes either way I am good. Doesn't seem like most people calling people like me retards know much either. Trust your guts.

    submitted by /u/blazecodes
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    Unemployment rises to 3.283 million

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    High, but not as high as I was expecting. I thought we'd be around 6mm in initial unemployment claims. For perspective, these claims are typically around 150k-200k.

    Futures gapped up around 1% after the news.


    submitted by /u/Malvania
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    ‘ZOOM’ stock halted after investors confuse it with Zoom Video stock

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:43 PM PDT


    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday halted trading in the shares of Zoom Technologies (ticker symbol: ZOOM), citing "concerns about investors confusing this issuer with a similarly named Nasdaq-listed issuer" during the coronavirus pandemic. That other issuer is Zoom Video Communications (ticker symbol: ZM), whose stock price has, well, zoomed in recent days as droves of workers, confined to their homes to reduce the spread of COVID-19, have turned to its remote meeting services.

    Meanwhile, Zoom Technologies, a so-called penny stock traded over the counter, had risen more than 240% over the same time frame before the SEC suspended it. At its high at the end of last week, the "ZOOM" stock had increased nearly sevenfold—from around $3 a share to more than $20—in the span of a month. That's in spite of the fact that Zoom Technologies, according to the SEC, has not made "any public disclosure" whatsoever—including reporting on its finances or "its operations, if any"—since 2015. The company most recently reported that it was headquartered in Beijing.

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    Why the **** is the market up?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    • Unemployment is in the millions.

    • Corona virus infected case is up.

    • Corona virus death case is up.

    If the virus is not eradicated, people will still be fearful of it. Thus there will be less spending. Thus there will be less demand. Thus there will be less businesses. Thus there will be less revenue.

    • Judging from the corona virus data, if anything the market should be going down, and not up.

    • What important factor am I missing?

    submitted by /u/b10m1m1cry
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    if you have SQQQ...stay calm

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Everyone on here freaking out about SQQQ bc of today. This is short term. Unfortunately we have yet to see the worst for the economy.

    Remember this post and come back to thank me when it drops. You can even send some your profits this way as a nice gesture to show your gratitude. (lol)

    submitted by /u/FomainDlip
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    This will go down in history: Government shut down small businesses, forced unemployment for millions, bailed out Wall Street, devalued the savings of those without assets.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Average America's offered $1200 and "thoughts and prayers". Millennials and Gen Z get to inherit all these liabilities being written by the 75+ crowd in charge now. This is a generational blow, deepening inequality and disenchanting the majority of the country. How do you feel?

    submitted by /u/kazillionair
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    Tomorrow, the USA will have more confirmed cases than any other country - will this bull bounce end? What's your prediction?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Even China.

    Airlines going down again? Where's the next low for the Dow and the S&P? Here's the curves for reference - https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

    submitted by /u/Glenrill
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    Reminder: Do your best to keep your emotions out of investing!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone!

    So things have been shooting up and that's great right? Well I am here today to remind you to stay even keel as possible as we go through these times. I just wanted to share 2 things I tell myself depending on the day.

    1) When the markets are good and green, you don't think you know everything

    - It's always a good practice to ask yourself "why is today so green?" and try to understand what is driving the market. Remember, whenever you get to the point where you think you understand everything that is when you are the biggest danger to yourself when investing.

    2) When the markets are red, it doesn't mean everything is dead

    - As you have already saw some pretty red days. This doesn't mean that you don't know what you are doing or you should panic. The important thing is to always do your research and find those companies that will bounce back whenever the markets turn.

    You always have to do your best to remove "you" from the equation when investing. This is one of the hardest skills to learn as an investor, but trust me if you can do this even when things are red or green you will be way better for it!

    Don't get to high on green days, and don't get to low on red days. In either event the best thing you can do is always do your homework before investing. Everyone who is new I advise you to look at the sidebar of this subreddit as it has great tools to get you started.

    submitted by /u/Pi-R-Squared
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    Loaded up 1500 shares of SQQQ at 20.56

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Obviously betting on a market dip at this point. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/animoshpit
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    10K on SPXS tomorrow at opening. Selling at close or if I make 10%, whatever happens first. Am I crazy? (

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    10K on SPXS tomorrow at opening. Selling at close or if I make 10%, whatever happens first. Am I crazy? (

    submitted by /u/discover111
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    Stock investors, what was your lives like during the 2008/2009 crisis?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I was born in 2002 and live in Canada.

