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    Sunday, March 24, 2019

    Any advice on great accounting software for a small business? Looking at quickbooks and would love something that tracks expenses/income but also inventory and can connect with incoming sales. Would love to know what works well or hasn’t for others small business

    Any advice on great accounting software for a small business? Looking at quickbooks and would love something that tracks expenses/income but also inventory and can connect with incoming sales. Would love to know what works well or hasn’t for others small business

    Any advice on great accounting software for a small business? Looking at quickbooks and would love something that tracks expenses/income but also inventory and can connect with incoming sales. Would love to know what works well or hasn’t for others

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:56 PM PDT

    Pulled the plug on an offer.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    Have two great candidates. Sent offer to first candidate on Tuesday with Thursday deadline.

    They countered with higher salary, which I accepted. Thursday passes. Fri I receive several questions about the company, which I immediately answer and say I need confirmation by end of day Friday.

    Candidate requested more time to think about it. I replied with a sorry, times up, good luck with your search. Candidate replied saying I am unreasonable and they only want more time to think about it. Wants to set up a call to discuss.

    I am done, want to offer to to the other candidate. My reasoning for the pull is that I feel like they are waiting for other offers, I dont want to wait to hear the first candidate turn it down and find the second candidate is no longer available...

    What should I say?

    submitted by /u/smallbizzer
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    What is the best way to attract baby boomers?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:27 PM PDT

    Obviously the boomers are a huge demographic. Our service is based on helping them. Has anyone targeted this demographic? And if so, what were the most cost effective ways to reach them and get their attention?

    submitted by /u/GdaIV747
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    Business book tells me that 30% net profit is unusual

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    It went on to say that 30% net profit probably means that the market is extremely new, and you won't keep that net profit for long, because your market will sooner or later be discovered, and competition will start to erode your price per unit

    Is this reality? 30%+ net profit is unusually difficult? I've never owned a business before but would think it's entirely possible to have a service business with $2m revenue and only $1m in expenses, even with competitors in my market?

    submitted by /u/doormass
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    I will make you a new website for free

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    Hello, ​ Me and some friends are trying to open an enterprise in software development area. At this moment we have in our portfolio a couple websites for some friends and an android application (our portfolio https://www.skern.pt/en/portfolio-en). We do not have any work to do right now and we are struggling to get new clients because we DO NOT have a registered company yet and we also have a short portfolio. To help us out of this situation and to show our potencial we decided to make a free website to one (maybe two) users from this subreddit. The only catch is that we will include in the footer one line saying "Designed by (our company name)". Our expectation is that your users will like your website so much that maybe they will contact us. ​ We will do the whole process, design the website, send a layout to you for review and then program it. We can also host the website for you or you can host it on your own. If you are interested send me and PM with your response to this questions: What is your company/project about? What is your Facebook page (if you have one)? What is your current Website (if you have one)? How many visits does your website have monthly (if you have one)? How many customers do you have (optional question)? Why do you want a new website? ​ We will choose one (maybe two) users based on your project size, current amount of facebook likes, business area etc. You don´t have nothing to lose! You won´t have to pay us anything, unless you want to host your website with us. ​ Note: If you host the website on your own we do not have any way to make sure that our name will be kept in the footer but we hope that you keep your part of the agreement and do not remove our name from the footer. ​ Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DanielAPO
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    How do small business owners feel about UBI?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:31 AM PDT

    UBI has resurfaced as a discussion topic in politics. After doing my own research, I feel that it could potentially jumpstart the economy and benefits many small business owners who are initially starting and weighing the risks of being able to pay their bills while also innovating in their respective industries. What do other small business owners here think of UBI? Do you think it would benefit you or your employees in helping you start businesses or are you more skeptical about its impact?

    submitted by /u/geriatrictoddler
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    Does any one have any experience outsourcing to South Africa?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:52 PM PDT

    We have a number of full-time staff in both the Philippines and India to help with admin and customer support tasks.

    Someone recently told me that they have been engaging workers in South Africa for about the same price as someone in the Philippines.

    I am skeptical, but if true it is definitely something we would like to explore.

