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    Thursday, March 28, 2019

    I did it! Student Loans

    I did it! Student Loans

    I did it!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Just under 5 years and $48,000 later. Bye bye student loans. Feels good and just wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/ManlyCanadaMan
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    My private loan lenders still believe I’m in school, do I need to tell them I graduated?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:16 PM PDT

    I have two private loans, from Wells Fargo and Discover, and both of them believe I am still in school. I finished school in September and my grace period is/should be coming to an end this month. But when I checked online on my Wells Fargo and Discover accounts they both say that my expected graduation date is September of this year and my grace period would be ending around this time of next year. My school does know I am no longer a student there because I also have a third loan with them and they have sent me notices about my grace period coming to an end soon.
    So, my question is: Am I responsible for informing Wells Fargo and Discover that I graduated in September or should I just leave this alone? I've been making regular payments to each of my loans since January, I just don't want to get penalized if I don't say anything.

    submitted by /u/JRR824
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    How risky is getting a degree that will put me ~$170k under, for a job that pays ~$180k?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:43 PM PDT

    Going to be attending gradschool starting this August for a 2-year MS into a well paying career (average salary is around ~$180k/year, however that is after a 2-year residency that pays around $50k/year). I'm not sure at the moment if I'll be have it all federal, but the majority will be (Direct + PLUS). I also have good credit if it comes to applying with private lenders. I understand there is some risk in getting into this much debt, but for those with experience or knowledge of handling this much debt, how reasonable would it be to pay for such a loan on that kind of salary?

    submitted by /u/DavidBits
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    Looking for Help with deferment. {MA}

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:06 PM PDT

    After graduating with a B.S. in Biology, my girlfriend decided to go back to school for her nursing undergrad. She called the loan providers she had to request deferment since she will be in school full time and not have any income. All but one provider granted her deferment (MEFA/AES).

    The last few months AES has called looking for payment and each time my Girlfriend has been told no payment is required and her account has been marked as full time student. Well then she got hit a 4 months of past due on her credit report. When she called AES, they told her it was a mistake and to complete a credit dispute form. We did that.

    Then today they called again looking for a payment and after spending about a few hours on the phone and multiple 45 minute holds, she was told they can't do anything since she's in a income based repayment plan. Before leaving work she was only making $600/wk (roughly $1500/month after deductions) before taxes. So her payments were $500/month. With no income the representatives and her supervisor said they ran her "numbers" again and came out with a repayment even higher than the original $500.

    So now we're in a tough spot where she needs another loan in September for the second half of her program (16 months accelerated program to get ABN)

    I'm confused why AES keeps telling us everything is okay and then the next month they call again looking for money and we do the dance all over again.

    What are our options, we don't have any available funds to even out towards this one loan.

    TL;DR MEFA/AES confirm with confirmation number account is okay, then they call us again looking for payment. Girlfriend received credit hit with 90 days past due and was told to fill out credit dispute then told they can't do anything and expect to be paid anyways.

    submitted by /u/DeathByLoans2019
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    Navient: Is there a way to view account balance over time?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:31 PM PDT

    I'd like to see the changes to my account balance over a period of time.

    submitted by /u/Gothboi777
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    $1,500 in student loan payments every month. Please help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    I need help desperately. I went to a private school and received a 4 year degree but I didn't realize the repercussions, neither did my parents, of students loans while I was living it up in college. Currently I have $84,000 in private loans and $15,000 in federal loans. I have a decent job but only pays $32,000 so making the $1,149 along with a car payment and insurance and I'm up to $1,500 a month which leave me about $270 to live off of (lol right) I currently live at home but would like to move out before I'm 30. I have never missed a payment on either of the loans and have a credit score of about 690-700. Obviously, my debt to income ratio is high but my payment and credit history is pretty good, in my opinion. I have been paying on these loans since about February of 2018 so I could show I can make payments on time in order to refinance.

    As of last week I have been denied by every loan refinancing company that I know of. I have tried everything, applied by myself, applied with a co-signer, begged but nothing. I'm struggling to see why I even went to school at this point. I just need some advice on why no one will even give me a shot to try and refinance.

    Is it because my debt to income (DTI) is that high? Or my co-signer DTI is too high as well? If I get a different co-singer with a very low DTI would that make the difference? Or do I just need to suck it up and pay for like 2 years and get my overall loans down and then try and refinance?

    Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

    submitted by /u/CampbellSquad
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    How about something fun? Need your clever minds for an upcoming student loan counseling presentation I'm giving - GOT fans I need you!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:31 AM PDT

    Hello friends! I'm giving an in person student loan counseling session to about 100 soon to be grads the day after the Game of Thrones season premiere. The school and I have decided I should theme the presentation in honor of the premiere to add a bit of levity to a boring topic. Looking for your help on some clever ways of doing this. So far the presentation title is "In the Game of Loans, You Win...or You Pay Way More than You Need to. I also have a slide that introduces me as someone who drinks and knows a lot about student loans.

