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    Sunday, July 7, 2019

    Who’s fault is it? (Car accident) Insurance

    Who’s fault is it? (Car accident) Insurance

    Who’s fault is it? (Car accident)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 12:49 AM PDT

    Apologies in advance if this is the wrong sub to post on.

    I'm backing out of the parking space, checked both left and right blind spots, etc. Let the car crossing behind me pass, then start to reverse. Stop mid reverse halfway out of the parking spot, wondering why the car that passed me stopped moving a little ways to my right. Turns out a car cut through one of the parking spaces ahead of her to her left and was cutting in front of her, so she started reversing without checking behind her. I tried to pull forward back into my space but it seemed like it happened so quickly - she reversed into the back right of my car and left a big crater like dent in that area.

    Obviously, if she did not look backwards when reversing, that seems like a careless maneuver on her part. However the police officer said that I must yield to her, which is true I suppose - although it seemed like she gave me little time to react to her reverse lights. Who's fault is this really? This is my first car accident and I'm really stressed out with this situation.

    submitted by /u/THROWAWAYWORK0270
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    how can I reduce my auto insurance?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    I'm currently paying about $600/month in auto insurance.

    My current expected annual kilometers is about 40,000 km. If I were to reduce this to 5,000 km, how much should I expect my payments to drop, if at all?

    I haven't yet taken a defensive driving course. If I do so, will that reduce my payments, and if so, by how much?

    My vehicle is a truck I am leasing for $600/month. It's a 3 year lease. If I were to break this lease now, and get a cheaper vehicle, would this reduce my payments?

    I'm 23, this is my first vehicle, and I've had my license for only a few months.

    Thnks very much for your time. I hope somebody will be able to answer my questions. :)

    edit: I'm in Alberta, Canada

    submitted by /u/yogurt4
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    Received quote for same carrier from two different agents/agencies. Do I have an obligation to either one?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    My current H06 is coming up for renewal and my current carrier wants a 30% increase after years of minimal increases. I've had no claims in the five years I've owned this property. I tried contacting my agent, who has done nothing for me other than getting me the original policy, but she was on vacation and the message was that she would not be checking voice or emails. So I started searching around myself to see what alternatives I had. I have car insurance through Geico, but they came in at double the rate my current carrier wanted.

    In my search, I entered some info, and received a call from an agent about 4 hours away. She got me a good quote that is even lower than my expiring policy. My current agent finally called me back the other day. I explained that since I hadn't heard from her, I had gotten some other quotes, and told her which carrier. She said she would she what she could do. She came back with a quote from the same carrier as the agent 4 hours away, even though I had told her I already had a quote from them. There were no other competitive quotes. The quotes had slight limits differences, but obviously that is tweakable.

    The distant agent has been calling every few days, though it just so happens that I have been tied up when she calls and have been unable to answer. My current agent hasn't done more than email the quote. No follow-ups so far.

    Am I obligated to either agent specifically? Also, I'm not crazy about my current agent, but not sure if it's a liability having an agent who is so far away.

    submitted by /u/felixgolden
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    Assaulted while at work by an anti-semite, i got a psychological diagnosis and started medication because of it.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    So I'm just going to lay it all out...

    BTW! Sorry if my grammar is off, my English is bad or any of the sort. It's not my first language. Mods: Sorry if this doesn't belong here, I'll remove the post if you want me to, thanks. :)

    Male, 21/22 at the time, 24 now. From Denmark. During the time I was working as a night shift salesman at a gas station, always alone during my shifts. I worked one week on and then I had one week off.

    One night, a drunk and high guy walks in and wants to order some food, but is rude to me. I politely ask him to please speak properly/nicely to me. He refuses and continues being rude, I ask him again and add that he needs to leave the store if he continues again(we are allowed to).

    I can see the rage in his eyes and I can immediately tell by his posture, that he is going to try and throw a punch at me over the counter. I predict it coming and dodge it like som matrix shit. He becomes enraged and makes his way around the counter and charges me, I was very unprepared and unsure what to do, so I just protect my head with my arms all the while he goes to town, but I'm bigger than him and working out alot during that time, so it doesn't hurt as much as it could have.

    Luckily my friend was in the store chilling with me and saw the whole ordeal, and after I ask loudly to my friend and the crowd of customers if "I could get some help?", My friend decides to help get this guy off of me.

    The guy backs off and smashes some hardware on the way out, heils Hitler and yells anti-semitic slurs at me on his way out, which was wierd, because I'm not a member of the Hebrew. He also grabs a basket at the entrance and hurls it over the heads of the customers, who barely avoided it, towards me.

    The police arrive after 45 minutes, takes notes and they recognise the guy, just by me describing his looks, they immediately know who it is. I report it to the police and I go to the hospital to get looked at(Law says I have to if I'm going to report him).

