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    Sunday, March 24, 2019

    I got a check made out to me and lienholder from a car accident Insurance

    I got a check made out to me and lienholder from a car accident Insurance

    I got a check made out to me and lienholder from a car accident

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    The check has [My Full Name] And Honda Finance on it. The car was financed by Honda when I brought it and I was still paying it off when i got into the car accident. After the accident, I got the repairs done for much cheaper than the estimate I got after the deductible from my insurance company. No check was given to me at that time. A year and half later I sell my car to Car Maxx, they give more money than my loan is. So I pay it off and use the rest towards a new car. Now a year later I get this check in mail. I also didn't keep any off repair bills after I got rid of old car.

    Is it my money? How do I cash it? Who do I go to?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Iamlordbutter
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    Parked vehicle was badly damaged by aggressive driver, who fled scene but was caught.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:24 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to get an idea of what actions I should and could take in the case of my vehicle being damaged today.

    I was at work today when I heard a lot of yelling outside followed by a loud crashing sound, I ran outside to see a newer model jeep speeding off, and my car significantly damaged as the driver hit it directly in the side and sandwiched it between another car. The driver fled the scene, but was caught and arrested minutes later.

    My car has significant damage to the sides and a bit to the back (bumper popped off, tail lights broken, possible bent axle on right rear tire, damage to quarter panels, etc). I put in a claim as the report was being written.

    My problem, is the driver was driving with a suspended license in his girlfriend's car (who was also in the vehicle at the time). I have CCTV footage of the incident, my own photos, police photos, and at least 5 witnesses who all made statements.

    I'm wondering if a standard claim with my insurance should be enough, or if I should absolutely push for more, if that is even possible.

    The incident happened in Pinellas County Florida, for anyone who'd know better based on the state/county.

    submitted by /u/AdaptivePropaganda
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    New Car Replacement Coverage

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    I currently have "New Car Replacement Coverage". Does this mean if I get into an accident, they will give me price of my car at the current year model? Even if I am at fault? Lets say I lose control and hit a wall, does this count?

    Also my car is eligible for about 11,000 in Federal, State, and Local Tax-Credits and Rebates will this be factored in.

    submitted by /u/SDAMan2V1
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    Wind Blown Ice damages Boathouse

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    I have a seasonal cabin on Mille Lacs Lake in central MN. We close the place, drain water and button up stuff in late Oct, early Nov. It's a seasonal cabin. We have two other buildings on the property. A good size garage behind the cabin and in front on the water we have a boathouse with a bunkhouse that sleeps 10 sitting on top of the boathouse. Late last year in Dec. as the lake was beginning to freeze over, there was a period of about 2wks where the wind was incredably strong out of the NW. We are on the East side. The shore line freezes first and there was open water in the central body of the lake. Its huge like 20mi wide and 18mi long. According to the local folks Dec was a bear, Ice blew up on shore to 5' high and the wind was 30 to 40mph. In a nutshell a big chunk of ice plowed under the floor/slab of the boathouse. The garage door and its framing sat on the slab. It lifted the bunkhouse off the sill, fractured the slab and caused cracks in the mortar of the boathouse cinder block walls. The slab cracked about 3' inside behind the garage door. The footings seem to be fine and are below frost-line. The lake has a history of ice tsunami's and was featured in national news a few years back.

    My question is, what do you think the chances of coverage are for this type of peril. All I can say is wind had everything to do with it, it is most like a bulldozer came in and smashed the front of the boathouse garage. The structure if grandfathered in and you can not build anything like it due to codes at this time, in 49yrs we have never never seen anything like it. All the other buildings on the property are sound and have had no issues.

    submitted by /u/dougbone
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    [IN] Hit a pothole - Dealership and Insurance inspector don't agree on what should be repaired

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    I have a fairly new BMW I am leasing. I hit a pothole a week ago that bent my rim and popped my tire. I had it towed to the dealership who told me the strut, tire, wheel, and other structural parts were damages and repairs would be around $5k. I got my insurance, Geico, involved at this point who spent an inspector out to asses the damages. He told me he could only account for damage visibly seen and gave me an estimate of $1.9k which included the wheel, strut, and tire, but not the rest of the repairs BMW is asking for. The BMW service rep called me yesterday, bad mouthing the inspector, and saying that he did not agree to vital repairs to the car. He also said he would be requesting another inspector to look at the car for another estimate.

