• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    We're being sued? Shopify store. Entrepreneur

    We're being sued? Shopify store. Entrepreneur

    We're being sued? Shopify store.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    I was going to post this on a throwaway but obviously that had no karma so I just shredded my post history in case this hurts my case.

    On Thursday I received a letter that informed me that my LLC is being sued under something called the ADA.

    Essentially they're claiming that my Shopify store isn't accessible by deaf and blind people and it should be???

    I don't have a lawyer but I'm really quite worried. Our revenue is under $500,000 per year and a settlement of even 10% of that would wipe us out.

    What do I do here? How should I have prevented this from happening? Is this a scam? Hopefully it is right?

    submitted by /u/MOOREMIESTER
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    Build a community surrounding your product.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    Creating a product isn't just about the product itself. Although it is important, building and nurturing a community surrounding that product really helps improve growth and retention and even the product itself by staying up to date in the market, and giving meaning to customers who identify with your product. A few bullet points below.

    • customer outreach
    • a place for your community to hang out
    • a place for your users to report bugs and help give suggestions
    • Helps give culture to your product
    • ideas and brainstorming

    For example my startup project Yobored I started talking to gamers about it. And then with gamers came a lot of intelligent people who were interested in the product. I created a discord and started recruiting people who might be interested and now we have a hangout full of programmers, designers, gamers, even a few quantum engineers. It's amazing, I now call the whole thing Yo Corp. Alongside my project, spawned a bigger vision. Yo Corp is all about people, culture, and awareness. I solidified the vision and culture by bringing people together. Recruitment is key. Just wanted to share with all of you how building a community is essential.

    Also if you are interested, you can join our hangout, on the Yobored website click "Discord" in the top right. I run things there and also carry out meetings with the devs that anyone can sit and listen in on, so might be interesting to see for any entrepreneur, I am open to feedback and even trying to help in anyway!

    Always moving forward,

    Steve Dobbs

    submitted by /u/Steve_Dobbs
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    What industry do you consider so saturated, that you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Ideas instead of college ?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm 18(F) and really creative I enjoy music, fashion, business etc. sometimes I feel like I invest into so many hobbies I loose myself. I'm currently in community college right now and completed a semester worth of college credits in high school. I really hate the education system and do not want to go to college I know this isn't for everyone but I feel it is the right decision for me. Unfortunately I don't have financial support from my family and need to pay bills soon and need to have a plan that will lead me in the right direction for financial freedom. I don't want to go into debt for a film, music, or communications degree. Any advice would be helpful on how to go about this.

    submitted by /u/tiredoftired48
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    Tool for discussion specific topics

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    Building a business is not an easy job. It's a painful and dramatic path that we take. On the journey we face many problems that others have faced before us and have the answers how to solve them.

    That's why we use Reddit and other online tools to get advice, share our experience, network etc.

    However most of the time you don't know who you're talking to. Is the guy/girl advising you experienced or is he/she 12 year old kid just trying to 'school' you.

    That's why I've put together a tool for us called Wiikly. You can arrange online meetups to discuss various topics via video chat.

    Platform is FREE and I'll do my best to maintain it so. Please feel free to share your feedback.

    submitted by /u/Gio_13
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    What do you do when you see your audience not care about a solution that could genuinely help them?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:59 AM PDT

    For example, improve a practice that they do - but they don't see it as a problem.

    Do you educate the market?

    Or do you figure out what they do care about and create something for that, even though you might find it trivial, compared to the main issue you wanted to solve for?

    submitted by /u/harveybot2000
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    Looking for help with dollar store product manufacturing and distribution, thanks!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Thanks for reading. The product is a simple one-piece plastic item that solves a daily issue.

    Offshore manufacturing/packaging/ shipping/distribution -I would really appreciate the benefit of others' experience.

    Dealing with Dollar Stores- how to get the product on the shelves!

    submitted by /u/dustydiamond
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    Patent an idea I don't plan to pursue beyond the working prototype?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    I had a game idea, and then I made a working prototype. The technology isn't fully there yet for it to be something that I want to fully make into a game (in the near future anyways), but it works as I had hoped, and I think that it is a unique concept. The idea involves a sort of blend between hardware and software.

