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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    I'm a US citizen living abroad coming back to give birth ... what are my options? Insurance

    I'm a US citizen living abroad coming back to give birth ... what are my options? Insurance

    I'm a US citizen living abroad coming back to give birth ... what are my options?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:38 AM PST

    Like the title says, I'm American, and I've been living abroad for about five years now, teaching. I got married to a non-US citizen a couple of years ago, and we're expecting a baby in May.

    My family lives in Indiana (where I used to live before moving), and my mailing address is set at theirs. I visit every year for about a month or so.

    For multiple reasons, I've decided to give birth in Indiana. I'll be there from the end of March until June. Everything is set, but my current worry is how I'll be paying for doctor visits + the birth itself.

    My employer only provides health insurance for the country I live in - it's not international. I applied for Indiana Medicaid in December and received a rejection this week.

    I don't know much about health insurance unfortunately, but from what I understand, my pregnancy is a pre-existing condition, so I'm going to have a hard time finding insurance through a provider. Is it even an option for me?

    I could go uninsured and pay out of pocket for everything, but I'm so worried about facing a 50k+ hospital bill. Is there any way I could find out how much it would cost me? Or would I be laughed at, if I tried to call a hospital and ask? I know there are so many variables when it comes to giving birth.

    I'm just not sure what my options are, and what the best option to would be. Any advice or insight would be so, so helpful.

    submitted by /u/lewlskates
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    How do I avoid being overcharged by doctors?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:50 PM PST

    Are CSR positions -always- just glorified solicitor positions or am I being given misinformation?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    I recently got licensed and into an insurance job under the impression that I was going to be a CSR. I was hired for the CSR role. I had the role explained to me as someone who does customer service work and helps maintain the client base.

    Now, I'm being told that I also need to spend hours of my day cold calling and ensure I'm pulling in a certain # of sales a month and I feel incredibly blind sided. As I understand, that's a producer role, not a CSR role. I have fuckawful social anxiety, so I'm honestly kind of raging here because getting that license wasn't cheap (took me three tries to get the damn thing—that's easily almost $300) and I only kept trying because I was expecting a stable career gig where I'd get shifted away from cold calls (they had me doing that to fill my time blocks pre-license.)

    Like I said, I signed up to be a CSR because I am infinitely more comfortable helping clients. Dealing with angry clients doesn't bother me a bit. The logic is that they need help on the issue as a fact and they have a problem which I can provide a solution to. Sales, on the other hand, requires some personality traits that I do not have and have never been interested in having. If I wanted to be a salesperson, I sure as hell would not be an insurance salesperson.

    Anyway... I'm rambling now. Guess I'm venting a bit. I feel very bait and switched right now.

    Is it just the agency I'm working for that does this with CSRs or is it just a standard thing that all CSRs are required to also be salespeople?

    I'm just so angry about this. No one told me anything about this, I burned a lot of stress, time, and money to get this license and I did so hoping to get out of the sales position and into client support and maintenance.

    submitted by /u/lunelectric
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    Car insurance at 21 is near impossible

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I had one of those black boxes at 17, and did 31 in an unmarked 20 zone which bumped up to £4000 a year

    I've ran through countless comparisons and usually got a good deal, but now at 21 with a diesel skoda fabia I can't find anything below £2000 (that's with specialists for my situation, others want £3500-£4000 average)

    I was paying £1200 with 1 year no claims, and now £2000 with 2 years

    Someone please explain how the fuck this works out?

    submitted by /u/mexicanpenguin-II
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    Insurance Quote

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST

    I started a new job in insurance and wanted to get a quote. An acquaintance of mine works at the same insurance agency and did a quote for me. After they did the quote I had some concerns about the information I shared leaking. Can they share my address age or any other private details with our colleagues or is that illegal? Can anyone look me up and see the quote they did and gain access to my private information? what can and cannot be shared with others? I am just a paranoid person and don't like sharing specific details about myself with others and sort of regret sharing them in this case.

    submitted by /u/starvingfortruthsand
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    How long must insurance administrators retain records on those who opted out, in Canada?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Morneau Shepell administered my university's health and dental plans, and I opted out. They replied that they've closed their accounts and can't determine if they refunded me. For privacy, I'd rather not divulge more detail.

    1. How long must they have retained these records? Is there any law?

    2. Who regulates Morneau Shepell? It's not listed at FRSAO or OLHI.

    submitted by /u/seguro-m
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    Question about an at fault insurance claim

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    I'm in Texas, I recently had an at fault collision. I was driving in heavy traffic and had a very minor rear end collision with the vehicle in front of me, the damage was very minor (no noticeable damage to my vehicle and a small scratch to the other vehicle's back bumper.) We exchanged insurance, contact info, took pictures, and later I made the call to my insurance provider. About a week later, I received a letter in the mail letting me know my insurance made an offer and payment to settle the claim.

