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    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    Considering a career change, looking for feedback Sales and Selling

    Considering a career change, looking for feedback Sales and Selling

    Considering a career change, looking for feedback

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    So I've spent my life working jobs in customer service in one form or another. I sold chocolate bars in parking lots for a charity, then did door to door for a cable company, then worked in a grocery store, then at a call center, then a conference center and finally at an ecommerce company.

    I listed everything because I think those many different experiences with customers on all sorts of levels and in all sorts of situations has led me to transitioning into car sales. I like helping people. I do well with one on ones (or small groups), Im friendly, positive, motivated and genuinely care about the jobs Im at.

    I'm hoping to get some feedback from people working at dealerships (I'm hoping to get in with Mazda) to see what you think the most important qualities are? Any information would greatly appreciated as I want to ensure I have as much info as possible before I apply.

    Another reason for the transition is that I'm hoping to earn a higher wage. I'm currently making $41k and have seen an average wage can be upwards of $60k-$80k?

    How many cars do salesman sell on average? What does a normal day/week look like?

    Sorry, this is kinda all over. Im just really starting to dive in and am curious about lots! Thanks in advance to any commenters.

    submitted by /u/caddington
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    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Sales is clearly a demanding career which requires sustained energy and focus.

    Have you any positive or negative experiences with nootropics. Some people swear by them, other call BS.

    Curious to hear your story.

    Edit: yes sleep, clean diet and exercise are most important.

    submitted by /u/BCN-IRE
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    What is Your Cold Call Process?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    Hi all! I just started my first B2B sales gig this month and I was wondering what you all had as a process for each call.

    I'm pretty new to this, and while I'm getting the hang of the actual on the phone part of the roll, I find myself getting hung up checking info before each call, and entering data afterwards.

    I know there are some people out there making 100+ calls a day, so I imagine there must be a way to streamline this process. What are some best practices to make sure I can get the most out of my prospecting days?

    If it helps, I'm largely having to re-qualifying leads that haven't been touched upon in years. One of the main issues I'm facing is that the CRM data is often inaccurate. Contacts are wrong, companies change names, change locations out of my territory, get shutdown/bought out, ect..

    Any advice is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/_ZooAnimal_
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    Sales is like dating and getting a job. You need to sell the product/yourself. Who agrees?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    Sales in the Media/Digital Media industry

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    Hello guys, was wondering if some of you could share your experience of sales within the media/digital media industry. I'm looking to transition into the field as I have a few connects. I was wondering how heavy the workload/culture/salary etc...

    I'm hoping some of you are kind enough to share this information. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/deDICKated
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    Sandbagging - good or bad?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:52 AM PDT

    As an SDR with 15 months experience, I'd love to hear the perspective of someone with more wisdom than me.

    Some say "be honest, never sandbag" some say "the vets know to always sandbag and exaggerate the difficulty of a territory" - which one is correct?
    How does it differ across different contexts?

    submitted by /u/aucklandsalesguy
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    Struggling badly as an SDR - is it me or the product/company? Really need some honest advice

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Been an SDR in London for 3 months now for a Saas company. I can't work out if I am the problem or the company/product and desperately want some advice. Prior to this I was not in sales although I have worked in B2C before and did quite well to be honest. I found selling a product to the public quite easy, but then that was more inbound sales. It's like someone coming into a clothes shop or a phone shop, they come in because they want something. I would regularly sell extra products to customers who came in for a single item. Anyways, at my current company the structure is as follows. There are something like 9/10 SDR's. Nobody is hitting target consistently. The best performer is averaging 60% of target over this calendar year. I came in to work with an AE directly and was given 200-250 largely smaller accounts to work and get used to cold calling. I was struggling badly, it just felt like I was trying to get blood out of a stone.

    As time progressed I started to realise that I was being tactically given a poor list to go after, accounts that were not of interest to the AE (who it turns out held jucier accounts in their name, accounts where information was had and therefore warmer interest). The 200-250 odd accounts that I had included organisations that had 5-20 employees, companies in countries such as Bulgaria and Poland and who did not have any interest in what we do (product related reasons I won't divulge on here), accounts that had previously been approached within the 3 months prior to me being given them etc. Ontop of that, I had duplicate accounts, some fell out of my geographical region. I really felt let down to be honest. The data was so unclean and hadn't been appropriately looked after. However, my AE also gave me a poor set to go after while they had 500+ accounts in his name. These 200 odd accounts given to me, felt COLD. I really had to dig to book meetings and I think I managed 2 in month 1 and 2 in month 2. Ontop of this the AE would sit me down and always look to criticise me, expectjng more out of me which only frustrated me more. I spoke to other SDR's on my team who said it was wrong the way the AE was setting it up and keeping accounts in their name (some SDR's have 1000 accounts in their name). But as I was new, I didn't understand how it all worked.

