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    Saturday, March 30, 2019

    Accounting Me After Answering 3 Questions on the CPA Exam

    Accounting Me After Answering 3 Questions on the CPA Exam

    Me After Answering 3 Questions on the CPA Exam

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    In work culture, this is considered a dick move

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    When you have to stay past 5 in industry

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    When you're in excel and hit "=" instead of "-"

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:25 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    Once optimistic accounting student scared shittless by r/Accounting. Is the Big 4 really that bad?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    First off let me say I love this subreddit, keep up the good memes lads.

    About me - I'm a second year uni student studying Accounting and Economics. I get good grades and was excited and proud to have recently gotten an audit internship offer with KPMG, my first choice company to work for.

    However after being on this subreddit a while I'm now pretty terrified by my future. Working for the Big 4 sounded great, decent pay, good experience, and prestige(although people around here do seem to shit on KPMG so maybe not prestige.) I was once excited to start my working after uni but now not so much after hearing about the ridiculous long hours and bad working conditions.

    I've worked in customer service for 5 years and one thing I've learned is sometimes people just like complain about work because complaining about work is fun. I hope this is the case for accounting.

    Is it really as bad as people make it out to be?

    submitted by /u/SeanyTheSheep
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    Just got home after flying 5 hours each way to do an inventory observation

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:32 PM PDT

    Who the fuck has a 3/30 year end and why did I agree to do this

    Been up since 3 am fuckin kill me

    Counted 140k units of inventory and didn't find a single error what a waste of time

    submitted by /u/stevis33
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    [Can] Who has the most surprising returns?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    While doing my return this year, I thought to myself, Accountants must see some pretty surprising tax returns.

    Generally what occupations usually shock you as you how little/much they make?

    Who usually has the largest returns?

    Does the old adage "stay in school" hold true? Are the educated white-collar jobs usually out-earning blue collar trades jobs?

    Hope to see some interesting insights!

    submitted by /u/Wifi943
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    Why do people become jerks?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    Haven't started working yet, but I see a lot of posts about terrible bosses/coworkers/clients etc...

    Why do people become ass holes in the work place? Isn't work itself hard enough without other people making the environment unpleasant? You'll always catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, so why does it seem that so many people forgo common courtesy? Why would people like this get promoted over others, if we all prefer to work with more personable people. Aren't the most effective employees competent AND personable?

    It seems much easier for people to be short and curt and just call it "being efficient" or "too busy," but that seems like a BS cop out to just being a decent person. I'm just trying to understand office culture before getting there and why people choose to be unpleasant.

    submitted by /u/gentlesir123
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    Should I stay extra semester and do double major or just do accounting and graduate on time?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Hello r/accounting, I need a little bit of advice here. I am currently a sophomore, majoring in accounting. After this spring semester I will have 67 credits completed. And my current date for graduation is May 2021. I just need a little advice on if I should stay a extra semester and do double major and get 150 for my CPA or just graduate with 120 and apply for a job. I feel like if I don't graduate on time I will be left behind, not sure what to do.

    EDIT: I have decided I will do double major! Thank you to the people who replied below. Very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Dr_z1
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    Do your double major/minor is something that interests you, not something that is "relevant"

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:38 PM PDT

    Mentioned this in another thread but felt it warrants its own post. If you are getting your 150 hours and want to pick up a second major or a minor, do it in a topic you want to study. Yeah, data analytics, data science, MIS, etc. (obviously if these interest you, go for it!) are related to accounting, but college is the one true time in your life where you get to study what interests you so make the most of it! I'm currently minoring in film because I love movies and interviewers have brought it up nearly every time. That minor or double major is a discussion piece so do it in something you want to discuss! I've heard similar stories in this subreddit as well as from fellow accounting students at my school. Just because accounting is your career goal doesn't mean you can't also study something else that interests you!

    submitted by /u/ACCStudentThrow
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    What the fuck is a derivative?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    This pretty accurately portrays how I feel when trying to warn current accounting students about public accounting

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    Dang Grandma

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    Switching from Tax to Audit

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    I'm going to be doing my first tax internship this summer with a big four company, which from what i hear is 90% likely that i will be offered a full time position afterwards. I am starting to think that maybe audit would be more aligned with my future goals of more exit opportunities. Is it possible and/or likely to do a tax internship but then go into audit for the full time offer? Also what would you say are the pros and cons of doing audit vs tax?

    submitted by /u/Serrogate
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    Should I continue working or get an internship?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:18 PM PDT

    Currently a senior in college (graduating December 2019) and I'm going the CPA route. I have good grades (3.97 GPA) and am a member of a college sports team. Nothing else too crazy on my resume, except maybe that I am an Eagle Scout.