    Does anyone have any experience here and know of any websites to find them?

    submitted by /u/Rothwellian
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    Want to change/add the main service of a business

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    Currently the business provides a service of end of lease, carpet cleaning and office cleaning. We have found a niche market with properties that has a higher profit margin. We are quite well established in the market already with various agencies. Essentially I'm asking if I should start another company under another name or if anyone has had experience in changing their service and how they went about it.

    submitted by /u/OPPSCANBERRA
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    Stuck in a rut. People are finding us on google, but they're not clients!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Hi guys.

    My partner and I own a boutique translation company. We know we're on Google (or somehow being found) because we get tons of e-mails daily from freelancers looking to work with us. But for every 25th freelancer e-mail, we get 1 potential client e-mail. It's annoying, demoralizing and tiring to the point that I have put in bolded letters "We are not accepting applications from freelancers at this time" on our site but they're still coming. :'(

    What are we doing wrong? What are some ways we can advertise our services?

    submitted by /u/drinksbubbletea
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    Started a business last week.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Started my moving business last week, got great feedback from peers as it's more focused towards the local community. I'm constantly putting social media posts about the business (a post every 2 -3 days on IG &FB) I have not been able to book any clients yet and it's peak time for moving as people are buying and selling homes now. What am I doing wrong? Is there ways one would go out there to advertise their business that Iam currently not thinking off? I understand it takes a lot to be a successful business owner but Iam willing to do anything to get some traction just need some direction.

    submitted by /u/small-fry-no-salt
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    AP Capstone Business Leadership Survey

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    Hello I am zak151 and I am a student in the AP Capstone program. For this program, I am conducting my own research on the different styles of leadership in technology companies to determine the most effective style. If you work for or have worked for a tech company of any size I would greatly appreciate a response. I use a rather broad definition of tech so if you are unsure just message me or do the survey as I can always exclude a response if necessary. I got permission from a moderator to post this and I only need around 50 more responses so every response counts! Thank you all very much in advance, I really do appreciate the responses. Here is the survey: https://goo.gl/forms/VGsAwMcTxFnitDfs2

    submitted by /u/zak151
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    Entrepreneurs of Reddit

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    I am wanting to start a business in a specific Australian sporting niche, however I am having trouble coming up with a product to sell.

    I was wondering what strategies you entrepreneurs have used to come up with products to sell and whether you believe it is better to design and manufacture a product yourself or purchase ones off alibaba.com or similar websites?

    submitted by /u/BlakeYH
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    In need of feedback on labeling a product line

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    I'm starting a yarn dyeing company with a plan to initially offer colors related to prominent beaches. So, my main collection will be in a medium weight yarn and called "The Beach Collection". I will also offer a light (thinner) weight yarn with the same colors and themes called "Skinny Beach". I've been told that this might have negative connotations. I'd appreciate any feedback positive or negative! Also, if you have had customers give negative feedback on a product name, how did you deal with it? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rsquare71
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    What’s the first step from transitioning from an idea to a real business ?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    I've been thinking of opening a consignment shop for hype clothes in the inland Empire but it's just been an idea for awhile. Where do I even start in terms of planning and executing? Better yet, I would love to have a mentor to teach me in the ways of small business starting.

    submitted by /u/loloPogi
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    Health Niche and Internet Marketing

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    So since WebMD is dominating everything about health on the internet, can someone still be able to succeed in the health niche? I'm talking here about a website that has to do with medical advice concerning cardiovascular diseases (supplementation, nutrition. exercise, etc.)

    I also read something about Google's medic update and the E-A-T guidelines and I was so confused and demotivated.

    What advice can you provide me on this issue?

    submitted by /u/JadD9699
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    My Friend wants me to help them start a Business

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Hell there! This is my first time reaching out to Reddit for some advice so I am very sorry if this isn't the right subreddit to be asking about this stuff.