    So now I don't know what to do. It's been over a week that my car has been out. I am paying for a \n expensive leased car that I'm not using. I'm also worried that my insurance will not pay for the appropriate repairs, and that I'll be screwed with having issues with the car from now on or having to pay for repairs at lease turn-in. Is there any thing I can do at this point besides yelling at my insurance company?

    submitted by /u/NapoleanBonerfarts
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    Any tips I need to know before dealing with a no-name car insurance company?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 08:50 PM PDT

    I just got in a minor fender bender (hit from behind while at a stoplight). The guy who hit me has insurance, but it's from a company I've never heard of. How likely is it that I'll get some runaround from them? Is there anything I can do to try to prevent this from happening?

    submitted by /u/frcShoryuken
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    Can I/should I inform insurance or accident if I don't want to file a claim?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    Got into a small accident today. Street had 4 lanes, 4th most lane was a must turn right lane, but the others were not. I was in the third far right lane going straight and a woman on the second middle lane turned right. I slammed on my breaks but I still hit her. While we exchanged information she told me google maps told her to stay in the middle lane and turn right. My lane wasn't a turn right only lane or anything either. So she basically admitted fault to me right there. Problem is I suck under pressure and the accident whool, despite being minor, shook me up and I did a horrible job documenting it. Got her insurance info and license, but I also gave her my insurance and license. Didn't take any pictures of her car. Zero.

    My bumper was already messed up from an accident the previous owner got into. Barely any new damage on my bumper and some paint scratches on her car, but no dents or broken pieces. I'm okay without it going to a claim, but I still have to report the accident, right? If I don't and she does won't they just find me at fault for not filing it? Also I'm under 25, and have a no name insurance provider so my main concern is my rates shooting up.

    Thanks for any advice. This is the first accident I've ever been in.

    submitted by /u/dylan2451
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    What is needed for an insurance repair?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    So I was in an auto accident yesterday where I Was hit pretty badly and I'm going to get into a shop on Monday to get my car repaired.

    The other party's insurance is covering it all because they were responsible.

    However I ran into a paperwork snafu. Of course my car is up-to-date on insurance and registration however, I for the life of me cannot find my registration card.

    It is registered and the police officer who took the report for the accident was able to look it up via my license plate.

    My only question is is my registration card required to get the work done on my car? I know what is required for state inspection and emissions test.

    I live in Pennsylvania if that is any help.

    submitted by /u/Bleep2112
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    this is for those that knows about the health insurance industry

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    asked for good youtubes that briefly & concisely explains the only common / important parts of the health insurance industry? any good youtube explainer or concise to the point primers

    but since im personally asking for that, and yet if someone else has youtubes that are helpful, it is considered on this reddit as against the 'socialitation' rule of this reddit even tho 'socialitation' is when it's NOT asked for (so just pm/dm me if you know of good youtube, dont worry im an extremely extremely hard sell if it was anything 'commerical')

    but anyway i wont ask for youtube, instead im asking these:

    for example a few questions on the mind are:

    1. does each individual health insurance company/service make different deals with specific 'health products companies' like contact lenses etc
    2. is there an overriding dominent model for health insurance service?
    3. is it pretty much an industry dominanted by 2-5 mega corps (like many businesses are)
    4. what does a 'normal / regular / most common' kind of health insurance provide to the user / person on average? typically? what exactly is provided
      1. i guess if they provide the same health services & things, then the price of health services of the varying factor
    5. ?
    6. anything else important that needs - or is helpful - to be known?

    if it's not simple just gonna move / live in different nations where it's universal

    tried to read about it but wiki seems to have lots of trite & trivialities and not just the common / important parts



    trying to understand contact lenses made me wonder https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/b3vh89/where_commonly_are_contact_lenses_gotten_from_can/

    submitted by /u/bestminipc
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    Restricted Websites? (Mod Question)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Is there anyway we could get a list of restricted websites that count as solicitation?

