• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    Legal Advice High School student, im not allowed to sit for the pledge despite being in a public school and despite having warned multiple staff.

    Legal Advice High School student, im not allowed to sit for the pledge despite being in a public school and despite having warned multiple staff.

    High School student, im not allowed to sit for the pledge despite being in a public school and despite having warned multiple staff.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    By warned I mean (but the constitution literally says this... see?) they say its the schools rules, and that school rule>constitution. They question me, scream at me, coerce me to stand, pressure me by implying I disrespect my country and troops, and the handbook implies punishment if i dont stand for the pledge. This is illegal. Where do I go from here? Does anyone know how other students have done this in the past? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Mo_Meant_M_On_YT
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    Can you file a complaint against an off-duty police officer?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    I drive Uber in Pennsylvania on the weekend nights and got a pickup request at a bar tonight. If you're unfamiliar how Uber works, riders have 5 minutes to get in the vehicle once the driver arrives. At the five minute mark, we can cancel and the rider gets charged a "no-show" fee. I always cancel at 5 minutes on the dot unless the rider contacted me ahead of time with a valid excuse. Being drunk is not a valid excuse. This passenger walked out of the bar right as I was canceling and ran towards my vehicle. He told me he was going to "punch me in the f-ing face." Before calling me every name his stupid drunk brain could come up with, including at least 3 bigoted slurs that I counted. I did my whole passenger report with Uber and went on my way.

    Later on when I had a slow patch, out of curiosity I went on Facebook and searched his first name and last initial (that's all the information we get as drivers). Sure enough, the second profile that comes up is him, and he's a city police officer! That led me to google his full name, and I come to find there's been lawsuits against him from citizens who accused him of harassment, unlawful arrest, and other things.

    This guy is definitely unhinged, bigoted and homophobic, and unfit to be a police officer. I know filing a report doesn't do much, but from what I understand it will at least be added to his record, right? But that leads me to my main question, can I even make a complaint since he was off-duty? It seems he has a bad track record of behavior like this on the job and I feel like it's important for people to know he's just as bad if not worse when off the job.

    Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/hockeyplayer45
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    I saw a co worker being sexually harassed.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    Alright, so honestly I'm not sure if this belongs here but I'm unaware of other sub reddits.

    I work for a car dealership as an IT administrator and since I've started we've actually had quite a few sexual harassment claims based around employees. Very specifically this harrassment is targeting our female employees. Now, I am not entirely sure what I should do here. I physically watched one of our finance managers take a picture of one of our female employees while she was bending over. I told the employee however they would prefer me keep it quiet because she's reported 2 men already and at this point she's worried no one is going to believe her. I told her that was ridiculous but honestly, I'm starting to believe it too. This man constantly picks her up, kisses her cheek, and even goes as far as doing the lower back pat on her. I'm really not sure if I need to say anything based off her wishes. What if this really does get her or myself in trouble? We work in TN which as most of you know is a "right to fire" state.

    I have no real proof of the situation. Most of our cameras are outside to keep tabs on our inventory and all of the managers seem to have there own shit going on.

    At this point it's getting uncomfortable being around most of them. Another female employee told me she for sure saw him taking pictures of her as well.

    I honestly feel awful for these two. All this is happening to them and they are worried to even say anything based off the premise that no one is going to believe them and they are probably right.

    What is my best course of action here?

    submitted by /u/RebelLuck
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    (Wisconsin) threat of rent increase over leaving windows open during winter

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    We're in an upper apartment. I'm not wanting to have the windows open 24/7. I don't pay for heat. I have experienced my apartment being close to 80 degrees in winter with my heat turned off. Downstairs neighbors must have had theirs cranked up? I just want to be able to keep a reasonable lower 70s temperature in my apartment. Notices were placed by everyone's mailboxes that rent will increase for anyone who has their windows open during the winter. There is nothing resembling this in my lease. Could this be an empty threat or actually possibly legal?

    submitted by /u/Codeshady
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    I am looking for a way to protect my husband and our home that is on my parent's land

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    (All of this is occurring in Louisiana.) My father passed away recently, and in our recent meeting with the agent who handles my parents' trust it came up that if a beneficiary passed away before the trustee (My Mom) and has no children their portion is divided among the remaining beneficiaries.

