• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 29, 2018

    Legal Advice A male friend is a licensed massage therapist and has been working for the same high-end spa for 14 years. He just found out that company policy does not allow minors to receive massages with male therapists.

    Legal Advice A male friend is a licensed massage therapist and has been working for the same high-end spa for 14 years. He just found out that company policy does not allow minors to receive massages with male therapists.

    A male friend is a licensed massage therapist and has been working for the same high-end spa for 14 years. He just found out that company policy does not allow minors to receive massages with male therapists.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:26 AM PST

    Spa is in Maryland. A friend would like to know if this is a discrimination case because his spa does not allow minors to be massaged by male therapists even with parents in the room but it's ok for female therapists to give massages to minors. He is losing out on an income when parents specifically request him for their athletic children but company policy states male therapist cannot treat minors. He has not spoken with management yet. He just found out because a friend requested him but was told her child had to see a female and the parent told him. Any suggestions on how to approach management would be appreciated.

    Edit: policy states that parent must be in the room while minor is being treated by female therapist but they will not even allow a minor to be treated by a male therapist even with the parent present.

    Minor update: I advised him of his many options after reading the comments. He went to management (it's a very large salon/spa) and they told him is was an error/misunderstanding on the receptionists part and that they would call the client/mom and schedule an appointment for her son with him. Mom is a client of the therapist and will be present during massage.

    I'm guessing that they know they set themselves up for a lawsuit and covered it up by saying it was an error. The mom was specifically told that boys or girls can only be seen by female therapists with a parent in the room.

    Thank you everyone for the comments. If this issue comes up again he will be going over their heads to handle this legally.

    submitted by /u/NoSoupForEwe
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    Can removing someone from a gaming group for being on the sex offender registry have any sort of legal recourse?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:08 AM PST

    Some background, I moderate a local Pokemon Go group for my town in Connecticut along with a few other people. It recently came to our attention that one of our players in the group is a convicted sex offender. We have a number of children who play the game who could potentially be interacting with this person, who was convicted of risk of injury to a minor. One of the other admins had a concern that he could potentially sue the group (?) because of this. Being a pedophile isn't a protected class, so I can't imagine there would be, but I'm not sure if there is any sort of civil litigation he could undertake if we remove him from the group. Thank you in advance for anyone who responds.

    submitted by /u/nymeria1031
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    [Colorado, Denver] can you be made to give a donation to someone at your company in order to buy management a Christmas gift.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:34 AM PST

    I work at a company, where every year one of the directors here sends out a notice that all employees should give money to buy the owner, his wife, sons, and grand children a gift for christmas.

    Every year the note is written in the tone that makes it seem mandatory without ever explicitly stating all employees must give.

    To give creedence to the tone of this note i will quote part of it below, minus identifying names:


    As in the past, we are collecting $15 dollars from all salaried employees and $10 from all hourly employees.

    Please give your money to X (the above mentioned director) or Y (don't know the title)

    As most of you know, this year has been a rough one... ...The owners have maintained their tradition of not laying employees off in the hard times... ...this modest offering to them will help us show our appreciation for their commitment to their employees

    And then there is a notice to other supervisors to collect the money. This notice contains directions for supervisors, stating they are to collect money and write the names of the employees who gave their money down. But more or less I quoted everything that is not identifying. This was posted about two weeks in some buildings and given directly to other managers, I have a copy of the notice and a picture as well. Today I was approached by my manager, and I told her no. She then seemed stunned and told me "well you will probably hear about this from someone else then" the tone used by her was threatening. I wrote a written account down of our exchange shortly after this.

    This is not the first year I have been at this company, nor the first time I have been through this. However, this is the first time I have been under this manager here. Previously I had the protection of a manager who liked me and chose not to donate money.

    Talking to other employees throughout the year two things are clear to me, one) this is something that stays with many of the lower employees throughout the year and they often feel that they will only receive a bonus if they donate money and may be fired if they don't, and two) the organizer of the donations seems to make public who does not donate through gossip.

