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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Should some business try new things every year? small business

    Should some business try new things every year? small business

    Should some business try new things every year?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:52 AM PST

    I know some businesses will release a new product every year or try to add a new marketing channel(i.e this year adding facebook ads or creating an instagram account). Generally the idea that a business every year should release better things (new improved products or tweaks to old ones, new ways to market to more people).

    Example: If i was selling kitchen knives the goals is to year over year make the knives better, and to try to get it into more stores, and get more people to see the product by direct ads. Then try to make entirely new knives(bread knives, steak knives), or new category of product like (silverware, or maybe pocket knives).

    The goal is to reinvest the revenue to make better things, reach more people, create a reputation? The general idea is to make everything more appealing(product,brand), and to catch the attention of more people?

    submitted by /u/Putrid-Excitement
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    Defining and mapping data and flow - is there a way to do it better?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:19 AM PST

    We are a retail grocery distributor. I am trying to define and chart key data sources and data flows within our company so that we can understand roles and responsibilities in its preparation and utilisation, but I am making heavy weather of it.

    As an example of what I am trying to do, we use an inventory application to record product master data plus also operating data such as product count, location, deliveries etc.

    Similarly I use an accounting package to record supplier and client master data, as well as operating data such as AP and AR.

    Then, besides these two main databases, I have a series of inhouse dashboards, reports and analysis spreadsheets which take data either from the main databases or they source data from the spreadsheets which are dependent upon the main dbs.

    At the same time, we need to Input key data to the main databases, and they also hand off data to each other.

    Basically I am getting lost in the Web of data flows and losing track of where all the data comes from, who is responsible for providing each set, which data sets feed which other reports, and even what reports are available to us.

    I am trying to map it out using a mind map tool but I feel that there must be something better and more tailored for the purpose, but I cannot even find a general term for what I am trying to do.

    I tried to Google data mapping but the results seem all to do with technical data storage rather than the overview I am trying to make.

    Can anyone point me towards a methodology, best practice or tools to make this easier? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/spoonfed99
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    Does anyone need a business logo or website. Ill do free flyers to

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:53 AM PST

    Hi. I do professional marketing graphics and websites. I need one more business to ad to my portfolio. I can do your logo, and I can do your website. Send me a dm

    submitted by /u/seogorillas8
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    How To Start A Blog In 2020 – Beginner Guide (Step-by-Step)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:50 AM PST

    In this article, I will show you how to start a blog in 2020 with a step-by-step guide. Follow these 6 easy steps to start a profitable blog.

    Before going further let's talk about a blog.

    What is a Blog?

    A blog is a kind of website that highly focused on a topic or niche, and has numbers of written content regarding that niche. The written content of a blog is known as blog posts. A blog post usually contains a specific topic covered by the blogger.

    Blog posts are appearing in the reverse order on the blog page, which means the recent post is hanging at the top of the blog page. Most bloggers write their perspective on a topic and want to engage with their readers. As a blogger, you don't need to be a professional writer to write a blog. Also, you don't need to be an expert in that niche. If you're learning something and want to write about it in your blog you can do that.

    Steps we follow in this article to start a blog:-

    1. Choose Your Blog Niche

    2. Create Your Blog

    3. Learn about WordPress

    4. Choose a WordPress Theme

    5. Write & Publish Your First Blog Post

    6. What To Do Next?

    Read full article here

    submitted by /u/lomashkumar98
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    Flower Shop Owners- Help?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Hi!! I'm a 20 year old young lady with a goal to someday open my own flower shop and use my creativity to make a living and make people happy! Any current or previous flower shop owners out there that can offer any advice? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/helenebeat
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    What to do with an ecommerce store when going on holiday?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    I own a small ecommerce store as a soletrader and am going on holiday in April for 2 weeks. I may get a few orders during those 2 weeks but i won't be able to fulfill them. Any recommendations on what i can do here?

    I was thinking that i could add a banner at the top of the website mentioning something like "we are currently undergoing internal transitions from xdate - xdate. As a result, all orders will be sent on xdate"

    I can't mention that their orders won't be processed due to the fact that i'm on holiday because that looks very unprofessional.

    submitted by /u/someone3245
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    S Corp being sent 1099s.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:57 PM PST

    The beginning of last year, I elected to file as S Corp, for my LLC. I sent out updated w9s to everyone that I invoice. But now it is tax season, and I am being sent 1099s. Some with my companies name and some just with my name. Will this effect my taxes? And is this something I should speak to the companies about?

    submitted by /u/trashcantambourine
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    Looking for short term financial backing

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Can anyone suggest where or how to approach someone when seeking financial support for business kickoff?