    Game development isn't even the path that I am pursuing professionally, and I currently have no plans to pursue the idea any further. Should I patent it simply because it is unique and could have potential further in the future? I know nothing of patenting, and am aware that hiring a patent lawyer would cost me money.

    Edit: it looks like, at least for now, I do not need to patent the idea. Thank you all for the advice!

    submitted by /u/KevinTwenty7
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    Do all small businesses/startups get sued at some point?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    Reposter: A free and open-source tool to manage, monitor and deploy marketing in social-media by re-posting content from one social media service (Reddit, Tumblr) to the another (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc).

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    Tweet for more context and source code: https://twitter.com/ugupta41/status/1182992549012656129

    Hi there, I have created this framework a while back where you can setup things in a declarative fashion (JSON file, with your credentials, subreddits to copy content from, pages to upload it to) - and automate the entire process of posting content from one place to another.

    DEMO - Copying content from /r/ProgrammerHumor to https://www.facebook.com/Stephanie.VA17/, /r/EarthPorn and /r/EarthPornGifs to https://www.facebook.com/Earthian-1855714958090094/

    I wanted a setup that could be give me an entire control over content creation in a programmable automated way. With this framework, I can add as many as content retrievers and submitters as possible and create any kind of dynamic programmable workflow between them.

    So for example, I could have reddit -> multiple facebook pages, twitter, instagram pages content submission, or tumblr, reddit, custom website -> Multiple facebook pages, twitter, etc. without really worrying about the underlying integration part. Consider it like a free zapier across social media handle content management.

    Declaration via JSON looks like this:

    { "leads": [ { "facebook": { "name": "Earthian", "page_id": "1855714958090094", "token": "", "message": false }, "subreddits":[ { "name": "earthporn" }, { "name": "earthporngifs" } ] }, { "facebook": { "name": "Otterance", "page_id": "264385350745645", "token": "", "message": false }, "subreddits": [ { "name": "otters" } ] }, { "facebook": { "name": "Stephanie Virtual Assistant", "page_id": "319363778501603", "token": "", "message": true }, "subreddits": [ { "name": "ProgrammerHumor" } ] } ] } 

    It comes with a pre-built plugin of Reddit -> Facebook Pages reposts, such that you just add in your credentials of Reddit and Facebook API, subreddits to copy from and pages to submit to and everything will be done automatically.

    submitted by /u/Drazxie
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    I made a social network centered around spaced repetition and timeless content

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    The idea is that people see a lot of stuff that they find insightful, but then promptly forget. My social network (named Perennium) is a place for people to post insightful stuff and interesting ideas they find or think of, and others can "spotlight" those so they'd see them again every once in a while and it sticks in their mind.

    It's basically a social network centered around spreading timeless insights and interesting ideas that utilizes memory techniques to help you remember what you've learned.

    The website is called Perennium and here's the link to it: Perennium.io (currently only works well on desktop)

    I'd really appreciate if you could join it and at least give me some feedback. I hope it will be useful for you!

    submitted by /u/Prodigy510
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    What's a good website builder for a relatively decent price?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    I'm looking for an easy to use website builder.

    submitted by /u/kraftdinnerisgoood
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    ATM business

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    I am 18, and my roommate and I are planning on starting an ATM business while we are in college. We would get our parents to get our first machine for us for Christmas. We have an ideal of a business plan. I was just looking for advice.

    submitted by /u/collegedriper
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    CBD- Tech Startup consumer insights

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:22 PM PDT

    Hi r/Entrepreneur -- long time lurker; first time poster. I've gotten a bunch of great insights out of this sub and hope you can help me out once again.

    Do you use CBD products?

    If so I'd love to hear from you.

    I'm building a tech startup directly relating to CBD and would like to better understand some of the issues facing consumers. I'm looking to connect with people using CBD products—I would really appreciate if you could fill in this survey. It's super short (10 Q's) and won't take more than 2 minutes.

