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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Facebook deleted business page without warning, any advice? small business

    Facebook deleted business page without warning, any advice? small business

    Facebook deleted business page without warning, any advice?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:31 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I run a small business selling smartwatch accessories online. The products are something I make myself and it's done pretty well over the past couple years, mostly thanks to Facebook ads. It is currently my full time job.

    Today I was notified my Facebook business page was marked as unpublished and could not be searched or found by others, it said something along the lines of "your page is similar to a page that violates our community standards". I clicked the "appeal" button and wrote that I didn't know what the page was unpublished for and believed it to be a mistake. As soon as I submitted the appeal the page completely vanished. It didn't show under my pages, the link said the page had been deleted and my ads account showed no connected Facebook page.

    I spoke with the online chat support and they said it will have to be investigated which can take 3 or more business days. My ads account cant post ads without being connected to a facebook page and since that is my primary sales driver I expect to not sell much of anything until this is fixed, which will likely be 5+ days since we are heading into a weekend.

    Has anyone else dealt with this and does anyone know how to expedite Facebook's investigation of it? I can't believe they would just delete a business page without any warnings, especially with it being so integral to their advertising. I have had a lot of issues with Facebook but this is completely unacceptable as I will now go nearly a week without sales at a time when I specifically expected a lot of activity because of Black Friday/cyber Monday and have sales planned. I spend nearly $4000 month on ads but it's not like I can even really even leave the platform and take my business elsewhere because out of everything I've tried nothing else even comes close to performing as well.

    submitted by /u/sappylobster
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    Someone fully transitioned to E-sign ?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:44 PM PST

    So from time to time there is different blogs pop up about digitalizing everything (business included) and the most common one lately is about E-sign. Surely you`ve used it a few times or at least heard about it. I`ve started to think about it pluses and minuses and genuenly come to a decision that this way of handling documentation is superior over old school paper one (so to say).

    Finally my question is have anyone fully transfered his business (any scale) in digital way generally and do you fully complete deals with any e-sign service you deem fit for you ?

    Is the transition was hard if yes what main difficulties was about it ?

    Very intrested in feedback about it !

    P.S I hope it`s not wrong to post a source. It`s one of that blog-posts everyone hate, but still.

    submitted by /u/mcgeepatricia457
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    Full time employed with side business online . reasonable salary dilemma

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST


    I have a fulltime job with 70k a year and my side business online ebay did really good this time . almost 150k Profit . i am trying to register as LLC taxed as s corp and in dilemma what will be my reasonable salary from business aide . i dont want to take too low for the risk of IRS and not too high as its just parttime . any advice

    submitted by /u/himalayanjunkie
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    Anybody have experience with Makerspaces?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    I've recently come into a good bit of money unfortunately due to a grandparent's passing. I have been working in the entertainment industry for a decade now. I can 3D model pretty much anything you can think of. I want to start a "Makerspace" that empowers people to develop their own ideas while also contributing back to the workshop. I've done a fair amount of research about makerspaces but I would like to offer more ways that those makers can develop, market, and ultimately generate profit from their creative ideas, projects, or services. Most makerspaces I've been to you have all the resources to make limited niche products but no services or people to help research, market, and distribute those products. I would still love to run and organize classes and mentorship as well, and I think that would be a great way to get people in the door.

    I plan on architectually visualizing this space in 3D and make it navigatable in VR to help sell this idea to potential investors or sponsors to this idea. This along with my business plan, I'm hoping will help me get a head start on organization and planning.

    The main reason I want to start this business is to make tangible products and services (so much of my work has been intangible yet highly profitable), but also give other people the opportunity to be financially stable off their own creations. And I would absolutely love to be able to work for myself after spending so many years working on other people's $10-$100mil funded ideas and IPs. I want to build and be a part of an inclusive, empowering, and creative community.

    The couple things I have no idea about is how to acquire or lease commercial properties and insure them for this purpose. I'm not sure if I should do this under the "makerspace" umbrella or if I should go with a generalized workshop area with retail space attached.

    Any help, advice, or past experiences would be amazing. If any of you could put me in touch with people who do something similar I would love to pick their brain if they have time.

    Thanks for listening! I'm anxious to hear more about this from people who have experience in this area.

    submitted by /u/ceebee3d
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    How do you get Amazon Prime for Business if you have a personal prime account?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:13 PM PST

    Unfortunately, Amazon seemed to have got rid of the Extend your Prime Benefits from personal to business.

