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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    Startups Bringing in a developer (first time) what should I have him sign to cover my butt

    Startups Bringing in a developer (first time) what should I have him sign to cover my butt

    Bringing in a developer (first time) what should I have him sign to cover my butt

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:13 PM PST

    So I'm trying to bring in a new developer to go over the code I already have and view everything in the formation of the business including

    Pitch deck Business Plan Wireframes App architecture App design Existing Code

    I'm bringing him on with the intention of possibly partnering with him. Before we get started and to make sure that any code he creates belongs to the company what is standard to sign in these type of situations?

    submitted by /u/jakeandthefatmann
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    My first startup failed. I just for offered a job in another one and I don't know what to do

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST

    So as the title said, I had a startup that followed the steps of 90% of startups, and failed. Whatever.

    I did some soul-searching, some nothing and now I'm "getting my shit together" by doing consulting freelance jobs.

    But today I got together with some buddies from another startup I met at a conference. I thought it was a discovery meeting to do consulting work for them, but they flat out asked me to join the company in a high level job.

    I'm kind of scared to commit again to that level but also excited about the possibility of having an actually successful startup.

    I'm unsure about accepting their offer, but I'm also afraid of losing on the opportunity that's practically being handed to me.

    Any advice?

    Edit: the reason I'm doubting is I'm not sure if I'll be able to meet the startup goals for the role they offered me while ALSO completing my consulting projects. I already committed to my clients and I want to deliver.

    submitted by /u/luciegarciap
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    How many customer profiles is too many when writing a business plan?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:10 PM PST

    I'm writing a business plan for a physical products brand that has 6 different, but related product lines which surprisingly necessitate separate marketing techniques due to the fact that a different skill is needed to use each product. 4 of the 6 product lines have 3 "trim" levels for lack of a better term, and each trim level is marketed to a slightly different demographic. I finally have one B2B customer profile that has the potential of purchasing 3 of the 6 product lines as well. In total I'm looking at roughly 15-16 customer profiles if I include one to cover collectors. Does this seem excessive to anyone, or am I on the right track?

    submitted by /u/brother_Kirik
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    How to get the first subscriber

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:13 PM PST

    I am in the process of building a new platform for musical artists and their fans - I have just reached the point where people are able to sign up for the service but I am struggling to get those first few signups.

    This is the first time I am making something like this so any advice on building a userbase would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mechanical_matt
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    What does the hiring process at your startup look like?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:50 AM PST

    After receiving the application of more than 600 candidates, we refined our hiring process to make it as efficient as possible and as painless as possible for everyone involved.

    One of our approaches to improving our process is to be much more transparent about it, and the way we do that is by sharing an "open letter" to candidates linked from every job description. The goal is both to let candidates know what to expect but also to be clearer about what we expect from candidates.


    I would love to get feedback on our process and to learn more about how it's done at other startups to see where we can improve.

    submitted by /u/pbriod
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    Just need some words of motivation

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:26 PM PST

    Been working on an app idea (building the design, code both front and backend) for the past 5 months. I've gotten a lot of feedback on this app over a year ago before I started on it.

    Been doing 10 - 15 hours of work solo everyday for months and after this many months; yesterday I felt like a truck hit me and I've gotten burnt out. Terrible feeling as I've come so close to finishing. I quit one of my main jobs. I do have a side job remotely that I have a lot of flexibility time-wise in so it doesn't get in the way. Other than that, my source of income minimized purposely because I'm betting everything on this app.

    I won't quit now but I feel like I'm lagging irl. Is there any words of encouragement seeing this through?

    What I have been telling myself that even if this fails, I built a unique web/mobile app from scratch and spent hundreds of hours on it and that will look great on my portfolio if I need to get a job afterwards.

    What do you tell yourselves or How do you guys keep yourself going strong?

    submitted by /u/web_dev1996
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    Problems with naming

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:43 PM PST

    Hello fellow Redditors,

    I am having a small issue, but never the less it is blocking me: I can't find a name.

    I had a name both I and my partners loved but had the relevant domain snatched away, and now I can't come up with a decent alternative to save my life.

    All the online name generators/tools I turned to have proved useless.

    The name doesn't even have to mean anything, could be a nonsense word, it just need to be memorable and easy(ish) to spell.

    Does anyone have any websites I could turn to for inspiration or any name suggestions?

    My startup is in the Real Estate search/big data space.

    Sorry for the bad English/structure.

