• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Does the new stimulus package provide any relief for small businesses besides employee compensation assistance? small business

    Does the new stimulus package provide any relief for small businesses besides employee compensation assistance? small business

    Does the new stimulus package provide any relief for small businesses besides employee compensation assistance?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Any loan forgiveness if we take one out?

    submitted by /u/Diet_Water
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    Looking for Designer/Frontend-Developer for small affiliate site

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Hey there! Hope it is alright to post this here.
    Somehow I did not want to post in /entrepreneur or /cofounder as I am looking for someone to help
    me with one (or more) small affiliate sites for a little side money and not wanting to create a multi million business.

    I already got an idea what the site should be like and it should mainly consist of one "search" page.
    Clean and simple. I gave it a shot to create the design myself (twice now) but somehow I did not like it myself. Would prefer vue, but not a must.

    I live in Germany and I am working as a software developer myself, but I am more the backend guy.

    Let me know if you have any questions or send me a dm if you are interested!


    submitted by /u/theconehead
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    Helpful list of resources during COVID-19 crisis

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Anybody have helpful free resources similar to this one- smbhelp.com? Would be great to get a good list going.

    submitted by /u/SofaSoGood
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    A tip about SBA loans to get by during COVID-19 per my local county commissioner.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I purchased an existing business last year. The previous owner is a great guy and currently a county commissioner in the area. I like to joke that I have a politician in my pocket.

    Anyway, he called me today to give me a tip. He has been in numerous meetings regarding the COVID-19 and one was with the local economic development associate regarding SBA loans. He said that in addition to the lowered interest rates, the real reason to look into getting one is because the loan itself might be forgiven.

    You must use the loan to continue paying your employees even if they aren't working due to lock downs/stay at home, or to use it for your business's rent to keep your lights on. If you use the loan only for those purposes the loan may be forgiven. If you use the money for any other purpose, it will not.

    He strongly suggested that I call our regional economic development association for more information. I haven't called yet, but plan to tomorrow to get more info and to confirm the possibility and rules for loan forgiveness.

    submitted by /u/iamreeterskeeter
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    Anyone use Zoom for interviews or meetings? I've been using it and it's great but a few issues

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    It says 40 minutes is given to me but after say 20-30 minutes it shuts it off and even gives me a warning that it will shut off. Why is it shutting off so quickly? How do I prevent it from shutting off?

    submitted by /u/BrokelynNYC
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    Looking for a solution to Managing customer field service schedules

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    My business provides a service. Most customers sign up for monthly service...

    With my business... I need to know more then who is up and for what... I need the details about their asset and any notes from it's last service available so that I arrive with anything special it may need.

    Currently.. I've been thinking about just using Zoho CRM to handle this. My reasoning is because I have the assets set up as an account (this way I have all its details) and the customer set up as a parent account. I'm still navigating setting up Zoho to where I want it.

    But I just wanted to come on here and field this and see if any of you have an alternate solution...

    submitted by /u/Faercross
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    Any tools/apps that can track all metrics in a dashboard?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Are there any apps that can track all tools/apps being used for what, metrics, kpi, goals, even document strategies, document tactics, maybe detail out processes, detail out style guides, themes and other core general pieces of info?

    Also on another note are there any apps that is like a total package, the only one I know of is salesforce which has it's sales, marketing, and other things in one package. Are there any apps that can store everything in one place? or am I better off with separate apps and just using my first idea that is an app that tracks everything in one app?

    submitted by /u/Seeking___freedom
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    how do i start this

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Hey so i'm extremely new to this, i am currently researching so i can start my own makeup brand. It'll be made by myself and will be 100 % vegan. I have about 15 clients now that would be buying from me, unfortunately due to the coronavirus they are scared to be spending money right now. So i'm going to wait a couple weeks, do my research, hopefully i can reach out to the right people and get more clients. However I need help understanding how to get more clients. Do i contact other people to get me clients? Should this kind of product have its own website? Or Do i use shopify for something like this? I'm very new, some help would be very much appreciated

    i have not started making them i'm still trying to figure out how much i'm gonna be spending on supplies and how much i'll be charging for the product themselves

    submitted by /u/Armand_smudge
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    Anyone heard back from SBA after submitting disaster loan?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    I submitted my online application on 3/20. Still nothing. When I log in to check application status it still says they haven't received required documentation which I emailed at the same time application was submitted