    I've never heard of the financial crisis until recently, how did you feel and did your lifestyle change and what did you do with stocks/shares?

    Also, very roughly what did you earn a year during the crisis?

    submitted by /u/I-Like-Being-Alone
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    Here’s why the market shot up whilst announcing 3 million unemployment

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I see everyone wondering how it's possible that we just announced 3 million unemployment but the market shot up and the answer is relatively simple overall.

    The market has known now for at least a week about some major states being on lockdown, millions unemployed and companies closing left and right. The market has already adjusted for these actions as they happened. As California and New York shut down, then Michigan, etc. have shut down markets have already been going down.

    Well geez you'd think way more than 3 million have been unemployed! In fact people have been throwing out numbers like 10-20 million unemployed. They're clearly wrong!

    Nope. They're probably not. Why are there so little claims then? Because multiple states have had failures and crashes in their sites, and on top of that the time it takes to get through to unemployment by phone (which I'd say at least half of the 45+ crowd actually claims this way) is astronomical. Family members of mine have called all day and not gotten through, only a busy signal ALL DAY. I know one that downloaded an automatic caller and that was the only way they got through after two hours. This is exactly why the true unemployment has been so poorly reflected.

    CONCLUSION: People have been talking about this report for a week minimum it was highly anticipated and was a key feature of what would cause a 'trend' this week. It's been public news that states making up at least 80-120 million of the population have been closed to non-essential staff only. Everyone estimated that 10-20 million unemployment was to be expected and for some reason people don't understand that you don't just dial a number and instantly receive unemployment. People aren't getting through, are still trying to or just have given up for now. This caused this much anticipated report to be severely short of giving the true unemployment number and since the markets have already reacted for at least 5-10 million people are looking and saying "Hey wait that actually isn't that bad of a number compared to what everyone was thinking". Hence the bullishness today.

    TLDR: Market expected much worse numbers and has already accounted for a lot of the unemployment, so in a way 3 million was a 'good' number.

    submitted by /u/johnthegman
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    Whats Your Opinion?: Why You Should or Should Not Invest These Days Vs Waiting Longer, Which Stocks You Think Will Do Well/Not, and What Source are you using to invest?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Lots of differing opinions here and wanted to collect them under one thread regarding it.

    Also I'm new here, not sure if i should use wealthsimple or what other options there are?

    submitted by /u/bluesydragon
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    Lets talk about 3x ETF strategy

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    There's a half-dozen daily posts about 3x Bull/Bear ETFs, many from posters like me, novice investors/traders. Generally, I am finding these posts fall into one of three camps, mainly:

    1. "should I buy now?"
    2. "should I sell now?"
    3. "welp - i'm fucked"

    Although I am not usually posting, I am always reading and i've been all 3 of these situations, like many of you. So I was thinking it might be useful to start a coherent discussion on how to safely manage these funds during these tumultuous times.

    Here's my present situation: Previously I turned a little profit off SQQQ without much thought. On Wednesday morning I bought into SPXL and profited $0.75/share in 15 minutes. Feeling pretty good about myself, I immediately turned around and bought 50 shares of SPXS, as the trend reversed; assuming a deep red day. However, delaying the stimulus bill and Trumps pumps turned that around, and my 50 shares have gone from $19.76 to $15.50, and I am stuck bag holding, praying for red. From all of the SQQQ posts, I know I am not the only one. I think tomorrow will be another rally, although could dip end of day; probably not enough to recover my position. Monday is anyones guess, i'd assume red, but, you know how that goes. Although I was up like $80, I am now down $207 ($127) and tomorrow isn't looking great.

    So from this I am realizing a few things:

    • Be disciplined in your approach
    • Don't get greedy, go after marginal gains.
    • Buy morning of. Following futures, let the market establish a direction in the first 5-10 minutes after opening, then buy either bear or bull. Ride the trend. Get out before end of day.
    • Automate your stop-loss, and make it conservative.

    I've been throwing caution to the wind, and it's not working out. I believe there is a methodical way to use these ETFs to reduce downside potential and to capitalize on this wild market.

    For me, I am thinking along the lines of:

    • Set a stop loss at something like 1-2% below purchase price
    • Aim for a profit >2.5% from purchase price; set a limit order to sell at this price.
    • If the trend is still strong, re-buy and repeat.