    I've been accused of soliciting when pointing posters to websites that I have no connection with. I understand this may still be soliciting but for dummies like me list would be nice.

    submitted by /u/uh_der
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    Question about Additional Insured Endoresement

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    I own and operate a cidery (we make Hard Cider), and often attend beer shows around are area. One recently requested a COI but insists they be added as an additional insured. If I grant the show this endorsement what am I liable for? If someone sues the show or gets hurt as a result of something that I am not at fault for, can my insurance be used to cover their liability? I'm happy to insure the show for any damages caused by my staff, setup, or arising from my product but I don't want to be on he hook if someone gets hurt and sues the show.

    submitted by /u/PhillyCider
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    Paying 1080 per month in auto insurance. One driver is 23, one 27, and one 54. The younger two have one accident each, and one ticket each as well.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    Does this seems like a reasonable price?? We are currently with geico but the price is literally insane now. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/fallenmaz
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    Rental car reimbursement questions

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    Hi all - thanks in advance for reading.

    In October, my unoccupied vehicle was hit while parked in a parking lot. The driver and I exchanged insurance information, I reported the accident to my insurance, and I got a rental car for the duration of the repairs. My insurance (Geico) informed me that his insurance (USAA) would pay for the rental. The driver of the other vehicle admitted fault and the accident was determined to be 100% his fault.

    In January, I contacted USAA with the receipt for the rental car using the information provided to me by my Geico claims agent. Since then, I've left several voicemails with the claims rep but I haven't heard back.

    How do I go about getting reimbursed for the rental car? Is there a better way to reach USAA to get reimbursed than calling / e-mailing the rep repeatedly?

    submitted by /u/kasittig
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    New Motorcycle

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    I recently bought a new Ninja 400 and insured it with Allstate because the owner of the dealership I bought it from also owned a few branches; so it was all done in house for the most part. However, I use State Farm for auto insurance through my father's policy on my car. I received something in the mail regarding my insurance rate. Is State Farm sending me this because they know about my Allstate policy? Can they raise my monthly rate because I'm insured by another company on a different vehicle?

    submitted by /u/dankgatorade
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    Was involved in an accident. Questions regarding insurance.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    I was involved in an accident earlier today. It was the other drivers fault. He was given a citation and had a witness statement to police to what I was saying. He cut over 2 lanes of traffic to take an exit that was 20 feet in front of him. I called my insurance (Geico) to make a claim # but did not process any collision stuff yet as I'm going to go through his insurance one the police report is ready in 5-7 business days. The officers wouldn't let me get his info on the scene. I was checked out by EMS. I have a pretty sore head and neck. Slight blurry vision in my left eye. Going to urgent care today. Question is, will the Urgent care want to go through my insurance even though I didn't make the collision claim? Should I go through mine and then have Geico chase his? I don't want a rate hike and I know it's possible for it to happen even after a no-fault accident. Any advise on how to proceed?

    submitted by /u/marok1121
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    Insurance For Unique Business

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I am having difficulty finding insurance for my business because it is so unique. I am hoping that someone here can point me in the right direction of what to do before I start losing clients.

    Simply put, automotive manufacturers hire my company to provide drivers in order to accumulate miles in their vehicles so that they can gather data. For example, one company hired us to drive 2,000 miles in a vehicle so that they can learn about a new battery. Another example is a company wanting us to provide 10 commercial drivers to test drive their 18-wheelers to gather data.

    We are required to have general liability plus auto liability to cover bodily injury, property damage, the vehicle, etc. I have talked to everyone under the sun and no one can seem to classify us so we get denied. I've tried garage liability and non-owned auto insurance but nothing seems to be working.

    I would greatly appreciate any advice or connection to an agent/underwriter that would be able to help me out.


    submitted by /u/rooneyjp
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    Formal recommendations made by homeowners

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    There is a red maple tree near our front door that is alive & healthy. Apparently our homeowners carrier sent an inspector to the house at some point this week. The agent then asked via email what we plan to do with it before they put it in a formal recommendation. Obviously, our policy doesn't say that they will exclude coverage from an event that was formally recommended to be addressed. I'm not opposed to removing the tree in the future (3 yrs) but we literally are still moving in. There are other things that are much higher on our list that we need to address to maintain value of the home.

    If the tree isn't removed & falls on our house, is there some sort of loophole that they can find to exclude PD arising from the specified tree falling on the house?

    submitted by /u/Smash724
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