    TL;DR:. Can't find a name/domain for my startup (real estate search/big data), need help

    submitted by /u/EvolvingIntoAHuman
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    Brother has an idea for a heavy machine management app, but it sounds similar to existing software

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:11 PM PST

    So my brother works in construction and something he's noticed everywhere he's worked is the difficulty in tracking machine repairs and getting managers to actually fill out and keep repair logs. They're simple pieces of paper but often get lost or ignored until insurance adjusters come by at which point they either forge them or admit they don't have them.

    What ends up happening is machines don't get repaired and need down time and the company loses money and likely pays more insurance.

    His idea is an app that logs each machine with a QR code on the dashboard and allows the operator or manager to easily fill out a report of the machine each time it's used. It could also track gas usage and data analytics could be done to see how much it costs to run each machine before repairs.

    Certain software exists already, like CAT management but according to him it's only for new machines. Other apps like Fleetio exist but seem very complicated according to user reviews and might not be as accessible to people in his industry. They also don't incorporate some of his ideas, like the QR codes.

    My question is it worth it to develop this for him? I can probably do everything he wants and there's definitely companies that need it. I'm just worried other companies might over take us in this field.

    Does it seem worth it it to you guys?

    submitted by /u/whydontwestealaway
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    Market survey as a tool to measure future traction

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:35 AM PST

    Has anyone had experience in using (paid) market surveys to measure future traction of a start up idea? If so, how effective was it? If not, just share your thoughts on me doing so anyways.

    I'm referring to monetised versions of surveys, where I will pay for responses. I think there are lots of options (iirc survey monkey has this optionality as well).

    submitted by /u/Space_Qwerty
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    ideas on easy to maintain startup?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:11 AM PST

    I have been working in a small to medium enterprise on a completly custom PHP / LAMP stack with Digital Ocean. The maintenance and cost of dev is so human resource expensive every day is something new that it kills the desire to create new features

    I'm thinking an idea for a startup on the side together with my job which will be a mentorship marketplace (not for dev) with chat app and zoom conference.

    What would be the stack that will require back-end and server maintenance as less as possible using free tools and glueing via aPI?

    Something like building everything on Cloud Engine using all APIs ? (stripe, sendgrid, zoom) and most of the work on front-end like Vue?

    submitted by /u/superhiperwalrus
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    No idea where to start

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Hey all, I have an idea for a product and I need help with figuring out how to start my business

    I am in the Junior Achievement program but the program is slow and we barely cover anything due to time frame

    I am trying to participate in the grand rapids 5x5 to help with funding and creating my business but while skimming over their rules I was met with "participants have to be 18+" I am 17 years old but I have knowledge in running a business through Dale Carnegie courses and Marketing/Entrepreneurship classes and I am very much interested and knowledgeable in the topic that my product falls under.

    I just dont have funding nor know really where to start, for the most part I am always met with so many brick walls like "18+" etc etc. any advice?

    submitted by /u/Separate_Rice
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    Assessing the value of a startup hire!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:39 PM PST

    For me one of the bigger challenges is to estimate the true value of the person I am hiring.Not overvalue him or undervalue him.The standard way is to interview him but I feel this only gives me an estimate of the technical skills he has.But how do I assess his values?How do you fellow startup owners do this?What are the thing that you follow.Is it even an issue for you!

    submitted by /u/neogodsown
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    Noob here, need help with starting/ visualizing an idea for an app/service

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:59 AM PST

    hi there ,im doing a project for school and potentially more and i need help with the process of visualizing it as we have already set out the feature and its capabilities but am unsure on how to lay it out in a sense of a flowchart as well as making it demos what would you recommend is the way to go or the software to use, thanks i appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/ido3390do
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    Advisor Compensation Question

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:24 AM PST

    I've been offered to join a friends start-up as a 'growth advisor'. I run marketing campaigns in full time day on, have built communities and . I've been already running the Facebook ads on their behalf for the last few months while it got off the ground, with the expectation of future employment/compensation - but I made it clear I'm not in position to leave my full-time job.

    I've been offered to join as an advisor which would be:

    • £100 per month (£1,200 per year) cash.
    • £4,000 worth of share options (0.1% of the diluted business).
    • Comittmen to 6 days (48 hours) per month. (I could do this alongside my fulltime job on weekends/evening/jolidays)

    What does this look to you? Does it seem normal? Is it a low-ball to start negotiation?

    submitted by /u/AcuteObliqueAngel
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