    In short - If I can make $25-50/day net of transaction costs, I am happy with that. I feel trying to predict the news, predict Trump and predict the market direction days in advance is too risky. Same with riding big rallies or holding overnight. I'd rather look at the trend and get in and out quickly, making marginal gains.

    Another consideration is to use more money, but take smaller profits incrementally. For example, I've seen one poster talking about taking $0.10 profits and buying many times per day.

    I'd love to hear feedback and get a discussion going.

    submitted by /u/Mug_of_coffee
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    Thoughts on JNUG?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Just a month ago they were around $90, now sitting around $5, is this drastic price change more than just the Coronavirus?

    submitted by /u/Alrighti
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    Funeral services and cremation stocks?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Soo... lots of people are dying and lots and lots more will die. More funerals, more cremations. Haven't thought much about this at all, but fundamentally it makes enough sense to kenn

    I pulled up $SCI and am going to start researching them and others in the industry.

    Just curious on other opinions regarding this.

    submitted by /u/ludoopy
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    The U.S. Stock Market seems to be misunderstanding the Situation... or it is me?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I'm ready to get back again with my retirement accounts into the stock market but common sense tells me the situation is heading to get even worse. Now the U.S. is the main global center of the COVID-19 epidemic but it is not a surprise for anyone who has been just staying up to date for the past few weeks.

    I'm "kind of" trying to do an "OK market timing" transaction, but can't believe how the DOW did 6.38% today...

    Can anyone else explain his POV?

    submitted by /u/leantrepreneurship
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    3.3 Million Jobless last week

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Thursday brings us the Initial Jobless claims for last week and it was a giant number – 3.3 Million people lost their jobs. This is double what the analysts were expecting at around 1.5 million. These are the first signs of how big the impact of this crises will be. Meanwhile in the UK, their Central Bank kept the interest rates the same and did not extend the QE budget. Before this news hit all world markets were down. Chinese stocks were slightly lower, -0.6%, South Korea just over 1%, with Japan leading the way, down 4.5%. European markets got hit harder, down from 2-3% as this article is written (8 30AM ET). US futures were down over 2% just before the news hit. After the jobless claims numbers, the markets spiked and regained 1% of their losses. This is very unusual but a great opportunity to trade. I strongly believe the markets will go lower as trading starts, with traders accessing not just the jobless claims, but the impact to the economy. On the virus outbreak, world numbers are continuing to raise all over the world, with potential peak in Italy as for the last 3 days number of new cases has been steady and not growing. The death toll topped 21000 and the total number of cases is expected to pass 500000 today.

    For today I expect the markets to go lower, there is no reason for a green day. As I am writing I noticed that the move on the futures reversed and it is losing some of the points it got from the spike at 8 30. I do not know where markets will open, but I expect the major indexes to lose 3-4% from yesterday's close. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/aleksandarslvk
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    Why are stocks rallying today?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I have been wanting to inject some cash at the lows, but have been waiting for further decline since the situation we are in is obviously dire. I am sitting here wondering if I missed the chance to put most of my cash in , but cannot understand why the market is rallying. I get there is a stimulus plan, but record unemployment and most of the country (world) is still shut down with more and more cases of the virus and more and more state shutdowns looming. Why in tarnation (lol) are we rallying?

    submitted by /u/unearth1y
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    Holding SQQQ over the weekend?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I bought into SQQQ couple of days ago at an average of $23.50

    How risky would it be further holding this stock over the weekend? taking into regards decay and all.

    If I think the market will drop sometime next week should I continue holding over the weekend? Or should I cut my losses which are quite a bit tomorrow and get out?

    submitted by /u/dwightshrutee
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    Weird love story: Trump and Cruise

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    I don't get it. Why is Trump hellbent on including cruise lines into the stimulation? Both parties don't want to bail these companies out, except for Alaskan Republican who think all cruise lines go to Alaska. These companies don't pay taxes, don't follow US laws, underpays and exploit employees, disregards safety and healthcare of everyone onboard ... list goes on. Not to mention they don't give much to economy. Any idea why Trump want to bail them out?

    submitted by /u/TimeWorshipper
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    Anybody else feels mentally exhausted at the end of day when day trading?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    I've recently started day trading on top of my day job. I feel so drained at the end of the day. I just feel like when I'm trading, all of my mental energy is invested into it. And by the end of the day, I feel mentally exhausted.

    submitted by /u/NYCambition21
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