    My husband and I have no children, and about a year after we married my parents offered for us to move a manufactured home onto the same acre of land their home is on, as the house and acre were set to be my inheritance when they pass. (There is a total of 10 acres here, and the other 9 were to be divided equally between the 5 of us, in addition to another 11 acre plot in a different part of town.) This leaves me concerned about where that leaves my husband in the event I pass before my mother. (While I know that is usually not a real concern, especially being the youngest, but I have a history of health issues that make it a possibility worth preparing for.)

    When we moved here, we were required by our mortgage company to have a lease agreement drawn up and it was made for 99 years with no rent required. However I fear that will not protect him, especially as our house is essentially as close to my parents home as was legal. What can we do to ensure that he is at least given a reasonable about of time to relocate and is fairly compensated for the improvements made to the property that he can't take with him (city water connection, septic system, etc.?)

    submitted by /u/mandapandasugarbear
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    3.5 years and still nothing

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    I got arrested for a felony in July 2016 and had fake pills on me. I pleased not guilty they sent the pills off for testing. They still haven't got back the results. The judge and PA are both jerks and say it takes a while lol. It's a small town court and my lawyer is from the city. Shes not sure what to do about it either. I want to move out of state but can't because I won't be able to afford to come back every 3 months to see if the results are in yet. Any advice would be great. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Faces0fdeaf
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    (Fl) We were in a fatal accident Friday night

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    I am struggling with what to do. I want to protect my husband. We were driving to get ice cream with our son and a motorcycle plastered the back of my husbands huge truck. He wasn't wearing a helmet and was dead immediately. We did everything we needed too. Submitted to blood test and breathalyzer. We want to find a lawyer just in case because my husband is convinced he will be picked up for vehicular manslaughter any moment. He hasn't left bed since coming home Friday. I need to know what kind of lawyer to call in this instance. I just want to protect ourselves.. do we even need an attorney?

    submitted by /u/aw86897
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    I looked at my Ashley furniture receipt and realized they added the 5 year protection plan for $650. I know I wouldn’t sign up for that, am i screwed?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    Im not sure how i didnt see it at the time, but it says i can redeem it as a coupon if i dont use it within that time. But is there a way to cancel it and get that $ back? It just got delivered few days ago. I called and they said it's required for long financing such as 5 year 0% interest. In Houston, TX

    submitted by /u/boombai12
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    Would I have a case against a former physician?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Ok here it's is. Last March I started having respiratory issues. After giving me medication after medication I was sent to a pulmonologist. I was put on a 3 different kinds of new meds. My pulmonologist decided to do blood work. My iron levels were dangerously low and told me to go see my primary immediately. I went and saw her with said labs in hand. She did not treat but said to follow up in 3 months. As time went on I got sicker and sicker. Still no treatment for the low blood levels. On Christmas day of 2018 I had was is called an aura migraine. I went to see her she did not treat me. I had this migraine for 32 days with NO treatment. I called to see her again and was told she was on vacation. So I decided to see a new doctor within the same health system. She took one look at my history and sent me to a hemetologist. That doctor immediately gave me iron therapy infusions and told me that with my prior not treating my anemia that it caused damage to my liver and kidneys . I have now had 3 rounds of treatment. And will have to for the foreseeable future. Would I have a medical malpractice case for the original doc? My hemetologist filed a complaint with the medical board for her failure to treat my condition. What are your thoughts? Located in Ohio USA

    submitted by /u/cupcakesforme
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    Father buying property, sellers lawyer trying to buy it from underneath of us

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Thanks for reading!

    [OH] My father and grandpa for the past 10 years have been hunting on property that an elderly man who could no longer take care of the land, leased the property to my father and grandpa so they could hunt and take care of the land

    Well, he passed away earlier this year. The land was obviously left to his children, who are eager to make money off the property with no intentions of keeping it. Before they put the land up for sale, they offered my dad the property for say $1,000 an acre. The lawyer for the sellers told them they were crazy for selling it to us at that price and offered them $1,500 an acre to not sell it to us for that cheap.