    What I'm wanting to know is how this will affect my rates and if I'll owe anything to my insurance for this claim. Btw I'm 23 and this was my first vehicle accident so I don't really know how this stuff works.

    submitted by /u/TheBrownGenji
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    Who’s at fault in this situation?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST

    I won't get into the specific details here as I want a objective view on this. But let's say a car is parked and stationary in a parking lot (parked normally - with the front of the car leading into the parking spot - i.e. didn't back into the spot). The passenger of that car opens the door, while simultaneously, a SEPARATE car backs into the adjacent spot, hitting the passenger door of the other vehicle.

    Who's at fault? I'm in TX if that's relevant.

    submitted by /u/gray0921
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    Mother has been with same local small town traditional insurance agency Home/Auto forever. She wants me to switch her to what i'm using - $1k Difference - No Agent

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Hey i'm 30 and I have progressive auto insurance. In my entire adult life i've always had progressive... Never knew anything different. My driving record looks like garbage, I hate to admit it. Good thing is i've never gotten into a single accident ever. Which therefore means i've never had a single claim. Which therefore makes me the last person in the world to be asking for insurance advice. She wants me to switch her two friends over as well.

    I moved back to Georgia and living closer to my mother now and help out, she is a first generation immigrant in a small town so not many other Vietnamese people around to help out as well. English is passable at best. She has her home and Auto insurance through "Georgia Farm Bureau" since I was a kid.

    Her old Agent retired and the new agent is kind of impatient and was not very helpful on her last auto claim. We have a pending claim because her house received some storm damage and this lady was so unprofessional. Anyways good thing I was around because i'm taking care of it now. The agents tone completely changed once she realized I speak English fluently and I seemed somewhat educated. Finally she sent out an adjuster, the adjuster is really cool and we got it all figured out.

    That just had us thinking, isn't the whole point of being with a local agency is to receive help from an agent? What exactly is there job? What can they do that I can't? Keep in mind i'm very ignorant to this whole matter.

    We quoted with progressive and with the exact same policy she will save $1k on a 6 month premium with 3 cars. With the addition of comprehensive "full coverage" the rates will be the EXACT same as what she is paying now for just liability. I have not checked the Home insurance plan yet but yeah... $1k is a chunk of change.

    So yeah now she wants to switch everything over... Now her other 2 friends who are also vietnamese and are with the same insurance as her. Also paying double as well.

    You see that's a lot of responsibility to have on a guy who has no idea what he is doing! They have all been with Georgia Farm Bureau since like 2001.

    1. Whats the difference between having an Agent and not?
    2. Anything an Agent can do that I cant?
    3. Does Progressive suck? If so whats better? Any recommendations that include home as well?
    4. Any negatives to switching insurance companies? Especially after you've had 1 small claim in the past year?
    submitted by /u/Jwin970
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    Is this bad faith?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:59 PM PST

    First post, Anon account, all that jazz.

    I'm almost 30 and have been driving for over 10 years. I have never made an insurance claim that was at fault until now, and my first insurance claim of any sort was just last year when I was rear-ended.

    I hit something leaving my driveway, which has 2 entrances. There was snow on the ground. The car's oil light started flashing. I pulled into the second driveway and the car died. Called insurance company, they provided me with a tow. They sent me to an insurance guaranteed company, which turns out isn't a full blown mechanic, they are a body shop.

    They said I busted my oil pan, so they replaced it. I paid my $500 deductible and attempted to take the car home. However the car has zero power going uphill so I immediately called them and took it back. They had it for a few more days, said they couldn't find anything wrong with it, and gave me the car back once again.

    I called the insurance company, who said that they would have someone else take a look at it and ended up sending me to the dealer mechanic. The dealer said it's possible that my catalytic converter was busted by the original impact but they couldn't say for certain because they didn't do the initial inspection.

    The insurance company did send out an appraiser who valued the damages and sent their findings to the insurance company and myself. the insurance company also admitted in an email that the incident might have aggravated old parts and cause them to fail.

    The issue that I'm having is that my insurance company is refusing to pay for my catalytic converter and if now saying that it's definitely not related to the impact. because I am driving a much older vehicle even The dealer mechanic says yes, it's possible it's from the incident. They've closed my claim and have referred me to the bureau of insurance in my state of I have issues with their determination.

    I have everything in emails from both mechanics, the appraiser, and from my insurance company. My question is the basis for a bad day this claim? Not only did they send me to a mechanic twice who was not prepared to actually fix all of the problems related to this incident and lied saying that there was nothing won't, but after they did send me to the dealer, they're refusing to acknowledge what the dealer mechanic said and have closed my claim.

    submitted by /u/lizardgizard2020
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    sink backed up and flooded

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:40 AM PST

    hi all need advice. sink backedup and flooded apt while i was out of town. it happened 2 weeks after i left on my trip. am i at fault for the water dmg or apartment owners due to faulty plumbing? they need to replace the dry walls and sanitize the floor and clean the water dmg.

    submitted by /u/trojanmana
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    Trying to understand insurance for a small business startup

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:51 AM PST

    I am in the process of starting up a small business that does family entertainment (edit: indoor play space) in a retail location. My lease will be starting soon. I'm going to have a few months where nothing is going on, then a few months of construction, then we'll open for business in about 6 months.

