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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Simple business idea for you young hustlers Entrepreneur

    Simple business idea for you young hustlers Entrepreneur

    Simple business idea for you young hustlers

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    If anybody is struggling to make their first dollars online, try this.

    Learn simple CSS/HTML edits. Buy a site theme from Themeforest that allows many iterations.

    Then go to Reddit, Twitter, Craigslist, Fb groups and offer to do simple websites 100% free of charge.

    People will love it, and all they have to do is pay the monthly fee for hosting (it's their site, after all).

    But how are you making money?

    Through your referral link. Bluehost pays $60 per referral. Other hosts pay too.

    Win-win for both parties. The client gets a free site design, and you get testimonials, referral cash, and experience.

    (Yes, I've seen guys do this. They take that experience and portfolio to start charging good rates.)

    submitted by /u/e_lvn
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    I want to make a 2D board game app. Super simple, like checkers, but I know nothing about app making. Any advice?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    How do I contact companies for business?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    I am starting a consulting firm and I am finding it difficult to find ways to start up a client base. Any suggestions on how to contact larger companies for businesses?

    submitted by /u/PattyMeltzz
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    I have a lot of knowledge about fashion but dont know how to channel that into a business

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    I know ive always wanted to run my own business and i love fashion but ive always sucked at design so i cant start my own brand but i have extensive knowledge about fashion but i dont know what to do with it? My friends always tell me to be a stylist or a fashion journalist but i want to work for myself and build something i believe in. So basically im just looking for any ideas that would help

    submitted by /u/okqueen
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    I'm a teacher that is looking for supplemental income crafting something. Any ideas of easy woodcrafting products high in demand?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    Asking HELP from Senior Executives, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    I am a business coach/consultant and am conducting some market research.

    Please consider taking this short 10 question survey on SurveyMonkey. It is anonymous. I will not get your contact info or know who provided what answers. There is no branding or sales offer.

    Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7QPJX57

    submitted by /u/Engineo1
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    From 1-10 what level would you say you are living at.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    If you are an Entrepreneur successful days can only become more frequent when we are living at a higher level.

    submitted by /u/Lab222
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    Potential business idea, not sure if best route.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    My father has come up with a very useful tool for consulting. We have talked about packaging it but I am unsure where to start. It is a program with some human interaction process( that can be made to be completed online), followed by taking the results and providing a deliverable that is custom to each situation.

    There is interest in the program from GoDaddy, and Zoom and we haven't even pitched them, they just found the idea and approached my father.

    I am not sure what would be the best model to shoot for (SaaS vs license and sell to other consulting firms vs something I am yet to know)

    Ideally he would like it to be more passive, but isn't opposed to working within the model for a few years as he is retired. I would be helping him as well.

    Any resources or case studies that may be helpful in deciding direction?

    submitted by /u/jarredknowledge
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    App to hang-out in your community

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    http://www.theagora.ga/ check it out if you want, any feedback is helpful:=)

    Problem I have been moving around a lot recently and it took me by surprise how hard is to engage and create a community of friends and acquaintances as I had in my native country. I consider myself to be really social but there are certainly adapting issues when you move around.

    I was in need of being more social and hang out more. I tried to use Meetup and Tinder but the first one was oriented a lot into workshop kinda events an more formal or practical events and Tinder was more 1 to 1 basis so I decided to try to make a new app based in small random and informal events with locals from the place you are staying

    Solution I was thinking of a "AirBnb" kinda app, that would allow you to post events or hang outs (activities, place and time) in a Feed where people can choose to assist to the event in a simple process.

    The "hang-outs" would be simple activities that you choose, like shopping, going to the gym, having a small diner or a cinema night in a rooftop, the activity is up to you to decide, the app would have basic categories but you could create a new one.

    the idea is to take you offline in an online way. It would be a simple app and with a basic profile, a post_event fuction and the Feed where you can search according to key words and places

    an example would be "We are making a big lasagna and you guys are invited (up to 6 people) in ****, Ohio at **:**"

    then you could press "assist" and chat with the group that is going to assist.