    We feel that was very unprofessional, not sure the legalities. We have also been forced to pay for survey fees, appraisal fees, and are making us sign a document that says if we sell the property within 20 years we will split whatever we make with the sellers, as an attempt to push us away

    Is anything this lawyer doing something that the Bar would be interesting in hearing about? Seems awfully unprofessional for him to try push away some lower middle class family putting everything they can into purchasing a property just to have for hunting

    Any advice would be great! My dad is about ready to walk away if they keep adding more and more complexities to this.

    submitted by /u/kylewhatever
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    Friend using my address to send her kids to school

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    So I knew she was looking for a better school district to send her kids. One day I asked her if she decided where to send him and she tells me he's already enrolled in a school using my address. I was confused.... she had falsified documents using my name without me knowing and started forwarding the school mail from my house to hers. I understand that she wants a good school for her kids but what will happen when my kids start school next year? Wouldn't it be weird that we have the same address? I don't want her to get in trouble if I do start sending my kids there or what if I move and someone else lives here with kids that go to school? I told her my concerns but it didn't seem to bother her.. any advice?

    submitted by /u/dancingbunnyrn
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    Va Someone uploaded a video on snap chat and it’s concerning for a child’s well being. What do I do?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Southern California. Okay so the context of how this video comes to play. So I have a friend who has two kids with his now ex wife. She took full custody of the children yet she has no money to care for the kids so they spend 90% of the time with her mom and dad and 2 brothers. The dad pays child support $1000 a month. Ex wife has a low paying job but is now dating a marine and starting a new life with him in San Diego, CA. She barely spends time with her kids as they're always with her mom and mom lives about 2hr away from San Diego and from what I've heard from a mutual friend is that she lives in San Diego yet the mom always has the kids, grandma and I go to the same gym and live in the same area and she ALWAYS has the two little kids around. My friend has worked out a deal where he has to pay $150 for him to visit/see his children on top of the child support but even so he can only FaceTime them because that's what the ex wife only allows. She has blocked off not only the dad from seeing his kids but his whole entire family. Now, the video. My wife has ex wife's mom on snap chat and she had uploaded a video of the 2 kids at a pool. The girl looked happy and then she moved to the little boy, the boy was sitting on a step trying to go in to the water but in video you can see a hand grabbing the little boys crotch and the boys face spoke a million words, he looked in pain as if this hand was squishing his private parts, he looked uncomfortable and would swipe at this persons hand as to tell him to remove it, yet the grandma oblivious to this she kept recording, then the boys starts crying because what I assume is he can't take the pain anymore of this person hurting his private parts and that's when the grandma turns off the video. Luckily I felt this was not correct so I recorded it with my phone and I don't know what to do with this video. It disgusts me and I want to delete it but I know that I have to give this video to the right hands. What should my friend do about his kids and what should I do with the video? P.s I want to stay completely anonymous if I give the video to my friend I want to do it in a way where he doesn't know it came from me

    submitted by /u/Thisisntreal3
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    [California] Questions about neighbors trespassing

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    So I have some really bad neighbors. Their 3 kids (grade, middle, high school) all do whatever they want when they want (gives zero fucks about their own property or anyone else's). They also have lots of relatives/friends with kids (grade to middle school) & friends (teens) over on a daily to weekly basis.

    Since moving in, they've hopped the fence to our backyard & broken stuff, ruined shared fence (father refuses to do anything to fix), keyed/scratched/kicked our cars, kick soccer balls at our vehicles on driveway & at our house, urinated in front our side gate, throw trash on our driveway & in our backyard, destroyed pots/plants, etc. And that's just our property. They do stuff like that to other neighbor's as well.