    I'm trying to understand how to best get the various insurance coverages I need, and when to start them.

    For example, I know I need to cover the property as soon as I take possession, and cover the construction risks. But there are other coverages which I don't really need until we open our doors for business.

    1) What coverages do you think I need, and how do I determine which and how much?

    2) Do I need two separate policies that start at two different times? Or can the same policy have certain coverages that start later?

    3) From my description, what am I not understanding about this process?

    4) What kind of broker or agent or ? should I be looking for?


    Edit: This is in NC, US

    submitted by /u/pm_me_your_kindwords
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    how do accidents for one person on an auto policy impact other cars / drivers on the policy?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:02 PM PST

    I have an auto insurance policy with my stepson on it, and he has unfortunately had two at fault accidents in the past month. Our policy has the two of us on it, with 3 vehicles. Two are mine and one his.

    I can't find any info on what this is going to do to premiums. Are they going to go up for just his policy on his car? Or is it going to go up for my vehicles as well? I also have an accident free discount with the insurer, am I going to lose that because of his accident? Or will he just lose it for him?

    submitted by /u/chadcf
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    Is there a limit on car insurance for teens?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:53 PM PST

    I'm asking out of curiosity. Is it possible for someone age of 17 to buy a car around $200,000 and still have it insured. Any idea of what that would cost, or the limit on miles?

    submitted by /u/ProfoundDonut
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    Car accident total loss and gap coverage question

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Hi, I have a question and need some info that maybe someone knows. My wife was recently involved in a collision. She was hit from behind. Her car has been determined a total loss. I have so many questions, first we purchased total gap insurance through the finance company as well as gap insurance on our policy through usaa. We were approximately 3000 dollars negative equity. First we had purchased brand new tires the day before the collision. Will that get added? Secondly, will both gap insurances pay? Or only one? (I'm assuming only one). Third, I had a tight neck after the collision, I went to the dr a day later. The other insurance company has called to offer me a settlement for the dr and "my discomfort", Lastly usaa has new car assistance, and I don't have any idea what that entails.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/atablckblt
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    Car accident damaged my property - how does their insurance typically determine the dollar amount of the check they cut?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:54 PM PST

    We had a car crash through our attached carport a few weeks back and take out half of the load bearing wall. Their auto insurance (GEICO) asked for us to grab a couple of estimates, so we had 4 construction contractors out and finally got the last estimate in so we could submit them with our claim. We ultimately only got two estimates, one for around $5,000 and another for over $10,000 and we're not really sure if these companies meet one of those estimates with the check they cut, average it out and come down in the middle or... neither and we're going to have to get our own homeowners insurance involved. Worth noting GEICO didn't send their own adjuster out or anything (maybe because it's property damage?). Anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

    Any insight is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/google-search-term-
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    (GEICO Auto) I’ve got an hit and run (just dents on my car). At-fault driver isn’t ID’d but I have his plate number. Is it better to file a claim to my insurance? Does it hit my premium calculation?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    I've got an hit and run (no injury no death just dents on my car) last Thursday (1/23). I filed the police report without the at-fault driver info. Yesterday (1/29) I luckily discovered the runaway vehicle and took a photo of license plate. The driver saw me and drove away again. He is an electrician with Chevy C3500 utility truck. He is not ID'd.

    If I want to update my case filed to police I have to visit the assigned officer at the traffic division which I would do in a few days. but I doubt that if it would change the situation.

    My question is; Is it better move to file a claim to my insurance? Here's my situation.

    (1) My insurance is GEICO and live in LA county CA. My car is 2016 Hyundai Elantra GT (market value is $10160 according to CARFAX)

    (2) I had an accident last June and I was at-fault and both cars were totaled. My premium is already almost doubled since then.

    (3) I just bought my car on 12/27. Used and paid in full. I don't want to give this car a damaged history. So I didn't report the damage to DMV yet. Should I do it?

    (4) I have $2000 deductible for collision. The body damage seems less than that with my eye (didn't get professional quote).

    Thank your for your help.

    submitted by /u/MrsMellowYellow
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    Claiming a life insurance policy (AZ)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Years ago, my grandfather took out a life policy that I would receive in the event of his death. He told me to contact my cousin, who will give me the policy. My grandfather passes away last June. I have tried to reach out to my cousin via Facebook and he has not responded. Is it the responsibility of the bank where he purchased the policy to contact me? How would I go about claiming it without going through my cousin?

    Edit: I do not know which bank/insurance company he purchased the policy from. He just told me to contact my cousin who will give me the information.

    submitted by /u/raeoflila
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    Something fell from the roof of a tunnel on my car. What are my next steps? (Boston, MA)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:51 AM PST

    My wife was driving to work through a city tunnel when something fell from the roof on the car, damaging the roof, the side, and making the windshield explode.

    Nobody around, no witness, no dash cam. She was close to work so she managed to park at her work and call the insurance.

    Is there anything we can do to report this to the city? Call the police non emergency line?

    Thanks for your help, we are pretty shocked.

    submitted by /u/sffrenchy
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