    On the second note, this director does not have firing power or anything to do with finances. But they do contribute to gossip and appear to have worked to get people fired in the past. I personally have dealt with the fall out of the gossip as well as increased hostility in the past from upper management (not including the owners as far as I can tell), and other employees. The thing is, the people I work with directly and daily hate this "giving" every year and feel compelled to. They talk about it from the time the note is posted to the day the money is due. They hate it too, they are just afraid to lose their jobs and get upset when others refuse to give. I don't know if it is out of envy or what.

    While this is not directly organized by the owners, and not technically sanctioned, they are aware of it. As I said, the quoted notice is posted publicly in several buildings within the company. And so I feel it is accepted by the owners while leaving room for deniability.

    I don't think any of this is right, or legal, but I don't know. Yeah it may only be 10 or 15 dollars, but it's my 10 or 15 dollars. I am actually afraid of some sort of retaliation this year though.

    submitted by /u/toxic_badgers
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    Moms work cut her hours without letting her know, let her continue to work her normal shift without pay and said she agreed to volunteer

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:59 AM PST

    [California] <— forgot to add location. It's not letting me change the post title

    My mom works for an elementary school as a cross guard. She works 3 different shifts. The morning cross walk, lunch noon duty, and after school cross walk.

    Her paycheck does not show the amount of hours she works. It calculates her pay by "units". After noticing a cut in her pay in comparison to last years, she tried getting a log of all her hours so she can compare the paystubs. They gave her the run around since August and she finally got ahold of it yesterday.

    She noticed that 33 of the hours she's worked this year, she was not paid for. When she approached the Vice Principal about it, they said that this was correct and that her shifts had been changed to only the morning and noon duty.

    She did not receive any paperwork stating her shifts were changed and when she asked why they let her work all this time without pay, they said SHE told them that she was volunteering her time. There's no paperwork stating she volunteered either.

    When trying to come up with a solution, they said they could pay her for only the past ten days and that there was nothing they could do about her shifts because it's not in their budget.

    Anything she can do about this? Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/jiinxyee
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    [Update] Teacher’s aide posted pictures on SM without permission

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:58 AM PST

    My husband didn't want to go to the police because he didn't want his name publicly linked to a police report or investigation. He was okay with other parents reporting it, but to our knowledge no one did.

    We did hire a lawyer who sent a cease and desist letter for the identifiable information. He did not think the aide could be forced to remove the pictures, outside of Facebook's terms, without a court case. They are her pictures, her copyright, and the pictures aren't sexual. The preschool itself did not have any employment contract that mentioned photographs, kids information, etc. It's a small local school and the director just doesn't have that kind of experience. They only had boilerplate media release forms that covered the school's social media. Our lawyer is helping them draw up some stronger contracts for this kind of thing in the future.

    In good news, the teacher's aide removed the picture dump posts with the identifying information (or made them private but even people that are friends with her can't see them). She left up the pictures that got her fired. Facebook has removed about half of those from reporting them, but not all of them. I can't find the information from Googling my daughter's name so I don't think it got cached or has already been dumped from the post deletion. I'm not naive to think it's not out there somewhere but at least I can't find it.

    In personal justice, the aide tried to join our local mom's Facebook group to advertise her babysitting/nanny business now that she is unemployed. Luckily I'm good friends with the admin so that got shut down quick.

    submitted by /u/preschoolpictures
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    Employer taking money from my paycheck

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:51 AM PST

    I recently left a retail position at a cell phone provider in Florida. Over the course of the 6 months that I worked there my employer would regularly take money out of my paychecks when the register came up short. I was able to prove that I wasn't stealing, our pos system would process certain cash refunds in a way that didn't subtract the amount from the expected register total.

    All total I lost about $500 in 6 months, and after I quit, I was randomly deducted $382 from my last check for what my employer said was stolen goods, even though I've never taken any money or items from the store.

    Do I have any options for getting my money back?

    submitted by /u/StatisticaPizza
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    Vindictive ex and family using my email address

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:36 AM PST

    Hi, all.

    When I was in 8th grade, I had a brief "relationship" with a guy whose devout Catholic family hated me due to the fact that I wasn't Catholic and regarded me as a harlot. Obviously the "relationship" didn't last long as we were both 13. Neither of us had cell phones so our main method of communication was email.