    Landing page You could check our website and our concept here at AGORA

    Feedback I would like to ask for help about the concept idea, the way the app works and any help about monetizing it even thou Its not in my plans for an early way to make money, I feel really lost at this point.

    Also If you want to help the project in any way, you can do it, I am working on it alone and I am not in any way an expert or rich in order for the project to be bulletproof so any kind of help would be appreciated it.

    submitted by /u/erik270998
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    A head full of Ideas

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    If you had no money but a head full of ideas what would your advice be to make them real? PS: Ideas Include: app ideas, product ideas, etc..

    submitted by /u/appsplaah
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    Mitigating financial/legal risk with a new business

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: not pretending to have any experience with entrepreneurship, just genuinely looking for some insight on the topic.

    Let's say I want to start a new venture, for the sake of example software-related. Really just bootstrapping it on my own.

    Exactly what sort of legal/financial risk am I opening myself up to when I start gaining an actual user base? As an individual, can I be held accountable to laws like GDPR, etc. and be expected to be fully compliant in the way I protect user data? If I fail to meet some security standard, etc. and something does happen to go wrong, can I be sued into non-existence?

    The follow up question is how it is possible to avoid these risks and concrete next steps I should consider. The allure of starting something new is pretty strong, but at the moment it's more terrifying than anything.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/benjkara
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    Finding good base materials

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    First time posting to this forum. I'm looking for resources / advice from people who have experience in the men's personal care industry. Specifically: face wash, lotion and after shave / beard oil.

    I'm looking to create a few products products. I've done the market research but need some help with the product. I'll hire a chemist etc eventually but wanted to get thoughts on the following:

    1) buying a "base" and adding in the "magic sauce separately" so as to minimize manufacturing investment

    2) fda/ canada regulations on products above

    3) producing internationally vs domestically

    4) sales channels

    Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated.

    submitted by /u/paladinab
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    Should I build a content writing service or a broader SEO agency?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. So I have an established domain / brand (just two clients so far, still tiny) which is essentially a content writing service (blog posts, web pages, etc. -- all SEO optimised). I am a copywriter by trade, so this is my bread and butter.

    The brand name / domain has the word "write" in it, so it's very specifically a copywriting service. That said, I also have extensive knowledge of SEO and digital marketing, so I'm wondering if maybe I'm pigeon-holing myself by offering only content writing? There are plenty of successful full-service DM / SEO agencies out there already, so I know there's a big market to tap into -- but content writing is more niche. There are a few small companies who are doing okay in this market, many of whom partner with SEO agencies who need a flow of content, but I worry that I'm limiting my options even just by using a brand name with the word "write". If it weren't for that I could at least consider diversifying as I grow, but I feel like the name locks down my options. That said, it is catchy and I have the .com and all the socials for it, and the TLD is a couple of years old already.

    Bottom line: Am I limiting my business's potential by focusing only on content writing, or is this a viable business? Or should I re-brand now, nice and early, and retain the option to expand services to SEO / DM as time dictates?

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/RUFiO006
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    Small businesses and debt

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    Bit of background on this: company is 4 years old, I was brought in in year 2 as COO with another guy as CTO each at 24.5% ownership,original founder owns 51%.

    Over the last 2 years, we have increased sales by 500% and doubled the size of our team. To do so we took on significant debt.

    My priority is to get rid of our debt. Operationally we can do it in the next year if we don't increase our salaries and keep expenses where they are. My ultimate goal is to have a full month of expenses available in cash in case of a rainy day.

    This is where the problem is: the minute we get any amount of money, the original owners brain goes into spend mode: special events for the staff, declaring a ton of new expenses on the company like car allowances, unnecessary business trips, and just overall an attitude that being in debt is a normal thing and paying interest is a part of doing business.

    Am I wrong to have my goal? Is he correct that my strategy is probably too conservative and paying interest is a part of life? How do you all run your businesses when it comes to debt?

    submitted by /u/ZacharyBall
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    Your go to books?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    Hello dear community folks, I would like to know some of your best go to books or playbooks for business and life related stuff. I am unfortunately out of books and would therefore know, what kind of books my community are reading? I like to improve and entertain my self by others succes. So if you can recommend anything then feel free to do so!