    I have a friend who wants to start selling water pipes, he has the materials and wants to start selling stuff at the flea market, but doesn't have the money to put a deposit down for the stall a the flea market. He wants to eventually be able to grow this into a large smoke shop but of course, he's missing a few steps in between. The reason I'm asking is because we lean on each other financially when things get tough as we're both in our early 20s and didn't see much of an issue with that being a thing. Scratch your back, you scratch mine. I'm a full-time student and he works night shifts at walmart so it helps.

    I don't know anything about starting capital, overheads, or any of that kinds of stuff. I'm not sure how to go about the potential of growing this into a full store front either, how one would go about renting a building in a strip, the hidden fees that may be around that. I have googled some but I quickly get lost in jargon, taxes, and forms that need to be filled out. I just want to be able to help my friend be successful.

    Thank you all for any advice or pointing me in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/Fuffybutt
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    Trying to understand how SMEs raise funds when expanding

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    I would really appreciate if you could share some of your stories and experiences.


    submitted by /u/igor_gajos
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    Resource for finding restaurants that are for sale/lease?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    My parents are planning on opening a restaurant, but don't know exactly where they want to open it. They have a target audience along with a list of possible cities in mind, but don't know how to find local restaurants that are for sale in these cities. Do you guys have any resource suggestions along with tips on things to do when scouting out possible locations?

    submitted by /u/throwawei123
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    Retail owners...do you offer public restrooms?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    I co-own a hardware store / gift shop in a resort area and we're planning a remodel. We've considered the fact that public restrooms could keep people in our store longer, but also know that a lot of people will just use us for the restroom and potentially trash it. Anyone have experience, good or bad, with having restrooms in their store?

    submitted by /u/islandsupply
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    Inactive 1 member LLC.... Do I need to report anything?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    So, I created an LLC abut a year and a half ago NJ which hasn't been touched since creating it. Since there is no income or expenses, do I need to report anything to IRS?

    submitted by /u/Infamousx14
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    Hireing people for doggy daycare

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Having a really hard time with should I hire, or should I not hire? Most of the time I can do everything myself. but, sometimes I can't and need help. It's super hard finding someone who wants to work part time or on call. What should I do, just push threw during times and not hire, or hire someone part time ?

    submitted by /u/terrificpetcottage
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    NYC Pop-Up Parties Nightlife - New Business Advice

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm trying to launch a new business and I'm hoping to work out any kinks and questions I have. All advice is appreciated!

    Last year, I converted a retail space in downtown Manhattan into a party/rave, hired DJs, a bouncer, had an open bar, and the event blew up. Over the course of the night, 500-650 people attended (they paid entry to enter the party), many of them were well-known NY models, artists, fashion designers, actors, etc. For the second party, I reached out to liquor brands for sponsorship (which I achieved) and the second event became even more popular, with 700-1000 attendees throughout the night. Since then, strangers at bars, art galleries, etc. have been approaching me, asking when the next party will be. That's when I realized I have to capitalize off of this ability I have to (1) throw great parties/events and (2) curate a crowd that many brands and liquor companies want to expose their products to.

    As I move forward, I will be renting pop-up spaces in New York (white box retail spaces, empty offices, basements, etc), and converting them to into a temporary party for one night, similar to what I did with the retail space I originally used. I'm looking to legitimize what I do, since my first two events were very much illegal (no insurance, no permits, no written agreement with the retail space I used, just verbal). I will also be approaching liquor and fashion labels and offering to expose their brand to an influential NY market. Below I have a few questions, hoping some of you may be able to answer.

    1. Due to the unconventional nature of my business model (rotating pop-ups around the city with different license agreements and short-term leases), do you recommend forming a LLC or some other type corporation, like B Corp?
    2. When renting the pop-up space, do you recommend a short-term lease or a license agreement that'd let me use the space multiple times? I have met with a broker and we found a space that wants me to organize events in their building once a month.
    3. What kind of insurance should my business have? Is a general liability insurance sufficient? The buildings I'm working with all have building insurance but they require me to submit my own insurance and I'm wondering what's the best type and which insurance I should use.
    4. Any general advice or resources for new NYC small businesses?

    Thank you! I've been speaking to nightlife lawyers about this business model but I'm trying to diversify my advice as much as possible.

    submitted by /u/PopupParties
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