    I was kind of in shock, just completely baffled by the situation that just occurred. I only got a few scratches and swelling on the side of my head.

    I say to my boss at the time that I'm only going to need 1 day off, I had no idea that what I was subject to, was about to effect my mental health for months to come.

    The days go by and during that time I gradually get more and more depressed. About 3 months after the incident, I quit my job because I don't feel I can do the job properly in accordance to what I think the job requires of me and what I can handle in my decaying mental state.

    I am bedridden for many months after, not doing anything, depressed. After 6 months I decide that I can't handle it anymore and seek psychological help, as I should have done much sooner. So about 9 months after I got assaulted, I seek help.

    I get given a psychological diagnosis (skizotypi - basicly skizophrenia but without multiple personalities, I'm just me, but with psychotic "tendencies") and start treatment with medication and sessions with a councillor. I get better because of the medication and during a session I ACCIDENTALLY say I used to consume cannabis for a couple of years prior and various other drugs, and they began suspecting "drug induced" psychosis and noted it in my medical records even though I told them not to. And they listed it as abuse, even though I was never abusing substances. So the doctors didn't help me at all. As I suspect them writing it, may have been detrimental to my case. And I was experimenting with drugs and stopped again, way before me getting assaulted. But the doctors didn't note this down in my records.

    I don't really trust the doctors and don't think the actual sessions help, only the medication. But I continue in the program for the medication and I gradually get better. I go to court and say my testimony at the trial, he had priors for violence, done case.

    Then I report the incident to my insurance and here is where I get even more unsure if I'm entitled to anything.

    I only seek payment for the time where I'm was out of work, as I have since gotten much better, got work and going to school with straight A's as grades.

    But to my detriment, the doctors have done a poor job of documenting my case during my treatment and never mentioned once in my notes from the treatment there, that the reason for seeking help was the assault. They also noted me talking about cannabis and drugs, even though I asked the doctors not to write it in my records.

    And now I'm in the process of a second parts hearing, where the insurance is ready to make a decision and sent me all the material that the insurance company is going to use to judge my case, to make sure its right.

    In the material, the insurance company also included a period from my youth(I was 15, when the following incident happened) where my parents have just gotten divorced during the final exams of what's equivalent to Americans middle school, by way more important here in DK. This caused me to overload with stress and try to "kill myself" as a scream for help with taking too many paracetamol and ibuprofen, even though it would have never killed me. This was also caused by that I never had any friends during the 9 year time of "Groundschool"(as we call it) and I got bullied almost for the entirety of that 9 year period, by a large amount of my pupils.

    The doctors during that time classified it as depression, but never gave me an actual diagnosis, as they have now. Never got given medication, but was offered it, never accepted medication for mental health issues before now.

    I feel the material that have been presented to me by the insurance company lacks the context I'm describing above, as they have included my entire mental health record and a separate official note from my own doctor that states that I have been through this treatment and as far as I remember the note also says that my poor mental health state was caused by the assault I was subject to.

    I'm not entirely certain about the last part, and other minor things like how long it was ago and how much time passed between the certain events. I would have made sure its right, but I'm on holiday and don't have the material in front of me, so I just go by memory, so forgive me if there's a lot of uncertainties. I'll be back on Monday/Tuesday, and will make sure then.

    So, I'm uncertain if the material given to me is sufficient, if it lacks context, if it looks like I might get some form of compensation or anything in general about these cases, do I stand to gain some compensation or not. Do I need to write to the insurance company to give them more context about the matter or what.

    I really hope I'm entitled to some form of compensation, as I have had some struggles during my life and I'm really doing my best to not let anything hold me back from being the successful person I want to be, and if I get compensation it would make life a lot easier for me, compared to how it has been.

    Anyways, I'll appreciate any form of guidance, context, help or tips than you provide.

    I'll do my best to answer any questions asap, as I'm on holiday and I'm trying to relax before starting my last year of school.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/Mawl26
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    construction site didn't secure their work space and damage my car, are they liable? * video link*

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:35 AM PDT


    you can see they have a few loose signs all over the place on a bridge that gets a ton of wind. My insurance company says the construction company isn't liable for not securing their work site, I say they should be liable because they're working in an area where wind is a factor and didn't take it into consideration.

    can someone tell me who is liable here?

    submitted by /u/n0tatest
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    Lightning strike and new homeowner.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    I just bought and moved into my first home about six weeks ago. Early this morning my house was struck by lightning (or so says the firemen that responded). There is no apparent physical damage to my house and nobody was hurt. However, most everything that plugs in is no longer working. This includes the air conditioner, garage door opener, oven, TVs, and so on. Is there anything I need to know when filing a claim? The adjuster is supposed to contact me Monday. I'm a bit nervous (i.e. terrified) since I've never done this before.

    submitted by /u/pretend_im_right
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    Sure health

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    Is sure heath zone 2 with it I need my teeth done and I do wear glasses does anyone think this is a good insurance plan / company

    submitted by /u/Stonergirl9575
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    How to get insurance to cover pre surgery drug test?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    Recently had surgery. Apparently at this hospital, they drug test as part of all that pre surgery jazz. Not surprisingly, insurance rejected it as not medically necessary. Any tips to get it covered? Or, is the hospital doing something weird?

    submitted by /u/inowhaveasn
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    Child birth itemized invoice

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Hey, my daughter was born last year and I was send invoice this year. I asked for an itemized statement and all they send was 5 line item with 4 word description and amount. It doesn't tell what makes up that amount.