    Starting shortly after we "broke up" and continuing to this day (I'm 22 now, so it's been 9 years), he and his family have been using my email address to sign up for various things. Porn sites, dating sites (with the profile including my name to shame me for being single I assume), alt-right news, etc. It appears that every time a site or store asks for an email address, they give mine and I'm bombarded. I know it's them because the emails are addressed to members of that family.

    I've contacted my ex a few times to tell him to stop, and he's ignored me.

    I could change my email address, but I use it for everything and therefore have lots of things tied to it (keeping in contact with family, work, school, store accounts, etc) and it would be a huge hassle.

    That's basically it. I don't understand how people (especially grown ass adults) can be this vindictive and petty and don't know what I've done to warrant this besides not being Catholic.

    What can I do? I don't have a reliable way to reach any of them. I previously tried to message my ex on Instagram but he isn't active on that platform so he wouldn't see the messages. I'm just so tired of having to sort through all this crap in my inbox.

    (Also tried marking the emails as junk obviously but then stuff from other outlets comes through shortly after)

    EDIT: I'm in Texas. North Texas, to be more exact.

    submitted by /u/NeuroticNurse
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    My contractor I hired removed the roof of the adjacent property.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:05 AM PST

    So in August I hired a licensed contractor to remove and install a new roof since it was deteriorating. I wasn't home at the time, but came about an hour later and saw that they were working on the wrong property. It was the home next to ours. After they came down I explained what happened. The contractor talked to the home owner next door and they seem to have a mutual agreement that the contractor will fix whatever damage they caused.

    Fast forward now in November I get a notice from my next door home owner that I am being put on scene that they incurred $250000 damage due to it raining and my contractor did not fix the initial issues. They stated they will be suing me for the damages. Honestly, I am barely making ends meet. I don't think I can keep a lawyer for $10,000 while all this litigation goes through.

    At the end of the day, I am just wondering who is at fault? Would it be my contractor or myself? Should I get a lawyer? Or should I hand it off to my insurance company.

    This is a rental property in Buffalo, NY.

    submitted by /u/Migitoncrack
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    [NH] My drs did not follow proper protocol and I got cervical cancer- do I have a medical malpractice suit?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:49 AM PST

    In 2013 I had a Pap smear and received the results of atypical glandular cells (AGC) which are rare and highly indicative of cervical cancer and require, per Bethesda medical recommendations in 2011, several follow up steps that were not taken. (I did not know how serious this was and trusted my doctor). They did the required colposcopy, but not the required endocervical cutterage (ECC). The AGC showed up again the following year, and again they did a colposcopy but no ECC. In 2016 they found another kinda of abnormality and the report states clearly a more advanced lesion may be present, they followed with another colposcopy in 2017 and despite inconclusive but results suggestive of precancerous cells they did nothing further. This year the found AGC again, and I was finally with a doctor (same practice different dr) who understood how serious it was and got me to an obgyn. Every other time they sent me to another dr in the practice (NOT an obgyn) for the colposcopies, but this time I finally got to the right doctor, and I did my research. I advocated for myself and demanded an ECC, petrified that they had never done one, and sure enough they found cancer, adenocarcinoma. I'm recovering from my hysterectomy now, luckily it didn't advance far and was in the earliest stage but I still needed the surgery because it had spread to far up and back. And as a result I can never have children.

    Now that I've done a whole bunch of research I can see clearly that they did not handle my case correctly at all. They should have followed up with ECC's after every colposcopy and should have offered me the option of a LEEP or cold knife conization procedure to remove the precancerous cells so they couldn't develop into cancer like they did. When I told me OBGYN she completely agreed. I'm outraged and disappointed and left that practice immediately and haven't returned. I had been a patient there for 30 years.

    My question is do I have a viable medical malpractice suit on my hands? And if so what are my next steps?

    Edited to add I'm 34 if that matters

    submitted by /u/PouncySilverKitten84
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    Parent making copy of key to apartment without my consent VT

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:43 AM PST

    Hi I'm wondering if it's legal in VT usa for a parent to make a copy of a key to my new apartment without my consent. I gave my landlord permission to let him pick up the keys to my new place because when I move today the rental office will be closed. Now all of a sudden he's changed the time frame around so that I could have just picked it up for myself. We don't have a good relationship. I don't trust him with a key to my new place. If I find out he did, what legal recourse do I have in VT?