    Anyone heard back from the SBA at this point?

    submitted by /u/eiruldJ
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    My business partner is considering getting a small business loan to pay for HIS living expenses

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I talked with my business partner yesterday telling him that after next month we most likely wont have any cash flow until the quarantine is over. Luckily last month was awesome for us and we got a big payday which helped alot. Moneywise I'm pretty set for the foreseable future even if we don't get paid for a few months. He on the other hand said he might have to get a small business loan to stay afloat. It was totally caught off guard because between these 2 months we both brought in over 20k cash.

    Our business doesn't need much overhead to operate. We're both creative professionals and run our business from our homes. It's not really my business to ask and know where all his money is going to, but I feel like putting the business in debt to pay his personal debt is my business. I have suggestions like tell your wife to get a job, work at a grocery store or amazon that actually hiring, get rid of your luxury SUV and get a Honda but I don't want to make it personal. How should I address this to pretty much say, putting the business in debt to pay your debt is not cool with me?

    Should I even worry? Can businesses even get loans at this time? We're self financed and never took out a loan. There's nothing that he can really list on the business as expenses he needs to pay for. We don't have a dedicated office, we don't have employees, we don't require capital to operate aside from little stuff like at home internet, adobe creative suite(which is free for now), and our computers. We're a creative design business.

    submitted by /u/ExcitingLandscape
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    Do you need a loan to pay your bills at 3% interest rate? If yes email us back

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Do you need a loan to pay your bills at 3% interest rate? If yes email us back via; [millerthompson223@gmail.com](mailto:millerthompson223@gmail.com) ;for more details

    with the following information below ,

    full name

    loan amount

    loan duration

    loan purpose

    Phone Numbers

    Best Regard .

    Miller Thompson

    submitted by /u/millerthompson2231
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    start business with football boots

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Wishing you guys have a good day, and safe from the Corona virus flu.

    I'm Marin, I have a stupid question to start a small business?

    How do I start a football boots business with wholesale prices? Do I need to buy a lot directly from Nike and Adidas? Some models I no longer see sell on Nike and Adidas websites but I see some retailers still have it?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/nnd1711
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    Question about Health Insurance for business with 2 employees in Illinois

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Hello. I run a business with 2 employees in Illinois. I am interested in providing them with a health care plan. I was wondering what some good insurance policies to look at would be and what it would cost. For reference, I am looking for something that provides routine doctor visits with a small to $0 copay and that has a sizable network of healthcare professionals to choose from. Also for reference, both employees are single, non-smokers, and in their 20s. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/math_dummy
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    In hard times, the ability to adapt is as important as the money you make

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT


    I know this is a hard situation for many of us but I think being a business owner we need to constantly remind ourselves that no business stays the same forever and every successful business out there had to adapt and pivot at some point.

    Whether this means investing in R&D, researching the new business opportunities, starting up a new business in a new niche or pivoting the current one, these are all risk mitigation for you and increase your chances of survival.

    So don't give up, instead, think of the ways you can pivot or do something different that will allow you to stay afloat during this hard time :)

    submitted by /u/whitepalladin
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    What problems is your business struggling with?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get some feedback on solvable issues that small businesses are struggling with, such as no one picking up their phones, getting back to customers, having their employees(if not retail/manufacturing) work from home etc. I'm a small business owner myself and trying to see what others are struggling with and see if there are any solutions/ideas to help each other out.

    submitted by /u/jarrettlau
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    Name help?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I am wanting to rebrand my business. After 3 years not big on the name but I am struggling. I make organic soap and other skincare items. I think I want to have the name moon in it somewhere or botanical

    submitted by /u/mbrown7137
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    Businesses that are doing well through the COVID-19 crisis?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Any businesses out there that aren't affected or even busy because of this pandemic? Would be nice to hear about some successes in these trying times.

    submitted by /u/CursedM0chi
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    Tool for managing field service teams

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    For those of you who have businesses that require delivering a service at a particular location (i.e., plumbing, construction, landscaping, deliveries, washing/cleaning, AV installations, real-estate, etc.), what tools do you use to manage your field service staff? That is, do you use anything other than texting, calling, email, and/or excel to manage your workflows and tell your guys in the field where to go and get feedback on how the work is being done?