    For example:

    10/10/2018 Hospital discharge day <provider name> balance =$207.

    10/09/2018 Initial hospital care <provider name> balance = $506

    There is other information like how much insurance paid etc. I am not mentioning that above. But I don't see any break up for any of the item. When I asked for more details they said that all they got. The provider is PEDIATRIX MEDICAL GROUP.

    Is it normal for them to provide only this much information? How else I can do to get more details?


    submitted by /u/BarrenWuffet00
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    Understanding a comprehensive claims payout

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    Last July my vehicle ('99 Saab 9-3) burst in to flames and I had to file a comprehensive claim with my insurer, Liberty Mutual. They sent an adjuster and the car was determined to be a total loss. LM paid the fair value of the car less my $500 deductible (around $1400) and paid the towing company ~$200.

    The only thing I don't understand about the claim is that the car was sold to IAA for auction AND LM cut IAA a check for $1300. Is LM paying them a sellers fee or other costs associated with the auction? This is the only thing that makes logical sense to me but I have no idea why selling a car worth this little at auction would cost LM that much.

    I have been shopping for new auto insurance and found out that my CLUE report has this claim valued for much more than I expected it to be, total being ~$2900. I expected it to be under $2k.

    Another question on the same situation, will the effect of this claim on my premiums drop some after an entire year has passed? It's currently driving my quotes up an additional $100 per month.

    TL;DR My auto insurer paid IAA $1300 after my comprehensive claim and added it to the value of my claim. Why? How long will a comp claim drive up my premium?


    submitted by /u/insurancebaby
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    Is it it possible to get a $500k life insurance for a 71 year female? How much would that run? Thanks.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    Hey Mods

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Is there a definition section?

    submitted by /u/DocX--
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    Got cited for 5200(a) VC in California - no front plate. Per the officer it is a correctable violation. Will this add a point to my record and affect my insurance?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    Just Got into a car accident yesterday . What is the next step?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 03:01 AM PDT

    Started raining heavily by the time I got onto the highway. Not even a few minutes after that, the driver in front of me started hydroplaning, I started breaking as I was already going 10 under the speed limit due to the weather conditions. While doing so the drivers car ended up swerving back over into the lane we were both in and ended up hitting my car in the process. My car is literally brand new. I've only had it for 6 months if that. Just got it at the beginning of this year, it's a 2019 model. The other drivers is a 2002 modeled car. Immediately after this incident we both pulled over and my first thought was my baby. I am 38 weeks and a day pregnant. With my first child who I am supposed to be delivering in 2 weeks. I hopped out of the car and checked on the other driver as did the person with me. Driver felt terrible as the person noticed I am very pregnant. We both got each others insurance information and i contacted mine to file a claim immediately. I then called the police to have a police officer sent out so he could get both of our information. The other person called the police as well . The clams department rep from my insurance company then started a claim for the accident, explained how the deductible would be around 1,000 but wouldn't need to be paid until after the repair . At that point while waiting for police , I had called a towing company that's covered under my insurance policy to come tow my car to have it sent to 1 of the collision centers that was recommended by my insurance company for repairs. The damaged to my car is significant. My passenger side door will not stay shut. Its dented in, the other drivers cars front end was basically halfway off. The driver was able to take off that part and drive their car home. I cant drive mine not with the door not shutting. I have to get it repaired.

    By this time both police officer and my tower showed up at the same time. The officer got mine and her information, then while handing me back my info , he gave me a card with the report information number and told me to give it to my car insurance company.

    After that was done, I told the other driver I contacted my insurance company and filed a claim. At that point the other driver explained how they still had to contact theirs and set one up on their end. After I got to the hospital and checked on my baby to make sure she is unharmed I came home and contacted the collision center. They will be looking at my car monday morning and coming up with an estimate for repair. At this point, what do I do next? Because i was not at fault, do I contact this persons insurance company and see if they would be willing to cover the cost of this repair of my vehicle or do I have my insurance company contact this persons insurance and go from there? I do not have $1,000 to pay out to my insurance seeing as I'm pregnant and have a baby coming at any point now. I also do not see how I would have to pay this amount due to it not being my fault . We both were going under the speed limit when this occurred. Thanks for any advice given.

    submitted by /u/JARFO402
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