    I'm launching a new business as a distributor and national retailer of a product in the baby industry. I have retailers lined up and indent orders placed - 50% payment now, 50% when stock arrives. My issue is I have had a high demand for stock and the cost of my initial order has now had to double to ensure I have enough stock for my retailers and to general retail when we launch.

    Wherever I borrow money from, it will be paid back in full + interest within the first 6 months. My struggle is finding a lender to trust my business plan. Business lenders want to see $XX,XXX monthly turnover to even entertain the idea of loaning and as it is a start up business I obviously don't have that consistent turn over as yet. Personal loan is out of the question and I don't have a friend or relative to ask for interim support.

    Any ideas on how to seek out a silent partner who only wants to be in it for the short term?

    submitted by /u/SgtFuzzyBoots01
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    My marketing business labeled High Risk Merchant

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I had started an account on Shopify to sell my services online, ran my own google ads and started generating leads. I closed all my leads, and processed the payments through Shopify payments.

    Shopify is now holding on to my payout for 3 months, I am depending on these funds to fuel my fire.

    I switched to Striped and closed two more leads in the same day, then I got a similar email from them saying they can't process payments because my business is high risk, those are another 3 months that they're holding on to it.

    "They don't want you to be successful' - DJ Khaled

    Anyway, Im about to start closing these leads under BTC but there are so many added steps that I'm afraid it'll ruin my sales pitch. Anyone have any recommendations for high risk merchant processors that won't come to inspect my personal work place? Anything is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cartisimpson
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    Creating a Team

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:03 AM PST

    Hi guys I'm searching for business partners or team members to get some of my crazy ideas working. App development, Fashion Brand and social media marketing are the main ideas I want to work on. So if you are interested and also want to build something let me know!

    submitted by /u/heisennerd1
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    City name as a brand name?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:45 AM PST

    Iam from developing country. i found sucessfull coaching service name same as a city name in canada. Is it leagal?

    submitted by /u/rothschildkidding
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    Customer acquisition: Software development shop

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I'm looking for advice on how to acquire customers for my small software development shop. I am a software engineer by trade and recently had the opportunity to develop some software for a business (~$3,000 worth, $6,000 in additional yearly maintenance). I really enjoyed the process and am looking to acquire another customer as after the initial development the maintenance fee allows for fairly passive income (15 hours a month max included with my maintenance fee).

    Any advice for acquiring customers would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/NCostello73
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    bringing in customers for family owned restaurant/cafe business

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:22 AM PST

    My parents own a small cafe styled restaurant with many options from a variety of burger's, poutines, breakfast meals & salads. On google there ratings are 5/5 and customers love eating and sitting in with the atmosphere. It has been open for a year and half now and still is not making profit. the last couple months have been really rough, some days 1 or 2 customers. parents are getting really stressed. we put together a new menu and starting that tomorrow. What kind of promotional things can i pull together to bring people in?

    submitted by /u/angrymacowner
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    Bookkeeping Advice

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I recently started a small business, and did the 'jump and build the plane on the way down" method. Please no "should haves" here - I grok it, I just did it this other way for reasons.

    But now I'm realizing that I'm in a pinch where I need to learn very quickly what to do and who to employ to make the accounting/ bookkeeping/ inventory parts work.

    I've got a CPA who will be helping me next month but she's super busy during this season and I'm pretty much on my own in collecting what she wants to file. I should have done it all sooner but I didn't.
    I use square POS and have Quickbooks for small business and am just setting it up and integrating everything and it's so very much not my thing (my thing is customer-facing, buying, selling, marketing which I'm darned good at) so I obviously need help here but I'm caught in the initial stages of "What help exactly? Bookkeeper? Online courses? I don't have time to take a business course and now I'm a small community already in business, that might not play well. Will my CPA be able to walk me through what I need to do next month and will that be "in time"?

    So now I'm looking for the answers to these question if anyone can help me get caught up fast:
    - seems like I should employ a bookkeeper - advice on how to find one who won't go all "mommy told you so" on me? I mean, I'll bite that bullet if I have to but I really just need a respectful partner/ helper on this aspect to get me up to speed with what I need to do.
    - can I/ should I/ how do I ask for an extension for filing with the IRS if that needs be? I've been trying to research on my own but the fact that all of this is outside my area of expertise, the way it's usually explained (to people for whom it is their expertise and the time-crunch, I'm not grokking these answers that way.)
    - it's the first year (last year - six months in business) - am I worrying too much or not enough?
    - I have a mixed thrift/ buy/ sell retail shop with lots of twists - it's creative fusion shop. I feel like I need some major mentoring here but also as if I have no idea how to find the right mentors to make the pieces tie together financially.
    - and of course, the first year, though we're doing better than predicted and I'm not spending any of my own money after opening the doors, there isn't a lot to spread around so I'm looking for some bootstrap choices right now. Cheap and quick and easy. I'm not afraid of facing stuff I don't know, and I'm not afraid of digging in and learning things or even paying for the right things. But I'm in a corner right now so I'm looking for phases that will allow me to stay open and focus mostly on building the business this first year.