    Am I really going to have to pay two prime memberships (business one being more expensive), just to separate personal and business expenses? Seems like a huge waste.

    Anybody got hacks?

    submitted by /u/ArcanoBot
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    Business back-end / infrastructure question.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:32 AM PST

    This is one thing I've never really understood about people who start a business and that is how do they go about setting up the data management side of things.

    For example you want to setup a shipping company but you need all the shipping software, setup the servers, create databases, payroll software, maybe even an app as well etc.

    Or you want to setup a purely online website but you have absolutely no idea how to code it, do you just hire a software development company to build it all for you with NDAs in place so they can't rip off your idea?


    Whenever I think about starting a company, the first thing I think about is all the things I don't know how to do and it's pretty overwhelming. Even a simple business these days requires quite a bit of software and in some cases, the hiring of several companies to help connect all the different parts.

    submitted by /u/Bellamy88
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    How can I work smarter, not harder?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    For service industry peers,

    What are some examples of working smarter and not harder that have helped your business run more smoothly and with less hiccups?

    For example, I started using a scheduling website so my customer can pick the best day and time for them, instead of me manually scheduling their appointments.


    submitted by /u/hankmardukus66
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    Just launched a new merch store! Feedback Appreciated!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I just recently stared a merch website with my friend, and we are using the Shopify platform. He is a choreographer from the Bahamas and has a few fans. We have already made a few sales in the first few days. The url is www.xclusivcrew.com. I know some of the designs are not the best but we are going to be using some of the money made to pay a designer for better ones. Currently he is the only one able to advertise as he has a bit of a fan base, but i'm trying to think of ways i'm able to make some sales as well. Maybe selling things that I can advertise on fb ads, but staying within the niche. I'm looking for some feedback on the site and maybe some advice.. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Planetkarma
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    Scared of what's next

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

    I've owned my business since I graduated college... 24 years ago. Business has started to go down and expenses way up... So i sold it. Not getting much for it.. a little over $200k. 100k down and the rest over 3 years. I have no idea what I'm going to do next and so worried about supporting my family being I have no job experience besides what I've been doing. Plus I'm so burnt on my industry so really don't want to go back into if i don't have to. Any thoughts on good businesses to start up with the cash i have available? I need to figure out something quick. So scared and anxious.

    submitted by /u/tbrkek
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    Following the money vs. following your passion?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:52 PM PST

    Would you rather follow the money or follow your passion? (Both profitable but one makes more than your passion). I saw an interview on a national news channel recently where some "financial expert" said to follow the money and just deal with what you're doing. I tried that and failed miserably as didn't like what I was doing. My question is, would you follow your passion and live comfortably, or would you follow the money and just "deal with what you're doing"? But making more money.

    submitted by /u/cummins87
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    Bar/Restaurant owners: preventing employee theft

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:47 PM PST

    I'm not a business owner but I've worked in bars and restaurants for the past 12 years. In this time I've noticed many ways in which employees steal from their employers. Not straight up taking cash but pouring free drinks/giving away food, "fluffing" the till (misringing or pocketing cash payments), taking home product or not ringing in shift meals, time theft. Even at places where the owners were genuinely nice people this still seemed to occur. Has anyone found an approach to mitigate this? As an employee I think that paying above minimum wage and competing businesses as well as going out of your way to recognize your staff's efforts would reduce theft substantially but perhaps I'm one of those weirdos who hasn't become completely jaded by working in hospitality for a decade.

    submitted by /u/meb909
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    I'm working on selling high end men's denim jeans. I'm thinking that to start off, I need to have pop-up stores, and sell at WeWorks and/or other places face-to-face.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

    Currently, I'm trying to sell a line of denim jeans that are amazing in quality but only $60 or so for now online. However, nobody is interested in even buying a single pair. Now, I'm thinking that I need to basically sell this a more traditional way and go to WeWorks or WorkBar places, host a presentation about denim, construction details, and then sell it there once a year or so, and other traditional ways like pop-up stores, kiosks, and even go to different retail shops in Boston to see if they could host my product in house.

    Is my idea for distributing my product viable? What should I expect from going door-to-door to the different boutiques of Boston with my product?

    submitted by /u/GratitudeForGuidance
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    "The Paperwork has never been done 'quite' right"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Hey friends. First time poster here so lmk if I do something wrong.

    My dad has forever owned a marina and done general concrete/sea wall work. The title is how he has always described the book work.