    Thanks in regards

    submitted by /u/TheNewbieWhale
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    If you had $30,000, what is a way you would actively try to invest it?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    I would like to hear some entrepreneurship ways to invest this amount of money. Retirement funds, emergency funds.

    submitted by /u/expo445668
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    Quitting our jobs and starting a $20k/month blog.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.

    Today's interview is with Kelan Kline (u/thesavvycouple) of The Savvy Couple, a brand that makes digital financial products and courses

    Some stats:

    • Product: Digital Financial Products and Courses
    • Revenue/mo: $20,000
    • Started: July 2016
    • Location: Rochester New York
    • Founders: 2
    • Employees: 2

    Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

    Hey! We are Kelan and Brittany Kline the founders and co-owners of the popular personal finance blog The Savvy Couple.

    Our blog was started just over three years ago with the mission of helping families find their freedom by creating more time and money in their lives. We do this by helping couples learn how to budget together, pay off debt quickly, and make money online.


    We have two digital workbooks The Budgeting Binder and The Debt Binder that have helped thousands of families take control of their spending and pay off massive amounts of debt.


    We also created our flagship course Bloggers' Secrets helping beginner bloggers take their struggling blog from $0 to $1,000+/month through proven expert strategies.

    If you are interested in learning how to make money online you can grab our free eBook with over 18+ Proven & Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online.

    We are currently on pace to make over $250,000 this year alone with our personal finance blog!

    What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

    I was your average kid growing up wanting to be a police officer and changing the world one bad guy at a time. Brittany also knew what she wanted to be when she grew up, a teacher.


    After meeting each other in 9th grade American Sign Language class the rest is history. We started dating at age fourteen and have never looked back. Best friends would be an understatement.

    We both went to school together at The College at Brockport, State University of New York. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Business Administration while Brittany graduated with a Masters in Elementary Education.

    I quickly found my first job as an insurance salesman and it lasted all of about 2 weeks. This process has happened many times over again from being a UPS driver, office manager, eCommerce drop shipper, and even my landing a job in my dream industry of law enforcement as a Jail Deputy.

    I worked as a Jail Deputy for two and a half years. I fell into a deep depression, working in a stressful environment, long hours, forced overtime, and holidays. I had to let go of my dream of being a police officer and literally turn down an offer to move to a road patrol deputy. I knew deep down in my heart God had another plan for me. I wanted to be a family man and being in law enforcement makes that very difficult to do.

    It was a tough couple of years of marriage never getting to see each other and transitioning to our new life.

    We sat down and laid out a plan. We knew this was not working and we needed something better.

    I was absolutely done working for other people and knew I needed to start a business that gave me more freedom over my time and money. I was on track to open my own home inspection business. Went back to school, got insurance, business cards, the whole nine.


    Then, we somehow came across these personal finance bloggers making an absolute killing online working from home. Instantly THAT is what I wanted to do. THAT is the life we wanted to live.

    We decided from that moment forward we were going to start our own personal finance blog and give it a shot. We had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    After nine months of non-stop hustling to get over the learning curve, we made our first $50! It was the spark we needed to know that we could make this work. I went to Brittany and told her I wanted to quit my job and work on our blog full-time.

    Luckily, I married an incredible woman and she gave me her full support. We had been saving like crazy and had entire years worth of salary saved up to reduce as much risk as possible. We really followed as much of Dave Ramsey's advice as possible when it came to using a monthly budget, living frugally, and finding a good side hustle.

    I quit my job and within two months I had completely replaced my income working as a freelance digital marketer and online English teacher for VIPKID. God was continuing to guide this long journey of finding our freedom and now we just needed to continue to put in the work.

    Less than two years in we hit our first $ 10,000-month blogging! It was the most incredible feeling in the world. It was validation for everything leading up until this point in our lives.

    Less than three years after starting our blog we have both quit our jobs and are on track to make over $250,000 this year alone.

    Take us through the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.