    TL;DR gave my dad permission to pick up keys to my new place. Thought I was moving when the office is closed. Now he changed times on me and the office will be open. What can I do to force him to surrender the key if he made a copy?

    submitted by /u/frigoffrandybobandy4
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    My father assaulted me last night. I have nowhere else to go.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:25 AM PST

    I'll start this off by saying that my situation is rather bizarre. I live with my parents. I'm an adult, a 26 year old woman. My parents recently moved to New Mexico from approximately 2000 miles away (my hometown) and I relocated with them as we are from one of the most expensive counties in the the U.S. and I could not afford rent there. I have no other living family I could stay with. I also have a brain disorder that will need to be operated on likely within the next couple months that is causing debilitating physical symptoms including 24/7 headache and nausea. I am currently unable to work because of this.

    Last night, my parents and I were out at dinner when we got into an argument in which, long story short, my father accused me of being abusive towards my dog because I will sometimes wait an 8 hour period overnight (while asleep) to take him to potty. He repeated that I was an animal abuser several times which greatly upset me, as my dog is my child and I literally love nothing more in this world. I called him an asshole and left the restaurant.

    I returned home before my parents did. When they returned as well, things started up exactly where they left off at the restaurant, except both of them were intoxicated. My dad was yelling that I don't deserve to own an animal and that he takes better care of my dog than I could ever hope to. This was upsetting as well because since I was diagnosed with my brain disorder, I often feel unwell and can't take my dog on daily long hikes and adventures like I used to, so I am painfully aware of this.

    I went to my room to try to escape but was followed by both parents. I sat on my bed while my father was inches away from my face screaming. I screamed back. At this point I was so riled up, upset, and frankly furious that I couldn't control myself. Possibly important to mention, I have PTSD from having been assaulted in the past on several different occasions. People getting close to my face screaming upsets and frightens me incredibly. Both my parents are aware of this. I yelled at him to get away from me multiple different times, but he did not. So I panicked and started kicking to get him away from me.

    At this point, he lunged at me. Not swinging punches exactly, but like wildly flailing his arms at me. I have long nails so I scratched at his forearms in defense. He grabs my leg and drags me, bringing the bed with me, to the door of the bedroom, and when the bed doesn't fit through the door, drags me straight off it, grabs my arm, and twists it behind my back. I'm hardly resisting because I'm physically not able to; he's almost twice my size. I was terrified. He's assaulted me before but not to this calibre, and not while I was an adult. I fell to the floor and he dragged me several feet before I was able to get away. I got up, ran to the kitchen, and grabbed a knife, planning to stand with it and demand that he leave me alone, to hopefully intimidate him away from me, as I'm unable to physically defend myself at all. I don't think I'd ever actually be able to bring myself to use it. However he grabbed me from behind forcing me to drop it.

    During this, my mother had grabbed my phone off my bed. I demanded to have it in order to call the police. She would not give me the phone. We have no landline so I had no way to call for help. She also stated that if I were to contact the police, she would lie and say that my father did not assault me. They both threatened me saying things like "trust us, you really don't want to start this shitstorm, you'll regret it for the rest of your life" and only gave me back my phone after I promised I would not contact the police.

    I locked myself in my room where I've been since last night. I'm scared and don't know where to go from here. I have no friends or family here in New Mexico and nowhere else to go.