    So at some point suddenly after 2 months, my AE decided to give me access. He sent a list to me, several hundred in his name that I could go after and I thought 'finally!'. I ordered this in a way to go after those accounts who were with other competitors and where I had renewal information about them etc. Working my way through this list, I immediately arranged a meeting and I thought - here we go, I might break through finally. However, I haven't and I've noticed a few things. There is another irritant of a person who had basically gone through all these accounts, a real pest who has basically scoured and tapped into most of these guys. Anything juicy has already been reached out to at some early stage. Now I realise that this person was tapping up the accounts that should have been given to me in my first two months. I feel that the AE and this person worked together to benefit themselves which has made me feel quite let down and I don't think has given me a fair chance.

    The thing is however, despite the poor opportunity presented to me initially, I now have access to a ton of accounts. Yet, it's not going anywhere. In fact, I'm struggling more now than I did in my first 2 months, which seems like madness. The last 1-2 weeks I hit a brick wall, I started to lose confidence and doubt myself and beat myself up. Approaching calls with negativity and frustration, I've been going nowhere. Even the sole account I booked this month, it turns out that this pest was reaching out to them since a long time and got pissed off that I booked it - it's getting ultra frustrating and I can't determine what is right/wrong anymore. My SDR manager is an irritant, an inexperienced micro manager who treats us like children. I refuse to go to them for help.

    Broadly, the business is struggling for sales. YOY it is on track etc but in the last 3-6 months it has been struggling heavily so it's important to keep this in mind. It has been on a real downer and I think some AE's might be up for the chop. Equally, as mentioned above, not one SDR hits target month on month. However, the last two weeks has seen me be near the very bottom. 1 meeting this month is shoddy when my target is 10. What annoys me is the SDR's around me are idiots, childish people with no backbone. I listen to their calls, they do not say anything different to me! But they seem to get their sales really easy when it does come. I'm not sure why, their verticals are not easier as such. I've listened to their pitch on the phone and I genuinely do not get it. The person next to me is on 4 meetings already. They told me last week that the way they do with their AE, they do NO qualification sometimes. In other words they basically fish for a meeting and just put it through. This person said sometimes they do not have any information on the prospect which I thought was madness as my AE expects macimum information before passing on. So I don't get it, this person who does not go through any qualification cannot even be pitching properly and yet they book more meetings.

    I'm so confused? I can't actually work out what is going on. And here's the thing, I'm 1 interview away from being offered another SDR role paying £15k more money in base (a really big base salary for an SDR in London), slightly more advanced company etc. But I think with that their expectations are even bigger, I know that the monthly target is 16 meetings and I'm currently not even near target at my current place! It frightens me that they could easily fire me in 3 months or so if I was to take it, whereas in my current place there is no harm of that at all. Apparently, the SDR's at this new place are hitting target comfortably and only 2 of them currently - but I tend to take these comments with a pinch of salt. They are not going to say ' they are doing poorly and noone is hitting target'. My current company said something similar and the truth is noone is on track in any consistent month on month way. Here is another thing though, at the new place I can work enterprise accounts but we cannot do that in my current place. The thing is I have been really let down by my current company, and it seems madness to not take up an opportunity that is at least paying me much more money to essentially do the same thing. But I am fearful, fearful because I'm really doubting myself due to current performance and I can't quite work out what is going on and whether not hitting quota is normal or not?! (seeing as my whole team are not). It therefore makes me wonder whether I'm just not good at the job, but then as mentioned a number of things have worked against me and I see very ordinary people seemingly doing better than me. It makes me wonder if this kind of situation is common or not and whether taking this jump and hopefully a better opportunity/structure is worth it or whether I am putting myself at much bigger risk?

    Apologies for length of this but would be super grateful for some experienced heads to give me some guidance! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Fruitcake36
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    Sales conferences in Europe?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Which trade shows or conferences for sales reps in Europe are worth visiting? Edit: I am looking for events to learn about new trends in sales, not events where I can sell my products.

    submitted by /u/tizenegy111
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    Looking for Cintas, Xerox, Or Paychex rep in Greater Boston/Mass!! Partnership interest.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Looking for anyone who works in Greater Boston Area Or East Massachusetts for a possible partnership.

    Cintas, Xerox, Or Paychex rep (or anyone who works with small business clientele).