    Police have been called numerous times on them over the past 2 years, some of which they've received tickets (like noise complaints, dog always loose, etc.) by us & other neighbors. Most of the time they just get warnings though & sometimes they don't even show up. Over the past few months, the police have been responding less & less to our valid complaints against them (even to actual crime reports - due to understaffing). We've even resorted to filing complaints to the city's code of ethics/conduct with mixed results.

    Anyhow, so we live in a suburban area. The sides of our driveways were concreted years ago before they moved in so there's room for 3 vehicles to park on each driveway. We recently put up a 3' wood fence on our side of the driveway to help separate the boundary (since they don't care) & to help keep their kids off ours.

    Now we've told each individual kid (who pretty much just mock us) & the parents (who don't care) multiple times not to trespass on our property, our driveway and climb the driveway fence. Just 2 weeks ago I had a word with the mother yet again about their grade school kid climbing the driveway fence again to get into their backyard. The driveway fence is connected with brackets to the concrete (too expensive to cut precise holes for the fence posts without damaging their side), so not intended to support a lot of weight. I do not want to be held liable if they hurt themselves climbing it, or it breaks for not supporting their weight.


    1. Even though we've given them multiple 'no trespassing' warnings verbally (we've recorded the dates, some are also recorded on our driveway security camera), do we still need to legally have a no trespassing sign for California? If so, if placed on side gate or side of house facing theirs, is that enough to be considered to represent the driveway as well?

    2. Their kids & friends like to touch/hold onto, kick, & sit on the driveway fence (which is on our property border), can they still be charged with trespassing for that?

    3. Late last night the middle school & high school kid came up on our driveway around 9pm banging on our front door & constantly ringing the doorbell for about 4 minutes straight. Didn't care to answer them. (Don't know what they wanted so late, but I highly doubt it was an apology for the previous day where they kicked a soccer ball at our vehicle again, I went out & gave them a yet another friendly warning, they started talking shit, I ignored them & went back inside, then they kicked the soccer ball once again at our vehicle). Can I charge them for trespassing for the late night visit? I know them constantly banging on the door & ringing the doorbell could be considered harassment.

    4. Can I explicitly forbid their kids from ever setting foot on my driveway? I only ever want their parents to come to our front door or on our property to talk to us.

    5. I have 2 years worth of security camera footage of the kids on our driveway, in between our cars, hitting our cars, etc. If we do end up taking them to court (for a lot of issues) can I use the footage even though it has audio (I know California has strict recording audio laws, but isn't audio from cameras like Ring acceptable? Mine aren't Ring, but they are placed at my front door, driveway & side gate which I believe are all considered public), or should I just mute/disable audio when presenting them in court?

    6. I've read other posts here about neighbor's kids. One commented saying to contact CPS since in California the parents "are being negligent in their supervision of the kids." All these kids ruck a muck outside with no parental supervision at all (the father works long hours 6-7 days a week, the mother is a housewife who just blasts loud music all day). Would that be a valid option if the police aren't helping? How would that go as I just want them off my property, wouldn't CPS just take their kids away (not something I really want to happen)?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/wilsomods
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    My car was broken into last night

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    My car was broken into last night. I happened to leave my work bag in my car which I never do! They got away with my wallet with all of my credit cards, debit card, IDs, cash. The worst part is they got away with my journal which had a lot of passwords to accounts and possibly my social security card. Aside from changing passwords and canceling cards is there anything I can do to protect my social?

    submitted by /u/krwrn89
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    A company's billing software has a dangerous bug they have not fixed

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:41 PM PDT

    For about a year, I was a member at a gym in Connecticut. About six months ago, I canceled my membership via a form online, receiving a receipt of cancelation.

    Much to my chagrin, I notice today that they've billed me for each of the last six months, to the tune of $400.

    I call the front desk, and he says "this happens sometimes. I'll take your contact info and the manager will be in touch to issue a refund."

    If this was a one-off... fine, sure. I'm a software engineer, I know that technology fails sometimes.

    What concerns me is that they know there's a bug resulting in clients being charged incorrectly.

    What I can deduce is that they have not audited their system to find clients who are being billed after canceling. If they had done so at any point over the last six months, my charges would have stopped.