    TL;DR: I live with my parents and my father assaulted me last night after an argument, then physically prevented me from calling the police and warned me against doing so using threats. I have nowhere else to go. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/SmoothTomatillo
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    Someone at my college stole a copy of my research paper

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:57 AM PST

    On Tuesday morning I had one of the most traumatic experiences of my entire life after being told I now have a plagiarism charge after someone in another class turned in a copy of my paper to the same teacher. I don't know who the person was who did this, nor do I have definitive proof that I was the one who originally created it other than a record on google drive of the different days I worked on it. I now have to rewrite my entire research paper just days before finals week. I don't know if what kind of charges I could be facing and I need to know for a fact that this will never happen again. What is there to do?

    submitted by /u/key_van0918
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    [MD] Boss has told me company holiday party is mandatory but it's a "Cooking with Beer" class and I'm three months sober. Boss has a history of firing people who skip out on these events - can I be fired if I don't go because it makes me uncomfortable?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:31 PM PST

    I work at a small CPA firm with a total of seven other people - one of which is the owner and three of which are managing partners. I've been trying to quit drinking for over a year and I'm currently three months sober. My boss and coworkers know that I don't drink but they still chose this class. When I asked them if they could choose another one they told me that it was too late and didn't offer any indication that they understood why I may be requesting that. The owner and everyone else at this company are big drinkers and I've already suffered through two other day long events and I can tell you that they get shitty drunk at all of them. Drinking is actually a huge part of the culture here and the owner wants us all to "be a family and be in it for the long haul". My coworker who has been here 25 years says that there were two people who fired immediately after they skipped events like these - one person didn't even skip it they just left early. Is it possible for them to fire me just for not going to this event? I get that alcoholism isn't a disability or necessarily a medical condition but I really feel supremely uncomfortable going. And yes, I know that the alcohol gets cooked off the food or whatever but I'm still not looking to be playing around with it when I'm newly sober.

    submitted by /u/aporiaporia
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    Bizarre Legal Predicament

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:43 AM PST

    Hello to anyone who reads this,

    I'm posting because recently I was served a summons in an extremely strange and unlucky situation. I've never been to court before and am worried I may face serious legal and occupational consequences. I'd like to keep this brief, but I also feel it's important to explain the whole situation.

    It starts on Thanksgiving. I'm hanging out with my family as usual. Recently, my uncle passed away and my aunt was encouraged to become familiar with using a pistol in his absence. It's simply for the purpose of protection because she lives in neighborhood with break-ins. I was watching her and my cousin do target practice for a while, then jumped in my car and headed to the airport. Went through the airport, caught my flight, arrived in NY and had a cancelled flight. I go to my hotel and slept till the next morning. I start putting on my shirt to head to the airport again (I'm getting ready to fly back to Japan where I live and work) and I feel something hard in the bottom of my pocket. There's a 22. caliber bullet tucked under a tissue and some lip balm. I freak out (for obvious reasons) and decide I have no safe way of disposing of it. Realizing I had to leave to make my flight and not wanting someone to get hurt from a irresponsible disposal, I decide I'm going to take it to the police. I figure they can safely dispose of it and figure that's a pretty normal thing that they're asked to do. Upon meeting with the police and handing them the bullet. They ask me a bunch of questions and write me a citation for unauthorized possession of ammunition in NYC. I now have a court summons 2 months from now and am really worried about it. I work for the government and feel like I'm going to get fired any day now because somethings going to pop up on my record. I know I made a mistake. I also feel like I made the responsible choice and I'm sad that it might derail my life. I'm not at all familiar with using a lawyer and I'm going to probably have trouble even getting back State-side to sit in court.

    Does anyone have recommendations? I thought by bringing the ammunition to authorities I was within the law and no harm would come from it. Any response is appreciated. Thanks

    ps. For those wondering how I got through security at an airport with a bullet, I'm wondering the same thing. I went through one of those full-body scanners and the guy on the other side stopped me. He asked me to empty the pocket in my shirt. I was surprised I had forgotten something and pulled out the lip balm. He asked me to unscrew the cap, I did, and then he sent me on my way. That's genuinely what happened and I'm still in shock about this whole situation.

    submitted by /u/Couch-kun
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    [Houston, Texas] I worked a 70 hour week at work and was late 9 minutes one day and the company charged me 1 hour of PTO. Is this legal? Company policy states write ups are used in these cases.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:27 AM PST

    [GA] Contacted a lawyer for employment discrimination. Boss isn't budging, and has even gone into potentially sexually harassing her himself.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:18 PM PST

    Updating the situation from this thread.

    My wife and I have already gotten in touch with a lawyer and she's already reported the vandalism to the police. She's going to have to find another job as her boss is escalating the harassment himself.