    This past few years I've been getting closer to taking over the business, learning and working and essentially doing what he does. This past week I finally blew up and took over the books from his (saint of a)bookkeeper since I was genuinely unsure of whether we would make it through the winter. I've been discovering more and more about his, and the business's finances. I've been learning that the business is almost 50k in debt, very possibly more. I'm still digging. I'm not concerned about the debt, I can pay it off. I'm working on the books and I like the direction that they're going in, I dont think I need advice on that either.

    My question for all you lovely people is this: as a general contractor/marina, what bills do I absolutely have to keep paid to avoid catastrophe? How much should I have for an emergency fund? I know that I need to keep the electric and phone bill paid, but after that, I'm at a loss. The liability insurance is either shut down or very close.

    Tl;dr: Inherited an indebted contracting business, what bills are absolutely vital? How much should go to an emergency fund?

    Edit: too big, condensed

    submitted by /u/Casthoma
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    Does anyone have experience in creating a membership for their business?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:49 PM PST

    Thinking of having a membership for a boardgame cafe I am in the midst of opening. I was wondering how to get the software going and to have cards that can be scanned with a customers information?

    submitted by /u/JayGatsb0
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    Is There Any Software To Track Customers Activity ?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:50 AM PST

    Hello, may i know if there's any opensource software to track customers suggestions and feed back in general?

    I would love to be able to record their activity with my business such as suggestions, calls for specific case etc and just have a record of this stuff in general.

    submitted by /u/GETPILLSAGAINST
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    How do I move a website and custom php application from my current development/support/host guy who is becoming less and less responsive to someone I can count on? And how would I find them?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:06 AM PST

    I run a small business that does about $110K per year in revenue through a custom built website which delivers digital content. It's built on all custom code in php and mySQL. I know very little about this stuff -- I just know I need it to work and I need someone to pick up the phone when I call them. I pay $650 a month for hosting and support, and the support is getting harder and harder to get.

    We do two rounds of software enhancements each year on average. Each one probably involves 20-40 hours of programming and costs under $1000.

    What type of business could help me transition? I would like the whole thing managed by somone else -- hosting, server, DNS, code migration and database migration. I'm not savvy enough to manage any of this, but I believe I need to transition to another provider. But who? I'm not sure where to look. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/EasternDelight
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    For those of us who are beginners, what’s the best way to learn about, and how to make, money and then get busy making it?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    • What should be studied first if we are currently morons about money? Economics? Budgeting?

    • Are there steps you'd recommend we go after FIRST?

    • How do we avoid the temptation of just getting a stable job?

    • Is there a good way to find people in-person who can show us the ropes?

    submitted by /u/OhFuhSho
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    Liquor store

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    I am interested in opening a liquor store and want to get input from anyone who is in the business on how they went about it and what to expect going forward. I've done some initial research but people with firsthand experience and numbers are hard to come by. Any information helps.

    submitted by /u/hsc9927
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    Any Subcontractors on Here?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:46 AM PST

    How the heck does everyone keep track of their bid invitations? We have come up with a spreadsheet that has basic stuff like project name, general contractor, bid due date and location but it still seems so tedious to put all that information in the sheet. Then at the end of the week our project managers will go in and decide which ones we are doing or not doing. Then I have to go in and whichever ones we are not bidding and respond to say no and then delete all those emails and every one we get after that. Then the ones we are bidding I will be going through the emails once again and putting them in a software system. I need help.

    submitted by /u/JR1217
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    Christmas bonuses

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    What are we all doing for Christmas bonuses? Cash is always king, but a certain amount? Percentage of pay? I'd love to hear some of your ideas.

    submitted by /u/jerrys_middle_finger
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    JustWorks losing CPEO status

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    JustWorks announced yesterday that their "certified" professional employer organization status has been suspended by the IRS.

    Can anyone weigh-in on the implications for JustWorks' clients, especially if it is determined that JustWorks has failed to remit Federal Employment taxes on behalf of their clients?

    submitted by /u/boneharaka
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    What causes a company to become talked about?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:17 PM PST

    How would a company get their products to pick up steam and get people talking about it? How does a thing like this catch on to a dedicated group of people or better yet a big segment of the mass market?

    Is this by getting reviewers and social media people to give free press about it. Is it a product that people all want to buy once they see it and post about it on instagram? What is it about certain products that make a huge amount of people want to buy it immediately?

    submitted by /u/jesus_ismexican
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