    The presentation is basically a robust exit counseling so i'll be talking about when the first payment will be due, the different repayment options, forgiveness programs, deferments, how payments are applied and interest accrues, the borrowers responsibilities (keeping accurate contact info etc) and the terrible things that happen in default. Thoughts on other GOT references we can use? I'm thinking of some connection between the white walkers and student loan collections...

    submitted by /u/Betsy514
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    Loan for past due balance

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    I've been out of school for one whole term now. My FAFSA had massive issues because of a name change that they didn't register for some reason which resulted in me being locked out of my account for a month or so. Even after the FAFSA came in, and adding it to my scholarships, it didn't cover the cost of tuition. My account is currently in a financial hold which prevents me from class registration, and although my discover loan finally got approved (with a cosigner), the school rejected it since the payment date is from a few months back.

    I have no idea what to do anymore, are there any loan providers that provide student loans for past due balances? I read on a ~3 year old Reddit post that PNC and Citizen's bank provide loans for past due balances, is this true? Any help at this point is extremely appreciated.

    submitted by /u/unripe_banana
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    Do pretax health insurance premium payments reduce AGI?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I am on the PAYE plan and have to recertify soon. I was going to use this paycheck for establishing my new student loan payment since I got a new job but my normal pretax payment towards my health insurance premium wasn't taken out of this paycheck. Two times a year we get 3 paychecks and the 3rd one doesn't go towards our health insurance. I'm wondering if this affects my AGI and I need to wait until I get my next paycheck to recertify?

    submitted by /u/serene6string
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    Can someone explain this to me...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    Posted in another sub but no replies and I'm trying to figure this out before making calls so I can follow along.

    I went to college for 1 year only in 2011. I did FAFSA and let my mom handle payments...who then defaulted without my knowledge and never thought much of it until a year ago upon checking my credit.

    I have 2 accounts on my credit report to the US Dept of Edu. I had wages garnished and completed my rehabilitation of the loans and am repaying to FMS who has taken over it on behalf of the Dept of Edu.

    I have two others on there hat are Sallie Mae(Says transfered) ..but I thought Sallie Mae was private loans? I didnt take any private loans or nor would my parents cosign/I had zero credit history at the time. They were late and transferred to another agency.

    I have checked my federal loans on the website and the only two I have are the ones I'm paying on monthly with FMS.

    Another account has opened on my credit report to a company called Credit Central LLC. What they are asking for is the same amount as my federal loans BEFORE paying monthly ever happened. I'm already paying on this debt so I dont understand where they are coming from trying to collect the same debt unless it has something to do with this Sallie Mae buisness.

    Can someone explain this Sallie Mae thing to me? I never opened private loans for school. On equifax it says Dept of Ed/Sallie Mae. I can provide screenshots at a later time for anyone interested in looking it over..currently on mobile. Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/AMidwestUBetcha
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    Seeking guidance with reconsolidating

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:17 AM PDT


    I recently graduated with my second bachelors degree and I just started my nursing job. College was great, but issues with my family led to mismanagement with my loans. I won't get into detail, but some of it falls on me. I had to live off my CC for awhile, but I have never been late on a payment and my credit score is great.

    I have ~62K in federal loans ad ~46K in private loans. I am paying 300/month on 3 private loans. I think the most I can afford is 500/month at the most. I had to get a car and my own place, so I cannot contribute more than 500/month. I have more loans that will start repayment in June and September (private and federal).

    I know there are loan forgiveness programs for nurses, but I really do not know how to manage this expense. I have tried reconsolidating with Sofi, Elfi, and Commonbond, however my debt to income ratio is the reason why I keep getting rejected.

    My brother will cosign if I reconsolidate, but he is advising me to wait until I get a few paychecks and build some income.

    The private loans I am not paying on have high interest rates and generate 250-300/month in interest (variable interest). I am trying to stay calm and even about this, but I really don't know what to do.

    How should I go about this?


    submitted by /u/DaBears85Hookem
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    Need Help Finding Old Loan details

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    I was hoping someone could provide some guidance. I consolidated my student loans in 2014. Previously, they were handled by Sallie Mae and i would like to see the loan details from before the consolidation. Does anyone know the best way to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/iwantedtolurk
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    Just got a strange text.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    So i am still currently enrolled in school (9 credits a semester) and recieved a text from Nelnet saying my loans are in deferment and i need to respond immediately. The weird thing is that i have direct and indirect subsidized loans for my education and i haven't had to pay anything on them yet due to my current enrollment. Is this some sort of scam?

    submitted by /u/-ogre-
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    I don't have any crazy loans but I have no clue what I'm doing

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    As the title says, I don't have any crazy loans or anything like that. I just don't know what to do, how to proceed, etc. And figured this sub could help!

    The situation: Just completed my masters and have about 34k in loans. I borrowed from great lakes and that's it. I'm currently in my grace period, don't have to make payments till June. Minimum payments are expected to be $300-something but I'm making my personal monthly minimum $500. Goal is to pay this off in 5 years.

    So what should I do to best tackle this debt? I'm not super worried but I hear a lot of horror stories which make me nervous. I was thinking if paying off all the interest at once now during my grace period but I dunno if that'll do much?

    Please give me any tips and advice. If more info is needed on my end, I'll gladly edit this post up reflect it. I really appreciate everyone on this sub and the support y'all give!

    submitted by /u/GoingSom3where
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