    Ideally, I'd like to hear from people that are using CBD products for relief of a symptom or ailment. If this is you, then you would be an ideal candidate.

    A bit of background: I have an idea that is purely at the concept stage and I'm looking for more info before investing in building an MVP. I will not collect any data / personal info from this (unless you provide your email at the end of the survey). All responses collected are anonymous.


    CBD MVP POC Survey

    submitted by /u/didjuenablecookies
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    What measures should a business owner undertake to secure himself in the case of losing his phone?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    I am a programmer and I wish to create businesses around web apps I will build in the future. My gmail account (which is basically my digital ID) is connected to AWS and google cloud, so losing my phone not only endangers whatever apps I will be managing, but accounts that can rack up high usage on the cloud.

    I do not reuse passwords and have 2 step verification. But I wonder what do business owners do when they lose their phone? How do you protect VS that?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    All of my business has been word of mouth. How do I build an online brand?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:57 AM PDT

    I run a software development company. I have had all of my business come from word of mouth, but want to take on more jobs and get more cash flow.

    I am currently rebuilding my website and will be doing weekly blog posts to have content relevant to my industry. I also have an Instagram account that I've created but haven't done anything with it.

    I've done a lot of research but still can not understand where to start, aside from spending money on ads.

    What have you guys used, with success, for bringing organic flow to your business?

    submitted by /u/OrganicPancakeSauce
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    Do you know of any good articles or books involving tips about social media strategies for a brand/store? (Your own tips & experience are welcomed as well.)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:59 PM PDT

    I've never been very social media savvy and I'm not sure how I can use different platforms (especially Instagram) to my advantage for my clothing store. I'm really in need of the basic "do's and don'ts" of social media to help me get started.

    submitted by /u/RockinToad
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    Is it good practice to install a backup pixel for fb ads?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    I see so many people complaining about their ad account being banned lately. Some people have backup pixels, others claim they are not needed. Can someone explain what the best practice is when it comes to pixels? One, or multiple? All in different ad accounts?

    submitted by /u/selflessrebel
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    [Feedback] IceyMail - AI to help you write the perfect cold email ��

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    For the past few weeks, I've been wanting to build a simple product that solves a problem within my domain, copywriting. IceyMail is essentially an assistant that sits in your Gmail, analyzes the text, and provides feedback on how effective your email is as a cold email. The feedback includes ratings on the difficulty of the words in your email, your positivity level, and the word count. I'm currently trying to gauge interest in a product like this and since entrepreneurs like myself would be likely to use this, I'm posting this here.

    So if you could provide some solid feedback on IceyMail (the product idea, product structure, pricing, etc.) that would be much appreciated.

    Depending on the feedback, next steps will be to find a developer to help me build this out.

    - Anthony

    submitted by /u/antdke
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    Have anyone Invested in RealtyMogul ?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:01 AM PDT

    I'm looking to Invest in RealtyMogul. But I have some questions I want to ask. Has anyone Invested in RealtyMogul before? Please let me know.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/pratik_0810
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    Best place for wholesale of this product?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    I am interested in buying durex or similar quality brands of condoms preferably locally in the U.K. as cheap as possible, what is the best place to buy these? I am a bit concerned with buying fakes.

    submitted by /u/Blatik
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    Came across an interesting (although a bit phony) google ad strategy

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:34 AM PDT

    I was looking for company names and comparing a few services that came up on the google ads when I noticed they had 1 or 2 of the same "clients" for their naming service.

    These agencies had entirely different pricing, aesthetic, everything was different about them, but they are obviously the same group of people. I googled their address and came up with a few more "professional naming service" companies with the same address.

    So clearly they are using multiple company profiles to both test what converts better as well as dominate the google adwords for new company naming.

    I'm not convinced that this isn't against google ads TOS, since they take competition pretty seriously, but I thought it was a rather interesting strategy. Also not sure how I feel about it ethically since I totally thought I was being a good consumer comparing two different products.

    Anyone come across stuff like this before? Do you think it's ethical?

    submitted by /u/Magikarpeles
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