    We did not make our first product until we were in year three of running our business. We followed the normal revenue model most bloggers take using display ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships to make money in the beginning.

    Now that we have an awesome following of dedicated readers we have been creating products and services to help solve some of their biggest problems.

    We normally run some type of giveaway with a survey attached to it. This survey provides us with invaluable information for creating future products and courses.

    We have learned that validating an idea and even selling it before jumping in and creating it is the best way to protect your time and make sure you are creating a winning product.

    Describe the process of launching the business.

    I am someone who takes action first and pivots later on. So, I simply read a post on how to start a profitable blog and jumped right in. The learning curve was huge, but little by little I knew together we could figure it out.

    The beauty of starting an online business is that there is very little overhead. We spent less than $500 in the entire first year of running our business.

    Obviously, as you grow so does your expenses, but we have been able to maintain our very low monthly expenses averaging close to 80% profit margin before taxes. Tell me any other business you can do that with? Go ahead, I'll wait. Right, you can't.

    If you want to take complete control over your life and are willing to put in a lot of hard work to make it happen blogging is one of the best businesses you can start.


    Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

    We made sure to always have a purpose with our content and know exactly who we are trying to serve with it. All of our content solves a specific problem. Whether it's learning how to budget, make money as a stay at home mom, or learning how to live a more frugal life all of our content solves a problem our readers have.

    Along with always having a purpose, we create three types of content. Making sure we focus on each article fitting into one of these categories social, SEO, and link building helped us significantly increase our blog traffic.

    Social articles are created to go viral on Pinterest (our heavy hitter), Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. These are your more "listicle" articles that are short and sweet and fun to read. We are huge fans of starting with one social media platform and becoming an expert on it. We always recommend new bloggers start on Pinterest as it's a visual search engine and is the most evergreen social media platforms.

    SEO articles have one goal. Be the absolute BEST article on that topic on the entire internet. These are much longer in-depth articles that we pour our heart and soul into making the best they can be. SEO traffic is by far the best type of traffic because it's very passive and most of the time the users are very warm and ready to take action (sign up or buy something).

    Link building articles are created to have others share, link to, and collaborate on. Think expert roundups, studies, or awesome visuals others would want to link to. These types of articles are great because they can go viral and also are a huge SEO play with building out backlinks to your site.

    The most important thing to focus on is being very purposeful with your content and not just writing about the things you want to write about. Your business is to serve others not yourself.

    How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

    This year we have been on a roll. We are continuing to grow our traffic each month averaging around 300,000 page views per month and averaging more than $20,000 per month in revenue.

    Our income is generated in the following order sponsorships, display ads, affiliate marketing, and selling our own products in that order.

    Our business is lean and means only having my wife and me as full-time workers. We do have two part-time freelancers that help us write articles and manage the day to day tasks that keep things running smoothly.

    We have no intention of becoming a huge corporate blog. We love the family-style business we have as it lines up with the lifestyle we want.

    We both read the book "Work Less Make More" and it changed our lives. We focus on growing our EHR (effective hourly rate) and only on growing our EHR. The higher we get our EHR the more time we get back in our life.

    We currently both average around 20 hours of work per week. Leaving us plenty of freedom to pursue the passions that make us happy in life that include things like family, traveling, sports, camping, and more.



    Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

    The most important thing I have learned in growing a business quickly is having good time management and focusing on high ROI projects. The goal is to make money fast so using your time efficiently is an absolute must.

    We use the Eisenhower chart in everything we do. It helps us clearly see what is most important to work on and what we should be outsourcing. Before we go to bed we both write down the three big tasks we are going to work on the next day so when we wake up we are off and running.

    We also make sure we have good life habits like eating healthy, staying active, and getting enough sleep at night. I am a big proponent and working smarter not harder.

    What platform/tools do you use for your business?

    These are the tools that are necessary for us to use to operate our business at our current level.

    What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

    Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

    Keep it simple and commit to making it happen. If others are being successful, learn from them and implement them. Don't reinvent the wheel. Learn something new, implement, and take action.

    I know this sounds cliche, but you are in complete control over your life. The only magic pill to be a successful entrepreneur is hard work.