    PM me if you fit the description. Would love to start a partnership to lead to more sales for us all!

    submitted by /u/hustle258
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    Customer success manager to AE, help me crush the interview

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    In a week I'm starting the interview process for an AE role at a company I really admire.

    I'm a Customer Success Manager right now at a B2C SaaS company and it's a glorified support role. I don't do any prospecting or close deals or pick up the phone, though sometimes I do recommend solutions to customers that they end up buying.

    The one question I know I'll get asked and that's troubling me the most is, "why sales?"

    My truth is that I'm miserable at my job and will take anything that isn't B2C customer support. My prepared response is that I like the sales-y aspects of my role the most and want to focus on them more. But that still feels weak and doesn't inspire confidence in the interviewer that I know what I'm doing.

    Can anybody offer another approach to this question that's a little more convincing? I'd also appreciate any other tips you have for nailing the interview. Thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/renged
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    Best opener for cold calling?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    I'm new in phone sales but I'm having more fun then I was managing maintenance for a large rental property portfolio.

    Ok so, I'm in equipment finance like construction equipment, mfg equipment, etc etc

    When I call these businesses and finally get hold of the decision maker, my opener is something like this: Good morning Joe this is James over at x financial "did I catch you at a bad time" —this is the line I'm having a hard time with.

    Do you have any alternative ideas to open the conversation warmly? These prospects inquired for our services over a year ago but did not move forward and I'm touching base to see if they have any upcoming equipment purchases or need working capital.

    Any insight is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/soldieroflight33
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    Do you get commission on PO in?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    As a sales person I believe the best scenario is getting paid on PO in as I believe that's my job done.

    A lot of companies pay on Invoicing and shipping (this can take years to see in high system sales). Has anyone here negotiated a split commission maybe 80% on PO and 20% on invoice.

    submitted by /u/LFC90cat
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    I can sell a product, but I can’t sell myself to sell products. Imposter syndrome?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    Feel free to delete if this has been covered already. I am trying to change my career to media sales. I have experience with media based content creation and taking client ideas and rewriting them into the content product. I put my hands up and said fuck it. I've had people tell me I should do sales and I feel like after more experience. I feel confident to move in that direction. I'm getting interviews. But meeting with my connections, I am having a hard time selling myself and what I can do for them. Being that I don't have a sales record, connections or number a sales person is looking for I come to a stop.

    Then I get the biting questions, "so what makes you so great?" "You're not qualified" which is where I have to fill in the blank on why. At first I though people were being jerks and then realize they want be to "bite back" and respond confidently. I could talk about my past jobs and what they can do and how they are beneficial etc. I just feel like I personally have nothing to sell to others.

    Tl:dr: how to sell myself to start selling products.

    submitted by /u/sugarhoarder
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    How do you handle “negotiating” room?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    I sell new homes and my builder (a fairly large reputable one) has 4% negotiating room built into the price to allow us to use towards upgrades, lower the price etc. There's emphasis on the 4% being all they will negotiate unless we can prove they are lower than a competitor. So typically I hold back but as I have come to find out my competitor (smaller builder) right next door is offering more things into their homes (fireplaces, granite etc) at our prices with the negotiating room out. So if I hold back or quote the 4% in we look much higher than the competitor with much less things in. Approximately $20k higher on a $500k home.

    So I have been thinking about just quoting the 4% out to avoid sticker shock

    What are your guys thoughts and how do you handle negotiating room?

    submitted by /u/Shwingbatta
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    How to compensate SDRs?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    I am rethinking the processes of a company that I'm consulting. The SDR are getting $50 per SQL and a low base. The problem however is that they push too hard for the SQL and the quality is very bad. Any other idea how to improve lead quality and also how to incentivice them better ?

    submitted by /u/m10r-vc
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    Does anyone have any good books, documentaries etc on career development in Sales?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:03 AM PDT

    Hi all.

    I have been struggling for years to seek methods to maximise my efficiency, motivation, etc. I have always enjoyed working. I am always the first person in and last person out of the office as I love being there trying to work hard and smart. I love the excitement of business trips, meeting clients. However I still always want to hear from experts.

    I do hope one day to be CXO level in my organisation and I have made that my ultimate goal.

    I have spent countless hours watching videos like "CEO daily routine", reading books like "tools of titans", "7 habits of highly effective people"....

    Does anyone else who enjoys similar content have anything to share?

    submitted by /u/An_Elongated_Muskrat
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    1099 Side hustle opportunity [Med devices]. Is it worth the risk?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Reposting and compressing this as it didn't get much visibility yesterday.