    I have been working on a tool, yaswedo, to give small businesses an uber-like back end system that allows them to manage dispatch and manage jobs and get real-time feedback on job progress from their teams in the field.

    yaswedo is currently in public beta. If you think this is something that your business might be interested in, id love to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Scared_Chipmunk
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    Anyone else struggling with staying/getting fit during the crisis?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Besides the current situation's effect on our businesses, our personal lives are affected a lot as well. For many health can be especially hard to maintain. So I'm wondering if anyone else is having a hard time losing weight or getting fit during these times?

    What is the hardest part about it?

    Would be interesting to know how everyone is dealing with this.

    submitted by /u/Lkarna
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    Recruiting Participants for an Academic Survey

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Hi r/smallbusiness

    I'm a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Arizona. I'm currently doing a dissertation project exploring how the cannabis industry is managing different aspects of market uncertainty. As a part of this project, I'm running an anonymous survey of entrepreneurs and business professionals in the state-legal cannabis industry. Eligible participants will receive compensation upon completion. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have about the survey and hope you'll consider participating.

    If you would like to participate please DM me on here or email me at [abk5074@email.arizona.edu](mailto:abk5074@email.arizona.edu)

    You can read more about me or my work here and here.

    submitted by /u/listening_intensely
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    Problem Aid platform

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I hope you are all safe out there and complying with social distancing rules. We are currently in the customer validation stage for our platform, so any feedback is greatly appreciated! Imagine a platform, where you can share 'headache' (that can't be solved on your own), and where it will be exposed to a crowd full of entrepreneurs looking for real problems worth solving. There will be upvotes that will serve you like an extra validation of your pain, net promoter score for solutions offered, suggested pricing etc. It has some similarities to r/SomebodyMakeThis but it is a separate platform dedicated to only and only problems, not the ideas. People like yourself will be giving solutions and potentially even forming startups (looking for co-founders, mentors, investors and such).

    Would you consider that platform to share your "headache" on?

    Thank you so much for reading my post!

    submitted by /u/Chingiz19
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    What do you do to reach your yearly business goals?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Generally speaking, it's setting the company's general aim (mission/vision and company's differentiation) > yearly objectives > business strategies & tactics > business model systems & processes > 1 year plan > day to day performance monitoring.

    you end up with a broad guideline that helps you reach the yearly goals. Is this how you look at it? Or do you use a different mindset?

    Also do you believe the most important thing in business is to choose the right thing to aim for and then figure a way to really get tremendous results. Is this generally your idea to get the most, you must know what to aim for and then you can employ strategies & tactics, business systems & processes and really try to get the most outcome with limited resources?

    submitted by /u/Putrid-Excitement
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    Wearables business name?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT


    My "wearable anger cure" is finally 20-year patent-pending, but a company name is needed before the big manufacturing and distribution begin. Please choose ONE name by typing in the number next to it that you think sounds most like a brand that makes wearable healing products. If you have any different suggestions, I'll gladly see if they're fitting and available.


    -Alex Dott

    Pillwear ™ - 1

    Wearcentric ™ - 2

    Wearmonize ™ - 3

    submitted by /u/AxelDutt
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    [FL][DUA] Is there anything concrete that helps a small business/proprietor that isn't a high-rate loan?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    April is approaching... the rent for my business is due and my sales have gone down immensely. I don't want to be left on the streets and without a livelihood. I was wondering if there are any concrete options for small businesses here in Florida?

    I read that DUA is something Non-W2 employees/contractors are eligible for, but not sure if that's something that has opened up in Florida yet?

    Additionally, I see some states have grants and 0% interest loan (A bail-out of sorts that don't go solely to multi-billion dollar corporations) but don't see anything similar in Florida?

    I see bridge-loans that have 12% interest after a year and only cover essentials costs, but not lost sales. I'm just trying to stay afloat and not be forced to close down.

    Are there any programs a small business with no employees is eligible for?

    I'm looking for something to help me out personally, and programs that can help my business too.

    Please if anyone knows of anything, I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/SaitonHamonoJutsu
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