    Starting right now believe it and you will achieve it!

    Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

    Unfortunately, at this time we are not hiring any positions. But if you are a blogger, podcaster, YouTuber, or freelancer I highly recommend you join our free Facebook groupto get connected with others.

    Where can we go to learn more?

    If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!

    Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.

    For more interviews, check out r/starter_story - I post new stories there daily.

    Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM

    submitted by /u/youngrichntasteless
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    I run a successful B2B lead generation firm - is there any interest in a live Q/A tomorrow?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    As the title says, I run a lead generation firm. We specialize in B2B lead generation.

    I've been in email marketing for 8 years, and 4 years ago decided to start my own practice.

    We've learned a lot, and have a lot of tools at our disposal. We're starting a "cold email podcast", and I figured one of the best ways to get it some immediate traction and drum up interest/community would be to shed some light on best practices, tools available, our issues we faced as a startup, etc..


    Edit - there was definitely enough interest - I scheduled this sort of last minute - so attendance might be low, BUT I did get a bunch of questions in the comments and PM's - that I intend to discuss. For those of you who can not make it - I will be recording the discussion and sharing later.

    For those of you who CAN make it, link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjJouJft_T0

    2nd Edit Really great questions from everyone - THANK YOU.

    For those of you who missed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA8g46u5aBo&feature=youtu.be

    Feel free to follow us on twitter: @coldemailpcast

    submitted by /u/b2bdataguy
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    How did you start as entrepreneur?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    Hey reddit,

    A novice entrepreneur here. Would you mind telling me your story of how you started in the business world.

    Have a good day!

    submitted by /u/Lord-MCexplsion
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    Where to learn to sell

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:38 AM PDT

    The best salesmen I know seems to be naturally good-looking and charismatic, Can sales be learned? If so can you give me some practical advice where I can start

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    Here's an awesome list of the 23 best Instagram tools that you should know exist

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    I'm not even sure what mpsocial is but I just found a great list of 'the 23 best Instagram tools'.

    To save you a click, here's the list:


    📷 Apps for Photo editing:

    • SnapSeed
    • CC lightroom
    • Facetune 2
    • Afterlight
    • PicsArt
    • PixelLab
    • Photofox
    • Eraser (cutting the background from the picture)
    • remove.bg (cut the background with the rim in 5 seconds online)
    • PixaLoop (3D effect in the photo) IOS
    • StoryZ (3D effect in the photo) Android
    • Layout (photo collages)
    • Bitmoji (create your animated character)
    • Canva (a brilliant tool for creating various graphics for social media)

    📷 Apps for Instagram Stories:

    • StoryArt
    • Unfold
    • Spark Post
    • Mojo (a great tool for creating instagram story ads for clients)

    📷 App to search graphics on the internet

    • Reversee

    📷 App for automatic video subtitles:

    • Clips

    📷 Free icons for infographics or highlighted stories:

    📷 Flaticon.comDownload all icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as webfonts

    📷 Tool for creating crazy texts in BIO or Captions:lingojam.com

    📷 App for making spacing in your Instagram captions:

    • GramSpacer (iOS app)

    Are there any other tools that are missing from this list that you think are valuable for Instagram?

    submitted by /u/smallbiz_girl
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    What software do you currently use in your business?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:19 AM PDT

    What software do you currently use at your work? What improvements or additional features would you wish for? Is there anything hindering your performance in it?

    submitted by /u/Techne03
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    I just want to start a service business.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Doordash hasn't been working out, and I really don't want to get a job again. I really want to do powerwashing, but I live in Chicago and its October.

    Is there anything out there that isn't seasonal? That isn't cleaning?

    My uncle hangs drapes and it'd be dope to do something like that. I'm just so burned out at this point I don't know what to do. I can't imagine a life in which I work for someone else and then die.

    Edit: like, the best analogy I can think of is, I wanna be like the guy from Pulp Fiction who gets called to clean the brains off of the car and cover the stuff up from the cops. I wanna be a something "guy". Yknow? Not that, but Something like that.

    submitted by /u/RetardedGirlPussy
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