    I have an opp to return to my previous role as a 1099 rep, calling on hospital labs. My current job calls on a different hospital department, and there's no communication between the two depts. The only potential overlap would be through purchasing, but the side hustle products are under 5k (very short sales cycle) and purchasing is rarely involved.

    I would avoid my major accounts in my current role where I may have a relationship with purchasing or C-suites.

    Do any of you have a side hustle? What are the risks involved if any? How do you keep it discrete?

    submitted by /u/Hiddenagenduh
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    what are some great open ended questions to sell wireless to businesses?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:57 PM PDT

    so far i have,

    Who's your current service provider?

    How do you find their service?

    how many phones do you have?

    What kind of phones do you use, iphone or android?

    how much are paying each month?

    how much data do you get?

    any more questions you like to add, please feel. thanks!

    submitted by /u/Spatz901
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    How To Get My Start in Sales ?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:37 PM PDT

    I've been getting into sales a lot recently and I was curious as to where a good place to start would be. Im a freshman in college currently, just recently graduated HS.

    edit: im posting this because everytime i try and find a entry level sales job (even door to door) i always find some sort of pyramid scheme. so i was curious as to what would be some reliable companies that have sales positions.

    submitted by /u/Number6ExtraDrip
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    Best solution for phone calls from abroad?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:46 PM PDT

    Traveling country to country and need to make phone calls.. mostly to the USA.. but other countries a well.

    Not looking for a cheap/clunky solution.

    Not interested in:

    Google Voice/Hangouts: I've had it for 6+ years and it never seems to work

    Whatsapp: Won't allow traditional phone calls and texts

    GoogleFi: I don't want to have to use a compatible phone.

    What are my best options?

    submitted by /u/FlippinFlags
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    Any suggestions, tricks, books, etc to help me be more assertive and not avoid conflict?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    Anyone here go from avoiding conflict to being assertive at least at some level?

    Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wrong field of selling life insurance. Pretty new to this. I work off leads which offers freebies for health discounts and accidental polices, then I do a "free" needs analysis to identify their concerns and pitch a solution.

    I consider myself pretty good at creating a problem by painting a picture and offering a solution.

    But I have a huge problem that is absolutely holding me back... I avoid conflict. Always have been the diplomat. Never, and I mean never argue. I fear conflict enough that I get nervous door knocking and will procrastinate...suddenly have to pee, or stop for a snack, or check reddit. I fear conflict at the door and that resistance is going to bust me if I don't fix it.

    Then there's dealing with objections. I know what words to use in response to them, but my mind and heart wants to avoid the conflict altogether.

    Am I doomed to fail? I'm just beginning to look at the issue seriously and exploring options for dealing with it short of seeing a life coach or therapist to unravel some deep issue.

    I'm wondering if any of you kind folks have heard of or have done anything to help build assertiveness? Or the get over fear of conflict? I'm seriously thinking of going to the grocery store or Walmart for the sole purpose of kissing people off and creating conflict to make me numb and realize nothing bad happens.

    submitted by /u/halftankleft
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    Considering sales position for the first time (tree & lawn service), advice?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    I had a phone interview with a private company that does tree and lawn care, and have already scheduled a face-to-face interview next week. However, the position is in a city about an hour away and I have no experience in sales and it all sounds very overwhelming right now.

    The pay they mentioned is significantly more money than I'm making now (75-80k first year, and possibly 6 figures for further years, while I'm making 42k currently), but they said that the starting salary would be a draw-at-commissions with 50k base for the first 90 days, and presumably 100% commission afterwards? I'm only familiar with hourly pay so didn't know what to ask on the phone.

    I would also have to purchase a personal vehicle (possibly in their name?), but they do provide a monthly stipend for gas, routine maintenance, etc.

    At my current position I consider myself a subject matter expert with a much more academic background than most in the green industry, and have extensive experience with conflict-resolution situations with customers. I am able to listen, explain, and build trust with upset customers because I clearly know the subject and want to help, but I've never been responsible for selling services, and I'm uncomfortable with the idea of pushing sales on customers to boost numbers.

    I'm not terribly concerned this is a scam, it's a large, regional company that's been around for 30+ years. They aren't throwing me to the wolves, they said I'd be taking over territory from the current employee who is transferring to another location, and that I would be shadowing another sales employee for the first 60 days.

    I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed at this opportunity, since while the pay could be potentially almost doubling what I'm currently making, I've only ever been paid hourly. As well, it would be over an hour-long commute, I've never done sales of any kind before, and it could go pretty badly if it doesn't work out since I would possibly be in debt for buying a vehicle. Any advice or perspectives would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/alte08
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