    I have a job working for the local government but I am pretty much just entering invoices for AP. It pays pretty well right now, but I'm wondering if potential employers will even care about this experience, as it's not "accounting" per se. Would I be better off getting an internship that pays less over the summer, or sticking with this job that pays me well?

    If it helps, my current employer loves me. The CFO said he would write me any letter of recommendation that I needed. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mintgoat
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    Do you think your life would be better had you not went for accounting?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    I know the spike in memes here are due to busy season, but the general consensus for the reason most accounting majors stick with accounting is because 1) we are risk adverse people and went for the job stability/pay instead of our other interests or 2) accounting is the one thing we felt we are good at.

    I'm currently in a position where I'd be sitting in my Taxation 1 class (took this to get a taste of accounting) and just thinking, "why am I here right now? This is absolutely boring and dry content, I don't think I could ever stick in Tax and maybe accounting and I have more potential and interests elsewhere". I THINK this to myself, yet, I'm still scheduling myself to take all the courses required to major in accounting (even though I've got lots of opportunities to explore marketing, scm, statistics, business analytics bc I study both for a BMath and BBA in Canada). I've read posts here of people taking up accounting for those two reasons I mentioned above, but then pivoting somewhere else, upon realization that their jobs in Accounts Receivables or as Staff Accountant was boring as heck and finding their true passion somewhere else and I feel like that will ultimately happen to me. I think I couldn't handle public accounting, but I've had a taste of industry. Regardless, the month-ends were still boring and I enjoyed the project work we did much better so now I'm really stuck on whether I should be risk-adverse and just work towards my CPA and go straight into industry or take a risk and try something more data-related/tech related. It's just really hard for me to take this risk when I'm blinded by my goal to just get a good paying job in the future....sad :(

    submitted by /u/jalebi_2000
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    Does anyone actually know what the hell they are doing?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    My friend just got her first auditing job and has no clue what she is doing, is this common not just with graduates but all the way up to partners?

    submitted by /u/Satch-
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    Tax question

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    I am trying to transfer captial to a new partner from two different partners through cch axcess. One of the old partners is getting completely removed. I think I am gettinging the ending balance done correctly but the new partner keeps having a beginning balance. We are trying to get it to zero. How do I make the new partners beginning balance zero?

    submitted by /u/paraiyan
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    UGA Masters of Accounting Program (Macc)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    I am a current out of state student majoring in accounting interested in University of Georgia's Macc program. I have yet to take the GMAT, but I'm going to this summer. Current overall GPA of 3.70.

    I am very interested in UGA's program, but will only attend if they grant me an oos waiver scholarship. Their website says that you must have at least a 550 GMAT to receive this award. I'm trying to find any oos student currently in the program, what they scored on the GMAT, and their scholarship amount. From what I can tell there are very little students enrolled from oos that did not attend UGA for undergrad.

    Thanks for any information you can offer! Also, any advice for the GMAT is always appreciated :)

    p.s. I posted this in r/gradschool and got no response so seeing if I have any luck here.

    submitted by /u/accountinggirl97
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    Professional Literature lookup for FAR

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    I've already posted on here a few times. You've given me search advice, but I give up on this. For the exam I'll hope to get an easy one.

    I rarely search the right term , always end up in the wrong section. Even if I'm in the right section, I'm usually a few paragraphs away. And I can't read this for more than a sentence.....my brain literally can't interpret such dry language. I literally give up on this thing.

    I'm actually hoping the search questions in my prep course are hard and vague on purpose, but I doubt if that's the case. Time to realize that I'm just not good at these research questions, never will be , and move on to my continuation of answering MOQ's and Long task based problems .

    Overall I'm doing very well. Just can't do research stuff. I can write off those points right now.

    submitted by /u/fumblefingers2
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    How do you combine vlookup wnd product functions?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    For example, I have: =VLOOKUP(A8,$B$23:$C$26,1,TRUE)

    how do I multiply the result of this vlookup function with cell D8 using the product function by combing the functions?

    submitted by /u/UCSBalumni300
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