    He sent an e-mail to her last night that she'll be forbidden from using women's clothing and be required to cut her hair short to be on par with the dress code for men in the workplace as her "cross-dressing", to put it in her boss' words, is making her coworkers uncomfortable. He also completely dehumanized her in the process with this response to her clarifying her genetic issues.

    You are not and never will be a woman as you are a mutilated and a mentally unwell man. I will never consider a person with testes, an XY chromosome, and who cannot menstruate to be a woman. A women gives birth to a child and they then nourish their offspring with their natural breasts, while you lack the capability to do so as men cannot bear a child nor breastfeed.

    My question now is would it be possible for my wife to sue him for both discrimination and sexual harassment over this response and how would she proceed with this?

    submitted by /u/caisthrowaway
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    [San Diego, CA] Being accused of running a "mini-dorm". How do deal with numerous false violations from neighbor?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 01:56 PM PST

    Our upstairs neighbor is a nightmare. We are 6 students living in a 3 bedroom condo in our college town. Although this is a lot of people, the city that we live in is extremely expensive for students and we're not over the limit of people that can be in the unit. Although we've done everything we can to appease our upstairs neighbor (keeping it down after 10 PM, not having guests over, etc) we have been constantly texted and reported on by the upstairs neighbor. It seems like no matter how quiet and considerate we are, there's something we're doing wrong. Some of the more notable events with him (this has all been in the span of 6 months):

    Event 1: When we first moved in, our roommate had some family members stay over for one night while helping him move. The next week, our landlord received a notice from the HOA that they received a report that we had over 13 people living in the unit and that we were running a hostel. The letter from the HOA stated that although there were no laws, the standard occupancy was "2 people/bedroom + 1". We explained to our landlord the situation and didn't hear about it again. There's nothing in the HOA rules that specifies occupancy limits, or having guests over either.

    Event 2: We texted our upstairs neighbor as a courtesy to let him know that we would be having some friends over (NOT A PARTY). He flipped out and said that if we had a party or made noise after 10 PM, he would report us to the HOA, call the police, call the landlord, etc. A few minutes later, our landlord texted us and said that if we got a noise violation, she would be passing it on to us - so he texted her minutes after we originally contacted him. We ended up not having anyone over because we didn't want to deal with it.

    Event 3: A few weeks ago, a roommate had his sister stay over while visiting. Our upstairs neighbor texted us and asked if a new tenant was moving in (literally the minute she walked in the door) and then told us that the occupancy standard in San Diego is 2 people per bedroom and that we were violating that, so we're not allowed to have guests over (???).

    After this, we received a notice from the city that we were reported for running a "mini-dorm" and that they would need to come inspect the unit. The city inspector just took some pictures and said that this was a civil dispute and left. I don't believe that we classify as being a mini-dorm since we all fall under one lease, but we won't be sure until we hear back from the city.

    My question is what do we do now? We're all tired of constantly having to be in check with this guy. Our landlord is super hands off and doesn't give a shit, so we can't rely on her for help. We were thinking of turning to the HOA but given that our neighbor used to be on the board, and we're not a "single-family" unit, I don't think they would be much help. Can we file for harassment if we continue to be falsely reported? It makes me uncomfortable thinking that he's up there watching our every movement. We have an appointment with our student legal services office in the meantime.

    TLDR: upstairs neighbor constantly telling us what we can and can't do, sending false reports to HOA/city officials. Now we're being accused of running a "mini-dorm" because someone's sister slept over.

    submitted by /u/crancherryy
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    husband just told me he wants a divorce, so lost [GA]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:13 AM PST

    Hello all, apologies if this is confusing, I'm still very raw right now. An hour ago, I checked my phone on my lunch break and there was a text from my husband that said that we weren't working out and he had to give up on us. He hasn't answered any of my calls and texts. I told my work I had a personal emergency and went home.

    I feel completely blindsided and heart broken, especially that he chose to do this over text, without even talking to me about it. We haven't had any major problems in the past. I'm 7 months pregnant with our first child. I need advice on what to do.