    It's a ton of work - really exciting but also, definitely do wish I'd had this part nailed down before getting into the rest but this was my blind spot and now I'm facing it.

    Any help you all can offer is so very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MomentumEngine
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    Small Business/Independent Contractor??

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:03 PM PST

    I am going to be starting a small business mainly working as an assistant to a friend who is a real estate agent. She is considered an independent contractor who is paid by the real estate company. I would work for my friend and her partner agents and be paid by her/them. She/they will need to be able to deduct me as an expense.

    I need advice on how to get started - I am mostly concerned about taxes and how to correctly do this. Would I receive a 1099 from my friend for this? Do I need to do anything special until tax time?

    I believe I will also need to form an LLC? Does this cost anything? And is it true I can just do it online?
    Are there fees per year? How do I open a business checking account? Do I need documentation to do this and, if so, what ?

    I don't foresee this making a ton of money - would I need to file taxes quarterly?

    I am located in the US in Wisconsin.

    Thank you for any help you can provide!!

    submitted by /u/exhaustedfinch
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    Is a permit needed to sell home made chocolate truffles in Ontario, Canada?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:56 PM PST

    Do you need a permit to sell home made chocolate truffles in Ontario, Canada? I am trying to start a chocolate making business.

    submitted by /u/AwkwardButterTart
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    How would you read this situation?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:35 PM PST

    Here's the situation. I'm looking into buying a restaurant. The broker I'm working with has asked for the financials but we've got no response so far. When we originally asked the business was only for sale. Now recently it has become not only for sale but for lease as well. They are still stalling still on the records. My broker thinks it might be because either the financials aren't complete or they just don't look good. (Which wouldn't surprise me). That may also be why they put the option for lease as well because Banks don't like the look of the numbers and won't lend for a purchase.

    So my question to you all is, how do you view the situation?

    submitted by /u/cbinette84
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    How to feel better after a series of mistakes?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    I had a good client to whom I send an employee out to fortnightly. This employee has left her dissatisfied twice so I assigned a different employee to her.

    Only, I forgot to tell the first employee she's being reassigned. They both showed up.

    I'm mortified. Any advice on how to handle the situation? I've emailed apologising and assuring the client that the original employee will no longer be attending.

    submitted by /u/Krisasaurus_Rex
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    Excel spreadsheet sheet for Airbnb expenses

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:22 PM PST

    Does anyone have an excel spreadsheet that can share with me so I can keep track of my Airbnb business?

    submitted by /u/USMC_RVXAF03
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    Any resources that you recommend for a first time business plan write up? Also, how do I conduct market research to see whether my idea is feasible and there is a demand for my product? I’m thinking of a small coffee or tea shop, drinkable.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Cleaning company owners or managers, what tools are you using to manage your teams and tasks, if anything?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Curious how cleaning companies - both residential and commercial - are handling their employees' daily tasks. Are you using an app or a to-do list? What has worked well for you? Are there any apps or services that are specifically created for this niche?

    submitted by /u/designer92
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    How to declare an S-Corp?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:51 PM PST

    I decided a while back that my LLC (formed in October) should become an S-Corp. I also know that the filing date to declare your business as an S-Corp is March 15th. What I don't understand is how to become an S-Corp. When I look it up on Google, it just gives me articles about S-Corp vs. C-Corp, but I can't find out how to actually declare that I have an S-Corp. Where do I find the paperwork to fill out, or is this something that is simply included on my tax document? Can I declare my LLC as an S-Corp through Turbo-Tax, or do I have to hire an accountant to help me? Is the government going to send me documents to fill out by March 15th or do I have to find them? Please help me figure out how I can declare my LLC to be an S-Corp for 2020.

    submitted by /u/Crusader899
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    Opinions on the best all-in-one POS, Inventory, Accounting solution for a small brewery

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Trying to finish up my business plan, and account for the tools for inventory, accounting, & point of sale. It seems every POS company has their pros and cons, but I'd love to ask a wider audience here if there is an "all-in-one" solution that can encompass the above? Square seems to be the elephant in the room, and they're priced like it. Are there other recommended options?

    submitted by /u/SomeRandomGuyYouLike
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    Small business owners, what parts of your business do you wish ran more efficiently?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:50 PM PST

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