    This means it's plausible there are other clients out there who are currently being charged incorrectly.

    I think it's incredibly, incredibly irresponsible to know there is a bug and not gather a list of affected clients, reach out to them, ensure their subscriptions are canceled, and issue refunds.

    I'm also frustrated that their way of handling it has been to refund the client individually, when the client notices it. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks they don't mind the extra income if they don't get caught, but maybe they're just so incredibly stupid they haven't thought about running an audit. Who knows.

    Are they breaking a law? Is there a level of compliance (SOX?) that they're likely failing?

    When I get a call from the manager on Monday, is there something I can cite that will ensure they do what's right?

    I'm in Oregon, where recording phone calls is one-party consent.

    submitted by /u/pyrrhicvictorylap
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    [MN] Aren’t there laws that protect businesses that donate food en masse?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    My local bagel shop started making less bagels in an effort to reduce waste, but it's resulted in scores fewer bagels being available— when I went in this morning half of the bagels were out. I suggested maybe donating what was left of the bagels, but they said that's a liability issue. I seem to recall there being laws that protected food donors from a certain degree of liability, but I'm not sure I'm correct. Anybody able to weigh in?

    submitted by /u/RictalJewel
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    Can my landlord do this?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Just wrote " my landlord trying any sort of way to screw my sister and I on our lease. We went from two days laundry , to 6 months in the lease her asking for $50 more a month for laudnry to be open to us 24/7, to her now throwing a tantrum and locking the laundry door on us. We paid the $50 with our October 1 rent and she refusing two day laundry and refusing laundry in general but it's in our lease two day laundry . Now she locked the door and I have my clothes and my sons brand new clothes either in the wash or dryer over a week. God knows if my clothes are still in good condition. Also my detergent and picnic grill in there. I have camera footage of her doing a property inspection and saying she'll be back the following day to let me grab my stuff and clothes , she never showed up and ignoring my emails to open the door. Can I call a lock smith ?

    submitted by /u/Ladybug4200
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    [IL] Hospital pharmacist paid a fee to be on call but not paid for time worked on call.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    I am considered a salary non-exempt employee and work for a hospital pharmacy that is not open 24 hours. I work 40 hours a week, don't clock in or out but am paid overtime if extra shifts are covered. I am paid $35 a day on the days I am covering call after hours and reimbursed mileage when having to go in to get a drug or compound something not available after hours. My understanding is the $35 "per diem" is for time needed to be available to come in. Am I entitled to be reimbursed at an overtime rate for the time spent reviewing issue remotely at home, travelling to, and working in the hospital after hours when called in? My understanding of research indicates the time worked in the hospital should be compensated at overtime pay. Sometimes time spent is 10 minutes, sometimes an hour. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/pharmthrowaway338
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    Mother tried to strangle me, cops, instead of arresting her, attempt to send me to a psychiatric ward instead

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    Some context here: Yesterday i needed my phone in order to call authorities or a friend in case of security emergencies. My mother didn't want me to have my phone, and she proceeded to beat me, trying to get my phone. She proceeds to attempt to choke me, but only for a few seconds. I later call the police, and the police, seeing that I suffer from depression, attempt to blame the whole situation on me. They also rely on an unreliable witness who didn't even witness what had happened, and thought that I had hit her when i didn't lay a single finger on her. Child protective services has sided with the police as well, and I have no idea what to do with this corrupt police. What can I do?

    By the way, this is in Texas

    submitted by /u/UltraNebulatrix
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    Florida landlord tenant dispute

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    My mother owns some rental properties. One of the trailers she rents out needed to have some foundation type work done. The people who came out to do that work told the tenants that the walls were rotting, the floor was falling in, that there was black mold everywhere and a few other things.

    Some of these things are pretty blatantly false and we are sending someone to see about the mold ASAP but that won't be until tomorrow. The tenants have expressed concern that this is affecting their health and is an unsafe structure. My mother spoke to the tenants today and told them that since they are paid up for the month. She would let them out of the lease and give them until the end of the month to get their things out and refund their deposit.