    When I got home, all his stuff was still here so I can only assume he's intending to stay. Legally, what steps should I take? Can I take our car to my parents house or do I have to leave it here? What happens with custody if I have the baby in another state? Do I have to let him into the hospital room? What am I allowed to take with me from the house? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you all. xx

    edit: I want to thank everyone who responded to my post. It was so helpful to have some clarity in that moment, though it ended up not being necessary.

    I was packing the car with clothes and such for the baby and me and my husband started calling me over and over, but I didn't answer because I was so upset. He came home and saw me packing the car and he started crying and asking what he did wrong.

    I kind of blew up at him because he had sent me a text saying he wanted to divorce! He told me he did not send any sort of text like that and asked to see the message. He looked at it, told me to hang on, and went to get his computer.

    The text he had sent me said "This isn't working, and at this point I think I need to just give up." There was a first text that he had sent from his laptop that we discovered didn't go through. It said "The new mirror came in! I'm going to try to put it together but I may need your help later."

    So as it turns out, I'm not getting divorced and I'll probably be able to laugh about it when the pregnancy hormones let me stop crying. My husband helped me unpack the car and now he's out getting me Thai food, so there's a happy ending.

    Again, thank you all for your kind responses. I'm glad I didn't need them! xx

    submitted by /u/whattodo222222
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    [Olympia, WA] We rent a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, and have been down one bathroom for over a month. Do I have options?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:40 AM PST

    My girlfriend and I moved into a small, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment a few months ago with our friend on a 9 month lease. During the walk-through, we noticed a small line in the base of one of the bathtubs that looked like a scratch or crack. The landlord insisted that it was superficial and that we wouldn't need to worry about it, but we noted it in the walk-through checklist anyways. About a month into living there, the line proved to be a crack, which widened after we'd stepped on it. Called the office, got a maintenance ticket in place, but they said to keep using the shower for now and they'd come look at it next week. Very next day, my foot went through the tub while I was standing still in the shower. Maintenance was alerted, and they told us not to use the shower anymore, so we were effectively in a 1.5 bathroom apartment, the three of us having to share a shower.

    Maintenance didn't show up until the next week, then took two more weeks before they replaced the tub. They had to remove the toilet to do it, and afterwards, the walls were still open, the toilet wasn't installed properly and leaked, and the tub was significantly smaller. My shoulders touch the wall and the curtain at the same time, and we have a curved shower rod, that's how small the shower is. They also didn't inform us of how they'd have to take the drywall out, and ended up getting drywall dust all over the entire house, tracking it through the hallway and just generally making a huge mess. Takes them another week and a half before they get the walls covered up and fix the toilet, and it's been two weeks since that and they still haven't replaced the trim on the wall.

    Now, I've recently noticed that the apartment complex has been emailing me and requesting that I take a maintenance survey. They claim it's optional, but the wording seems a little aggressive.

    We recently invited you to participate in the [Apartment name] 2018 Maintenance Survey. Our records indicate that you have not yet taken the opportunity to participate or have not fully completed the assessment. We hope you will respond with feedback on your experience at [Apartment name].

    Please respond no later than December 10th. We thank you for you participation in this important initiative.

    I've had a feeling that the apartment is concerned that we might take legal action, but I don't even know if we have a legal footing to stand on. The email has me even more worried, and I'm wondering if I should decline to fill it out just in case it puts me in a bad position somehow.

    Should I be looking into our legal options? We are going to talk to the management soon about getting a credit to our account for the time that we've been living without a second shower, but I'm wondering if I should take it further and bring up the possibility of legal action? Do we have any ground to stand on, or should we just be grateful the managers are considering talking to us about giving us a credit to our rent?

    submitted by /u/projectb223
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    Mechanic "Test Drove" my car without me there, and got into an accident. Insurance is now coming after me. [FL]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 04:34 PM PST

    I dropped my car off to my mechanic to have a battery terminal replaced. He had to order the parts, so I left it at the shop. After he did the repairs he took it on a test drive and got into an accident. I was not there, nor was I notified of the test drive. I did not know it had occured until hours later, when my insurance company contacted me. I have not seen the police report, but I believe he was found at fault.

    I treated this as no big deal when I contacted him, as he gave me his policy number and told me he had filed a claim. He told me he had lowered his policy coverage, and offered to by the car from me. I passes this info off to my insurance agent and felt no red flags. Here's the kick... my agent found out he let his insurance lapse. So he was knowingly driving without it. The lady is now going after my insurance. I do have full coverage, but lower limits.

    My question is... What is my recourse? I don't want my rates to go up and I don't want this lady to take me to court. I also don't want to screw over my mechanic if I don't have to. I do want to protect myself, from the claimant and my insurance company and I do want the retail value out of my car. I had it less than 7 months, and put less than 1k miles on it. Car is fully paid for. This took place in Florida.

    What's my next move legal advise?

    submitted by /u/mechanicproblems2018
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    Got scammed buying fake clothes on Reddit (paid through Bank Transfer)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:54 PM PST

    So at first I want to say I live in Germany and bought it from the UK. So I was browsing r/FashionrepsBST a subreddit to buy used reps/fake clothes. I found 2 Jackets I really liked so I wrote (let's just call him Tom) and ended up buying them. I wasn't able to use PayPal as it's limited because I'm below 18 so I asked him to do it through Bank Transfer. He agreed and send me his bank details (Name + IBAN) The next day I sent the money (185€) and asked him the 2 days after if he had already gotten the money. He said no and ask we for proof of payment which I showed him online aswell as offline (paper from the bank). He still claimed he hasn't gotten any money yet and accused ME of being a scammer. Since then every message I wrote him (also tried about Chat on Reddit) wasn't replied (but I know he read them because he answered other users). So I went to my bank and asked them if they could do anything: Nope. My question now is: Can I open a police report on him? The first problem is I only have his Name & IBAN and he lives in the UK. The Second problem is that I bought fake clothing which is forbidden in Germany.

    Anything helpful will be appreciated! (Special thanks to a Reddit User that reached out to me and went through the whole progress with me!)

    EDIT: It's been 5 days since his last response.

    submitted by /u/IPSILON_rekt
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    (NSFW) Been a tenant of my home for almost 3 months now, landlord regretted to inform me that there is no sewage tank.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:15 PM PST

    Pipe that is connected to all of my toilets empties out onto the side of my house and I only now know after stumbling upon a 5 foot long puddle filled with fecal matter, toilet paper and everything else you would expect. Can I take legal action for failure to inform and this seeming like an incredible health violation? I live in Oklahoma

    submitted by /u/Tsuyuruko
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    My deceased baby son received a bill in the mail, addressed to him. My name isn’t on the bill. Am I legally responsible for this bill? (GA)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:14 PM PST

    I didn't know I was pregnant, but went to the hospital with severe cramping that had lasted for hours. I gave birth to a son who was about 20 weeks along, he died within an hour.

    I filled out a fetal death certificate in the hospital. The nurse told me I could choose between a full autopsy, a pathological exam (which they recommended), and refusing anything. I consented to the pathological exam.

    Today, a bill came in the mail for Baby Boy Surname, charging for the exam they did. My name and my husband's (the baby's father) name is nowhere on the bill. Am I legally responsible for this debt? I assume that my husband and I are his next of kin, but does that make us responsible for his debt?

    submitted by /u/unicorns-
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    Loaned a portable Wi-Fi to a "friend" and he refuses to return it

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:18 PM PST

    Hey there, I'm an avid reader from r/legaladvice and I haven't found anything like my problem... Maybe it's not big enough of a deal to warrant any solutions, but I feel betrayed, so could you guys please give me some advice??

    I'm living in Japan, and I made a friend here that I loaned a portable wifi to that belongs to the real estate company that I'm renting the apartment from... He was to return it to me a few days later, but he texted me saying he'd been travelling to other cities. The problem is, if I don't return it, there is a 25,000 yen fee (over 200+ dollars) I need to pay, and it just feels unfair.

    I've been texting him over 6 months politely asking him to return the wifi, the messenger program marked the messages as read by him and he was ignoring them all. Finally yesterday I threatened to report him to the police and he finally replied saying he was out of the country and asked me to send my address so that he could return it... Which I promptly did, but now the messages aren't getting through to him.

    What can I do? Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/OddTranslator8
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