    The tenants are saying that they have nowhere to go and that we have to let them stay their rent free for 90 days. How should we handle this going forward?

    submitted by /u/TightYogurtcloset
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    Recieved a request from a lawyer for my insurance after accident I did not cause.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:17 AM PDT

    I'm in California.

    Early in October, I was in a car accident. Traffic turning left had the right away, I was stopped at a red light behind one other car, and a car from the other side with a red light came through the intersection. It hit a car that was turning left and continued to crash into the car in front of me, pushing him back into me, and myself back into one more car.

    I had nothing to do with the cause of the accident and was a victim myself. We are gave our statements to police, our information (including insurance, which the officer requested that I email and I did), and contacted our insurance.

    It had been only about 10 days since the accident that I received a letter in the mail from a law office on behalf of (what I assume as the name was female and only the person who was first hit in the accident was female other than myself) the first driver that was hit, requesting my insurance information and else they would sue me in after 10 days of no response.

    I was told by the officers at the scene that everyone's insurance information would be in the police report and that of course goes to our insurance as well.

    I'm not sure why I am being forced to give this information over to a lawyer when I was also a victim in the accident and the information should have been in the police report.

    We are going to call our insurance to try to have them handle it and figure out what is going on, but since I've never been in an accident before, I'm not sure if this is standard.

    Should I send the information or is this shady? I'm worried that even though I'm not at fault and my car did not come into contact with hers in any way, that she is trying to get damages out of everyone in the accident.

    Any advice or insight would be very helpful! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Abynyior
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    [Massachusetts] Am I entitled to garden leave?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    Until October 1st, I worked for a small business in MA as a blacksmith. Prior to this, I was running my own small Etsy business, but wanted a more reliable income. During my interview, I was asked if I would be willing to sign a non-compete agreement. I indicated I'd have no problem doing so, but didnt get any paperwork until a few months in - at which point we all signed NCAs. [edited for clarity]

    I'm currently no longer with this employer - I needed more money due to unforeseen bills, and have switched fields to accommodate. Out of curiosity I checked the MA laws regarding non-compete (as I would like to start selling work on the side again), and it seems like my employer should be paying me 50% of my previous salary for the duration (2 years) of the NC agreement? Not sure how I bring that up.

    Also, would they have the option to avoid paying by just "tearing up" the agreement? Considering I had to find a job outside that field before leaving, I would think that might prevent them from getting out that easily, but I'm NAL.

    Thanks for your help, legal minds of reddit.

    submitted by /u/magardenleaver
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    College Residence Hall Policy Vs Charging Lime Scooters

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    I have a feeling this is probably a losing battle but here goes... tl;dr at the bottom

    I recently started going to college in Kentucky, and like most other people have started with a pretty big debt. I have a small amount of savings that I'd like to see stay around the same amount if not increase obviously. I've been looking for jobs around campus but hiring preference goes to students with federal work study granted which I do not have. I've applied to three places so far about two weeks ago but have yet to hear back from any. I'm about to apply to my fourth soon.

    A few days ago I got an email from Lime which is a public electric scooter company around here that basically uses an app for people to unlock and ride electric scooters for a small fee. The email was about becoming a juicer, which is what they call people they 'hire' to charge their scooters overnight and pay per scooter. This being my first real opportunity to start making money I ordered chargers and have been charging scooters for about two days.

    The problem is I have a good feeling it's frowned upon to do this for some reason, and my roommate just confirmed that suspicion because he told me last night that he heard of someone in another residence hall was told to stop doing it. There's no way for me to sneak the scooters up to my room because there's only one real entrance and an RA at the front desk pretty much all the time. I think they're only not there from like 1am to 5am. Nobody's said anything to me yet but I figure they will soon.

    I guess my ultimate question is this: can they tell me that I can't charge these scooters if there's nothing in the residence hall policy about it? I've ready the full residence hall policy they have and there's nothing that even comes close to mentioning it at all.

    TL;DR: Can my uni tell me I can't charge electric scooters in my room if it's not in their residence hall policy?

    submitted by /u/JaKeS112112
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